Guest guest Posted March 6, 2003 Report Share Posted March 6, 2003 SAMADHI PAD by Lahiri Ji Atha Yoga_Anushãsanam So, what is Yoga? Keeping a focussed mind on the bindu and pursuing the concentration in a unique space leads to the cessation of chitta and samãdhi is achieved. This concentration upon a single object may reach the stage of examination and discrimination, etc., thus, Samprgyãta Samãdhi. Whereas, with the Niruddha Chitta, one gets Asamprgyãta Samãdhi. Yogah Chittavritti_Nirodhah The cessation of the groups of the Chitta Vrittis by themselves in a natura= l way is Yoga. Tadã Drashtuh Svarupeavasthãnam Then you abide in your real nature. In the state of Samãdhi, the seer abides in the Kaivalya. This is Kaivalya Darshanam. Vritti_Sãrupyam_Itaratra In a state away from Samãdhi, you are identified with the multiplicity of the thought waves. Your thoughts take multitudes of shapes very similar to your own reflection in a vibrating surface of the water. Vrittayah Panchatyyah Klishtã_Aklishtãh Thought waves, driven by the latent tendencies and created by the past thoughts and actions are called Klishtã; with their antidotes called Aklishtã, are classified in five categories. Pramãna_Viparyya_Vikalpa_Nidra_Smritayah The five kinds are classified as: Pramãna = Proven Conviction; Viparyya = Illusion; Vikalpa = Options; Nidra = Sleep; and Memory = Memory. Pratyaksha_Anumana_ãgamah Pramanani Conviction comes from: Direct Perception; Logical Inference; and Scriptural Testimony. Viparyyo Mithyã_Gyãnam_AtadRupa_Pratishtham Illusion is a knowledge not based upon the true nature of the objects. The classic example given in yoga literature is that of a piece of a rope mistaken for a snake under an improper light. Wrong knowledge will caus us = fear. Shabda_Jnana_Anupati Vastu_Shunyo Vikalpah Options are imaginations arisen out of verbal delusion, but do not correspond to reality. Abhava_Pratyaya_ãlambana Vrittir_Nidra Sleep is the cessation of external perceptions. It is a thought wave about nothingness. Anubhoot_Vishaya_Asampramoshah Smritihi Return of the previously percieved objects to the consciousness is the memo= ry. Abhyãsa_Vairãgyabhyãm Tannirodhah These Vrittis are controlled by Abhyãsa(Practice) and Vairãgya(Non-Attachment). Tatra Sthitau Yatno_Abhyãsah What is the practice? To control the mind always focus in the Kutastha. Thi= s is practice. Sa Tu Dirghakãl_Nairantaryya_Satkãr_Asevito DridaBhoomihi It becomes firmly grounded when Kriya is cultivated systematically for a long time continuously with devotion. Drishta_Anushrãvika_Vishaya_Vitrishnasya VashikaraSanghyã Vairagyam Non-attachment is staying in Samãdhi and Shunya by freeing yourself from the desires of what is seen and heard. Tat_Param Purushakhyãter_Guna_Vaitrishnyam Continuous practice of non-attachment leads to discrimination between chitt= a and purush(Self) and thus, with a gradual refinement, reaches the highest stage of non-attachment. Vitarka_Vichãra_ãnanda_Asmitã_Rupa_Anugamãta Samprjnãtah Ekãgra(concentrated) chitta leads to Samprgyãta Samãdhi, which may reachfou= r stages:- i. Savitarka= Examination of what is percieved; ii. Savichãra= Discrimination of the perception after eliminating Mayã; iii. Sananda= Joyful Peace; iv. Asmitã= Simple awareness of individuality. Virãma_Pratyya_Abhyãsa_Purvah Sanskãra_Shesho_Anyah When all vrittis are ceased to exist and only sub-conscious impressions remain after a constant practice of Samprgyãta Samãdhi, a higher stage of Asamprgyãta Samãdhi is attained. Bhava_Pratyayo Videha_Prakriti_Layãnãm For Videhis, who have crossed examination and discrimination and have entered a state of joyful peace and for the ones who are Prikriti_Layis, wh= o have achieved even this stage and practising Asmitã, and whose chittas are merged with Prikriti; these yogis should perform Kumbhaka, etc. higher