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Sri Ramana - Devotion, Inquiry, and Grace

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Sri Ramana used to say

that either one has to inquire steadfastly about the arising of the

aham vritti (the "I" thought--the feeling awareness of I AM) or

surrender entirely to the Guru that is one's own Self, the very Heart

of one's existence. In either approach, the pure ego, the sense of

identity, the "I" ness merges in the Heart and the Self.

Bhagavan often made the point that although the spiritual effort is

critical, one cannot go beyond a certain point with effort alone, and

that Grace is needed. When asked, how could one obtain Grace, Sri

Ramana would say that Grace is ever existent and always there. One only

needed to be aware of It. Just like the Sun shines equally on all and

gives life, the light of awareness shines in all beings as Grace. That

is why Ramana Maharshi often brought attention to the nature of

awareness and it's source, the Heart. This can be grasped at many

different levels depending on the spiritual maturity of the aspirant.

The fact that Self is Always Realized and that the Grace is always

there can be meditated upon.

So one makes the sincere effort, but the effort alone is usually not

enough because the effort is made by the ego, however pure, by the

person, by an identity, that is separate (has presumed itself separate)

from the Lord of the Heart. The devotee cries out in anguish, in

despair. And then like the Mother rushes towards her child, Grace takes

over, some Power,

the Power of the Self, the Divine Mother---that takes the mind and

embraces it and takes it and merges it into its Source, the Heart,

and one sees oneself as the Heart, the awareness, as pure awareness,

infinite awareness without boundaries anywhere that ancients called


Sri Ramana

beautifully pointed out to Paul Brunton that, that which is practice


the aspirant is the state of the Siddha. When awareness is aware of

itself as practice, it is due to Grace only and something starts

happening. It may be imperceptible at first and gradual over time, over

life times. But the Self Remembrance, the remembrance, starts and like

a river carries one along.

The Heart is the magnet. The words of the Guru are Grace because they

make the student alert and aware. When meditation is ripe, and all the

effort that is possible has been made, through Grace, mind and Shakti

are drawn to the Heart, and the Heart swallows up everything. That is

the Supreme Silence beyond concepts, imagination, time, and space.

Love to all


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, Harsha wrote:

> Sri Ramana used to say that either one has to inquire steadfastly


> the arising of the aham vritti (the "I" thought--the feeling


> of I AM) or surrender entirely to the Guru that is one's own Self,


> very Heart of one's existence. In either approach, the pure ego,


> sense of identity, the "I" ness merges in the Heart and the Self.


> Bhagavan often made the point that although the spiritual effort is

> critical, one cannot go beyond a certain point with effort alone,


> that Grace is needed. When asked, how could one obtain Grace, Sri


> would say that Grace is ever existent and always there. One only


> to be aware of It.


Namaste Harsha et al,


I seem to be at that point and have been for years without seeming to

make much progress. I think perhaps it may be residual samskaras and

attachments that are preventing me make much progress. It is fine to

read and practice oneself to the banks of the river and

intellectually know but how to cross? That is the


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Tony OClery

Friday, August 22, 2003 7:17 PM

Re: Sri Ramana - Devotion, Inquiry, and Grace

, Harsha wrote:>

Sri Ramana used to say that either one has to inquire steadfastly

about > the arising of the aham vritti (the "I" thought--the feeling

awareness > of I AM) or surrender entirely to the Guru that is one's

own Self, the > very Heart of one's existence. In either approach,

the pure ego, the > sense of identity, the "I" ness merges in the

Heart and the Self.> > Bhagavan often made the point that although

the spiritual effort is > critical, one cannot go beyond a certain

point with effort alone, and > that Grace is needed. When asked, how

could one obtain Grace, Sri Ramana > would say that Grace is ever

existent and always there. One only needed > to be aware of It.

Namaste Harsha et al,I seem to be at that point and have been for

years without seeming to make much progress. I think perhaps it may

be residual samskaras and attachments that are preventing me make

much progress. It is fine to read and practice oneself to the banks

of the river and intellectually know but how to cross? That is the



Please accept these words in the spirit they are given.

