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Lady Joyce...photo taken by Dad...

First Holy Communion

Lady Joyce opens the Door and comes skipping into the room. She calls

out, "Look at me...look at me...I am not asleep....Oh, Sri

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee................." She squeals as her

little foot catches a banana peel on the floor. She slides across

the floor, barely manages to keep her legs together, falls down onto

her dress, on her, um, little bottom, and in a cloud of white ruffles

and lace...heads for the wall. Right towards some shadowy lump on the

floor, up against the wall.

What’s that lump on the floor, up against the wall? She thumps

into the soft lump. Oh, it’s not a lump...Why, it’s

Shawn, you know, the Shawn who coined the phrase Sat-shit-banana.

Banana, allright!!! Shawn*(#&*(068-3846-82609 ate the banana, left

the banana peel on the floor, crawled over to the side of the room

mumbling over and over, again and again... my concepts are grinding

to a halt! What do I do? Sat-shit-banana..Sat-shit- banana...Sat-

shit- banana .....ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........

Oh, yes....ate that banana and went to sleep...Lady Joyce looks

indignant and says..."you creep.

Look what you made me do to my white dress. Joyce just washed

it and now you made me get it a dirty mess," she says in

a huff as she adjusts Her ruffles and lace, back into perfect First

Holy Communion place.

"Now what is all this fuss about Sat-shit-banana, I mean Sat- chit-

ananda? Let’s go back and take a look at what Sri Harshaji

says in faith and trust, which is what I think started all this



Nonduality by its nature does not involve rejection ofduality.One

starts where one already is, one travels where onealready is, and one

ends up where one already is, butthis need not imply that there is

never a journey fromany perspective. In the journey of life, faith

andtrust in the Guru can play and do play a role. TheGuru may be

Jesus, or Krishna, or Buddha, or Ramana orsomeone of your choice. You

need not have a socialrelationship with the Guru. The Guru is always

theSelf and is reflected in outer gurus.My teacher used to say that a

real teacher is like anice cube. He cools your consciousness and

thendisappears leaving no trace. Self-Realization is likethat. It

leaves no trace of the path, but road mapsare drawn anyway. They are

not bad, these road maps,so no need to discount them. They may not be

perfect,but perfection is not required, because perfection isalready

inherent in us.A True Guru is like a bridge. One end of the

bridgeinvites one to use one's energy and start walking(that is the

method). The other end of the bridgeinvites one to rest (that is the

goal). The last stepis not easy and so there is the Guru existing as

thebridge inviting us to take it. Faith and trust arehelpful at some

stage. To allow for that faith toflower is Grace. Guru is Grace.

Once the bridge is crossed, the method and the goalmerges and the

bridge disappears in PureConsciousness. The ancients called It

Sat-Chit-Ananda.That being the Self-Nature or the Heart. Sat

meansthat which is Self-Existence, Chit means Consciousnesswhich is

fully aware of ItSelf as Self-Knowledge.Ananda means that which is

Self-Bliss. One monolithicwhole described as three from the

perspective of themind, but One simultaneously. Fully empty of

allthings and yet Fullness It Self. That is the sheerbeauty of It!One

can enjoy words and philosophy and still remainindifferent to rigid

positions and views. To be easyand natural is the way. What is the

easiest thing todo for you? Perhaps it's just breathing in

andbreathing out and blessing the whole cosmos with eachbreath.

Love to allHarsha

The Heart is the Self. The Self is the Heart.


So beautiful, Harshaji. Lady Joyce, who knows alot more than she

Realizes, says..."Sometimes the words can be confusing. I have read

some variation on this theme many times now. I have looked at it and

thought I read it many times. I have thought that I looked it and read

it many times. Really, most of the time I was paying no attention at

All. The Way I See It, trying to figure it out gets me all stressed

out. And, it is all an illusion, a grand delusion of confusion. So,

why bother? But, then, what does It All mean? " Time to dissect the

Sad Guru...

Sri Harshaji: One starts where one already is, one travels where

onealready is, and one ends up where one already is, butthis need not

imply that there is never a journey fromany perspective.

Lady Joyce: No matter how hard you try, you cannot get away from your Self.

