Guest guest Posted June 18, 2003 Report Share Posted June 18, 2003 Shots of Beauty It's so hard and it's so soft and so easy and so tough, all possibilities betwixt between simple creamy dreams lay wet touching in the wiggle stream hues and tones wait for birth inside each other's reaching kiss all of everything's in the mix tame and wild, hot and cold it's all here within our reach, in fluid flux on playground's palette black meets white, blue meets red brush bodies join colors swirl day and night make rivered love green and yellow holding tight while speckles of deep blue sway share music in butterfly smiles hearts rock on to the shots of shocking lipstick that flies by in shades of purpley pink. Hilary Collins The mind turned inwards is the Self; turnedoutwards, it becomes the ego and all theworld. Cotton made into various clothes wecall by various names. Gold made into variousornaments, we call by various names. But allthe clothes are cotton and all the ornamentsgold. The one is real, the many are mere namesand forms.~Sri Ramana Maharshi Our PoetrySitting down in the blank page of desire.I prepare myself to write in your hand.We are so close BelovedThat I can smell the scentOf this love letter before it has materialized.I think I must be your mail-manAnd You my precious burdenThat I deliver to myself.I swear,My soul turns around to look into Your eyesAnd I find myself in the Body of YouTouching Your lips from the inside. They never tell you about this intimacyIn the holy scriptures.I guess its too ecstaticAnd too into the sex life of You.Your secrets safe with me though, my Beloved.I am only writing poetryFor all your loversTo feel Your caress like this.Maybe we have to be young at heart enoughFor You to pick us up as Your children,And old enough not to care what the world thinks,To be Your passionate lovers.I have looked and lookedBut have found no trace of guilt in this love for You.Somewhere between the bedroom and the gardenYou stole my kissesAnd made them Yours.Now we are making love in the openAnd only Gods strangersAvert their eyes in distrust.I never know where or how Your poems will end.I just keep tracing my finger over Your palmAnd circling our story written there.When I feel Your own fingersClosing about my soulSeeking this perfect union of silence.I let fall my outer garmentsAnd lay within YouLetting you hold me against this love spot.Just as deep as a man can be into You. ~Eric Ashford To see god is to be God. There is no all apartfrom God for him to pervade. He alone is.~Sri Ramana Maharshi I am a sky where spirits live… There is a passion in me that doesn’t long for anything from another human being. I was given something else - a hat to wear in both worlds. It fell off. No matter. One morning I went to a place beyond dawn, a source of Sweetness that always flows and is never less. I have been shown a Beauty that would confuse both worlds. But I won’t cause that uproar. I am nothing but a head set upon the ground as a gift for Shams. ~Rumi The sage helps the world merely by beingthe real Self. The best way for one toserve the world is to win the egoless state.If you are anxious to help the world, butthink that you cannot do so by attaining theegoless state, then surrender to God all theworld's problems, along with your own.~Sri Ramana Maharshi Nerds in the GardenThere are nerds in the gardenAmong the dewA pocket protector...Does it belong to you?There are thoughts in the gardenAmong the loose dirtWas it you who thought"I like this plaid shirt?"There are nebbishes hidden amongthe soft flowersSome of us write drivel for hours and hoursThere are nerds in the gardenTreading on the sweet grassesFingering tape on their thick plastic glasses.~Vicki Woodyard What is the undercurrent which vivifies themind, enables it to do all this work? It is theSelf. So that is the real source of your activity.Simply be aware of it during your work and do not forget it. Contemplate in the background ofyour mind even whilst working. To do that, do not hurry, take your own time. Keep the remembrance of your real nature alive, evenwhile working, and avoid haste which causesyou to forget. Be deliberate. Practisemeditation to still the mind and cause it tobecome aware of its true relationship to theSelf which supports it. Do not imagine it isyou who are doing the work. Think that it is the underlying current which is doing it. Identify yourself with the current. If you work unhurriedly, recollectedly, your workor service need not be a hindrance.