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Love and Mating

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Hello Bhuvan and everyone here,

: )

Due to excess drinking, my early sunday morning was spent in a

hospital, unconscious, with a needle stuck in a vein transferring to

my body huge amounts of liquid glicosis and some other two or three

die-another-day drugs to keep me from finishing this dream and

starting over again. Fortunately, it was not my time to go yet so I

woke up 7:30 AM in a hospital bed not remembering how I had got there

up until some half hour later when I my mind began to work properly


I read a message from Ecirada in which he quoted Swami Sivananda.

Now, I understand that Swami Sivananda was conveying a message

when he wrote all that. He was being subtle and conveying the message

of the ANIMALITY of the average "John Doe" type of human. He was

pointing out how close to animal behavior these people are. John Doe

merely follows his instincts, and yes Ecirada, Mr. Doe is unable to

feel any love for a woman, what he terms love is either a feeling of

male excitation and instinctual protection of the female he considers

to be his, or a feeling of companionship, a kind of friendship.

The love I talk about is not of this kind. This love is the

perception of the Self in all beings, and in the beloved being

especially but it does not limit itself to the beloved being. Yes, an

80 year old woman is loved if there is true love because this true

love emanates in all directions. The few times I have experienced

this, I have felt that I had become a channel for Love, and this Love

included everything, there was nothing excluded or apart from this


But I also talk about a "love" which is wise, the result of this

first Love I mentioned. And yes there is an object to this lesser

love. It is the SACREDNESS of what you call "mating", and according

to your scientifically-oriented mind, a type of mind which most of

the times misses emotion, beauty and TRUE feelings and the sacredness

of the Human Being, whatever be his color, creed, sexual preference,

affective preference, whatever, the union of male and female is

sacred. Have you ever seen the sign of the Pranava? Try to look at it

for some minutes and try to see that it is a phallus entering a

vagina, if you look at it correctly. All expressions of Love are

sacred. So why I cannot see a goddess? John Doe sees the woman's

butt shaking in front of him and gets animally excited, this is a

more rude perception that John has. And if I appreciate the beautiful

women it does not mean that I guard my love only for them. And it does

not mean that I only talk to beautiful women. NO, NO, NO. The

appreciation of beauty as spiritual has very little to do with John

Doe's appreciation of his wife's boobs, or should I say, it is much

more refined than that. It includes the perception of the beauty of

Brahman manifested as Maya. It is like a beautiful beach, a beautiful

sunrise. Can you say there is nothing spiritual in these? And

furthermore, the sexual drive is the lower reflex of the will to

unite, to become one, to PUT AN END TO THE DUALISM of the mind by the

conjunction of the opposites. So you can look and see the sexual drive

as having nothing to do with love. Or you can see the sexual drive

with love as the most beautiful reflection of the will to unity,

unconscious in most of the human beings, the will to be one again,

and not separated.

I think Ecirada you are falling into a very dualistic vision that

the world is basically evil, human beings are mere animals. I will end

this citing Lord Buddha: "A pig sees only pigs, a Buddha sees only

Buddhas." You see what you want to see. And then you may find that

the animal, even the animal, is actually spiritual. A woman's breast

is spiritual too! Why it cannot be? Because it is related to

pleasure? And pleasure implies guilt? I say, let the West put an end

to guilt. I think Westerners had enough of guilt. Love is divine, and

mating , to me, represents the incontrollable spiritual will to Unity

of the dualistic mind.




bhuvan eswar chilukuri

Sunday, September 21, 2003 5:56 AM

Re: Re: Re: Introduction

Hellolooloo Fred the seeker of advaitha and Ramana,That is the

beginning of all fusion from and of all confusion!!!How can light and

darkness co-exist!!!I wonder what happens to you when you next time

holda woman in your embrace and then simultaneously ask who is

holding whom and then immediately separate the question from the

questioner and hold the questioner tight ,man!!!,real tight without

any gap between the holding and the held !!!Then you



ga:ni mo:ksha ga:mi ga:dulover but salvation but not

become'Unless a lover ,a seeker after truth he will not become!'Love

to the very marrow of the bones of your lover.All the best!!!You know

what happened to one of our beloved saints Kabir Das(?) ,the poet:he

too fell in love with his wife top,bottom,center,left and

right,inside and outside and every side !!!Hooyyaa!in the stormy

night , he mistook a corpse for a log and held on to it in the mighty

Ganga,crossed the river in the dark night and then reached the house

of his beloved wife and climbed through the black serpent thinking

that it was a rope and reached the upstairs to see his love.When his

wife saw him dripping in the downstairs ( in rain,boy!) ,she said,"If

only you show this to God!!!"That is the end of the whole show and the

beginning of all shows!!!Love only the one who created the most

beautiful woman!!!How much more beautiful he will be!!!I am a

bachelor and I am trying but the going is slippery!!!BECAUSE I AM

FOOOOOOTLOOOOSE !!!I am getting some proverbial exercises to make my

feet strong!!!As Larus found the red lotus flowersWhere there is a

will there is a wayWhere there is a will God will show the wayAs

Larus found the red lotus flowersYou know about this lotus show?If

not ask one Lady Joy - she is in Heaven but descends once in a way to

and nowadays to Proverbiallinguists.She knows what is

love since she wrote n immortal poem on love just

recently!!!SEEYAALOVERBOYYOURS Proverbially in

HarshhhARShAICALLY,Chilukuri BhuvaneswarOn Sun, 21 Sep 2003 Frederico

S. Gonzales wrote :> Hello Percy,>> I'm no authority on

Advaitin matters, but if you really want to >hear my opinions, : ) ,

here they are.>> > When I read Maharshi's booklet it became clear to

me that>he> > was speaking from another vantage point, which I

intuitively> > recognized as being the consequence of a true

spiritual >experience.>>>This intuitively recognized, plise

explain.>You mean, he knows, not borrow answers?>I also think.>I wait

to know your reply.>> Yes, exactly. Maharshi spoke from a state of

consciousness >very different than mine. I could feel that when I read

the >booklet. I could with absolute certainty SEE that he had

>something there. It was not a hoax. It was consistent. He speaks >

from a different dimension of interpretation of experience. He

>clearly attained Unity of subject-object. He "swallowed the >world"

into himself, and in the process both "world" and >"himself" were

gone. What remained was a Sahaj-Samadhi, a state >where everything

you perceive is actually YOU. So there is no >difference among two

things, if this basic difference of ME and >WORLD is gone. This is so

deep and I feel this is such a >frightening leap of consciousness that

some people have done. >Maharshi had the guts to jump over the

precipice and reach the >other side in complete divine safety.>> >

Since then I have been meditating and reading much about >various> >

authors, especially Ramesh Balsekar and Nisargadatta >Maharaj.> >

But when I read Maharshi I understood he was simply >saying:> >

Look. The world is not what it seems. You have many >deep-rooted> >

notions (avidya) which you are not aware of, but which

>condition>your mind into dualism. Your consciousness and the

Universe >generate>each other, so there is no two, it is one.>>>This

makes confusion for me.>If you say Ramana say there is no two, only

one, who have >notions>(avidya)?>> That's a very interesting

question yes! (smiles)> I think perhaps the subject having notions

is PART OF THE >NOTIONS.> Then, if there is no more notions, there

is no more subject, >just a flowing experience. In un-realized

subjects, this >experience is still dual: a process of phenomena and

perceptions >which are considered external to oneself, and a process

of >subjective feelings, sensations, perceptions and notions which

>are considered to be one's self.>>Who have mind?>> I think I can

get what you are suggesting. There is no mind. >Is this what you are

suggesting?> I think minds are part of the Avidya. But they are

good so >we become attached to the notion of an "I", which for some

people >is related to body, for others to mind. But it is always in

the >mind, because the body appears in the mind. No mind, no body,

>nobody. : ) But somehow I feel this to be too frightening. Call >me

chicken if you will. : )>> > After a lot of mediation I came to

the conclusion that this >was> > actually the case. I hope I can

experience this directly >soon.>>What difference conclusion from

meditation and experience this>directly?>Meditation not make you

experience directly, no?>> I would not like to start talking about

my personal >experiences now. I can talk about them in the near

future.> Meditation depends on what you mean by meditation. I

meant, >mental reflection, thinking very subtly. Yes can make you

>experience directly. But to me, frightening. The dear world, the

>dear REALITY you had is gone. It frightens me, I still want LOVE >to

make some sense. I think in higher Absorptions (Samadhi) there >is no

more love, it's plain nondual void and " I " don't like >this. I

still need my familiar, boring, suffering world. : )>> >Until> > then

I would like to share opinions, bits of knowledge and> > illumination

with people who have a similar intuition about >the> > nature of

reality and that is why I joined this list.> > May we all have

serenity and clarity for attaining true >spiritual> >

knowledge.>>>Yes, I too need to learn, so ask you to help.>>You very

young, your age I only chase woman, not Ramana.>>Now I chase Ramana

and woman.>>No succeed in both.>>>With best wishes>>Percy>>> Haha, I

chase both two. More women than Ramana, I must admit.> So far, good

success with women but not with loving women. >Only superficiality,

sex and lack of sensitiveness.> As to Ramana and Advaita, it's a

piece of the finest silk.> I like to compare Ramana's teachings to

the most beautiful >women. I feel equally attracted to both. : )

Although nowadays I >pursue more women than Unity.>>> Best

Regards!>> Fred>>>>>> Sponsor>



itself is the actual form of God.">>Sri Ramana>>In "Letters from Sri

Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma>>Your use of is subject

to the Terms of


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"Love itself is

the actual form of God."Sri RamanaIn "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam"

by Suri Nagamma

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On 9/21/03 at 7:19 PM Frederico S. Gonzales wrote:

Hello Bhuvan and everyone here,


Hi Fred,


: )

Due to excess drinking, my early sunday morning was spent in a

hospital, unconscious, with a needle stuck in a vein transferring to

my body huge amounts of liquid glicosis and some other two or three

die-another-day drugs to keep me from finishing this dream and

starting over again. Fortunately, it was not my time to go yet so I

woke up 7:30 AM in a hospital bed not remembering how I had got there

up until some half hour later when I my mind began to work properly



Brain damage usually, irreparable, but most systems have reserve capacity.