I'm not trying to be a wise guy.

The very expectation of progress could be the greatest hindrance. You

say you 'seem to be in a place' etc. Perhaps you need to accept the

fact that you don't really know where you are, accept that total

insecurity. Abide without any description of your situation or


Namaste, Sam


"Love itself

is the actual form of God."Sri RamanaIn "Letters from Sri

Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma Your use of is subject to


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, Sam <S.Pasiencier@p...> wrote:

> > to be aware of It.


> Namaste Harsha et al,


> I seem to be at that point and have been for years without

seeming to

> make much progress. I think perhaps it may be residual samskaras


> attachments that are preventing me make much progress. It is fine


> read and practice oneself to the banks of the river and

> intellectually know but how to cross? That is the

> question......ONS..Tony.

> ____________________________


> Please accept these words in the spirit they are given.

> I'm not trying to be a wise guy.


> The very expectation of progress could be the greatest hindrance.

You say you 'seem to be in a place' etc. Perhaps you need to accept

the fact that you don't really know where you are, accept that total

insecurity. Abide without any description of your situation or



> Namaste, Sam




Yes thank you, total surrender to the present. That is my problem, I

just wonder how long it will take for the samkaras to play out. Your

post is a good reminder, and the advice is well taken.....ONS..Tony.

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-----I seem to be at that point and have been for years without

seeming to make much progress. I think perhaps it may be residual

samskaras and attachments that are preventing me make much progress.

It is fine to read and practice oneself to the banks of the river and

intellectually know but how to cross? That is the


Dear Tony

let go of the boat ie knowledge,being a spiritual one or

identification with any lable. The vehicle by which you get to the

gates of heaven is not That which bids you enter.

Eckhart Tolle is a revelation to me, after all the years of being a

spiritual seeker he dropped the penny for me. Read him for yourself

see what you get out of it. Better still get a video as well.So

simple yet so profound.

Like you I have the intelectual understanding and now what is

hapening, through being in a state of complete acceptance of whatever

form arises in the Now, ( the field of consciousnes in which form

arises and subsides)I am in an almost automatic process of becoming

fully aware of the answer to the question "Who am I?" My mind is

becoming a place where peace and stilness abide for the most part.

This is a massive change from the monkey mind that I had before.I am

in a witness state most of the time and dont take my thoughts


I am fortunate to be going out to a seminar put on by Ramesh Balsekar

in India this December. He is one of the "enlightened masters" of

Advaita of the same linage as Ramana. He maintains we have no choice

we are just following our script as is everyone else. There is just

the one consciousness.His message is similar to Eckhart's. The only

place and time that we can be aware of being enlightened is Now.

It is true that the elightened one will contribute to your spiritual

awakening through His presence but at some point you

give up the search when you are ready Tony and see what happens.

Hope this is helpfull.

Regards Chris


"Love itself

is the actual form of God."Sri RamanaIn "Letters from Sri

Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma Your use of is subject to


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, "Tony OClery" <aoclery>


> Yes thank you, total surrender to the present. That is my problem,


> just wonder how long it will take for the samkaras to play out.


> post is a good reminder, and the advice is well taken.....ONS..Tony.



Hey, Tony, I remember you from when I was reading this list a couple

of years ago... and today you are not the same man. So maybe from up

close it's hard to see those samskaras evaporating by the minute, but

those at a distance sure can. (I'll betcha if you read some of your

old posts from way back when, you'll be able see it too.)


Take heart! Be gentle with yourself. All is well.




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, "Tony OClery"

<aoclery> wrote:

> I seem to be at that point and have been for years without

seeming to

> make much progress. I think perhaps it may be residual

samskaras and

> attachments that are preventing me make much progress. It is

fine to

> read and practice oneself to the banks of the river and

> intellectually know but how to cross? That is the

> question......ONS..Tony.


Hi Tony,


Same boat, my man...keep at it.))))))


This from Talks:


M. : A strong conviction is necessary that I am the Self,

transcending the mind and phenomena.


