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Storm Stupa to Self

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When the mind is quiet, we come to know ourselves asthe pure witness.

We withdraw from the experience and itsexperiencer and stand apart in

pure awareness, which isbetween and beyond the two. The personality,

based onself-identification, on imagining oneself to be something:`I

am this, I am that', continues, but only as a part of theobjective

world. Its identification with the witness snaps.

~Nisargadatta Maharaj

There is no attainmentand no cultivation of original nature.You are

Consciousness, not a farmer!Why work for that which you already

are?Do not mentate, do not stir a thought.Trying to get out of

superimposed bondage,which is the notion that you are separate from

Existence,you will land in superimposed freedom.~Papaji

Emotional reactions, born of ignorance or inadvertence, arenever

justified. Seek a clear mind and a clean heart. All youneed is to

keep quietly alert, enquiring into the real nature ofyourself. This

is the only way to peace.~Nisargadatta Maharaj

I wearied myself searching for the Friendwith efforts beyond my

strength.I came to the door and saw howpowerfully the locks were

bolted.And the longing in me became that strong,and then I saw that I

was gazingfrom within the presence.With that waiting, and in giving up

all trying,only then did Lalla flow outfrom where I knelt.~Lalla

I live in a world of realities, while yours is of imaginings.Your

world is personal, private, unshareable, intimately your own.Noboby

can enter it, see as you see, hear as you hear, feel youremotions and

think your thoughts. In your world you are truly alone,enclosed in

your ever-changing dream, which you take for life. Myworld is an open

world, common to all, accessible to all. In my worldthere is

community, insight, love, real quality; the individual is thetotal,

the totality - in the individual. All are one and the One is

all.~Nisargadatta Maharaj

Mukti or liberation is our nature. It is another name for us.Our

wanting mukti is a very funny thing. It is like a man whois in the

shade, voluntarily leaving the shade, going into the sun,feeling the

severity of the heat there, making great efforts to getback to the

shade and then rejoicing, "How sweet is the shade!I have reached the

shade at last!" We are all doing exactly thesame. We are not

different from the reality. We imagine we aredifferent, that is we

create the bheda bhava [the feeling ofdifference] and then undergo

great sadhana [spiritual practices]to get rid of the bheda bhava and

realise the oneness. Whyimagine or create bheda bhava and then

destroy it?~Sri Ramana Maharshi

The person is a very small thing. Actually it is a composite,it cannot

be said to exist by itself. Unperceived, it is just notthere. It is

but the shadow of the mind, the sum total ofmemories. Pure being is

reflected in the mirror of the mind, asknowing. What is known takes

the shape of a person, based onmemory and habit. It is but a shadow,

or a projection of theknower onto the screen of the

mind.~Nisargadatta Maharaj

The sky is in bloom, happy-wounded

by its own beauty, dropping peals

of petal-laughter as this ripe rain in great guffaw.

i am falling all around me now,

dropping-dripping dripping-dropping all this talking-head

weather harmonics of hiding behind the storm-laden clouds of identity.

Oozing the hue of doership directly onto the Heart-canvas,

tendencies and traits fade away when the varnish of vasanas

is invariably stroked with the tint of TatSatOm.

>From Nome to Tony the Tiger’s illustrator and dub,

That Hand is handing out artwork empty of ideas iridescent in dazzling doership.

I am not the designer or the design of any of this.


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