Pleasure comes with the cost of pain and one excessive, so the other.


I read a message from Ecirada in which he quoted Swami Sivananda.

Now, I understand that Swami Sivananda was conveying a message

when he wrote all that. He was being subtle and conveying the message

of the ANIMALITY of the average "John Doe" type of human. He was

pointing out how close to animal behavior these people are. John Doe

merely follows his instincts, and yes Ecirada, Mr. Doe is unable to

feel any love for a woman, what he terms love is either a feeling of

male excitation and instinctual protection of the female he considers

to be his, or a feeling of companionship, a kind of friendship.


Actually, Sivananda wasn't subtle, as i could observe, while reciting

the paragraph in the company of several colleagues at work.

A term like "slave of passions and emotions" leaves little doubt.


The love I talk about is not of this kind. This love is the

perception of the Self in all beings, and in the beloved being

especially but it does not limit itself to the beloved being. Yes, an

80 year old woman is loved if there is true love because this true

love emanates in all directions. The few times I have experienced

this, I have felt that I had become a channel for Love, and this Love

included everything, there was nothing excluded or apart from this


But I also talk about a "love" which is wise, the result of this

first Love I mentioned. And yes there is an object to this lesser

love. It is the SACREDNESS of what you call "mating", and according

to your scientifically-oriented mind, a type of mind which most of

the times misses emotion, beauty and TRUE feelings and the sacredness

of the Human Being, whatever be his color, creed, sexual preference,

affective preference, whatever, the union of male and female is

sacred. Have you ever seen the sign of the Pranava? Try to look at it

for some minutes and try to see that it is a phallus entering a

vagina, if you look at it correctly. All expressions of Love are



Sacred and desecrated are but the two sides of same coin, and often it

doesn't even get noticed, a coin can stand on its third side, so both

can be

visible simultaneously. Love regards attraction, gravity: suns, planets, moons, creatures.


So why I cannot see a goddess? John Doe sees the woman's butt shaking

in front of him and gets animally excited, this is a more rude

perception that John has. And if I appreciate the beautiful women it

does not mean that I guard my love only for them. And it does not

mean that I only talk to beautiful women. NO, NO, NO. The

appreciation of beauty as spiritual has very little to do with John

Doe's appreciation of his wife's boobs, or should I say, it is much

more refined than that. It includes the perception of the beauty of

Brahman manifested as Maya. It is like a beautiful beach, a beautiful

sunrise. Can you say there is nothing spiritual in these? And

furthermore, the sexual drive is the lower reflex of the will to

unite, to become one, to PUT AN END TO THE DUALISM of the mind by the

conjunction of the opposites. So you can look and see the sexual drive

as having nothing to do with love. Or you can see the sexual drive

with love as the most beautiful reflection of the will to unity,

unconscious in most of the human beings, the will to be one again,

and not separated.


There is no end to what a mind engrossed in phenomenality can come up

with. Whatever happiness gets triggered by senses,

can flow without such external stimulus, as could have been known from

dreaming, and even better in lucid dreaming.

Hence, triggers gone via transformation, happiness flows without a

cause. Something that at apperception can't be known,

at best, intuited.


I think Ecirada you are falling into a very dualistic vision that

the world is basically evil, human beings are mere animals. I will end

this citing Lord Buddha: "A pig sees only pigs, a Buddha sees only

Buddhas." You see what you want to see. And then you may find that

the animal, even the animal, is actually spiritual. A woman's breast

is spiritual too! Why it cannot be? Because it is related to

pleasure? And pleasure implies guilt? I say, let the West put an end

to guilt. I think Westerners had enough of guilt. Love is divine, and

mating , to me, represents the incontrollable spiritual will to Unity

of the dualistic mind.


For a dualistic mind, a stimulus like "woman" or "booze" comes from

"outside" and with that, enjoyment, cut off when the apparition


Not to mention the tons of philosophy on views on pleasure, pain,

holiness, unholiness, good/bad with nouns attached and related


At least that will keep the pundits and teachers employed.

Your case, as so aptly quoted, wants to see pleasure under the banner

of holiness no? Pain then, unholy?

Care to explain the holiness of a creature like "cow" or "elephant"

and the difference with a "chicken" that doesn't have that status?

For a Chinese consumer, all are tasting great.







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Hello Jan and everyone,

Good morning. It is a nice monday morning -- as nice a monday

morning can be -- and the sun is shining in Rio.

My near-death experience of yesterday morning made me think

about how I am being too hard on myself. And also what I need to do

and how I need to take things more lightly in order not to fail at

several things I have been doing.

But let me stop this personal blabla and let us continue our

informal conversation if you will, Jan.

Brain damage usually, irreparable, but most systems have reserve capacity.

Pleasure comes with the cost of pain and one excessive, so the other.

Yes that is often the case. As I don't believe there is actually

a brain apart from my mind, or should I say, as I believe that the

brain appears in my consciousness, not the contrary, I am not very

afraid of brain damage. Of course I understand this damage exists and

may happen but I believe that Spirit is to a great extent able to

protect one's brain and physical apparatus when difficult situations

happen. I think this happens automatically for example with an

alcoholic coma, such as I had, when you lose consciousness it is

simply the Self taking over. It's like the Self simply forces the

stupid alcohol-indulging and woman-loving personality out, probably

enraged and disgusted at the excess drinking and the self-destructive

atitude of that personality. The Self simply takes over and that is

deep sleep, complete unconsciousness. Thanks for the

scientific-oriented-mind information.

Actually, Sivananda wasn't subtle, as i could observe, while

reciting the paragraph in the company of several colleagues at work.

A term like "slave of passions and emotions" leaves little doubt.

Well well...Jan don't tell me you are dutch or german because

this is quite obvious from the energy I feel in your posts. Now. One

thing. You have the great privilege of having appeared as a mind-body

in a country like Netherlands or Germany. I have been there. The

mental atmosphere is more stable, more focused on reason. This is

very good for people like myself who seek some true peace in life, in

daily occupations. Only reason can provide this peace. And a good

society, a good Sangha is excellent for development of qualities as

you may know. On the other hand, you don't get the natural beauty of

Rio de Janeiro in the Netherlands. : ) So I guess I am not that

unlucky of having been born here. But still, understand one thing:

you are privileged to have been born in a fairly equal, peaceful and

stable society in which you can be peaceful.

Sacred and desecrated are but the two sides of same coin, and

often it doesn't even get noticed, a coin can stand on its third

side, so both can be

visible simultaneously. Love regards attraction, gravity: suns, planets, moons, creatures.

I think you have elaborated a real lot there Jan. I feel you

have condensed a lot of interesting information in this paragraph,

but my damaged brain cannot fully aprehend it.

You suggested that sacred and desecrated have to be overcome,

these two concepts being dual? I agree with you. Not sacred not

desecrated. Empty of any quality then?

There is no end to what a mind engrossed in phenomenality can come up with.

I understand what is phenomenality. I don't understand why

phenomenality is so bad, though. Is not Maya = Brahman ?

Whatever happiness gets triggered by senses,

can flow without such external stimulus, as could have been known from

dreaming, and even better in lucid dreaming.

Yes. I agree. Thank you for reminding this to me.

Hence, triggers gone via transformation, happiness flows without a

cause. Something that at apperception can't be known,

at best, intuited.

What do you mean by "triggers gone via transformation"?

Triggers=senses? what transformation are you referring to?

For a dualistic mind, a stimulus like "woman" or "booze" comes from

"outside" and with that, enjoyment, cut off when the apparition


Yes. I have heard Maharshi, who had no stimulus coming from

"outside", was very fond of women too. If this is not true, I would

like to hear about this because when I heard it it also made me a

little confused. Also, what do you mean by "apparition"? You mean

the woman and the booze?

Not to mention the tons of philosophy on views on pleasure, pain,

holiness, unholiness, good/bad with nouns attached and related


At least that will keep the pundits and teachers employed.