D.: Neerthe less, the mind proes to be a cord against attempts

to sink it.


M.: What does it matter if the mind is active? It is so only on the

substrtum of the Self. Hold the Self even during mental activities.


D.: I cannot go within sufficiently deep.


M.: It is wrong to say so. Where are you now if not in the Self?

( see Chris's reply about Now and Tolle)

Ramana continues: Where should you go? All that is necessary

is the stern belief that you are the Self. Say rather that the other

activities throw a veil on you.


D.: Yes, it is so.


M.: That means the conviction is weak.


D.: I understand that the "i" is only artificial (krtrima), my attempts

at realising the real 'I', are unavailing because the artificial ' I' is

brought into action for realising the other.


M.: Viveka Chudamani makes it clear that the artificial 'I' of the

vijnana kosa is a projection and through it one must look to the

significance (vachya) of ' I' , the true principle.



It seems to me that Sri Ramana is saying to realise the *status*

of the Self, the true "I". Our conviction of the status of

Consciousness is lacking and we mistakenly identify it with the

limitations seen and felt to be body and mind.


We are Already There.Convince yourself. Investigate. Are you

Consciousness? And if so, what is it's condition (vachya)?


I am looking into this matter as well and am determined to get to

the bottom of "Now". LOL


love, Shawn

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> "kheyalove" <kheyala

> 2003/08/22 Fri PM 05:21:57 EDT


> Re: Sri Ramana - Devotion, Inquiry, and Grace


Hey, Tony, I remember you from when I was reading this list a couple

of years ago... and today you are not the same man. So maybe from up

close it's hard to see those samskaras evaporating by the minute, but

those at a distance sure can. (I'll betcha if you read some of your

old posts from way back when, you'll be able see it too.)


Take heart! Be gentle with yourself. All is well.





And we are with you all the way Tony! :-).








"Love itself is the actual form of God."


Ramana Maharshi

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Dear Shawn,


That quote from Sri Ramana brings back some fond, wonderful and funny memories

of the 1970s. I had had some very difficult years of awakening in the early and

mid 1970s but somehow (God only knows how!) managed to finish college and

graduate with a philosophy degree and devoted myself to full time practice of

meditation and teaching of yoga. I was around 22 and after having read the

"Talks with Sri Ramana" became totally convinced that I was perfectly

enlightened! I was not hesitant to declare myself such if the conversation

called for it, even if I was speaking with monks who had been meditating for

years! Of course, they thought I was quite egotistical and so on with a flawed

and immature personality, etc!. And I thought that they were nice people but

unfortunately ignorant. Too bad! :-).


I was teaching yoga then and had little money but never felt poor. There was not

much furniture and I used to sleep on the floor. "The Talks" which I used to

sleep with beside me had seeped into me so much. I thought if the Sage of

Arunachala says, "You are the Self, you are already enlightened, the Self is

already Realized," then how can it be contradicted. What power can contradict

the words of Bhagavan Ramana on the this matter. I believed it, sensed it, felt

it in my bones and in the fiber of my being! Ramana Maharshi also came in my

dreams and blessed me which gave me even more confidence and I did not care what

others thought. So it was a fun time with many experiences. Later on, after some

time, by Bhagavan's Grace alone when I realized the nature of the Heart, the

Self, I saw that in our ordinary consciousness, the light is always there. It is

obscured at times by the suffering and fluctuations of the mind. I had been

perfectly right to trust Sri Ramana's words.


So the karmas have to be played out. Sri Ramana said that the body (mind) has

come into existence and has to go through certain experiences. Joy, sadness,

depression, love, relationships, interactions, pleasure, suffering, all are part

of the it. And that is OK. So we are all in this boat together. All living

beings --- gurus, teachers, students, enlightened, non-enlightened, etc. And I

feel great love emanating and great friendship from all directions.


May the suffering and sorrow of all beings cease. May all engage in mutual help

and mutual welfare.