Sri Harshaji: In the journey of life, faith andtrust in the Guru can

play and do play a role. TheGuru may be Jesus, or Krishna, or Buddha,

or Ramana orsomeone of your choice. You need not have a

socialrelationship with the Guru. The Guru is always theSelf and is

reflected in outer gurus.

Lady Joyce: "I" am the Truth, the Light and the Way."

Sri Harshaji: My teacher used to say that a real teacher is like

anice cube. He cools your consciousness and thendisappears leaving no

trace. Self-Realization is likethat. It leaves no trace of the path,

but road mapsare drawn anyway. They are not bad, these road maps,so

no need to discount them. They may not be perfect,but perfection is

not required, because perfection isalready inherent in us.

Lady Joyce gets a satisfied look on her face. "Ah, sat-chit-ananda. I

am perfect. Maharshi says so...so there." A True Guru is like a

bridge. One end of the bridgeinvites one to use one's energy and

start walking(that is the method). The other end of the bridgeinvites

one to rest (that is the goal). The last stepis not easy and so there

is the Guru existing as thebridge inviting us to take it. Faith and

trust arehelpful at some stage. To allow for that faith toflower is

Grace. Guru is Grace.

Lady Joyce: Like a bridge over troubled waters, I will take you there.

Sri Harshaji: Once the bridge is crossed, the method and the

goalmerges and the bridge disappears in PureConsciousness. The

ancients called It Sat-Chit-Ananda.That being the Self-Nature or the

Heart. Sat meansthat which is Self-Existence, Chit means

Consciousnesswhich is fully aware of ItSelf as Self-Knowledge.Ananda

means that which is Self-Bliss. One monolithicwhole described as

three from the perspective of themind, but One simultaneously. Fully

empty of allthings and yet Fullness It Self. That is the sheerbeauty

of It!


Lady Joyce: The ancients called it Sat-Chit-Ananda.

So, what do they call it Now, Sri Harshaji. Sounds alot like that

Moshka, or Moksha, or whatever you call It.Sri Harshaji: One can

enjoy words and philosophy and still remainindifferent to rigid

positions and views. To be easyand natural is the way. What is the

easiest thing todo for you? Perhaps it's just breathing in

andbreathing out and blessing the whole cosmos with eachbreath.


Lady Joyce: Oh, Harshaji, you say it so beautifully. Now, what do you

mean? Lady Joyce gets a satisfied look on her face again. "Ah,

sat-chit-ananda. I am perfect. Maharshi says so...so there. All I

have to do is breath and I am perfect."


As she rubs her embarrassed but uninjured butt, Lady Joyce suddenly

jumps at the sound of the Door opening behind her. As a result of

past experience, she has learned to keep Her eye out for That which

comes from behind :-) She turns around quickly on her little

feet...lifts her little hands in prayer...and begins to chant...Asato

Maa Sadgamaya... then stops when she sees who it is..."Oh, whew, it is


G-L-O-R-I-A, GLOooooooooRIA G-L-O-R-I-A, GLOooooooooRIA

G-L-O-R-I-A, GLOooooooooRIA

Our beautiful sunflower, open in homage to God day and night,

radiant in her Glorious, Glorious light...While I am a Lady

primrose of the Night...

Lady Joyce shuts up long enough to look down at the wall again. And

guess who she sees, up against the wall? Why, it is John Dimwit-er,

I mean, John de Ruiter... She gives him a delicate kick with her

little foot, and he begins to mumble... "Honesty is the

most profound happening that one could ever experience. It finally

takes us from the discouraging path to Truth, directly onto the road

of Truth." and then..."I'm waiting for the end of time, to hurry up

and begin, cause if I have to spend another minute with you..." Lady

Joyce begins to grin.

"Look, G-L-O-R-I-A, look who It is. Why don’t you kick him? I

won’t tell...he will never know what happened to him. Give him

two kicks, one for each blonde. Two, two, two blondes in One...Give

him one for me, too, in the name of the other Lady, Joyce. You know,

just like Harsha says, "I wish all these gurus could practice what

they preach. How easy it is to dispense pop psycho babble advice on

how to live!? :-). "

Lady Joyce smiles. "Yes, all that psycho-babble of his and look what

he did...stinking liar, and another thing...Lady Joyce babbles on

with her incessant judgments when suddenly, a Glorious Glorious Light

enters the Room.... "Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh," squeals Lady

Joyce...."It’s Sri Maharshi, the Bhagavan," ...she whispers, as

she Realizes This Her Self.