Your case, as so aptly quoted, wants to see pleasure under the banner

of holiness no? Pain then, unholy?

Pleasure in as much as it satisfies the Self, and is not something

that you should be attached to, but still something that satisfies. I

understand clearly that you are right here, I cannot argue with you

on this. Pleasure and pain are both equally holy. That was the idea I

was trying to convey. Spiritual experiences sometimes comes to me in a

burst of tears for absolutely no reason. It is suffering and pain, and

yet there is the feeling of holiness.

Care to explain the holiness of a creature like "cow" or "elephant"

and the difference with a "chicken" that doesn't have that status?

For a Chinese consumer, all are tasting great.

I am not a Hindu. I don't consider a cow to be sacred, then. All

animals are sacred to me. But I think that the old Hindu society was

very much into symbols and so they saw symbols of certain qualities

in each animal, and the Pandits taught the mass that those animals

were sacred because they represented this and that. The mass, as

always, (and notice that I am not a supporter of the caste system),

distorted the thing and began to actually worship the animals and not

the qualities they represented. The symbol became more important than

the meaning. That is called "degeneration" and was part of the

degeneration of Hindu society in my view. The mass was probably

helped in this wrong worshipping of the form instead of the meaning

by some Brahmins who were equally ignorant.

A clear example of this is BRAHMACHARYA. This is not CHASTITY,

it's LIVING WITH BRAHMAN, actually. Abiding in Brahman, the Self. But

as always, the mass of people took it and made of it a wicked

interpretation, so, if a woman or a man "lives with Brahman" he

cannot "live with his wife" and so the concept developed to the point

where Brahmacharya is considered to be sexual chastity. Ramana the

Great was very fond himself of clearing these clouds of deviation

from the true meaning.

What I think is that you are dividing dualistically "pleasure" and

"holiness". I think this method is very efficient for people who have

no mental discipline, but for the mentally disciplined, pleasure and

holiness can go together. It is only the mind which separates

pleasure from holiness. And this is because pleasure relates more to

the animal part of man, whereas holiness relates more to the mental

part of man. If there is room for both, with balance, there is no

problem. Problem is excess pleasure, as well as excess holiness.

Excess holiness distances from the physiological desires. I believe

many Yogis can, but I cannot control my testosterone levels and

impede completely my desires. Call me a slave of passions and

emotions if you will, I prefer to call myself "a human being". And

believe me, if I go too far in the Pleasure side, it's because I feel

really depressed about the lack of a Satsangh here where I live.

Everybody here in Rio has only two concerns: money and sex. People of

my social class are extremely vain, worried about looking good all the

time and mating. I have been greatly influenced by the place I was

born in and lived my 21 years of this dream.



Thank you. That is something I'm in real need of, Jan. Peace.

Love and understanding for you, my friend.



"Love itself

is the actual form of God."Sri RamanaIn "Letters from Sri

Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma Your use of is subject to


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On 9/22/03 at 7:53 AM Frederico S. Gonzales wrote:

Hello Jan and everyone,


Good morning. It is a nice monday morning -- as nice a monday

morning can be -- and the sun is shining in Rio.

My near-death experience of yesterday morning made me think

about how I am being too hard on myself. And also what I need to do

and how I need to take things more lightly in order not to fail at

several things I have been doing.

But let me stop this personal blabla and let us continue our

informal conversation if you will, Jan.


Brain damage usually, irreparable, but most systems have reserve capacity.

Pleasure comes with the cost of pain and one excessive, so the other.


Yes that is often the case. As I don't believe there is actually

a brain apart from my mind, or should I say, as I believe that the

brain appears in my consciousness, not the contrary, I am not very

afraid of brain damage. Of course I understand this damage exists and

may happen but I believe that Spirit is to a great extent able to

protect one's brain and physical apparatus when difficult situations

happen. I think this happens automatically for example with an

alcoholic coma, such as I had, when you lose consciousness it is

simply the Self taking over. It's like the Self simply forces the

stupid alcohol-indulging and woman-loving personality out, probably

enraged and disgusted at the excess drinking and the self-destructive

atitude of that personality. The Self simply takes over and that is

deep sleep, complete unconsciousness. Thanks for the

scientific-oriented-mind information.


Some might say, all feelings spontaneously are given up, and then,

peace... Without falling asleep, something else would be manifest.


Actually, Sivananda wasn't subtle, as i could observe, while

reciting the paragraph in the company of several colleagues at work.

A term like "slave of passions and emotions" leaves little doubt.


Well well...Jan don't tell me you are dutch or german because

this is quite obvious from the energy I feel in your posts. Now. One

thing. You have the great privilege of having appeared as a mind-body

in a country like Netherlands or Germany. I have been there. The

mental atmosphere is more stable, more focused on reason. This is

very good for people like myself who seek some true peace in life, in

daily occupations. Only reason can provide this peace. And a good

society, a good Sangha is excellent for development of qualities as

you may know. On the other hand, you don't get the natural beauty of

Rio de Janeiro in the Netherlands. : ) So I guess I am not that

unlucky of having been born here. But still, understand one thing:

you are privileged to have been born in a fairly equal, peaceful and

stable society in which you can be peaceful.

Birth while a war is raging, growing up malnourished, i wouldn't call

a direct advantage. But Holland then was quite beautiful, it got


rapidly after the 1950s.


Sacred and desecrated are but the two sides of same coin, and

often it doesn't even get noticed, a coin can stand on its third

side, so both can be

visible simultaneously. Love regards attraction, gravity: suns, planets, moons, creatures.


I think you have elaborated a real lot there Jan. I feel you

have condensed a lot of interesting information in this paragraph,

but my damaged brain cannot fully aprehend it.

You suggested that sacred and desecrated have to be overcome,

these two concepts being dual? I agree with you. Not sacred not

desecrated. Empty of any quality then?


Qualities are in relation to the creatures stating them no?

A dog and a raccoon wouldn't be likely to ascribe the same qualities to an orange.


There is no end to what a mind engrossed in phenomenality can come up with.


I understand what is phenomenality. I don't understand why

phenomenality is so bad, though. Is not Maya = Brahman ?


Why use different terms for exactly the same thing? For the sake of poetry?

Instead of a conclusion, the state of the mind coming to the conclusion.


Whatever happiness gets triggered by senses,

can flow without such external stimulus, as could have been known from

dreaming, and even better in lucid dreaming.


Yes. I agree. Thank you for reminding this to me.


Hence, triggers gone via transformation, happiness flows without a

cause. Something that at apperception can't be known,

at best, intuited.


What do you mean by "triggers gone via transformation"?

Triggers=senses? what transformation are you referring to?


Many on this list will be familiar with the terms like K. and prana.

Fewer are aware of one-way neurological changes related to it,

another term for 'transformation'.


For a dualistic mind, a stimulus like "woman" or "booze" comes from

"outside" and with that, enjoyment, cut off when the apparition



Yes. I have heard Maharshi, who had no stimulus coming from

"outside", was very fond of women too. If this is not true, I would

like to hear about this because when I heard it it also made me a

little confused. Also, what do you mean by "apparition"? You mean

the woman and the booze?


When falling asleep, in a closed room, with an apple in the hand, the

apple hasn't left the room when waking up.

The apples from the dream are all gone and the stomach isn't filled even after eating them.

Another way to define "inner" and "outer".


Not to mention the tons of philosophy on views on pleasure, pain,

holiness, unholiness, good/bad with nouns attached and related


At least that will keep the pundits and teachers employed.

Your case, as so aptly quoted, wants to see pleasure under the banner

of holiness no? Pain then, unholy?


Pleasure in as much as it satisfies the Self, and is not something

that you should be attached to, but still something that satisfies. I

understand clearly that you are right here, I cannot argue with you

on this. Pleasure and pain are both equally holy. That was the idea I

was trying to convey. Spiritual experiences sometimes comes to me in a

burst of tears for absolutely no reason. It is suffering and pain, and

yet there is the feeling of holiness.


Naked awareness needs no satisfaction but is satisfaction (too), so is

it different from the above Self?


Care to explain the holiness of a creature like "cow" or "elephant"

and the difference with a "chicken" that doesn't have that status?

For a Chinese consumer, all are tasting great.


I am not a Hindu. I don't consider a cow to be sacred, then. All

animals are sacred to me. But I think that the old Hindu society was

very much into symbols and so they saw symbols of certain qualities

in each animal, and the Pandits taught the mass that those animals

were sacred because they represented this and that. The mass, as

always, (and notice that I am not a supporter of the caste system),

distorted the thing and began to actually worship the animals and not

the qualities they represented. The symbol became more important than

the meaning. That is called "degeneration" and was part of the

degeneration of Hindu society in my view. The mass was probably

helped in this wrong worshipping of the form instead of the meaning

by some Brahmins who were equally ignorant.


There have been times when the scientific view that fish couldn't

feel, was a reason for some vegetarians to use fish a source of


Just observing the responses of a fish being caught and suffocating

could have conveyed the notion, a fish shows all signs of a creature

in pain. There are more scientific bloopers, like the beri beri issue, causing many deaths.