~Sri Ramana Maharshi Mind and the objects of mind are the same thing; Things and oneself are not two. A white horse enters the reed flowers...snow is piled up in a silver bowl This is what as known as the Jewelled-Mirror Samadhi. ~Hakuin Ekaku Solitude is in the mind of man. One mightbe in the thick of the world and maintainserenity of mind. Such a one is in solitude.Another may stay in a forest, but still be unableto control his mind. Such a man cannot be said tobe in solitude. Solitude is a function of the mind.A man attached to desires cannot get solitudewherever he may be, whereas a detached man isalways in solitude.~Sri Ramana Maharshi I have just come across your website and been so very moved. Yours is an insight borne of experience and wisdom. " It took me a long time to get to this place. I studied truth for years and years and then one day I had effortless access--sort of like an atm machine with no limits. I have had no enlightenment experience; rather, one crisis after another over a period of many years. " This quote really struck home and in it I recognised a true voice or rather a voice speaking truth. It is the voice of no escape; that is your wisdom. It is a note I recognise deep within myself. You describe an enlightenment that has no consistant voice in our world. It is an enlightenment not about bliss and light but instead one that highlights the bitter truth of our existance, the truth that at such a basic level we spend our time avoiding. It is a tough message. again thank you for this D. My reply: Dear D., It is good to know that the words are working. I get the image of someone trying to get strings and strings of Christmas lights to work. It's the same old cardboard box filled with tangled heaps of cheap green wire and multicolored bulbs. They know that there will be a lot of time before all the wires are untangled and the missing bulbs replaced. Then they have to be draped around the artificial tree. Who wants such a job? Nevertheless, when the job has finally been done and all the strings of lights have been connected together, the cheap little bulbs are now producing their annual display. You no longer see the individual bulbs, only the light coming from the tree. It's our job to keep dragging out the darned box and doing the scut work of trying to untangle the mess. Frankly, it's a pain in the you-know-what. That's why most people would rather hire a decorator to come in and just "do" Christmas. Christ probably felt the same way. After I wrote D. an e-mail I came into the kitchen and was telling Bob about what I had written....about the Christmas tree lights and what a pain it was to have to untangle the wires and check to see if any bulbs were not working. "Then," I said, "finally you plug them in and the tree lights up. Now you don’t see the individual bulbs or the ugly green wires, you just see the tree as a whole and it’s beautiful." "It’s like what we’re going through. You have multiple myeloma, your eye is bothering you-- you have to do things everyday that are like putting the strings of lights on the tree." A song came into my head, "I’ve got your love to keep me warm." Some of the words are, "The snow is snowing, the wind is blowing, but I can weather the storm. What do I care when icicles form. I’ve got your love to keep me warm.Your Love"....I thought....God’s love. I went over to the stove to turn the eye on under the teapot. All of a sudden there was an increase of voltage in our kitchen lights. "Did you see that?" I asked Bob. "Yes, I thought maybe it was my eye. All of sudden the light got brighter," he said. I’m sure there was a simple explanation but the synchronicity cannot be explained away. It was what it was--a brighter vision. ~Vicki Woodyard Renunciation is always in the mind, not ingoing to forests or solitary places, orgiving up one¹s duties. The main thing is tosee that the mind does not turn outward butinward. It does not really rest with a manwhether he goes to this place or that orwhether he gives up his duties or not. Allthese events happen according to destiny.All the activities that the body is to gothrough are determined when it first comesinto existence. It does not rest with you toaccept or reject them. The only freedom youhave is to turn your mind inward and renounceactivities there.~Sri Ramana Maharshi The following is an excerpt from a letter that I wrote to Jerry Katz of Nonduality Salon. "It is important that someone who has been on the path for a long time tell the truth. All the non-duality in the world does not help you when a loved one is diagnosed with a life-threatening disease. I wept and suffered just like I had never heard of awareness being the great healer. But then.....I got a grip and the idea came to me that if I didn't learn how to nurture the now, my life would be a testament to how not to live! Many months later, my love of truth has just broadened and deepened and I now know the power of the wounded healer." And Jerry's reply, "Yes, it's warriorship, and it's a matter of getting to the place beyond pain and fear, which is the Now, as you say." ~Vicki Woodyard Liberation is our very nature. We are that.The very fact that we wish for liberationshows that freedom from all bondage is ourreal nature. It is not to be freshly acquired.All that is necessary is to get rid of the falsenotion that we are bound. When we achievethat, there will be no desire or thought of anysort. So long as one desires liberation, solong, you may take it, one is in bondage.