Lots of Love

Blessings to the cosmos


May the great compassion of the sages be felt everywhere in in the heart of all








"Shawn Hair" <shawn

> 2003/08/22 Fri PM 08:31:43 EDT


> Re: Sri Ramana - Devotion, Inquiry, and Grace



This from Talks:


M. : A strong conviction is necessary that I am the Self,

transcending the mind and phenomena.


D.: Neerthe less, the mind proes to be a cord against attempts

to sink it.


M.: What does it matter if the mind is active? It is so only on the

substrtum of the Self. Hold the Self even during mental activities.


D.: I cannot go within sufficiently deep.


M.: It is wrong to say so. Where are you now if not in the Self?

( see Chris's reply about Now and Tolle)

Ramana continues: Where should you go? All that is necessary

is the stern belief that you are the Self. Say rather that the other

activities throw a veil on you.


D.: Yes, it is so.


M.: That means the conviction is weak.


D.: I understand that the "i" is only artificial (krtrima), my attempts

at realising the real 'I', are unavailing because the artificial ' I' is

brought into action for realising the other.


M.: Viveka Chudamani makes it clear that the artificial 'I' of the

vijnana kosa is a projection and through it one must look to the

significance (vachya) of ' I' , the true principle.






"Love itself is the actual form of God."


Ramana Maharshi

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Oh, Harsha, your words bring tears to my eyes.

Thank you so much for opening your loving heart to all!





, wrote:

> Dear Shawn,


> That quote from Sri Ramana brings back some fond, wonderful and

funny memories of the 1970s. I had had some very difficult years of

awakening in the early and mid 1970s but somehow (God only knows

how!) managed to finish college and graduate with a philosophy degree

and devoted myself to full time practice of meditation and teaching

of yoga. I was around 22 and after having read the "Talks with Sri

Ramana" became totally convinced that I was perfectly enlightened! I

was not hesitant to declare myself such if the conversation called

for it, even if I was speaking with monks who had been meditating for

years! Of course, they thought I was quite egotistical and so on with

a flawed and immature personality, etc!. And I thought that they were

nice people but unfortunately ignorant. Too bad! :-).


> I was teaching yoga then and had little money but never felt poor.

There was not much furniture and I used to sleep on the floor. "The

Talks" which I used to sleep with beside me had seeped into me so

much. I thought if the Sage of Arunachala says, "You are the Self,

you are already enlightened, the Self is already Realized," then how

can it be contradicted. What power can contradict the words of

Bhagavan Ramana on the this matter. I believed it, sensed it, felt it

in my bones and in the fiber of my being! Ramana Maharshi also came

in my dreams and blessed me which gave me even more confidence and I

did not care what others thought. So it was a fun time with many

experiences. Later on, after some time, by Bhagavan's Grace alone

when I realized the nature of the Heart, the Self, I saw that in our

ordinary consciousness, the light is always there. It is obscured at

times by the suffering and fluctuations of the mind. I had been

perfectly right to trust Sri Ramana's words.


> So the karmas have to be played out. Sri Ramana said that the body

(mind) has come into existence and has to go through certain

experiences. Joy, sadness, depression, love, relationships,

interactions, pleasure, suffering, all are part of the it. And that

is OK. So we are all in this boat together. All living beings ---

gurus, teachers, students, enlightened, non-enlightened, etc. And I

feel great love emanating and great friendship from all directions.


> May the suffering and sorrow of all beings cease. May all engage in

mutual help and mutual welfare.


> Lots of Love

> Blessings to the cosmos


> May the great compassion of the sages be felt everywhere in in the

heart of all beings


> Love,

> Harsha


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> Dear Shawn,


> That quote from Sri Ramana brings back some fond,

wonderful and funny memories of the 1970s. I had had some

very difficult years of awakening in the early and mid 1970s but

somehow (God only knows how!) managed to finish college and

graduate with a philosophy degree and devoted myself to full

time practice of meditation and teaching of yoga. I was around

22 and after having read the "Talks with Sri Ramana" became

totally convinced that I was perfectly enlightened! I was not

hesitant to declare myself such if the conversation called for it,

even if I was speaking with monks who had been meditating for

years! Of course, they thought I was quite egotistical and so on

with a flawed and immature personality, etc!. And I thought that

they were nice people but unfortunately ignorant. Too bad! :-).


