Guest guest Posted May 24, 2003 Report Share Posted May 24, 2003 Fearful, always-moving mind,the One who has no beginningis thinking of how hungermay fall away from you.No ritual,no religion,is needed.Just cry out oneunobstructed cry.~Lalla The senses are not separate fromTrue Mind in the same way thebreeze is not separate from sky.Whether in motion or at rest, thebreeze reveals the play of sky assenses reveal the play of Mind.Beyond motion and rest, let the winds of sensation sift through theSky of Mind without restriction,filling the hollow bamboo flute ofExistence with exquisite notes of a music no heart can contain.Such music has never been theproblem – only the effort to claim it is.~Mazie & b Nothing ever happened or ever will. Youhave always been perfect Love and Peace.What changes is not real and what is Realcannot change. You are that Secret, thatPurity beyond change and description, butif you touch the "I" you become polluted withpride. The "I" rising from the effort of ego isnot the real "I." The real "I" knows that every-thing is my reflection-projection. Simplyknowing "I AM I AM" is effortlessness, ismeditation, and is Sahaja, the natural stateof Being.~Papaji To love or fear –that's the test.At the core theheart knows best.Open your eyes andyou will see,division's the malignancy.Conflicted mind's ahurtful thing, obscuringsongs our silence sings.Let the healing begin within, this is a warnobody wins.Give up the fight beforeit starts, why struggle with your own dear heart?Our purpose is tobe at peace, to know ourself, to let strife cease.Only we can liberate thedifferences that we create.There is no place thatwe can go that isdistinguishable fromthis --there is no otherwe can know thatwe can't hug and kiss.~Mazie & b To me you are your own God. But if you thinkotherwise, think to the end. If there be God,then all is God's and all is for the best. Welcomeall that comes with a glad and thankful heart.And love all creatures. This too will take you toyour Self.~Nisargadatta Maharaj Once ancient stars colluded, devisinga celestial scheme wherebythey'd flow and merge together to combine their own great lightsfor sheer delight!They spun and danced uncounted years until at last, as one, they manifested in their joythis field of vast and verdant lushness, blanket ofbrilliant emerald grass, wherein this glistening pasturethey have become a single soaring Cypresswhose shade this noon provides cool restfor winged as well as walking travelerswho find right here is best.Light and dark weave playfully as mountaincreatures follow their natural round,listening as one to the sound ofancient stars,shining that same light,expressing in their doing sothat very same delight!~Mazie & b The soil is faithful to its trust: whateveryou have sown in it, you reap the same.But until springtime brings the touch of God,the soil does not reveal its secrets.~Rumi Do you see,do you hear,do you smell,do you feel that anonymous, golden leaf lifting on the wind now?We will be killed in this.It will not be a deathunlike any other –every death is the same, everyleaf the same leaf,swept into this sudden gust yetfalling each time in a wayinimitable.The sense of self at the core of perceptionfloats on the leaf of a consensus of ideasthat seem to add up to being a body, where consciousness clashes images of separationtogether like slowly sounding cymbals, a kind of noise is heard differently bybillions of versions of ears, each tuned to their own vibrating frequency, each a perfection harmonized exactly to the motion of perception exhausting itself in empty space, the sense once regarded asself a smoke-like echo trailing nowhere in particular, perhaps over a nameless mirroring pond, wherefrom the inexhaustible Absolute the Relative is spawned and everything finds itself, tossed out like bread crumbs to feed the ducks of itself,bemused, at peace and in duck love.In the air, ananonymous, golden leaflifts in the kindness of wind, barely heard by the love birds.~Mazie & b Renunciation is always in the mind, not ingoing to forests or solitary places, orgiving up one¹s duties. The main thing is tosee that the mind does not turn outward butinward. It does not really rest with a manwhether he goes to this place or that orwhether he gives up his duties or not. Allthese events happen according to destiny.All the activities that the body is to gothrough are determined when it first comesinto existence. It does not rest with you toaccept or reject them. The only freedom youhave is to turn your mind inward and renounceactivities there.~Sri Ramana Maharshi Imagine space itself reaching into its own invisibilityfor some light with which to form etheric masks of momentarily appearing shapes that you and Iinnocently mistake to be ourselves, momentarily forgettingwe are that space. That's the rascal play of living light -- it hides itself in darkness just tomagnify the bright.