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Naked Awareness

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Self Liberation through Seeing with Naked Awareness By Padmsambhava


Direct Introduction to the State of

Intrinsic Awareness, From "The Profound

Teaching of Self-Liberation in the Primordial State of the Peaceful and

Wrathful Deities."


Even though there exist unlimited

numbers of scriptures, equal in

their extent to the sky, yet with

respect to the real meaning, there

are three statements that will

introduce you to your own intrinsic awareness. [see webpage]


Even though that which is usually

called "mind" is widely esteemed

and much discussed, still it is not

understood or it is wrongly

understood or it is understood in a

one-sided manner only.


there exist others who, being

attached to their own personal ideas

and interpretations, Become fettered

by these attachments and so do not

perceive the Clear Light.


The practitioners of the Maha-yoga

and the Anuyoga are (mentally)

obscured by their attachments to

Space and Awareness. And with respect

to the real meaning of non-duality,

since they divide these (Space and Awareness) into two, they fall into dev=

iation. If these two do not

become one without any duality,

you will certainly not attain



in the present moment, when (your

mind) remains in its own condition

without constructing anything,

awareness, at that moment, in itself

is quite ordinary.


And when you look into yourself in

this way nakedly (without any

discursive thoughts), Since there

is only this pure observing, there

will be found a lucid clarity without

anyone being there who is the

observer; only a naked manifest

awareness is present. (This awareness)

is empty and immaculately pure,

not being created by anything



This inherent self-awareness does

not derive from anything outside itself


You discover directly that your own

immediate self-awareness is just

this (and nothing else), and that

it has an inherent self-clarity,

which is entirely un-fabricated.


How can you say that you are not

able to remain in a calm state?


Since allowing (thoughts) to be just

as they are, with out trying to do

anything about them, is sufficient,

intrinsic awareness is self-

originated and spontaneously self-

perfected without any antecedent

causes or conditions, It is certain

that this primal awareness or gnosis,

which is one's intrinsic awareness,

is unceasing


There exist no phenomena other than

what arises from the mind.


And when you look inward at your

own mind inside yourself, If there

exists no projectionist who projects

thoughts by thinking them, Then your

own subtle mind will become lucidly

clear without anything being projected


Even though immediate intrinsic

awareness exists within yourself

(and nowhere else), yet you seek for

it elsewhere--amazing!


Your own awareness is inherently

knowing, inherently clear, and

luminously brilliant.


When it arises, it is called the

Bodhicitta, "the enlightened mind"


Behavior and the one who behaves

are not two (different things)


Without accepting or rejecting

anything, just letting things be

as they are without trying to modify

them, such conduct or behavior alone

is pure.


it cannot be conceived of by the

intellect and is free of all

(conceptual) limitations from the

very beginning,


And becoming systematically

established as luminous clarity,

just this is the Dharmata, the

nature of reality.


Everything that appears is but a manifestation of mind. Even though

the entire external inanimate

universe appears to you, it is but

a manifestation of mind.


Not understanding this intrinsic

awareness, even Panditas can fall

into error.




awareness-love-peace, Karta




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