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Dag Hammarskjold, the former UN Secretary-General, put it so

beautifully: "God does not die on the day we cease to believe in a

personal deity. But we die on the day when our lives cease to be

illumined by the steady radiance of wonder renewed daily, the source

of which is beyond all reason." We don't have to quarrel about a

word, because "God" is only a word, a concept. One never quarrels

about reality; we only quarrel about opinions, about concepts, about

judgments. Drop your concepts, drop your opinions, drop your

prejudices, drop your judgments, and you will see that."Quia de deo

scire non possumus quid sit, sed quid non sit, non possumus

considerare de deo, quomodo sit sed quomodo non sit." This is St.

Thomas Aquinas' introduction to his whole Summa Theologica: "Since we

cannot know what God is, but only what God is not, we cannot consider

how God is but only how He is not." I have already mentioned Thomas'

commentary on Boethius' De Sancta Trinitate, where he says that the

loftiest degree of the knowledge of God is to know God as the

unknown, tamquam ignotum. And in his Questio Disputata de Potentia

Dei, Thomas says, "This is what is ultimate in the human knowledge of

God -- to know that we do not know God." This gentleman was

considered the prince of theologians. He was a mystic, and is a

canonized saint today. We're standing on pretty good ground.In

India, we have a Sanskrit saying for this kind of thing: "neti,

neti." It means: "not that, not that." Thomas' own method was

referred to as the via negativa, the negative way. C. S. Lewis

wrote a diary while his wife was dying. It's called A Grief

Observed. He had married an American woman whom he loved dearly. He

told his friends, "God gave me in my sixties what He denied me in my

twenties." He hardly had married her when she died a painful death

of cancer. Lewis said that his whole faith crumbled, like a house of

cards. Here he was the great Christian apologist, but when disaster

struck home, he asked himself, "Is God a loving Father or is God the

great vivisectionist?" There's pretty good evidence for both! I

remember that when my own mother got cancer, my sister said to me,

"Tony, why did God allow this to happen to Mother?" I said to her,

"My dear, last year a million people died of starvation in China

because of the drought, and you never raised a question." Sometimes

the best thing that can happen to us is to be awakened to reality,

for calamity to strike, for then we come to faith, as C. S. Lewis

did. He said that he never had any doubts before about people

surviving death, but when his wife died, he was no longer certain.

Why? Because it was so important to him that she be living. Lewis,

as you know, is the master of comparisons and analogies. He says,

"It's like a rope. Someone says to you, 'Would this bear the weight

of a hundred twenty pounds?' You answer, 'Yes.' 'Well, we're going

to let down your best friend on this rope.' Then you say, 'Wait a

minute, let me test that rope again.' You're not so sure now."

Lewis also said in his diary that we cannot know anything about God

and even our questions about God are absurd. Why? It's as though a

person born blind asks you, "The color green, is it hot or cold?"

Neti, neti, not that. "Is it long or is it short?" Not that. "Is

it sweet or is it sour?" Not that. "Is it round or oval or square?"

Not that, not that. The blind person has no words, no concepts, for

a color of which he has no idea, no intuition, no experience. You

can only speak to him in analogies. No matter what he asks, you can

only say, "Not that." C.S. Lewis says somewhere that it's like

asking how many minutes are in the color yellow. Everybody could be

taking the question very seriously, discussing it, fighting about it.

One person suggests there are twenty-five carrots in the color

yellow, the other person says, "No, seventeen potatoes," and they're

suddenly fighting. Not that, not that!This is what is ultimate in

our human knowledge of God, to know that we do not know. Our great

tragedy is that we know too much. We think we know, that is our

tragedy; so we never discover. In fact, Thomas Aquinas (he's not

only a theologian but also a great philosopher) says repeatedly, "All

the efforts of the human mind cannot exhaust the essence of a single

fly."Anthony de Mello, SJ

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, "Gloria Lee" <glee@c...> wrote:




> Dag Hammarskjold, the former UN Secretary-General, put it so

beautifully: "God does not die on the day we cease to believe in a

personal deity. But we die on the day when our lives cease to be

illumined by the steady radiance of wonder renewed daily, the source

of which is beyond all reason." We don't have to quarrel about a

word, because "God" is only a word, a concept. One never quarrels

about reality; we only quarrel about opinions, about concepts, about

judgments. Drop your concepts, drop your opinions, drop your

prejudices, drop your judgments, and you will see that.


> "Quia de deo scire non possumus quid sit, sed quid non sit, non

possumus considerare de deo, quomodo sit sed quomodo non sit." This

is St. Thomas Aquinas' introduction to his whole Summa

Theologica: "Since we cannot know what God is, but only what God is

not, we cannot consider how God is but only how He is not." I have

already mentioned Thomas' commentary on Boethius' De Sancta

Trinitate, where he says that the loftiest degree of the knowledge of

God is to know God as the unknown, tamquam ignotum. And in his

Questio Disputata de Potentia Dei, Thomas says, "This is what is

ultimate in the human knowledge of God -- to know that we do not know

God." This gentleman was considered the prince of theologians. He

was a mystic, and is a canonized saint today. We're standing on

pretty good ground.


> In India, we have a Sanskrit saying for this kind of thing: "neti,

neti." It means: "not that, not that."




Poor Dag an early victim of the NWO. Yes God can be only described in

the negative. Silence in fact. Even Saguna which is a concept is

incomprehensible even though it has attributes.


Nirgun or Nirvana is neti neti. I think even the ancient Hebrews with

not speaking or writing the name of God were on this track. ie God

has no name, even the word God is a concept.......As Nirguna has no

mind by definition, it is beyond all thought and mind, it is

impossible to understand.........ONS....Tony.

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