> I was teaching yoga then and had little money but never felt

poor. There was not much furniture and I used to sleep on the

floor. "The Talks" which I used to sleep with beside me had

seeped into me so much. I thought if the Sage of Arunachala

says, "You are the Self, you are already enlightened, the Self is

already Realized," then how can it be contradicted. What power

can contradict the words of Bhagavan Ramana on the this

matter. I believed it, sensed it, felt it in my bones and in the fiber

of my being! Ramana Maharshi also came in my dreams and

blessed me which gave me even more confidence and I did not

care what others thought. So it was a fun time with many

experiences. Later on, after some time, by Bhagavan's Grace

alone when I realized the nature of the Heart, the Self, I saw that

in our ordinary consciousness, the light is always there. It is

obscured at times by the suffering and fluctuations of the mind. I

had been perfectly right to trust Sri Ramana's words.


> So the karmas have to be played out. Sri Ramana said that the

body (mind) has come into existence and has to go through

certain experiences. Joy, sadness, depression, love,

relationships, interactions, pleasure, suffering, all are part of the

it. And that is OK. So we are all in this boat together. All living

beings --- gurus, teachers, students, enlightened,

non-enlightened, etc. And I feel great love emanating and great

friendship from all directions.


> May the suffering and sorrow of all beings cease. May all

engage in mutual help and mutual welfare.


> Lots of Love

> Blessings to the cosmos


> May the great compassion of the sages be felt everywhere in in

the heart of all beings


> Love,

> Harsha



Thank you Harsha,


I'm glad I could stir up fond memories. I read a little of the Talks

daily and alternate with Nisargadatta's Talks (I AM That) and they

give great encouragement. I think it is very important to give

encouragement and a sense of comraderie.


I know I have learned much in the little time I have been online in

some of these groups as well as from life's little kicks. I have

been blessed not have been kicked too hard. (Thank you God!)


I know full well I am not "realised" but am the Self. And so far

this is a very good point to be made. I don't think Sri Ramana

ever says we are all already realised or enlightened. What he

does say is that we are all the Self, or in the Self. Realising it is

what we are up to. We are mistaken in our identification.


And believe me I know when I write this stuff it is as much if not

more to help me as it is to help another. I listen to these words

coming out of my mouth and sometimes I am thinking at the

same time: geez I wish that would really hit home here! lol


Reading your post Harsha reminded me of a time when I was

rejected by a girl I thought I was madly in love with. I cried for

hours...I mean I really indulged myself ( this was really puppylove

and lust btw) and suddenly it dawned on me that my hurt from

thinking I was no longer loved by her was all in my head! I had

come to an understanding that all the love I was getting

previously from her was actually *my love for her* and to love her

didn't require her participation. So I was really crying for the

selfish loss of my object to love and "real love" always has a

wounded feel to it because of the *necesary percieved



I guess maybe this wounded feeling goes away with the

complete dissolution of the ego?


Perhaps this is our whole reason for the quest?


love, Shawn

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After reading your post, Tonyji, I found myself online looking for the

Bhagavan story which Harshaji had posted before because I liked it so

much and it seemed to be written for you, for me and for all of us.

I found it and saved it and then got diverted to Rumi. (I get

diverted alot :-) Then I went to sleep... This morning I checked my

email and found more posts. I feel so blessed to be part of this

sangha. I know I have said this before, but as you get older, you

tend to repeat yourself alot :-)

Anyway, not only are we all with you, we are all,um, in the same boat,

as Shawn, Harsha and Rumi and many others would say. Talk about a

crowded house!!! I think it is very hard for people on these lists

to acknowledge their struggles. Everyone wants to be enlightened and

full of bliss, or seem that way. None of us is free from the

fructifying karma within, or I guess we would not be here at all,

except for a few souls who agree to come back even though they don't

have to...can't imagine why anyone would want to do that!!!