A clear example of this is BRAHMACHARYA. This is not CHASTITY,

it's LIVING WITH BRAHMAN, actually. Abiding in Brahman, the Self. But

as always, the mass of people took it and made of it a wicked

interpretation, so, if a woman or a man "lives with Brahman" he

cannot "live with his wife" and so the concept developed to the point

where Brahmacharya is considered to be sexual chastity. Ramana the

Great was very fond himself of clearing these clouds of deviation

from the true meaning.


The human body is rather primitive, hence some functions are inextricably intertwined with sexual,

as if a separate function (which would make sense) was deemed unnecessary.

Hence the celibacy issue, which always has been hidden from the

public, and is forgotten by the new-age spirituality.

Perhaps in a few million years, ironed out by evolution, and then, a

good laugh over 21 century primitives :-)


What I think is that you are dividing dualistically "pleasure" and

"holiness". I think this method is very efficient for people who have

no mental discipline, but for the mentally disciplined, pleasure and

holiness can go together. It is only the mind which separates

pleasure from holiness. And this is because pleasure relates more to

the animal part of man, whereas holiness relates more to the mental

part of man. If there is room for both, with balance, there is no



No, the arbitrary division regards "functionality". For a cat, laying

down and sleeping 23 hours/day might be ok,

for man, it isn't, despite the pleasure.

Holiness i cannot know, with a neurological system, a bit different

from other ppl. Hence the word "unholy" is just as meaningless.

Few know the pleasure of a fit mind-body, nothing special though,

neither holy nor unholy. It doesn't long for TV, movies, lying on the

beach most of the day. It can be active for hours without a notion of activity.


Problem is excess pleasure, as well as excess holiness. Excess

holiness distances from the physiological desires. I believe many

Yogis can, but I cannot control my testosterone levels and impede

completely my desires. Call me a slave of passions and emotions if

you will, I prefer to call myself "a human being". And believe me, if

I go too far in the Pleasure side, it's because I feel really

depressed about the lack of a Satsangh here where I live. Everybody

here in Rio has only two concerns: money and sex. People of my social

class are extremely vain, worried about looking good all the time and

mating. I have been greatly influenced by the place I was born in and

lived my 21 years of this dream.


Here in the Canaries, much the same, money, sex & drugs. The islands

are getting stuffed with hotels, restaurants and bars.

In Dutch, i wrote a satirical article on what in English would be

called "money grabber economy". It can't be translated, would

have to be adapted for every country as it lists and targets the signs

of mismanagement and how it costs the taxpayer who,

like you, has to work under conditions stirring up the need for

compensation, with consumerism as its only alternative, in its

turn providing more of the same..




Thank you. That is something I'm in real need of, Jan. Peace.

Love and understanding for you, my friend.



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Most respected sir,


I touch your lotus heart - that reminds me of Alan larus,the

SEER!You better see his pictures!!!



First, I am really impressed that you could drink to your heart's

content and land in the hospital!




Next time,when you drink ,please ask this question for my



Sure you can do that!!! coz you are a loverboy!!!




Then, immediately,leave the question aside and simultaneously

catch the questioner as passionately as you hold your wife or your

girl friend.


You sure can do that boy!!!









On Mon, 22 Sep 2003 Frederico S. Gonzales wrote :

> Hello Bhuvan and everyone here,


> : )

> Due to excess drinking, my early sunday morning was spent

>in a hospital, unconscious, with a needle stuck in a vein

>transferring to my body huge amounts of liquid glicosis and some

>other two or three die-another-day drugs to keep me from

>finishing this dream and starting over again. Fortunately, it

>was not my time to go yet so I woke up 7:30 AM in a hospital bed

>not remembering how I had got there up until some half hour later

>when I my mind began to work properly again.

> I read a message from Ecirada in which he quoted Swami


> Now, I understand that Swami Sivananda was conveying a

>message when he wrote all that. He was being subtle and conveying

>the message of the ANIMALITY of the average "John Doe" type of

>human. He was pointing out how close to animal behavior these

>people are. John Doe merely follows his instincts, and yes

>Ecirada, Mr. Doe is unable to feel any love for a woman, what he

>terms love is either a feeling of male excitation and instinctual

>protection of the female he considers to be his, or a feeling of

>companionship, a kind of friendship.

> The love I talk about is not of this kind. This love is the

>perception of the Self in all beings, and in the beloved being

>especially but it does not limit itself to the beloved being.

>Yes, an 80 year old woman is loved if there is true love because

>this true love emanates in all directions. The few times I have

>experienced this, I have felt that I had become a channel for

>Love, and this Love included everything, there was nothing

>excluded or apart from this Love.

> But I also talk about a "love" which is wise, the result of

>this first Love I mentioned. And yes there is an object to this

>lesser love. It is the SACREDNESS of what you call "mating", and

>according to your scientifically-oriented mind, a type of mind

>which most of the times misses emotion, beauty and TRUE feelings

>and the sacredness of the Human Being, whatever be his color,

>creed, sexual preference, affective preference, whatever, the

>union of male and female is sacred. Have you ever seen the sign

>of the Pranava? Try to look at it for some minutes and try to see

>that it is a phallus entering a vagina, if you look at it

>correctly. All expressions of Love are sacred. So why I cannot

>see a goddess? John Doe sees the woman's butt shaking in front

>of him and gets animally excited, this is a more rude perception

>that John has. And if I appreciate the beautiful women it does

>not mean that I guard my love only for them. And it does not mean

>that I only talk to beautiful women. NO, NO, NO. The appreciation

>of beauty as spiritual has very little to do with John Doe's

>appreciation of his wife's boobs, or should I say, it is much

>more refined than that. It includes the perception of the beauty

>of Brahman manifested as Maya. It is like a beautiful beach, a

>beautiful sunrise. Can you say there is nothing spiritual in

>these? And furthermore, the sexual drive is the lower reflex of

>the will to unite, to become one, to PUT AN END TO THE DUALISM of

>the mind by the conjunction of the opposites. So you can look and

>see the sexual drive as having nothing to do with love. Or you

>can see the sexual drive with love as the most beautiful

>reflection of the will to unity, unconscious in most of the human

>beings, the will to be one again, and not separated.

> I think Ecirada you are falling into a very dualistic

>vision that the world is basically evil, human beings are mere

>animals. I will end this citing Lord Buddha: "A pig sees only

>pigs, a Buddha sees only Buddhas." You see what you want to see.

>And then you may find that the animal, even the animal, is

>actually spiritual. A woman's breast is spiritual too! Why it

>cannot be? Because it is related to pleasure? And pleasure

>implies guilt? I say, let the West put an end to guilt. I think

>Westerners had enough of guilt. Love is divine, and mating , to

>me, represents the incontrollable spiritual will to Unity of the

>dualistic mind.

> Love,

> Frederico



> -

> bhuvan eswar chilukuri


> Sunday, September 21, 2003 5:56 AM

> Re: Re: Re: Introduction



> Hellolooloo Fred the seeker of advaitha and Ramana,


> That is the beginning of all fusion from and of all



> How can light and darkness co-exist!!!


> I wonder what happens to you when you next time holda woman


> your embrace and then simultaneously ask who is holding whom


> then immediately separate the question from the questioner


> hold the questioner tight ,man!!!,real tight without any gap

> between the holding and the held !!!


> Then you will


> aaaaaoohhhooo

> !!!uuuuuhhhihii......mmmmmmm.....0000000.SIIILLLEEENCCe.


> Boy!!!


> Kami ga:ni mo:ksha ga:mi ga:du

> lover but salvation but not become


> 'Unless a lover ,a seeker after truth he will not become!'


> Love to the very marrow of the bones of your lover.All the

> best!!!


> You know what happened to one of our beloved saints Kabir


> ,the poet:


> he too fell in love with his wife top,bottom,center,left and

> right,inside and outside and every side !!!


> Hooyyaa!


> in the stormy night , he mistook a corpse for a log and held

>on to

> it in the mighty Ganga,crossed the river in the dark night


> then reached the house of his beloved wife and climbed


> the black serpent thinking that it was a rope and reached


> upstairs to see his love.When his wife saw him dripping in


> downstairs ( in rain,boy!) ,she said,


> "If only you show this to God!!!"


> That is the end of the whole show and the beginning of all

> shows!!!



> Love only the one who created the most beautiful woman!!!


> How much more beautiful he will be!!!


> I am a bachelor and I am trying but the going is slippery!!!


> BECAUSE I AM FOOOOOOTLOOOOSE !!!I am getting some proverbial

> exercises to make my feet strong!!!


> As Larus found the red lotus flowers

> Where there is a will there is a way

> Where there is a will God will show the way

> As Larus found the red lotus flowers


> You know about this lotus show?

> If not ask one Lady Joy - she is in Heaven but descends once

>in a

> way to and nowadays to


> knows what is love since she wrote n immortal poem on love


> recently!!!





> YOURS Proverbially in HarshhhARShAICALLY,


> Chilukuri Bhuvaneswar





> On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 Frederico S. Gonzales wrote :

> > Hello Percy,

> >

> > I'm no authority on Advaitin matters, but if you really

>want to

> >hear my opinions, : ) , here they are.

