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ShivAllahSita sutra 96

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It is well known and admitted that onlywith the help of the mind can

the mind be killed. But instead of setting about sayingthere is a

mind, and I want to kill it, youbegin to seek the source of the mind,

and you find the mind does not exist at all. TheMind, turned outwards,

results in thoughts and objects. Turned inwards, it becomesitself the


~Sri Ramana Maharshi

True perfection seems imperfectwhen viewed imperfectly. True wisdom is

a folly to the foolish eyesthat refuse to see.For thirty years I've

sung these songs of mountain mists, oftrees and snow, yetthe only one

who truly singsis one whom none can ever know.And if you ask me"What's

the fuss?"I'll laugh and walk away –the moon is rising full

tonight,that's all I haveto say.~Mazie & b

There is no alternative for you but toaccept the world as unreal if

you areseeking the truth and the truth alone.Unless you give up the

idea that theworld is real your mind will always beafter it. If you

take the appearance tobe real you will never know the realitself,

although it is the real alonethat exists.

~Sri Ramana Maharshi

Dead man wakes in the land of the dead,rising from a dead man's

bed.All that he once thought he knewdrops the moment he comes

to.Space without boundaries or center of reference,awareness alone

persistswithout difference.Nothing to gain, nothing to lose,the

mirror doesn't pick and choose.Opening eyes within a dream,nothing

seen is what it seems --images of flickering lightreflect upon a

darkness bright.Self and other, day and night –whatever once held

wrong or right –vanish now without a trace, a flame blown out in

empty space.Still and silent, calm and clear,Mystery will carry all

here.Some return to play again,some go beyond where these words

end.Dead man shrugs and goes his way --where he goesno one can

say.~Mazie & b

How can the mind which has itself createdthe world accept it as

unreal? That is thesignificance of the comparison made betweenthe

world of the waking state and the dreamworld. Both are creations of

the mind and,so long as the mind is engrossed in either,it finds

itself unable to deny their reality.It cannot deny the reality of the

dream worldwhile it is dreaming and it cannot deny thereality of the

waking world while it is awake.If, on the contrary, you withdraw your

mindcompletely from the world and turn itwithin and abide there, that

is, if you keepawake always to the Self which is the sub-stratum of

all experiences, you will find theworld of which you are now aware is

just asunreal as the world in which you lived yourdream.

~Sri Ramana Maharshi

At first it seems to come as an intuition.Awareness. This intuition

seems to come,yet since whatever comes must go it seems to end.

Eventually, it may be seen thatthis intuition is not what comes and

goes -- any image held before it does. This intuition is an evolving

revelation ofitself in a mirror of recognition, seemingly obscured by

clumsy movements lurching to grasp and hold on to it with

fingernailsof this or that improvised identity.Following the

intuition all the way back to its source, see what is always

radiantly shining here, andconsider for a momentthe futility of

efforts to confine it.It is too hot to touch, still --it will burn

your images to ash.From ashes, it blossoms without resistancein its

own perfect season, according to a designbeyond knowledge or

experience.~Mazie & b

The sage helps the world merely by beingthe real Self. The best way

for one toserve the world is to win the egoless state.If you are

anxious to help the world, butthink that you cannot do so by

attaining theegoless state, then surrender to God all theworld's

problems, along with your own.

~Sri Ramana Maharshi

I visited the old woman again at her mountain hut.Sage, cedar, and

lavender drift in wreaths of smokearound her, and ancient peace has

settled in her eyes.For the afflicted she dispenses healing herbs,

for seekers she is a motherly font of comfort. When she sees me

approaching, she just laughs and laughs – the sheer steep peaks,the

echoing sound of the canyon winds!

~Mazie & b

Solitude is in the mind of man. One mightbe in the thick of the world

and maintainserenity of mind. Such a one is in solitude.Another may

stay in a forest, but still be unableto control his mind. Such a man

cannot be said tobe in solitude. Solitude is a function of the mind.A

man attached to desires cannot get solitudewherever he may be, whereas

a detached man isalways in solitude.