~Sri Ramana Maharshi Emmy, my wife and I live on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Actually we live in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Brittereven more than the Brits... Oh so reserved this Victoria... But oh but...Yesterday we were going to go to a talk on Cambodia downtown, whichtalk got canceled, so we end up having a locally brewed beer on the"Inner Harbor" and there we get to share a table, outside, as it was awarm lightly breezy evening. What? Sharing a table in Victoria? That is a 'No no', I'm sure there isa British bylaw that prohibits sharing tables. But my wife is notBritish and not afraid to ask, when all tables are occupied, if we cansit on some unoccupied chairs to imbibe our beers sitting instead ofstanding. So we get to sit next to a rather reserved looking... Brit... who, loand behold, asks where we are from. You see, Brits just like Yanksalways think that when you look other than British or Yankish that youmust be alien... Actually, I'm sure he thought we were Chinese or Japanese."I am from Jersey originally, my mom anyways, my old man if from theStates, army bloke..."Neat thing was, eventually, this man opened up totally... He had nevergone to town ever before as he was afraid to run into unforeseencircumstances, but this evening, "Oh well, why not, have a beer out inthe open, my girlfriend is at work and I need to rethink therelationship, "Well you know?... A beer might help..."A hour later this man is still talking; he once had a girl friend whowas, "Well, you know, into funny things, you know Buddhist like? and Ibroke up with her as she wanted to change me into something I wasnot...Golly," he said, "everybody always wants to change me into something Inever was...""Now, I realize after all these years and all these relationship thatturned into bloody hell..., I have to do something with myself. That'swhy I am sitting here...You know," he said, "before you guys came and sat down next to me, allthese six tables were occupied by by six lonely man, all of us secretlystaring at each other from under our big hairy British eyebrows. All ofus, I bet you, wanting to start a conversation but... you know, we justdon't know how to. By Golly... we are so bloody scared that we willopen ourselves up, that our inner turmoil starts boiling and rises tothe surface..."This man ended up with tears in his eyes... we will meet him again nextTuesday evening to go to that talk on Cambodia... "Funny... Buddhism... I am into golf, I work in the Golf Industry."Wim,I love 'm... even if they are British :-) All doubts will cease only when the doubterand his source has been found. There is nouse removing doubts one by one. If we clearone doubt, another doubt will arise and therewill be no end of doubts. But if, by seeking thesource of the doubter, the doubter is found tobe really non-existent, then all doubts will cease.~Sri Ramana Maharshi At the strike of seven I’m in the glass doorway looking out at the Redwood tree and I’m in Norway with Alan, and I smell woodsmoke and I taste this Sweet-throat thrumming to the Humming in my head and in my heart. How Beautiful is this life, this Love, this lovely mind that cannot define nor divine exactly, not exactly, just Who I Am. My Heart was explored, adored to Love today, by Dolores, golden-haired Mata, maybe the mother I once knew, The Beloved One I drew my first breath from in another life, in another time.... A time when Senaldit held my hand in the deep, green forest in a land filled with Reindeer, Reindeer riveted in reality, Reindeer who really knew what Seva was. They spared the life of a another creature, of a brother-sister human who fell ill unto death when they communed in silent worship and perfect puja. They presented one of their own as a token of Love. The sacred Reindeer simply lay down in the white snow and let its spirit go free…. And I will never be the same, and I will never know just why this life as Saami sisters has Bhava blister-burned the memory of this Love so instinct-primal deep inside my mind. The Saami time with Linda, The Friend fare-thee-welling us onward, Bliss-Kissing we 'two-not-two' Mystery Voyagers with a Bon Voyage and Bare-It-All Smile, it will always be more Dear to me than I can ever say to anyone. Just above the staircase landing I revisited the time when we were Saamis, when