> >

> > > When I read Maharshi's booklet it became clear to me


> >he

> > > was speaking from another vantage point, which I


> > > recognized as being the consequence of a true spiritual

> >experience.

> >

> >

> >This intuitively recognized, plise explain.

> >You mean, he knows, not borrow answers?

> >I also think.

> >I wait to know your reply.

> >

> > Yes, exactly. Maharshi spoke from a state of


> >very different than mine. I could feel that when I read the

> >booklet. I could with absolute certainty SEE that he had

> >something there. It was not a hoax. It was consistent. He


> > from a different dimension of interpretation of experience.


> >clearly attained Unity of subject-object. He "swallowed the

> >world" into himself, and in the process both "world" and

> >"himself" were gone. What remained was a Sahaj-Samadhi, a


> >where everything you perceive is actually YOU. So there is


> >difference among two things, if this basic difference of ME


> >WORLD is gone. This is so deep and I feel this is such a

> >frightening leap of consciousness that some people have


> >Maharshi had the guts to jump over the precipice and reach


> >other side in complete divine safety.

> >

> > > Since then I have been meditating and reading much


> >various

> > > authors, especially Ramesh Balsekar and Nisargadatta

> >Maharaj.

> > > But when I read Maharshi I understood he was simply

> >saying:

> > > Look. The world is not what it seems. You have many

> >deep-rooted

> > > notions (avidya) which you are not aware of, but which

> >condition

> >your mind into dualism. Your consciousness and the


> >generate

> >each other, so there is no two, it is one.

> >

> >

> >This makes confusion for me.

> >If you say Ramana say there is no two, only one, who have

> >notions

> >(avidya)?

> >

> > That's a very interesting question yes! (smiles)

> > I think perhaps the subject having notions is PART OF



> > Then, if there is no more notions, there is no more


> >just a flowing experience. In un-realized subjects, this

> >experience is still dual: a process of phenomena and


> >which are considered external to oneself, and a process of

> >subjective feelings, sensations, perceptions and notions


> >are considered to be one's self.

> >

> >Who have mind?

> >

> > I think I can get what you are suggesting. There is no


> >Is this what you are suggesting?

> > I think minds are part of the Avidya. But they are good


> >we become attached to the notion of an "I", which for some


> >is related to body, for others to mind. But it is always in


> >mind, because the body appears in the mind. No mind, no


> >nobody. : ) But somehow I feel this to be too frightening.


> >me chicken if you will. : )

> >

> > > After a lot of mediation I came to the conclusion that


> >was

> > > actually the case. I hope I can experience this directly

> >soon.

> >

> >What difference conclusion from meditation and experience


> >directly?

> >Meditation not make you experience directly, no?

> >

> > I would not like to start talking about my personal

> >experiences now. I can talk about them in the near future.

> > Meditation depends on what you mean by meditation. I


> >mental reflection, thinking very subtly. Yes can make you

> >experience directly. But to me, frightening. The dear world,


> >dear REALITY you had is gone. It frightens me, I still want


> >to make some sense. I think in higher Absorptions (Samadhi)


> >is no more love, it's plain nondual void and " I " don't


> >this. I still need my familiar, boring, suffering world. :


> >

> > >Until

> > > then I would like to share opinions, bits of knowledge


> > > illumination with people who have a similar intuition


> >the

> > > nature of reality and that is why I joined this list.

> > > May we all have serenity and clarity for attaining


> >spiritual

> > > knowledge.

> >

> >

> >Yes, I too need to learn, so ask you to help.

> >

> >You very young, your age I only chase woman, not Ramana.

> >

> >Now I chase Ramana and woman.

> >

> >No succeed in both.

> >

> >

> >With best wishes

> >

> >Percy

> >

> >

> > Haha, I chase both two. More women than Ramana, I must


> > So far, good success with women but not with loving


> >Only superficiality, sex and lack of sensitiveness.

> > As to Ramana and Advaita, it's a piece of the finest


> > I like to compare Ramana's teachings to the most


> >women. I feel equally attracted to both. : ) Although

>nowadays I

> >pursue more women than Unity.

> >

> >

> > Best Regards!

> >

> > Fred

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Sponsor

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >/join

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >"Love itself is the actual form of God."

> >

> >Sri Ramana

> >

> >In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma

> >

> > Terms of

> >Service.

> >


> _

> Art meets Anesthesia; Shefali Weds Dr. Raman.

> Rediff Matchmaker strikes another interesting match !!

> Visit http://matchmaker.rediff.com?1



> Sponsor






> /join






> "Love itself is the actual form of God."


> Sri Ramana


> In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma


> Terms of





Art meets Anesthesia; Shefali Weds Dr. Raman.

Rediff Matchmaker strikes another interesting match !!

Visit http://matchmaker.rediff.com?1

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Most respected sir,


I touch your lotus heart - that reminds me of Alan larus,the

SEER!You better see his pictures!!!



First, I am really impressed that you could drink to your heart's

content and land in the hospital!




Next time,when you drink ,please ask this question for my sake!!!



Sure you can do that!!! coz you are a loverboy!!!




Then, immediately,leave the question aside and simultaneously

catch the questioner as passionately as you hold your wife or your

girl friend.


You sure can do that boy!!!







oNE DAY, wHEN i WAS nIGERIA, I went to the Molai Leprosy

Hospital,maiduguri.I used to conduct rehabilitation campaigns for

lepers as the President of the Indian Association and I adapted a

lady called Zara Furloyi!!!





If you can take her into your arms and then see god - that is the

definition of love!!!


Until then it is all booze talk!!!





Ask how Alan Larus found the red lotus flowers for a worthless

character like me.Then you will know more about love and



Love gives not nor is it given

love possesses not nor is it possessed

for love is unto love itself!!!















On Mon, 22 Sep 2003 Frederico S. Gonzales wrote :

> Hello Bhuvan and everyone here,


> : )

> Due to excess drinking, my early sunday morning was spent

>in a hospital, unconscious, with a needle stuck in a vein

>transferring to my body huge amounts of liquid glicosis and some

>other two or three die-another-day drugs to keep me from

>finishing this dream and starting over again. Fortunately, it

>was not my time to go yet so I woke up 7:30 AM in a hospital bed

>not remembering how I had got there up until some half hour later

>when I my mind began to work properly again.

> I read a message from Ecirada in which he quoted Swami


> Now, I understand that Swami Sivananda was conveying a

>message when he wrote all that. He was being subtle and conveying

>the message of the ANIMALITY of the average "John Doe" type of

>human. He was pointing out how close to animal behavior these

>people are. John Doe merely follows his instincts, and yes

>Ecirada, Mr. Doe is unable to feel any love for a woman, what he

>terms love is either a feeling of male excitation and instinctual

>protection of the female he considers to be his, or a feeling of

>companionship, a kind of friendship.

> The love I talk about is not of this kind. This love is the

>perception of the Self in all beings, and in the beloved being

>especially but it does not limit itself to the beloved being.

>Yes, an 80 year old woman is loved if there is true love because

>this true love emanates in all directions. The few times I have

>experienced this, I have felt that I had become a channel for

>Love, and this Love included everything, there was nothing

>excluded or apart from this Love.

> But I also talk about a "love" which is wise, the result of

>this first Love I mentioned. And yes there is an object to this

>lesser love. It is the SACREDNESS of what you call "mating", and

>according to your scientifically-oriented mind, a type of mind

>which most of the times misses emotion, beauty and TRUE feelings

>and the sacredness of the Human Being, whatever be his color,

>creed, sexual preference, affective preference, whatever, the

>union of male and female is sacred. Have you ever seen the sign

>of the Pranava? Try to look at it for some minutes and try to see

>that it is a phallus entering a vagina, if you look at it

>correctly. All expressions of Love are sacred. So why I cannot

>see a goddess? John Doe sees the woman's butt shaking in front

>of him and gets animally excited, this is a more rude perception

>that John has. And if I appreciate the beautiful women it does

>not mean that I guard my love only for them. And it does not mean

>that I only talk to beautiful women. NO, NO, NO. The appreciation

>of beauty as spiritual has very little to do with John Doe's

>appreciation of his wife's boobs, or should I say, it is much

>more refined than that. It includes the perception of the beauty

>of Brahman manifested as Maya. It is like a beautiful beach, a

>beautiful sunrise. Can you say there is nothing spiritual in

>these? And furthermore, the sexual drive is the lower reflex of

>the will to unite, to become one, to PUT AN END TO THE DUALISM of

>the mind by the conjunction of the opposites. So you can look and

>see the sexual drive as having nothing to do with love. Or you

>can see the sexual drive with love as the most beautiful

>reflection of the will to unity, unconscious in most of the human

>beings, the will to be one again, and not separated.

> I think Ecirada you are falling into a very dualistic

>vision that the world is basically evil, human beings are mere

>animals. I will end this citing Lord Buddha: "A pig sees only

>pigs, a Buddha sees only Buddhas." You see what you want to see.