~Sri Ramana Maharshi

When Shih Teh returns to Cold Mountainto visit, he always returns with

that smile --we'll sit face to face on the ledge,and even the devil of

poetryknows enough to bestill.In that silencewhat wants to be heard is

said, what wants to be said is heard.Shih Teh just smiles and smiles!

~Mazie & b

All doubts will cease only when the doubterand his source has been

found. There is nouse removing doubts one by one. If we clearone

doubt, another doubt will arise and therewill be no end of doubts.

But if, by seeking thesource of the doubter, the doubter is found

tobe really non-existent, then all doubts will cease.

~Sri Ramana Maharshi

Deepening as this Deepeningheart serenehand on each kneepalms open,

yieldingreceiving itselfspontaneouslyresistanceevaporatesof

itselfbreathing slows,stops --letting it.~Mazie & b

It is false to speak of realisation. What isthere to realise? The real

is as it is always.We are not creating anything new or

achievingsomething which we did not have before. Theillustration

given in books is this. We dig awell and create a huge pit. The space

in thepit or well has not been created by us. Wehave just removed the

earth which was fillingthe space there. The space was there then

andis also there now. Similarly we have simplyto throw out all the

age-long samskaras [innatetendencies] which are inside us. When all

ofthem have been given up, the Self will shine alone.

~Sri Ramana Maharshi

Listening to moonlight filtered through gray mist, swaths wound around

treetopsdisappearing into darkness the last stick of incensedispersing

in all directionssmoking through thisstill forest of pines, this night

sky, this moon-like goddess face --substantial as the nuances of

incandescence superimposed on thecalligraphic scroll of fading

memory. In the angle of vision of artist and admirer, both:an imprint

on the canvas of being, reflected light on dark water.This moon spills

its memory of light, golden-white beams radiatinginto the heart of

darknessin every direction.Mind spills its lunar memory

ingolden-white dreams, beaming from the light at the heart of that

same darkness.~Mazie & b

If we talk of knowing the Self, there mustbe two selves, one a knowing

self, anotherthe self which is known, and the process ofknowing. The

state we call realisation issimply being oneself, not knowing

anythingor becoming anything. If one has realised,one is that which

alone is and which alone hasalways been. One cannot describe that

state.One can only be that. Of course, we looselytalk of

Self-realisation, for want of a betterterm. How to 'real-ise' or make

real thatwhich alone is real?

~Sri Ramana Maharshi

Under piercing cold, gray-white skies,keen to a subtle sewing of

light, awareI have never been alone alongthis light-strewn path of

interweaving joy and pain,Winter blanketing the fields, Spring

already stirring beneath the snow,I wander arm in arm with two old

companions,neither agreeing nor disagreeing withanything they

say,just enjoying the stroll.

~Mazie & b

Liberation is our very nature. We are that.The very fact that we wish

for liberationshows that freedom from all bondage is ourreal nature.

It is not to be freshly acquired.All that is necessary is to get rid

of the falsenotion that we are bound. When we achievethat, there will

be no desire or thought of anysort. So long as one desires liberation,

solong, you may take it, one is in bondage.

~Sri Ramana Maharshi

Freedom is a door that's always open.Nobody passes through it –that's

the price of admission.The immovable obstacleblocking our entrance is

nothing butour own conviction that we are not already free, even

thatthere is some door we must go throughto be free, perhaps that the

key tothat door is in another's hands, or thatwhat we are is something

that could possibly be free or bound –in other words,ourselves. Some

try to make themselves small enough to squeeze through,others big

enough to burst through –neither realizing that this doorstands on

the edge of a cliff, openinginto a fathomless darkness thatfreely and

serenely swallows big and small alike and burps up light.~Mazie &

b*Sri Ramana Maharshi quotes:"Be As You Are"The Teachings of Sri

Ramana Maharshiedited by David Godman


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