Kriyas for achieving the real Kaivalya. Shraddhã_Virya_Smriti_Samãdhi_PrgnyãPurvakah Itreshãm Others, who are not Videhi and Prakriti_Layis, Asamrgyãta Samãdhi is attained only through: Shraddhã = Total Faith; Virya = Energy; Smriti = Recollectedness; Samãdhi = Absorption; Prgayã = Illumination. Through the practice of Kriya, you achieve Shraddhã; with the retention of which you achieve Virya; with focussed recollectedness you achieve equinomous intellect oriented Samprgyãta Samãdhi. With the constant practice of which, Vairãgya oriented Asamrgyãta Samãdhi is achieved. Tivra_Samvegãnãm_ãsannah Quick results are achieved by those who are intensely energetic. Mridu_Madhya_Adhimãtra_Tvãt Tato_Api Visheshah There also there are combinations, such as, mild-intense, medium-intense, and intense-intense. Ishvara_Pranidhanãd_Vã Besides, Samãdhi could also be attained by a great devotion and surrender to the Ishvara. Klesha_Karma_Vipãka_ãshayaih Aparamrishthah PurushaVisheshah Ishvarah The Ishvara in the Kutastha is untouched by the ignorance and the products of ignorance, not touched by the karmas or sanskãras as well. Tatra Niratishayam Sarvãgnya_Bijam In this Ishvara, knowledge is infinite. That means by focussing on it. one achieves infinititude. This is known as Kãshthã. Poorveshãm_Api Guruh Kãlena_Anavcchedãta This Ishvara is the teacher of even the earliest teachers, since he is not limited by time. Tasya Vãchakah Pranavah He is expressed by OM. Like light is the property of a lighted lamp, Omkãr sound is the intrinsic property of the stage of Samãdhi. Tat_Japah Tadartha_Bhãvanam While perceiving the sound of Pranava, it alone is meditated upon as the Ishvara. Pranav alone is Ishvara. Tatah Prtyak_Chetanã_Adhigamah_Api_Antarãyã_Bhãvah_Cha Then shall come the knowledge of the Prtyak_Chetana_Ishvara (Self) and the obstacles to that knowledge shall be removed. Vyãdhi_Styãna_Sanshaya_Pramãda_ãalasya_Avirati_Bhrãntidarshan_Alabd haBh umikatva_Anavasthitatva_Tvãni Chitta_Vikshepah_Antarãyãh The following are the nine obstacles to the yogis:- i. Vyãdhi= Sickness(imbalance of the breath); ii. Styãna= Mental Laziness; iii. Sanshaya= Doubt; iv. Pramãda= Lack of enthusiasm; v. ãalasya= Sloth (inertia of the body and mind); vi. Avirati= Craving for Sense Pleasures; vii. Bhrãntidarshan= False perception; viii. AlabdhaBhumikatva= Failure to concentrate; ix. Anavasthitatva= Unsteadiness in concentration. Duhkha_Daurmanasya_Angamejayattva_Shvãsa_Prashvãsã Vikshepasahabhuvah There are five accompanied distractions: i. Duhkha= Three types of grief: ãdhyãtmik, ãdhibhautik, and ãdhidaivik; ii. Daurmanasya= Frustation, despondency; iii. Angamejayattva= Trembling of the body; iv. Shvãsa= Inhalation without control; and v. Prashvãsã= Exhalation without control. Overcoming all these obstacles one should attain Samãdhi. Tat_Pratishedhãrtham_Eka_Tatva_Abhyãsah To overcome all of these practicing the concentration is the supreme duty. Maitri_Karunã_Mudito_Apekshãnãm Sukha_Duhkha_Punya_Apunya_Vishayanãm Bhãvanãt Chitta_Prasãdanam The peaceful calmness of the mind is achieved by cultivating:- Maitri= Friendliness towards the happy; Karunã= Compassion towards the unhappy; Mudito= Delight in the virtuous; Apekshãnãm= Indifference towards the wicked. Doing this, concentration on the Shukla (means Brahma) in the specific chitta with concentration leads to peace. Pracchardana_Vidhãranãbhyãm Vã Prãnasya By Pranayam also the calmness of the mind is achieved. By the method given by the Guru, special methods of inhalation-exhalation of the breath should be followed. Pranas then shall become calm. Vishayavati Vã Pravittiha_Uttpannã Manasah Sthiti_Nibandhinii Revelations of the extraordinary perceptions like divine smell, divine compounds, etc. may lead to firm chitta. Vishokã Vã Jyotishamati The whole is without sensory