Excuse the appearance of this format but I can't seem to alter it from

the format of the title of the article below (and I am too lazy to try

any harder) which contains the story I started to talk about, and

then got diverted from...but I always seem to come back to where I

started...Thank you, God, for everything...I have no complaints :-)

At the Feet of Bhagavan Leaves from the Diary of T. K. Sundaresa Iyer

Edited by Duncan GreenlessSri Bhagavan's Birth Centenary Offering, 1980


It is my proud privilege to write about my teacher, Sri T. K.

Sundaresa Iyer. He was not only a bhakta of the highest order but

also an erudite scholar, though he did not possess any academic

qualifications. His knowledge of English, Sanskrit and of course

Tamil, was vast and deep. Added to these, Sri T.K.S., as he was

addressed affectionately by all, acted as an interpreter to

English-speaking visitors in their conversations with Sri Bhagavan.

He also replied to correspondence received by the Ashram on spiritual

matters, consulting Sri Bhagavan every time he had to reply to

specific spiritual questions. Thus he acquired a full and

comprehensive knowledge of Sri Bhagavan's teachings which have been

incorporated in this book. His reminiscences of the Master, portray

the beauty, tenderness and compassion of Sri Bhagavan's personality.

The narration of Sri Bhagavan taking care of the cracked egg is,

perhaps, the standing example for this. His language is simple but in

content its richness does not lag behind any similar spiritual


He has helped many seekers, including myself, in clarifying the path

of Ramana. There are still many who unhesitatingly express their deep

debt to Sri. T.K.S. for their spiritual maturity. I can, without

hesitation, affirm that he was not only a Rishi in appearance but

also in experience.


September 1, 1980 Holy day of Sri Bhagavan's Advent at Arunachala Sri Ramanasramam

V. Ganesan Managing Editor The Mountain Path

Part One - Guru's Grace

1. Introduction - 'A Lifetime with Bhagavan'

One day I wondered why I was visiting him at all. What was the use?

There seemed to be no inner advancement. Going up the hill was

meaningless toil. I decided to end my visits on the hill. For one

hundred days exactly I did not see Bhagavan. On the hundred and first

day I could suffer no longer and I ran to Skandasramam, above

Virupaksha Cave. Bhagavan saw me climbing, got up and came forward to

meet me. When I fell at his feet, I could not restrain myself and

burst into tears. I clung to them and would not get up. Bhagavan

pulled me up and asked: "It is over three months since I saw you.

Where were you?'' I told him how I thought that seeing him was of no

use. "All right,'' he said, "maybe it is of no use, so what? You felt

the loss, did you not?'' Then I understood that we did not go to him

for profit, but because away from him there was no life for us.

Whenever I went up the hill to see Bhagavan, I used to buy something

to eat and take it with me as an offering. One day I had no money. I

stood before Bhagavan in a dejected mood and said: "This poor man has

brought nothing.'' Bhagavan looked at me enquiringly and remarked:

"Why you brought the main thing. All else is unimportant.'' I

wondered, not knowing what I brought. "Don't you understand? You

brought yourself,'' laughed Bhagavan.

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Kheyala, devotees of Sri Ramana recognize each other quickly!






> "kheyalove" <kheyala

> 2003/08/23 Sat AM 02:50:57 EDT


> Re: Sri Ramana - Devotion, Inquiry, and Grace



Oh, Harsha, your words bring tears to my eyes.

Thank you so much for opening your loving heart to all!







"Love itself is the actual form of God."


Ramana Maharshi

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> "Shawn Hair" <shawn

> 2003/08/23 Sat AM 05:42:47 EDT


> Re: Sri Ramana - Devotion, Inquiry, and Grace


Reading your post Harsha reminded me of a time when I was

rejected by a girl I thought I was madly in love with. I cried for hours...


love, Shawn


Shawn, you must have a lot of good karma and led past lives with a merit



Most men are rejected not by one woman but by dozens and dozens of women. Some

are rejected every night at posh bars and good restaurants. Crying for hours is

nothing compared to crying for days or months or even longer. Anyway, count your

blessings man! :-).







"Love itself is the actual form of God."


Ramana Maharshi

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