>And then you may find that the animal, even the animal, is

>actually spiritual. A woman's breast is spiritual too! Why it

>cannot be? Because it is related to pleasure? And pleasure

>implies guilt? I say, let the West put an end to guilt. I think

>Westerners had enough of guilt. Love is divine, and mating , to

>me, represents the incontrollable spiritual will to Unity of the

>dualistic mind.

> Love,

> Frederico



> -

> bhuvan eswar chilukuri


> Sunday, September 21, 2003 5:56 AM

> Re: Re: Re: Introduction



> Hellolooloo Fred the seeker of advaitha and Ramana,


> That is the beginning of all fusion from and of all



> How can light and darkness co-exist!!!


> I wonder what happens to you when you next time holda woman


> your embrace and then simultaneously ask who is holding whom


> then immediately separate the question from the questioner


> hold the questioner tight ,man!!!,real tight without any gap

> between the holding and the held !!!


> Then you will


> aaaaaoohhhooo

> !!!uuuuuhhhihii......mmmmmmm.....0000000.SIIILLLEEENCCe.


> Boy!!!


> Kami ga:ni mo:ksha ga:mi ga:du

> lover but salvation but not become


> 'Unless a lover ,a seeker after truth he will not become!'


> Love to the very marrow of the bones of your lover.All the

> best!!!


> You know what happened to one of our beloved saints Kabir


> ,the poet:


> he too fell in love with his wife top,bottom,center,left and

> right,inside and outside and every side !!!


> Hooyyaa!


> in the stormy night , he mistook a corpse for a log and held

>on to

> it in the mighty Ganga,crossed the river in the dark night


> then reached the house of his beloved wife and climbed


> the black serpent thinking that it was a rope and reached


> upstairs to see his love.When his wife saw him dripping in


> downstairs ( in rain,boy!) ,she said,


> "If only you show this to God!!!"


> That is the end of the whole show and the beginning of all

> shows!!!



> Love only the one who created the most beautiful woman!!!


> How much more beautiful he will be!!!


> I am a bachelor and I am trying but the going is slippery!!!


> BECAUSE I AM FOOOOOOTLOOOOSE !!!I am getting some proverbial

> exercises to make my feet strong!!!


> As Larus found the red lotus flowers

> Where there is a will there is a way

> Where there is a will God will show the way

> As Larus found the red lotus flowers


> You know about this lotus show?

> If not ask one Lady Joy - she is in Heaven but descends once

>in a

> way to and nowadays to


> knows what is love since she wrote n immortal poem on love


> recently!!!





> YOURS Proverbially in HarshhhARShAICALLY,


> Chilukuri Bhuvaneswar





> On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 Frederico S. Gonzales wrote :

> > Hello Percy,

> >

> > I'm no authority on Advaitin matters, but if you really

>want to

> >hear my opinions, : ) , here they are.

> >

> > > When I read Maharshi's booklet it became clear to me


> >he

> > > was speaking from another vantage point, which I


> > > recognized as being the consequence of a true spiritual

> >experience.

> >

> >

> >This intuitively recognized, plise explain.

> >You mean, he knows, not borrow answers?

> >I also think.

> >I wait to know your reply.

> >

> > Yes, exactly. Maharshi spoke from a state of


> >very different than mine. I could feel that when I read the

> >booklet. I could with absolute certainty SEE that he had

> >something there. It was not a hoax. It was consistent. He


> > from a different dimension of interpretation of experience.


> >clearly attained Unity of subject-object. He "swallowed the

> >world" into himself, and in the process both "world" and

> >"himself" were gone. What remained was a Sahaj-Samadhi, a


> >where everything you perceive is actually YOU. So there is


> >difference among two things, if this basic difference of ME


> >WORLD is gone. This is so deep and I feel this is such a

> >frightening leap of consciousness that some people have


> >Maharshi had the guts to jump over the precipice and reach


> >other side in complete divine safety.

> >

> > > Since then I have been meditating and reading much


> >various

> > > authors, especially Ramesh Balsekar and Nisargadatta

> >Maharaj.

> > > But when I read Maharshi I understood he was simply

> >saying:

> > > Look. The world is not what it seems. You have many

> >deep-rooted

> > > notions (avidya) which you are not aware of, but which

> >condition

> >your mind into dualism. Your consciousness and the


> >generate

> >each other, so there is no two, it is one.

> >

> >

> >This makes confusion for me.

> >If you say Ramana say there is no two, only one, who have

> >notions

> >(avidya)?

> >

> > That's a very interesting question yes! (smiles)

> > I think perhaps the subject having notions is PART OF



> > Then, if there is no more notions, there is no more


> >just a flowing experience. In un-realized subjects, this

> >experience is still dual: a process of phenomena and


> >which are considered external to oneself, and a process of

> >subjective feelings, sensations, perceptions and notions


> >are considered to be one's self.

> >

> >Who have mind?

> >

> > I think I can get what you are suggesting. There is no


> >Is this what you are suggesting?

> > I think minds are part of the Avidya. But they are good


> >we become attached to the notion of an "I", which for some


> >is related to body, for others to mind. But it is always in


> >mind, because the body appears in the mind. No mind, no


> >nobody. : ) But somehow I feel this to be too frightening.


> >me chicken if you will. : )

> >

> > > After a lot of mediation I came to the conclusion that


> >was

> > > actually the case. I hope I can experience this directly

> >soon.

> >

> >What difference conclusion from meditation and experience


> >directly?

> >Meditation not make you experience directly, no?

> >

> > I would not like to start talking about my personal

> >experiences now. I can talk about them in the near future.

> > Meditation depends on what you mean by meditation. I


> >mental reflection, thinking very subtly. Yes can make you

> >experience directly. But to me, frightening. The dear world,


> >dear REALITY you had is gone. It frightens me, I still want


> >to make some sense. I think in higher Absorptions (Samadhi)


> >is no more love, it's plain nondual void and " I " don't


> >this. I still need my familiar, boring, suffering world. :


> >

> > >Until

> > > then I would like to share opinions, bits of knowledge


> > > illumination with people who have a similar intuition


> >the

> > > nature of reality and that is why I joined this list.

> > > May we all have serenity and clarity for attaining


> >spiritual

> > > knowledge.

> >

> >

> >Yes, I too need to learn, so ask you to help.

> >

> >You very young, your age I only chase woman, not Ramana.

> >

> >Now I chase Ramana and woman.

> >

> >No succeed in both.

> >

> >

> >With best wishes

> >

> >Percy

> >

> >

> > Haha, I chase both two. More women than Ramana, I must


> > So far, good success with women but not with loving


> >Only superficiality, sex and lack of sensitiveness.

> > As to Ramana and Advaita, it's a piece of the finest


> > I like to compare Ramana's teachings to the most


> >women. I feel equally attracted to both. : ) Although

>nowadays I

> >pursue more women than Unity.

> >

> >

> > Best Regards!

> >

> > Fred

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Sponsor

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >/join

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >"Love itself is the actual form of God."

> >

> >Sri Ramana

> >

> >In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma

> >

> > Terms of

> >Service.

> >


> _

> Art meets Anesthesia; Shefali Weds Dr. Raman.

> Rediff Matchmaker strikes another interesting match !!

> Visit http://matchmaker.rediff.com?1



> Sponsor






> /join






> "Love itself is the actual form of God."


> Sri Ramana


> In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma


> Terms of





Art meets Anesthesia; Shefali Weds Dr. Raman.

Rediff Matchmaker strikes another interesting match !!

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Dear Fred,

I hope you are feeling better. In the U.S. they have several

organizations like AA that help people stop drinking. Perhaps they have

them in Brazil as well where you are.

In Yoga, they say that the body is a temple of God. So one should treat

it with respect.

Well, that is the Yoga perspective and not everyone's cup of tea.

But I like this view.

Do you practice Yoga and meditation?

According to yogic psychology, it is possible to quit bad habits

through developing one's will through deep breathing and yoga.

Swami Sivananda's books are good. Many of his writings are available

free online.

Did you say you were 21?

That is a good age for exercise, breathing, meditation, and to energize

one's life.

If you are interested in the mystery of life at such a young age, that

shows your good merit.

If you are around people who are positive and spiritually oriented that

is the most helpful.



Frederico S. Gonzales wrote:

Hello Bhuvan and everyone here,


: )

Due to excess drinking, my

early sunday morning was spent in a hospital, unconscious, with a

needle stuck in a vein transferring to my body huge amounts of liquid

glicosis and some other two or three die-another-day drugs to keep me

from finishing this dream and starting over again. Fortunately, it was

not my time to go yet so I woke up 7:30 AM in a hospital bed not

remembering how I had got there up until some half hour later when I my

mind began to work properly again.

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, Harsha wrote:

> Dear Fred,


> I hope you are feeling better. In the U.S. they have several

> organizations like AA that help people stop drinking. Perhaps they


> them in Brazil as well where you are.


> In Yoga, they say that the body is a temple of God. So one should


> it with respect.


> Well, that is the Yoga perspective and not everyone's cup of tea.


> But I like this view.