temptations -- the revelation of this truth --= leads to a super-calm state called Vishokã. This is the inner light. This leads to the stability of yogic state beyond sorrow. Viitarãga_Vishyam Vã Chittam Even the chitta of the yogi which is free from passion leads to a stable mi= nd. Svapna_Nidrã_Gyãna_ãlambanam Vã Even by fixing the mind upon a dream experience or the experience of the deep sleep also leads to a stable mind. Yathã_Abhimata_Dhyãnãd_Vã Or by fixing the mind on any appealing object or thought, mind becomes stab= le. Paramãnu_Parama_Mahatva_Antah Asya Vashiikãrah The mind of this yogi is eligible to concentrate upon any atomic object or an object of an infinite size. The stage obtained by such one pointed concentration determines the form of the chitta at this time. Ksiina_Vritter_Abhijãtasyeva_Maner_Griihtri_Grahana_Grãhyeshu Tatastha_Tadanjanatã Samãpattih Like the crystal takes the colour of the object nearest to it, so is the mind which is concentrated, engrossed, and clear of thought waves of rajasi= k and tãmasik nature, it achieves identity of the object of concentration -- may it be gross or subtle, or the organ of perception-- senses ot the ego, or the grihiita, the stage of an achievement itself -- Asmitã. When chitta becomes one with the object of concentration the state is called smãpatti -- which means Samprgyãta Samãdhi. Tatra Shabda_Artha_Gyãna_Vikalpahi Sankiirnã Savitarkã Sammapattihi These states with the options of Shabda (word), Artha (meaning), and their Gyãna(knowledge) are called Savitarka Samãdhi. This is when the mind attains identity with the gross object mixed with the awareness of its name= , quality and knowledge. Subsequent to this one attains Nivitarka Samãdhi. I shall explain it now. Smriti_Parishuddhau SvarupaShunye_Vã_Artha_Mãtra_Nirbhãsa Nirvitarkã When the object only remains and not mixed with its name, quality and knowledge -- it is when the memory has been cleansed -- this leads to Nivitarka Samãdhi. Etayaiva Savichãrã Nirvichãrã Cha Sukshma_Vishayã Vyãkhãtã When the objects of concentration are subtle objects, the two kinds are called Savichãra Samãdhi and Nirvichãra Samãdhi. Sukshma_Vishayatvam Cha_Alinga_paryavasãnam What is Sukshma? The five fundamental Tanmatras are: i. Shabda (word); ii. Sparsha (touch); iii. Rupa (form); iv. Rasa (fluids); v. Gandha (smell). Out of these fundamentals are created the five SukshmaBhutas:- i. Shabda creates Space; ii. Sparsha creates Air; iii. Rupa creates Fire; iv. Rasa creates Water; v. Gandha creates Earth. >From these subtle principles then the grosser manifestation of the world phenomenon takes palce. They fall under the domain of creative principles of the Prakriti, Nature. This is a very secret subject. Tã Eva Sabiijah Samãdhih The four of the Samãdhis discussed above (Savitarka, Nirvitarka, Savichãra, Nirvichãra) are the Sabija Samãdhis. Nirvichãr_Vaishãradye_Adhyãtma_Prasãdah While reaching the Nirvichãra Samãdhi, the mind becomes pure in the form of the ãdhyãtma Prasãda. Ritambharã Tatra Pragya With that the samãdhi that is attained is "filled with truth". The knowledge of the Nature is then gained. Shruta_Anumãna_Pragyabhyãm Anya_Vishayã Vishesha_Arthatvãt The knowledge so obtained goes beyond the knowledge gained through inferences and scriptures. This is an extra-ordinary perception. Tat_Jah Sanskãrah_Anya_sankãra_Pratibandhii All the past impressions then are wiped out. Tasyãpi Nirodhe Sarva_Nirodhãta Nirbiijah Samadhihi When the impression made by that smãdhi is also wiped out by higher kriyas,= everything then merges into Brahma. This is called Shuddha Mukta. This alon= e is called Nirbija (Seedless) Samãdhi. This is also the Nirvikalpa(without Options) Samãdhi. <> ----love. Karta Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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