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ShivAllahSita sutra 95

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Learn to live without self-concern. Forthis you must know your own

true being(swarupa) as indomitable, fearless, evervictorious. Once

you know with absolutecertainty that nothing can trouble you butyour

own imagination, you come to disregardyour desires and fears,

concepts and ideasand live by truth alone.~Nisargadatta Maharaj

Across that road there is a plum treeheavy with ripe fruit, ready for

the taking.This way is deeply rutted, slippery androiling with

mud.Hungry and weak from days of fasting,the urge to cross to the

other siderises irresistible.A storm is approaching nowwith the

certainty of more rain,mud and perilous ruts.Beyond the hills across

the roadthe sun momentarily scissorsthrough the fabric ofblack

clouds.With head and gut aligned, my footsteps race each other on a

pilgrimage of yearning,and the way that seemed impassable becomesa

living metaphor for all that strives for sustenance.Mouth now filled

with fruit and sweet beneath the sunray, clouds, and plum tree, I

stare, stunned, as an adjacent tree explodes in a shattering

lightning strike.As I climbed for a far branch laden with delight,the

violet sky shuddered a sudden blue and silver,trembled with fragrant

color, rent itselfwith streaking light.Perfect plums fall out of my

hands asI fall from the tree in the hands ofthe sky, light is mixed

with mud and rainfall, andlaughter I never knew till now.

~Mazie & b

Intellect is what brings about the sense offear, because it is the

intellect that rejectschange and wants security.~Ramesh S. Balsekar

I am already in my urn of ashesI am already in my wombUrn of Cold

MountainWomb of Cold MountainThe past, I don't rememberThe future,

already pastWhere am I?If you interrogate Cold Mountainyou will get

the same reply!~Mazie & b

There are those sleeping who are awake,and others awake who are sound

asleep.Some of those bathing in sacred poolswill never get clean.And

there are othersdoing household choreswho are free of any


Today, sitting by the cold stream,dreaming, dreaminga thousand seasons

came and went, unnoticed.Truth and lies, twining smoke vapors,

spiraled higher and higher into thedeepest blue these eyes haveever

seen.Somewhere, a dharma preacherinexplicably fell silent

inmid-sentence.Somewhere, love welled up again in an old couple's

eyes.Somewhere, a thousand seasonsflooded by unnoticed, whilesomebody

sat near a clearcold stream, dreaming, dreaming.~Mazie & b

Why objectify God? Subjectify That!! Go straightto the Light,

immediately jump into It and don’t writean article about it on the

way. Keep Quiet, entertainno doubt, raise no desire. Remove all

objects andremain as That! All pain belongs to objectification.Do not

let ego own Freedom, so do not objectify theTruth. Do not call it a

gain or an acquisition, simplyidentify with it as you do when you see

your face ina mirror. Forget this visitor called mind and justidentify

as That!


Standing in the sunlit grovebowing, bowingLight is bowing back and

forthfrom nowhere to nowherejust bowing, not even that.~Mazie & b

Consciousness has produced this play.Consciousness has written the

script.Consciousness is playing all the characters.And Consciousness

is witnessing the play.It's a one man show.~Ramesh S. Balsekar

Am I playing with the clouds, orare clouds playing with me?Who has

time for such useless questionswhen the sky holds the dice and has

just tossed them?Now I seem to tumble, cloudlike,rolling off a table

of blue andfalling into everywhere. Nobody wins or loses in the

gameCold Mountain plays. ~Mazie & b

O God, reveal to the soul that place wherespeech has no letters, so

that the pure soulmight go headlong towards the expanse

ofnonexistence out of which we are fed.~Rumi

She drops her bear paw from the nightsky's wolverine jaws and a

strange being bleeds into the earth.Neither one's the hot-blooded

creatureit imagines itself to be, yet in the saying of it somehowthis

mystery may seem less oblique.Like an oven still hot after hours of

cooking,this night's breathing its own combustion --devouring the

starlight as fast as it appears,streaking across the infinite sky of

this moment,shooting past any distant memory thatnow gives birth to

thought.Stilled as she distills the essence of darkness and light in

the heart,a thousand armies are defeatedbefore the cauldron of

boiling spermspills into this vast womb of forgetfulness,leaving

friend and enemy to battle in theshadows of themselves.No one has

ever conquered or been conquered.The quest for any conquest or

acceptance of defeat is consummatedbefore these words are

read,swirled away across the river's water body on whichthey are


~Mazie & b

While the mind is centered in the body andconsciousness is centered in

the mind,awareness is unattached and unshaken. Itis lucid, silent,

peaceful, alert and unafraid,without desire and fear. Meditate on it

asyour true being and try to be it in your dailylife, and you shall

realize it in its fullness.Mind is interested in what happens,

whileawareness is interested in the mind itself.The child is after

the toy, but the motherwatches the child, not the toy.~Nisargadatta


Afternoon amidst the ancientsbeneath the translucency of green leaf

canopya child day-dreams bythe edge of a stream,reverie of

waterskimming spiders, andlittle languid colored carprising to feed

ontime –my memories, ripples spreading over stillness,never reaching

the shore.

~Mazie & b

Thirty spokes share the wheel’s hub;It is the center hole that makes

it useful.Shape clay into a vessel;It is the space within that makes

it useful.Cut doors and windows for a room;It is the holes which make

it useful.Therefore profit comes from what is there;Usefulness from

what is not there.~Lao-tzu

Ghosts of starsreverberating in my bonessinging in my bloodcoursing

through my nervesreminding:surrender that can be doneis not

surrender.The one who would surrender isthe one who keeps

surrenderout of reach.Leaves and branches funneling raindropsseasons

blending unnoticedhereempty, aloneI wait with warm tearsfor whatever

else this emptiness can produce.Remembering now:Shakya ate poison

mushroomstasting only Dharma.~Mazie & b

One of the signs of God-realization is joy.There is absolutely no

hesitancy in such aperson, who is like an ocean in joyouswaves. But

deep beneath the surface, thereis profound silence and

peace.~Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

Even stones must open to water in their final moments being stone.It's

what they've always wanted, this union, remembering, as if emerging

from a dream of solidity, thisis what they came to love, to sink to

the bottom of, to dissolve in.There are no regrets.We are water

beings here. Natural devotion times ourriver to its oceanic source.If

anyone doubts, let them stand beneath this full moon now and be

swallowed alive!~Mazie & b

When the divine relationship between theguru as Consciousness and the

disciple asConsciousness becomes ripe enough tofructify, they meet

like two empty mirrorsfacing each other.~Ramesh S. Balsekar

Against the sky at duskI could not discern the colorof the

dragonflies' wingswhirring above the plum tree.Against the darkening

hillside,somber and silent,I could not detect the colorof the plum

tree's blossomsscattered across the ground.Against the heart breaking

openI could not fathom the colorof anything.Something has reached in

andtaken the veil from my eyes –now every color falls namelessly

intoits source.~Mazie & b


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