we were homies hanging out with the Reindeer in our rain-gear of neti-neti naked skin and Awe-widened eyes, Bewildered, Bhava-birds, in dove-cries of Love to Love, Love-Cries of laughter and tears of Happy surrender to this memory we hold so clearly, so Dearly and so very Sweetly. I touched the Saami Buddha today and made a note to b, through me, to take a picture and send it to Linda, to Senaldit from Iiiskg, in memory of the Bodhisattva Reindeer rushing like Spirit-Light through You, through me, through everyone we'll ever be or see. The Land of the Reindeer Trees – where we rested in Love’s Still Abode of Peace. ~Mazie & b If we talk of knowing the Self, there mustbe two selves, one a knowing self, anotherthe self which is known, and the process ofknowing. The state we call realisation issimply being oneself, not knowing anythingor becoming anything. If one has realised,one is that which alone is and which alone hasalways been. One cannot describe that state.One can only be that. Of course, we looselytalk of Self-realisation, for want of a betterterm. How to 'real-ise' or make real thatwhich alone is real?~Sri Ramana Maharshi The Third Body "A man and a woman sit near each other, and they donot longat this moment to be older, or younger, nor bornin any other nation, or time, or place.They are content to be where they are, talking ornot-talking.Their breaths together feed someone whom we donot know.The man sees the way his fingers move;he sees her hands close around a book she handsto him.They obey a third body that they share in common.They have made a promise to love that body.Age may come, parting may come, death will come.A man and a woman sit near each other;as they breathe they feed someone we do not know,someone we know of, whom we have never seen."~ Robert Bly All other knowledges are only petty and trivialknowledges; the experience of silence alone isthe real and perfect knowledge. Know that themany objective differences are not real but aremere superimpositions on Self, which is the formof true knowledge.~Sri Ramana Maharshi When we first met again, we couldn't stoplaughing. We are laughing still.It never ends, we never stop – Flowers or horror shows turn out the same.Nothing shall remain, and sowe laugh. It's just the way we are. We say we came a long way to meet again, yet, it is as if we have never parted. I know who she is, she knows what I am. Together, we have no idea, and so we laugh. It is not as if we are strangersto ourselves, but we are stranger thanourselves, free before we were born free, and so we can freely be together, laughing through the night, justlaughing, laughing, loving into laughter into love. Really, she can put her hand on my heart andthe tiny laughter in her fingers brings laughingtears to my eyes, these Irish eyes of a Loveleaning to kiss Itself to deeper laughter still –the laughing stillness of Silence, cracking a great big Smile.This Laughter is the third body we have been feeding,but honestly, SweetHeart –we never have been able to say whois feeding, nor who isbeing fed.In such Divine Confusion, weburst out laughingall over again! ~Mazie & b We think that there is something hiding ourreality and that it must be destroyed before thereality is gained. It is ridiculous. A day will dawnwhen you will yourself laugh at your past efforts.That which will be on the day you laugh is alsohere and now.~Sri Ramana Maharshi After sunset there are swallows gathering above the apple trees. They pass my ear with the sound of feathers and wind, Then come together high and disappear Leaving me with tears wishing I could bring you their song A fast flow of joy, a stream of pearls and gems from glowing spines under golden clouds in northern summer nights. Now who goes to sleep when the sun is traveling just below the horizon and every leaf on every tree is waiting for the moment ~Alan Larus How can the mind which has itself createdthe world accept it as unreal? That is thesignificance of the comparison made betweenthe world of the waking state and the dreamworld. Both are creations of the mind and,so long as the mind is engrossed in either,it finds itself unable to deny their reality.It cannot deny the reality of the dream worldwhile it is dreaming and it cannot deny thereality of the waking world while it is awake.If, on the contrary, you withdraw your mindcompletely from the world and turn itwithin and abide there, that is, if you keepawake always to the Self which is the sub-stratum of all experiences, you will find theworld of which you are now aware is just asunreal as the world in which you lived yourdream.~Sri Ramana Maharshi LoveEternal.Protect your PC - Click here for VirusScan Online Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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