She puts her little hands into prayer, bows low in homage, then looks

up, way up, and says to Maharshi from under her veil, which has now

fallen over her face...So nice to see you...But what are you doing

here, Sir, I mean , Sri? (gulp) Maharshi?"

A beatific voice resonates, "I am coming to the rescue. Little One, I

am here and everywhere...just like you are. And I heard you calling

Shawn a creep. But don’t make a peep. Or you’ll get in

more Deep... And as to John, he is also one of the circle...although

it is hard to say I forgive you...it is The Way of the Light that

shines so Bright In All of Us...Remember, We are All Connected."

Remember, Little One, what I said here...From Conscious ImmortalityM:

You are always pure. It is your senses and body which tempt you and

which you confuse with your real Self. So first know who is tempted

and who is there to tempt. But even if you do commit adultery, do not

think about it afterwards, because you yourself are always pure. you

are not the sinner.

"Please don’t fret, Because you are perfect...Now please say

this after me Oh, Bold Little One Three times three... And Yes,

the Truth shall set you free. "I" am the Truth, the Light and the

Way... "I" am my own Sadguru...It does not matter what I do Or how I

do it. As long as I follow the glow. As long as I walk in the

light. As long as I strive for my actions to be right.

I have said this before, Lady Joyce. Hear this... From the standpoint

of the path of knowledge it is the supreme state of the Self, which is

the Sad-guru. It is different from the ego-self, which you call your

self. ..Therefore, they say the Guru is none other than the Lord. He

is a human embodiment of the Divine Grace. The real Guru is God

himself (in human form). Who can doubt this?

"Not me, Sri Maharshi." smiles Lady Joyce. I know this to be True.

Now, what can I do for you?

"Won’t you sing a song of devotion for me, Joyce? "

Joyce sings, missing some of the high notes...

Prabhujee Dayaa Karo...Oh Master, show some compassion on me

Maname Aana Baso...Please come and dwell in my heart

Tuma Biina Laage Soonaa...Because without you, it is painfully lonely

Khaali Ghatame Prema Bharo...Fill this empty pot with the nectar of love

Tantra Mantra Poojaa Nahi Jaanu...I do not know any Tantra, Mantra, or ritualistic worship

Mai To Kevala Tumako Hi Maanu...I know and believe only in you

Sare Jaga Me Dhundaa Tumako...I have been searching for you all over the world

Aba To Aakara Baahan Dharo...please come and hold my hand now

Ravi Shankar


"That was beautiful. Oh, Joyce...one more thing...Give your tears to

me." says Maharshi gently. "Thank you, Maharshi...says Joyce, as the

tears begin to well up in her eyes...As her body begins to shake with

the grief that comes to the surface, she says. "Take my tears,

Maharshi, please." Slowly, she calms down, thankful for the grace

that is always there. The Light is gone now, but the Grace is still

there and Joyce is at peace again, for the moment. Lady Joyce

watches quietly, glad that she is the 7 year old in the moment that

is now.

For you see, Lady Joyce knows that Maharhsi knows that Joyce’s

tears are because she does not want to walk throught the Valley of

the Shadow of the Death Penalty, but she knows it is the right thing

to do. It is time for her to dig in the dirt again. Lady Joyce knows

that Joyce is not afraid. She also knows that Joyce still feels the

pain, very much. It is the pain that Joyce does not want to feel.

But it is all an illusion, isn't it?

So, she will walk, hand in hand with the divine, In surrender to the

request, no idea of the outcome. But that cannot matter. For the

reward is in the surrender alone. She and Lady Joyce turn away, and

begin to walk together hand in hand. Lady Joyce begins and Joyce joins

in..."though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I shall

fear no evil." Joyce looks down at Lady Joyce and says quietly..."for

I walk hand in hand with the Divine." Joyce kneels down and puts her

arms around Lady Joyce. Lady Joyce wraps her arms around Joyce as

they join together in the Light......seamlessly at the Heart ...only

in the onenss of Divinity.

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