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ShivAllahSita sutra 76

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There is a way between voice and presencewhere information flows.In

disciplined silence it opens.With wandering talk it closes.~Rumi

split-blinding light

compact cosmic consciousness

dawn breaks the mirror holding guru and i*

The man who embraces the world as real,like the man embracing a woman

in his dream,ultimately awakens to find nothing there

buthimself.~Ramesh S. Balsekar

i came here for truth

searching every image i ever looked at i saw a mirror

finding you reflected in the calm crystal water i rippled out and disappeared*

Name and form is not real.Look at the substratum from where they

arise.That is real. IT will not change.~Papaji

love drunk-sober reeling-immobile

not seeing sight being no lift no fall

eternal infinite nothing everything empty abundant*

The Self alone is real. All others are unreal.The mind and intellect

do not remain apart fromyou.The Bible says, 'Be still and know that I

amGod.' Stillness is the sole requisite for therealisation of the Self

as God.~Sri Ramana Maharshi

each blessed breath carrying death and life

mind and thought thronging along as songs of song

silence speaks the in-between of the unseen and seen*

Dear heart, where do you findthe courage to seek the Belovedwhen you

know He has annihilatedso many like you before?I do not care, said my

heart,my only wish is to becomeone with the Beloved.~Rumi

heart soars simply and so simply the heart speaks

aeons of arranging skulls of lovers along anonymous beaches

still i seek only thee only thee like the bee dying in the flower for love of the honey*

Stand in your original state of wholeness,the state before you were

born when therewas no knowledge "I am" and thereforeno need or want

of any kind. All sufferingwill end as soon as you stand in

pureAwareness.~Ramesh S. Balsekar

as soon as spoken the token of love is soul-teeth tested for purity

take away the teeheehum and drum me into 'o death, where is thy sting'

wingless we fly disappearing dissolving we apppear - the solvent of

karma*With passionate practicesI held the reins secure on my mindand

made the breath one column.Then the new moon's clearnectar descended

into me,nothing pouring into Nothing.~Lalla

shimmering prana-light twining around the sushumna

ida and pingala press together in the cup of christ kutastha chaitanya

sahasrara renders the friend into ecstatically-altered emptiness full of amrita-infinity*

Men and women are beautiful masks. Behind themall is the same Divine

Power who rises up gentlythrough the six subtle centers of this human

body,giving each person a unique flavor and intensity,unveiling

through each living being a uniquedegree of Divine

Manifestation.~Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

anonymous yellow leaves left echo-shadows of something or other

cast in flesh and bone and light so bright it breaks the heart

the original color of love does not exist*

While we think it is we ourselves who aremaking the decsions, events

are actuallyhappening on a vastly magnificent scalein which we are

merely pawns on a chess-board. Free will has, in fact, no bearing

atall.~Ramesh S. Balsekar

bearing the burden or blessing or both of each moment

breathless and bewildered by bhava and brevity being no doer

brahma paws the ground of being and sinks into oblivion, unborn and boundless*

Are you worried? Do you have many "what if" thoughts?You are

identified with your mind, which is projectingitself into an

imaginary future situation and creating fear.There is no way that you

can cope with such a situation,because it doesn't exist. It's a mental

phantom.~Eckhart Tolle

ghosts gather around on the green couch of going under

i wonder if i will ever wonder again

where anywhere is in which god is not giving it up as i give up the ghosts of the past*

Whatever comes, let it come, what stayslet stay, what goes let go,

always keepquiet, and always adore Self: This isthe essence of living

skillfully in the worldappearance. During all activities of lifealways

know that you are the Self. Theway to live a happy beautiful life is

toaccept whatever comes and not careabout what does not come.~Papaji

can this lovely-hideous pain pleasure friend foe bemoan our lot like Lot much longer?

i guess i am the gift to myself as selflessness seeking a source

to surrender everything every thought in this suchness as it is now, as no one seeking*

As far as you can, be a slave, not a monarch.Let yourself be struck. Be the ball and notthe bat.


bringing down the house as the willing bearer of the wrecking ball's direction

the destruction of any ediface or face or trace or path of clinging to an i

invalidates the the kaaba-car's sticker when carrying no riders either coming or going*

Playfully, you hid from me.All day I looked.Then I discoveredI was

you,and the celebrationof That began.~Lalla

i awoke for years saying "hello playmate" before i said another word to anyone

until a day i heard the very air and light around me say directly to and from my Heart -

"Hello Playmate! Let's party as perfection in these prana-performances pouring forth!"

~ * Mitzvah

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