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Kundalini is another word for awareness. This awareness is the sense of "I"

consciousness within all of us. It illumines the body's nerves and a major

nerve to the crown from its seat, the Hrdayam.


This Hrdayam, which means: "hrd" - that which sucks in everything (like a

graviton), "ayam" - expansion (like light), is also known as the One Star

(Ik Tar) in Kundalini Yoga practice.


The Infinite Being, that within which and upon which the universe appears,

single, undifferentiated, unconditioned, beginningless, endless, timeless,

lights each person born through the Heart Center (One Star), felt as the "I"



This individual unit of consciousness is never different or separate from

the infinite being, but the power of attention within the mind, links images

and impressions that are centered around the "I" sense, so that we have the

notion of an identity that "I am these images and sensations, related to a

separate world." etc.


The matter is not the exclusion of the senses and images, which are part of

the whole, but to expand the sensory experience to include the awareness of

the ever present radiance within the body and mind, a process through which

the awareness begins to recognize that It is not the limited experience of

impressions, but the radiance of the body field beyond though.


This radiance increases with practice, filling every cell of the body and

the aura, and becomes so full that the lenses of the mind, the chakras,

including both the ones along the silver cord between the sacral plexus and

the throat, and the gold cord between the point between (and above) the

eyebrows and the crown (10th gate), and the chakra felt above the crown (the

aura), become so purified and radiant that the shakti transforms to the

purity of bhakti.


At first one feels the energy radiance in the nadis, including the Hrdayam,

atma nadi (between the heart and crown), the crown, ida and pingala,

sushumna and the gold cord. Then you experience this radiance filling the

body and the aura (electromagnetic field). Then the attention to the areas

of the body recedes as the awareness begins to abide without focus to

experience itself as pervasive etheric space. The heart pulls forward,

arching the spine, suspending the breath. The neck locks and energy

consciousness polarizes in an upward flowing streams upwards.


Suddenly, the awareness disengages Itself entirely from the experience of

etheric pervasiveness, and the Heart and atma nadi begin to pulsate "I as

I" - as unconditioned, uncaused. The atma nadi acts like a tuning fork

vibrating the soundless sound of "I" that resonates in all the nerves of the

body while disengaging any sense of an inside or outside. With That, a

force of radical relinquishment manifests spontaneously of every thought and

impression, and the "whole body fills with light." (Luke 11:34) In this

relinquishment one feels as though one is coming out of a stupor, fog, or

amnesia, recollecting who and what One really Is, and you abide singly as

that, without attention to anything, yet That within which the

undifferentiated universe appears without a notion of space or time.


The energy mechanism of the body unfolds by itself without any attention of

the awareness, which abides as pervasive single Self, devoid of action

physical, vocal, mental, in which the "notional' mind has ceased to exist,

separateness having lost all meaning whatsoever - no thoughts, nor a



The practice of KY has several aspects, revolving around the One Star

Spirituality. In this practice, which understands before anything else that

there is no separate being at any time, one performs numerous postures and

movements, some hatha yoga postures, many variations, plus many others,

combined with various powerful breathing techniques. Each posture or

movement creates and energy pressure through various systems on certain

areas of the body, resulting in the purification and build up of an electric

charge in these areas. As this charge is compacted into many areas of the

body the glands secrete to support the sustaining of the higher and higher

voltage, and bindu transforms to ojas. In the One Star Spirituality of KY,

this experience is called the Yoga of Light.


The body begins to resonate and radiate terrifically, similar to the effect

of tightening the strings on a guitar, only in the body, there are 72,000

strings (nadis). Then mantra is used together with breath, mudra, posture,

cadence, and energy locks (bandhas) in a manner that brings about a release

of the stored energy, which one feels and experiences as a greater and

greater electric force, a force of radiance that becomes so great that it

overrides the impressions and images of identity stored within the

subconscious and encoded throughout the physiology of the body, such that

the waking consciousness becomes aware of itself in what we have otherwise

designated as the unconscious within which the manifestation of thoughts,

images and sensations, as well as the body. This is called the beginning of

jagrat-sushupti, or wakeful sleep, wherein the unit of consciousness dwells

in the source of the light/sound vibration from which the seemingly separate

inner and outer universe manifests, as One, without a notion of 2. This

specific use of sacred sound (mantra) is called the Yoga of Sound.


Together, these are called the One Star Spirituality, because of the force

in the heart that sucks in (dissolves), yet outshines everything, like a

sun in the heart.


The word Kundalini means simply this awareness, which is always single and

unconditioned, and KY practice is the expansion of the senses from the outer

to the inner, out of which arises automatically shakti, bhakti, gyan.


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  • 3 months later...

of the SELF is revealed> through the action of the Maha Shakti

Kundalini. This> is the only way in which SELF reveals its>

transcendental nature.> > michaelNamaste,This is true in as much as

we are Praneaswara or kundalini itself. The true Self or Nirguna

reveals nothing. Most Sages like Ramana talk mostly to audience at

the time so one has to bear that in mind.Ultimately even

Sat-Cit-Ananda, Kundalini Sakti, Saguna Brahman is an illusion and

ultmatately don't exist. Even at Pralaya they are subsumed in the

main. As Ramana says in his theories of creation piece, on moksha it

all never happened...............ONS..Tony.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


what tony has said is correct.

nirguna is truth and saguna brahman is an illusion.

kundalini is in fact the root cause of this world. once

kundalini starts

rising the illusion starts getting over but is completely over when

the kundalini penetrates the crown chakra(sahstrakamaldala) & the

sadhak experiences the


and when oneness is there how can there be existence of two-- saguna & nirguna.

Adi Shankaracharya in his book Vivek Choodamadi explains it

beautifully in many shlokas, one of those is---

nirgunam nishkalam sukshamam nirvikalapam niranjanam

ekmevadvayam brahman neh nanasti kinchan

there is just one nondual brahman which is

nirguna(absolute,no gunas) nishkal,suksham(subtle),nirvikalpa&

niranjan(defectless) & there are no different saguna

characters.(please don't ask me to translate these sanskrit words)

he has also said----

Brahma Satyam Jagat Mithya,Jeevo Brahmaiva Na Aparah

Brahman alone is real, this world is unreal; the Jiva is identical with Brahma.




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