> Do you practice Yoga and meditation?


> According to yogic psychology, it is possible to quit bad habits


> developing one's will through deep breathing and yoga.


> Swami Sivananda's books are good. Many of his writings are


> free online.


> Did you say you were 21?


> That is a good age for exercise, breathing, meditation, and to


> one's life.


> If you are interested in the mystery of life at such a young age,


> shows your good merit.


> If you are around people who are positive and spiritually oriented


> is the most helpful.


> Love,

> Harsha



> Frederico S. Gonzales wrote:


> > Hello Bhuvan and everyone here,

> >

> > : )

> > Due to excess drinking, my early sunday morning was spent

in a

> > hospital, unconscious, with a needle stuck in a vein transferring


> > my body huge amounts of liquid glicosis and some other two or


> > die-another-day drugs to keep me from finishing this dream and

> > starting over again. Fortunately, it was not my time to go yet

so I

> > woke up 7:30 AM in a hospital bed not remembering how I had got


> > up until some half hour later when I my mind began to work


> > again.

> >

> >





Hello Frederico,



I was a practicing alcoholic for fifteen years.

I have always felt that alcoholics were spiritual searchers.

(In this country we refer to alcohol as "spirits"..:-)


Alcholism can be a great learning adventure.......If you survive.


I don't know why I an writing to you........


I do know your pain......and want to let you know that I have been

sober for thirty-one years.......and I am surrounded by the most

loving people.


I don't know where you are......but I know where you are coming from.


I hold you softly in my heart tonight.

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, "toombaru" <toombaru>


> Hello Frederico,



> I was a practicing alcoholic for fifteen years.

> I have always felt that alcoholics were spiritual searchers.

> (In this country we refer to alcohol as "spirits"..:-)


> Alcholism can be a great learning adventure.......If you survive.


> I don't know why I an writing to you........


> I do know your pain......and want to let you know that I have been

> sober for thirty-one years.......and I am surrounded by the most

> loving people.


> I don't know where you are......but I know where you are coming



> I hold you softly in my heart tonight.



What a beautiful letter! Thank you so much! :)


I found myself holding Frederico in my heart last night also. And a

mantra kept coming to me over and over. It went like this:


Stop thinking and you'll stop drinking.

Stop thinking and you'll stop drinking.


I, too, have a lot of experience with addiction and agree

wholeheartedly that it is all really a spiritual search. I never had

much of a taste for booze, but give me your approval, attention,

affection, or some pizza or cookies and I am LOST! That is, if I

start *thinking*.


I have noticed total freedom from all addiction (whether or not I

still have those things in my space or not) when I am committed to

not indulging in THINKING about them.


Prove me wrong, Frederico! Take notice of how every sip correlates

with a thought. Take the thought away and the booze starts to lose

its appeal.


Whether you drink yourself to oblivion or whether you don't, please

relax, knowing that you actually are truly free and truly loved no

matter what you do, because, of course, in Reality you *are* that

Freedom and you *are* that Love.


I wish you all the best.




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Hello Harsha,

I know about Alcoholics Anonymous but I must say that I am

not an alcoholic.

I drink once or twice a week. That cannot be considered

alcoholism. And when I do drink, it's never that hard; it was the

first time in my life I went to a hospital because of alcohol, and

I've been drinking for the past five years. Sometimes I have spent

whole months without drinking. It is really NOT a habit I must quit.

The problems which lead me to over-drinking that night were others.

I have used other drugs, also. I have used Cannabis Sativa

for four years before I realized it was getting me paranoid and unfit

for spiritual and mental development. I realized that in October

2000, it's going to be 3 years I have quite Cannabis now. But even

that was not serious.

I have used LSD and had interesting as well as terrible

experiences with it. I have also had interesting and bad experiences

with MDMA (ecstasy). But this is normal of youth. I am not dependant

or addicted to any drug, otherwise I wouldn't be where I am now, in

terms of life, I'm doing fine in University and I'm doing fine in

pretty much everything. Only I need to love, and that urge is not

understood by many people, and my girl-loving life has not been so

good in the past two years after I quit a beautiful but tragic

relationship with a girl I shared true love.

I have practiced Raja Yoga and Buddhist Meditation. It's

very mental, it's basically focusing your mind a lot and from then

directing and controlling yourself to achieve a better result in

whatever you are doing. I have been doing this for 4 years now, under

the guidance of an expert, a Buddhist initiate who was in India for

some fifteen years with many Lamas and really knows about meditation.

He is my Guru and I do not obey him blindly, he is more like a friend,

who has achieved a level I have not achieved yet, so he can hint me

here and there and talk about things I would not have the opportunity

to talk with other person. And also he taught me to meditate and etc.

He also taught me to be less directed at girls and more directed at

my own mind, what I am still practicing. Buddhism is great. I have

two months ago taken initiations in the Vajrayana line.

Thanks for the worry and the advice, anyway. : )

In Satsang,




Tuesday, September 23, 2003 5:36 PM

Re: Love and Mating

Dear Fred,I hope you are feeling better. In the U.S. they have several

organizations like AA that help people stop drinking. Perhaps they

have them in Brazil as well where you are.In Yoga, they say that the

body is a temple of God. So one should treat it with respect.Well,

that is the Yoga perspective and not everyone's cup of tea.But I like

this view.Do you practice Yoga and meditation? According to yogic

psychology, it is possible to quit bad habits through developing

one's will through deep breathing and yoga.Swami Sivananda's books

are good. Many of his writings are available free online.Did you say

you were 21? That is a good age for exercise, breathing, meditation,

and to energize one's life.If you are interested in the mystery of

life at such a young age, that shows your good merit.If you are

around people who are positive and spiritually oriented that is the

most helpful.Love,HarshaFrederico S. Gonzales wrote:

Hello Bhuvan and everyone here,

: )

Due to excess drinking, my early sunday morning was spent in a

hospital, unconscious, with a needle stuck in a vein transferring to

my body huge amounts of liquid glicosis and some other two or three

die-another-day drugs to keep me from finishing this dream and

starting over again. Fortunately, it was not my time to go yet so I

woke up 7:30 AM in a hospital bed not remembering how I had got there

up until some half hour later when I my mind began to work properly



"Love itself

is the actual form of God."Sri RamanaIn "Letters from Sri

Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma Your use of is subject to


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Hullo Frederic the seeker after truth,




How are you?If you are around people who are positive and

spiritually oriented that is the most helpful.





Harsha has given you the best medicine - satsangatvam 'friendship

with the pious people- and you get it free of cost in Harsha

Satsangh,if you exclude the conputer charges.


My master said:


satsangatve nissangatvam

'by association with the pious ,one gets non-attachment'

nissangatve: nirmohatvam

'by non-atachment,one gets non-passion'

nirmohatve nischala tatvam

'by non-passion,one gets steady mindedness

nischalatatve jivanmuktih

by steadymindedness,one gets liberation


He who loves to the core loves God verily himself - that is my



Congratulate yourself for every blessed thing and then leave them

as trhey are.



Love always


BHUVANESWAR "the Lord of the Universe'



Be in this group till you get all the benefits.


I am also like you and I am amply rewarded with lotus flowers from

the SEER Alan Larus, beautiful poems from Lady Joy, wonderful

friendship from Eric Lotus and so on.




On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 Harsha wrote :

>Dear Fred,


>I hope you are feeling better. In the U.S. they have several

>organizations like AA that help people stop drinking. Perhaps

>they have them in Brazil as well where you are.


>In Yoga, they say that the body is a temple of God. So one should

>treat it with respect.


>Well, that is the Yoga perspective and not everyone's cup of



>But I like this view.


>Do you practice Yoga and meditation?


>According to yogic psychology, it is possible to quit bad habits

>through developing one's will through deep breathing and



>Swami Sivananda's books are good. Many of his writings are

>available free online.


>Did you say you were 21?


>That is a good age for exercise, breathing, meditation, and to

>energize one's life.


>If you are interested in the mystery of life at such a young age,

>that shows your good merit.


>If you are around people who are positive and spiritually

>oriented that is the most helpful.






>Frederico S. Gonzales wrote:


>> Hello Bhuvan and everyone here,

>> : )

>> Due to excess drinking, my early sunday morning was spent

>>in a hospital, unconscious, with a needle stuck in a vein

>>transferring to my body huge amounts of liquid glicosis and some

>>other two or three die-another-day drugs to keep me from

>>finishing this dream and starting over again. Fortunately, it

>>was not my time to go yet so I woke up 7:30 AM in a hospital bed

>>not remembering how I had got there up until some half hour

>>later when I my mind began to work properly again.




Art meets Anesthesia; Shefali Weds Dr. Raman.

Rediff Matchmaker strikes another interesting match !!

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Hello Bhuvan Eshwar,

Thanks a lot.

