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ShivAllahSita sutra 78

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There are always moments when one feels empty and estranged. Such

moments are most desirable, for it means the soul has cast its

moorings and is sailing for distant places. This is detachment--when

the old is over and the new has not yet come. If you are afraid the

state may be distressing, but there is really nothing to be afraid

of. Remember the instruction: Whatever you come across - go




The road to hoe of "I don't know,"is not "I'm not sure,"In complete

surrenderis absolute confidenceThe snake is seen for ropenessThis Now

I know unknownessNo bets are hedgedin mind farfledgedthe host is

onewith hostess


It suits the generous man to give money,but truly the generosity of

the lover is tosurrender his soul. If you give bread forGod's sake,

you will be given life in return.~Rumi


spirit-talkwhenever the treeresurrects the paperand touchesthe pen

lightward,free fromthe obligatoryworry of intent.~Tykal


Whenever love is withheld and suffering allowed to spread, war becomes

inevitable. Our indifference to our neighbor's sorrow brings suffering

to our door.~Nisargadatta


up the river of tears

to find the source

of sorrow and joy

is in the mind

the great wheels turn above a field

while empty eyed

zombies motorized

pass by

down a long road

looking into names of towns

unnoticed, slightly rearranged,

old symbols shining,

rolling on the tongue

of a child

on a lazy sunday evening

a door to all that matters


the endless

in the echoing

of a bird that sings

between silent mountain walls

and so many years

it would take for me to


why i turned around,

to see you

my long lost brother

behind those eyes

on a ride

of falling stones

under rainbows glowing

on the shadow side

the bodies,

neatly arranged,

no fear, no scare, no face just flesh and bones

will i ever know

why they took my place

and a golden cloud

moves like a bird between

the mountains

for all the suffering

in this world

~Alan Larus


As the river surrenders to the Ocean, surrender yourself to the Self,

the Source. And if you find you are still swimming on the surface of

the Ocean, stop swimmingand you will sink to the Depths of



answering angelsseeding clouds with stillness,waiting for the

raintearsto wash pure all soulsand moisten the earth of this

garden,rivulets bleeding down into darkness,seeping beneath in

silence,seeking with tearsthe seedsof peace


Thoughts just witnessed get cut off for the simple reason that there

is no comparing, no judging, no decision making.~Ramesh S. Balsekar


Between the banks of pain and pleasure the river of life flows. It is

only when the mind refuses to flow with life, and gets stuck at the

banks, that it becomes a problem. By flowing with life, I mean

acceptance - letting come what comes and go what goes. Desire not,

fear not, observe the actual, as and when it happens, for you are not

what happens, you are to whom it happens. Ultimately even the observer

you are not.~Nisargadatta


Let there be this understanding between us -that I am not your only

lovenor your only enemybut just this uncommon facepainted in our

dreamsand named as known.When we speak into each otherwe say what the

echo saysas it replies to its own timbre.A resonance that cannot be

separatedinto call and response.We have a voice beyond the sound of

this world.We are this heeding also,we listen as the rain doesas it

falls through the skyto be the heart of our earth.We are ever the

mysteryof this recognition of God. Let us live within a sacred pactto

be strangers to all imagesthat cannot be held within one look,one

embraceone abandonment of any departure.This portrait of Loveis too

visibleto be just flesh and a fictionof what we are in each

other.~Eric Ashford


If your knowledge of fire has been turned to certainty by words alone,

then seek to be cooked by the fire itself. Don't abide in borrowed

certainty. There is no real certainty until you burn; if you wish for

this, sit down in the fire.~Rumi


haha, i shall paint the skiesin notions of blue or greenor maybe,

simply borealisjust to vent me spleenI will dance under the moonand

know that ever until the swooni shall live and laugh the runeof

everyones' dearest hopeful tuneGods bless the childrenfor they know

the roadthat is the one we've hoeduntil in love ensnared we drovefor

what has gonehas never left(nothing is forgotten)How can it be?Don't

you see?(we are loves' begotten)~Faether

The creation of hells is the mind turned outwardsaying "I am the

body." The creation of heavens is the mind turned inward knowing "the

kingdom of heaven is within." Mind turned inward will see its Source

andthen never return because you stay with what you love most.~Papaji


Around my neck

I wear some bones

carved into beads

strung on a thread.

Seven daisies in 4 sizes

3 round pearls

that separate them.

I don't know where

these bones

have come from.

I've got no clue

whose fingers

found this beauty

as a secondary use.

Yet when I wear

this delicate circle

made from strength

once held in mother's milk

I am aware of my belonging

I am held inside life's commonality,

far more reaching is our family

than in the bones of our humanity.


~Hilary Collins

The goal is the same for the one who meditates [on an object] and the

one who practises self-enquiry. One attains stillness through

meditation, the other through knowledge. One strives to attain

something; the other seeks the one who strives to attain. The former

takes alonger time, but in the end attains the Self.~Sri Ramana



No one has ever gone anywhere,nothing has ever happened.No struggle

has taken place,no war ever fought.Not a soul has been liberated,not

a demon cast down.No lovers have ever beenparted, no enemies

divided.No light shines in somebright mirror,no darkness shadows

land.Not one drop of the mostcompassionate rain of bliss has ever

fallen from the Sky of Heart,nor has any arrow ever pierced it.In all

directions there isnothing to see, to feel, to know.There are no

lessons to learn,no way to tread, no journeyending in happiness.There

is no hope,nor any need or reason for it. This is so, and yetit cannot

be comprehended,yielded to in some sacrificial ritual, orobjectified

by the bundle of fleetingarbitrary thought formswe mistake ourselves

to be.At first and last it isof no more consequence thanthe migratory

patterns of the now extinct great-beaked birds, afloat on the vanished

wind currents ofthe distant Mezazoic.Still, we can feel, we can feel

their heart-throbbed songseven now, even as they echoand resound

eternally through billions upon billions of galaxies!Ah,such

Music!Such Musicthere never was!Such Music,Yes,We Are!~b

If a response is required in a situation, focus within and feel the

inner body. You will immediately become still and present as you

withdraw consciousness from the mind, and the answer or action will

come up from thisdeeper level.~Eckhart Tolle

A solitary locust is a shy creaturebut once in every cycle of

yearsthere are so many new ones hatchingthat they just can't

helprunning into each otherTouching means more thanbeing touched in

this processWhen locusts gather in great numbersthey begin to hum

with great excitementuntil they reach the critical vibrationThat's

when they change colors & chemicals& locate their wing bonesconnected

to their love bonesHumming means morethan staying in tuneThen they

take flight togetherlike a living stormout to devour the whole

worldWho's going to say they can't?Words can take off like thatas

soon as they sensethat the reader is readyto wing it~Steve Toth

Deafened by the voice of desire you are unaware the Beloved lives in

the core of your heart. Stop the noise,and you will hear His voice in

the silence.~RumiLoveEternal.MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection

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