~Mazie & b Before the beginning you are pure Consciousness. You are the Fullness of Love in Love and the Emptiness of Awareness. You are Existence and the Peace beyond peace. You are that screen on which all is projected. You are the Light of Knowledge, the One who gave the concept of creation to the creator. Forget what can be forgotten and know yourself to be that which can never be forgotten. You are the substratum on which everything moves, let it move. You are Now, you are Nowness: what "I" is there which can be out of this Now? You are Truth and only Truth Is. ~Papaji Without anticipation or regret, wandering an incandescent landscape where memory and imaginationno longer gain foothold, I open mymouth and only syllables of "AH…"exhale, the respiration of acceptance,the breathing heart of creation.~Mazie & b There is no light like that of knowing God,no pilgrimage like a deep longing, norelationship except the one with God, andthere is no peace that isn't gratitude for that.~Lalla If you're longing tonightfor this rapture,here –let me bring it to you, toyour altar of desire.I will submit there bystretching myself soplushly on your innocent yearning you will sayDon't stop.I won't.I can't.You are too beautiful to resist,loving this suchness of youI am slain by a smile,the eyes, the immensityof your serene intensity,breathless magnetism,the call of that wanting, wantingto be free of any wanting,not knowing any wanting but this --to never be spilt from this drowningagain into solidity --some fragrance inescapable,the touch indelible on the heart,the taste of fresh spring water gushing,rushing into itself with arms open,heart beating, pulsingPulsingLife,Life ~Mazie & b When someone calls youstupid and foolishyou mind it.Knowing this,the Sages use the wordignorance.Ignorance is somethingyou don’t knowand when you are thinkingabout what you don’t know,what are you goingto get from it? Oh, I’m thinkingin order to know it,but the whole fallacy isbecause you’re thinkingyou’re not knowing it;you¹re blocking it.Stop thinkingand start seeing;then you’ll know it.~Swami Amar Jyoti Forcing the narcissus to flowerbefore its natural unfolding byimitating the dark and cold of winterproduces a pretty, fragrant blossomyet there is evidence of weakness,a nearly undetectable odor of an early death, death's face stretched across pale petalsin rictus grin.The fullness of life will not be given in true measure if bound up in the desire for results.The seasons of man and nature, when no longer compelled by appearancesand arbitrary reason,are then set free from the restrictions of time and space ideas.They are bound by sun and moon's communing until they are not.Early forcing produces inherent weaknesses,returning again and againin the strain.To bear true beauty full strength,just witness and thenstep totally out of the way.Beauty will always find a wayto increase until it exceedseven itself and thenwho can say what will be?~Mazie & b Every pleasure, physical or mental, needsan instrument. Both the physical and mentalinstruments are materials, they get tired andworn out. The pleasure they yield is necessarilylimited in intensity and duration. Pain is thebackground of all your pleasures. You want thembecause you suffer. On the other hand, the verysearch for pleasure is the cause of pain. It is avicious circle.~Nisargadatta Maharaj Smear of light against ablack background, itselfwoven with light,my beginning and endin one streak –light out of mind, silence of some silent somethinggradually vanishing at dusk.~Mazie & b Four Questions:Who is awake and who asleep?What is this lake that is continuallyoozing back into the earth?What can a human being offer to God?What do we most deeply want?The Answers:The mind is what sleeps.What recognizes itselfas God is awake.This always-disappearing lakeis made of our appetites,these movings-about,this talking and listening.The only offering you can make to Godis your increasing awareness.And the last desire isto be God in human form.~Lalla Everything that appears disappears –nothing here is real.Futile to seek it,futile to grasp it,futile to cling to it,futile to release and thengo back looking for it.Stay as you are, juststay as you are --all is well.At the spiritual game I'm likely a failure, speakingsuccinctly.Here's the trick –fail completely.Be a fool, a ridiculouslout –don't hold back --Honk your snout!Why meditate with such a pout?Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water--simply let it all hang out.Feel the sting whenit falls apart –let that arrowpierce your heart.Give up the struggle,relax, get lazy –if you fancy yourselfa child of the gods, considerthe gods themselves areutterly crazy.We stand alone as this perfectionmuttering versions of the same old question.The more that's learnedthe less is known till we can't tell a friend from foe.If you fix your gaze on the sunyou'll go blind –blink your eyes andshow me mind.Wherever you roam, whatever you find,to all you meet at the least be kind.~Mazie & b LoveEternal.Protect your PC - Click here for VirusScan Online Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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