Guest guest Posted March 19, 2003 Report Share Posted March 19, 2003 It is not the worship of a person that iscrucial, but the steadiness and depth ofyour devotion to the task. Life itself isthe Supreme Guru; be attentive to itslessons and obedient to its commands.When you personalize their source, youhave an outer Guru; when you take themfrom life directly, the Guru is within.~Nisargadatta Maharaj A total acceptance of yourself brings about A total transcendence of yourself. Wisdom without love is like having lungs But no air to breathe. Do not seek wisdom in order To acquire knowledge but in order to Live and love more fully. No person or event has the power To make you happy or unhappy. ~Adyashanti In the absence of intention there can be nopsychological basis for any involvementwith activity and events or their outcome.There is then perfect alignment withwhatever might happen, an acceptance ofevents without any feeling of eitherachievement or frustration.~Ramesh S. Balsekar Save your mentally manufactured tales of Enlightenment-to-come for someone else’s ears. The price to enter this love Is your hope for a better future. We are not a crowd of beggars here. You and I have been down that long, twisted road All the way to its end. Here we do not ask God for favors But instead celebrate the light in each other’s eyes. So if you are ready to stop denying yourself Your own beauty You have come to the right place. Wake up now and praise this day When you realize that God’s eyes Are the ones you are looking out of, and into. Praise this day – And with each breath you take Be filled with the golden arc of love Which announces the ending of Your argument with God. Praise this day Simply because it exists And sit down now in the warm skin Of your own lap; For you are home And it is time to rest In the merciful light Of your own eyes. ~Adyashanti Who is a master? He is the Self after all. Accordingto the stages of development of the mind the Selfmanifests as the master externally. The famousancient saint Dattatreya said that he had more thantwenty-four masters. The master is one from whoone learns anything. The Guru may be sometimesinanimate also, as in the case of Dattatreya. God,Guru and the Self are identical.A spiritually-minded man thinks that God is all-pervading and takes God for his Guru. Later, Godbrings him in contact with a personal Guru and theman recognises him as all in all. Lastly the same manis made by the grace of the master to feel that his Selfis the master.~Sri Ramana Maharshi Spiritual love is the expression of An undivided self. Don’t forget that you are clear Light of awareness. There is nothing but the One In relationship with itself. ~Adyashanti There is no "You" or "I," no objectto contemplate, no contemplation!Everything is That lost in That.The blind theologians didn't understand.Then they saw, and their seven levelsof attainment dissolved to nothing.~Lalla What is God? A living contradiction Perfectly resolved within itself. That’s why God makes you crazy And shines with the only sanity there is. Best to cash in all your arguments And come out to play in the Empty field. ~Adyashanti Sometimes I feel like a king,sometimes I moan in my own prison.Swaying between these statesI can't be proud of myself.This "I" is a figment of my imagination.~Rumi You want me to speak of love And so I will. But the Love of which I can speak Costs me all my coins of illusion And so I cannot compromise its virtues Nor quibble over its price. This Love is Divine Nectar A wine found only at The innermost table. It has seen endless days Of rain and sun and harvest. It has been made wise and mellow By the passing of time And its refined taste Is uncompromising to those Who prefer their wine young And overly sweet. Although at times you may Appear to be swept away By its dizzying effects You will find that you have The clarity of a diamond and The reflexes of a falcon. You will remain capable of compassion And ruthless decisiveness alike. In one hand You will hold a feather And in the other A sword. Drink the wine of this Love And your life will change. Instead of being a gatherer Of the Divine Light You will be its shine. It will be the end of you And the beginning. ~Adyashanti Weak desires can be removed by introspectionand meditation, but strong, deep-rooted onesmust be fulfilled and their fruits, sweet or bitter,tasted.~Nisargadatta Maharaj I commend my Spirit Unto the grace of the Great Way. Whether consciously or not This has always been The doorway to liberation. All you lovers of truth And all you true lovers Now is the time to be done with it. Wash your battle-scarred hands In this Presence among us. Cast off your warrior’s clothing And slip into your night slippers. Untie your hair or cut it off. The Hidden One is present And doesn’t care where you’ve been Or what you’ve done Or what you are doing now. Commend all of yourself – Body, mind and spirit To this Grace. Slip out into the night air Into the waiting Quivering birth of this Golden Heart. Lean down now Like wet, green grass and Kiss the bottoms of your feet. ~Adyashanti Whatever happens in the working of theuniverse at the present moment has to beaccepted. Not accepting it means humanmisery.~Ramesh S. Balsekar There is something deeper than pain and pleasure: Wanting to know what is true. Just for a moment, take your hands Off the steering wheel. Here is a secret: The Buddha has never Been born, nor has the Buddha ever Been absent from birth, life or death. At each moment we are expressing what We know ourselves to be. If we know ourselves Very little we will express and manifest That unconsciousness of our true nature. If we know who and what we are very thoroughly, We will express and manifest that in what we do. It is all very simple. ~Adyashanti Effort is necessary up to the state ofrealisation. Even then the Self shouldspontaneously become evident, otherwisehappiness will not be complete. Up tothat state of spontaneity there must beeffort in some form or another.There is a state beyond our efforts oreffortlessness. Until it is realisedeffort is necessary. After tasting suchbliss, even once, one will repeatedlytry to regain it. Having once experiencedthe bliss of peace no one wants to be outof it or to engage in any other activity.~Sri Ramana Maharshi There is no such thing as integrating truth Into an illusion. The spiritual rubber hits the road when truth Begins to act within this human experience. There is no future in this. It is one thing to come upon enlightenment, the Breaking through distinctions to the great unity. It is Quite another to realize its function and activity. Until The emptiness can dance spontaneously, realization is Not complete. ~Adyashanti My Master, Ramana Maharishi, said to me,"God is not an object to be seen, He is the subject.He cannot be seen, He is the Seer, find this Seer."My Heart was opened."Find the Seer," This is the Teaching.~Papaji The true Self is the direct experience That no-self exists. Selflessness arises out of the realization that You are the world and much more as well. All arises within you and is an expression of you. ~Adyashanti Be fully aware of your own being and you willbe in bliss consciously. Because you take yourmind off yourself and make it dwell on whatyou are not, you lose your sense of well-being,of being well.~Nisargadatta Maharaj I have given all that I am As have you. Whether wearied or exalted Let’s fall on the floor laughing. What a colossal blunder We have all fallen prey to, Slipping into sanity like this. Our minds are surely gone When we see everything as God. Prepare yourself Mother Earth The inmates are loose The fools have Broken free of their chains. ~Adyashanti The surest sign of spiritual progress is a totallack of concern about progress. There is an utterabsence of anxiety about anything like liberationand a sort of hollowness in one's being, a kind oflooseness and involuntary surrender to whatevermight happen.~Ramesh S. Balsekar Everything is a spark of that eternal radiance. Why flee from the world in order to find it When you yourself are already on fire? ~Adyashanti Are you searching for your soul?Then come out of your prison.Leave the stream and join the riverthat flows into the ocean.Absorbed in this worldyou've made it your burden.Rise above this world.There is another vision...~Rumi Time to cash in your chips Put your ideas and beliefs on the table. See who has the bigger hand You or the Mystery that pervades you. Time to scrape the mind’s shit Off your shoes Undo the laces That hold your prison together And dangle your toes in emptiness. Once you’ve put everything On the table Once all of your currency is gone And your pockets are full of air All you’ve got left to gamble with Is yourself. Go ahead, climb up onto the velvet top Of the highest stakes table. Place yourself as the bet. Look God in the eyes And finally For once in your life Lose. ~Adyashanti What has happened to me?All these songs tell one story:that of Lalla on a lake, not knowingwhat sandbar I'll run aground on.What kind of luck have I had?I made harmony out of a man's clumsyplastering job on the ceiling.Still I wonder whichsandbank will strand me.And how is it now with me?Magnificent, this becomingmore and more awake.~Lalla There is no such thing as "fake it ‘til you make it" In the enlightenment business. It is all about truth. No faking allowed, no consolation prizes. It’s about as much fun as you can have While being burned at the stake. ~Adyashanti All suffering is born of desire. True loveis never frustrated. How can the sense ofunity be frustrated? What can be frustratedis the desire for expression. Such desire isof the mind. As with all things mental,frustration is inevitable.~Nisargadatta Maharaj This tavern is about to close its doors. So my friends, we must go. But do not rejoice Or regret your leaving For this Wine is within you The warm nectar of A thousand Buddhas. We will meet together again at this tavern I am sure But do not forget That at the innermost table This Wine of ours is always flowing And it is where all true lovers dwell. Within the stillness of Stillness You will be met there And consumed by the Winemaker By the object of your secret devotion. Then you will sing The most drunken song of all: I am He, you will sing I am She, you will sing – The song of your long awaited Return to your senses. ~Adyashanti After the four walls are torn down,the four walls of intellect-mind-body-senses,there is still the old gate remaining.The old habit of "I" in the form "I am Free."This gate is not neededand will leave at the time of death if not before.Both are the same.~Papaji I am here to take away your illusions – Your illusions of control, of freedom, of self. You think you have control but you don’t. You think you have freedom but you don’t. You think you have a self but you don’t. Join me here Now where there are no points of view. Slip under good and bad Right and wrong Worthy and unworthy Sinner and saint. Meet me here Where everything is unframed Before understanding And not understanding. Meet me here Where silence roars Where stillness is dancing Where the eternal is living and dying. Meet me here Where you are not you Where you are It And It is unspeakable. Meet me here Where all points of view Merge into a single point That then disappears. Meet me here Before there ever was something Before there ever was nothing. Meet me here Where everything speaks of this Where everything has Always spoken this Where nothing is ever lost or found. Meet me here. ~Adyashanti LoveEternal.MSN 8 helps ELIMINATE E-MAIL VIRUSES. Get 2 months FREE*. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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