I have found some good companies where I study, in


Of course the sharings here are also most helpful to me and

I thank Harsha for this forum.




bhuvan eswar chilukuri

Thursday, September 25, 2003 12:31 PM

Re: Re: Love and Mating

Hullo Frederic the seeker after truth,****How are you?If you are

around people who are positive and spiritually oriented that is the

most helpful.******Harsha has given you the best medicine -

satsangatvam 'friendship with the pious people- and you get it free

of cost in satsangh,if you exclude the conputer charges.My

master said:satsangatve nissangatvam'by association with the pious

,one gets non-attachment'nissangatve: nirmohatvam'by

non-atachment,one gets non-passion'nirmohatve nischala tatvam'by

non-passion,one gets steady mindednessnischalatatve jivanmuktihby

steadymindedness,one gets liberationHe who loves to the core loves

God verily himself - that is my conviction!!!Congratulate yourself

for every blessed thing and then leave them as trhey are.Love

alwaysBHUVANESWAR "the Lord of the Universe'Be in this group till you

get all the benefits.I am also like you and I am amply rewarded with

lotus flowers from the SEER Alan Larus, beautiful poems from Lady

Joy, wonderful friendship from Eric Lotus and so on.On Wed, 24 Sep

2003 Harsha wrote :>Dear Fred,>>I hope you are feeling better. In the

U.S. they have several >organizations like AA that help people stop

drinking. Perhaps >they have them in Brazil as well where you

are.>>In Yoga, they say that the body is a temple of God. So one

should >treat it with respect.>>Well, that is the Yoga perspective

and not everyone's cup of >tea.>>But I like this view.>>Do you

practice Yoga and meditation?>>According to yogic psychology, it is

possible to quit bad habits >through developing one's will through

deep breathing and >yoga.>>Swami Sivananda's books are good. Many of

his writings are >available free online.>>Did you say you were

21?>>That is a good age for exercise, breathing, meditation, and to

>energize one's life.>>If you are interested in the mystery of life

at such a young age, >that shows your good merit.>>If you are around

people who are positive and spiritually >oriented that is the most

helpful.>>Love,>Harsha>>>Frederico S. Gonzales wrote:>>> Hello

Bhuvan and everyone here,>> : )>> Due to excess

drinking, my early sunday morning was spent >>in a hospital,

unconscious, with a needle stuck in a vein >>transferring to my body

huge amounts of liquid glicosis and some >>other two or three

die-another-day drugs to keep me from >>finishing this dream and

starting over again. Fortunately, it >>was not my time to go yet so

I woke up 7:30 AM in a hospital bed >>not remembering how I had got

there up until some half hour >>later when I my mind began to work


again.>>_Art meets

Anesthesia; Shefali Weds Dr. Raman.Rediff Matchmaker strikes another

interesting match !!Visit


"Love itself is

the actual form of God."Sri RamanaIn "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam"

by Suri Nagamma

Terms of Service.

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Dear Bhuvan

only by loving GD to the core can you be absorbed by GD

but to love GD you have to love you yourself at first to the core

loving "others" without loving yourself is filling a empty hole with something "false"

hope you "got" me

all the best


michael from tuscany

>"bhuvan eswar chilukuri"

> >To:

>Re: Re:

Love and Mating >25 Sep 2003 15:31:36 -0000 > >Hullo Frederic

the seeker after truth, > >**** > >How are you?If you are around

people who are positive and >spiritually oriented that is the most

helpful. > >****** > > >Harsha has given you the best medicine -

satsangatvam 'friendship >with the pious people- and you get it free

of cost in Harsha >Satsangh,if you exclude the conputer charges. >

>My master said: > >satsangatve nissangatvam >'by association with

the pious ,one gets non-attachment' >nissangatve: nirmohatvam >'by

non-atachment,one gets non-passion' >nirmohatve nischala tatvam >'by

non-passion,one gets steady mindedness >nischalatatve jivanmuktih >by

steadymindedness,one gets liberation > >He who loves to the core loves

God verily himself - that is my >conviction!!! > >Congratulate

yourself for every blessed thing and then leave them >as trhey are. >

> >Love always > >BHUVANESWAR "the Lord of the Universe' > > >Be in

this group till you get all the benefits. > >I am also like you and I

am amply rewarded with lotus flowers from >the SEER Alan Larus,

beautiful poems from Lady Joy, wonderful >friendship from Eric Lotus

and so on. > > > >On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 Harsha wrote : > >Dear Fred, >

> > >I hope you are feeling better. In the U.S. they have several >

>organizations like AA that help people stop drinking. Perhaps >

>they have them in Brazil as well where you are. > > > >In Yoga, they

say that the body is a temple of God. So one should > >treat it with

respect. > > > >Well, that is the Yoga perspective and not everyone's

cup of > >tea. > > > >But I like this view. > > > >Do you practice

Yoga and meditation? > > > >According to yogic psychology, it is

possible to quit bad habits > >through developing one's will through

deep breathing and > >yoga. > > > >Swami Sivananda's books are good.

Many of his writings are > >available free online. > > > >Did you say

you were 21? > > > >That is a good age for exercise, breathing,

meditation, and to > >energize one's life. > > > >If you are

interested in the mystery of life at such a young age, > >that shows

your good merit. > > > >If you are around people who are positive and

spiritually > >oriented that is the most helpful. > > > >Love, >

>Harsha > > > > > >Frederico S. Gonzales wrote: > > > >> Hello Bhuvan

and everyone here, > >> : ) > >> Due to excess drinking, my early

sunday morning was spent > >>in a hospital, unconscious, with a

needle stuck in a vein > >>transferring to my body huge amounts of

liquid glicosis and some > >>other two or three die-another-day drugs

to keep me from > >>finishing this dream and starting over again.

Fortunately, it > >>was not my time to go yet so I woke up 7:30 AM in

a hospital bed > >>not remembering how I had got there up until some

half hour > >>later when I my mind began to work properly again. > >>

> >_ >Art meets

Anesthesia; Shefali Weds Dr. Raman. >Rediff Matchmaker strikes

another interesting match !! >Visit http://matchmaker.rediff.com?1 >


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Dearest Frederico

I am writing to you because I feel you are already in great troubles!

Not because of addictions to drugs alcohol and so on - but because I

smell you are selfcritical enough!

Without watching yourself all the time - which is really in the

beginning; and this I mean years! very hard indeed - you have no

chance whatsoever to find yourself.

Imagine your personal situation! So much you have got - and what are you doing with it?

And face it dearest!

Of course you are addicted - if nobody told it to you till now (!) I

would change my "friends".......

May you be lovingly enough to yourself to listen to your inner voice.

Michael from southern tuscany

>"Frederico S. Gonzales"

> >

>Re: Love and Mating >Thu, 25 Sep 2003

02:50:00 -0300 > > Hello Harsha, > > I know about Alcoholics Anonymous

but I must say that I am not an alcoholic. > I drink once or twice a

week. That cannot be considered alcoholism. And when I do drink, it's

never that hard; it was the first time in my life I went to a hospital

because of alcohol, and I've been drinking for the past five years.

Sometimes I have spent whole months without drinking. It is really

NOT a habit I must quit. The problems which lead me to over-drinking

that night were others. > I have used other drugs, also. I have used

Cannabis Sativa for four years before I realized it was getting me

paranoid and unfit for spiritual and mental development. I realized

that in October 2000, it's going to be 3 years I have quite Cannabis

now. But even that was not serious. > I have used LSD and had

interesting as well as terrible experiences with it. I have also had

interesting and bad experiences with MDMA (ecstasy). But this is

normal of youth. I am not dependant or addicted to any drug,

otherwise I wouldn't be where I am now, in terms of life, I'm doing

fine in University and I'm doing fine in pretty much everything. Only

I need to love, and that urge is not understood by many people, and my

girl-loving life has not been so good in the past two years after I

quit a beautiful but tragic relationship with a girl I shared true

love. > I have practiced Raja Yoga and Buddhist Meditation. It's very

mental, it's basically focusing your mind a lot and from then

directing and controlling yourself to achieve a better result in

whatever you are doing. I have been doing this for 4 years now, under

the guidance of an expert, a Buddhist initiate who was in India for

some fifteen years with many Lamas and really knows about meditation.

He is my Guru and I do not obey him blindly, he is more like a friend,

who has achieved a level I have not achieved yet, so he can hint me

here and there and talk about things I would not have the opportunity

to talk with other person. And also he taught me to meditate and etc.

He also taught me to be less directed at girls and more directed at

my own mind, what I am still practicing. Buddhism is great. I have

two months ago taken initiations in the Vajrayana line. > Thanks for

the worry and the advice, anyway. : ) > In Satsang, > Frederico >

- > Harsha > To:

> Tuesday, September 23, 2003

5:36 PM > Re: Love and Mating > > > Dear

Fred, > > I hope you are feeling better. In the U.S. they have

several organizations like AA that help people stop drinking. Perhaps

they have them in Brazil as well where you are. > > In Yoga, they say

that the body is a temple of God. So one should treat it with

respect. > > Well, that is the Yoga perspective and not everyone's

cup of tea. > > But I like this view. > > Do you practice Yoga and

meditation? > > According to yogic psychology, it is possible to quit

bad habits through developing one's will through deep breathing and

yoga. > > Swami Sivananda's books are good. Many of his writings are

available free online. > > Did you say you were 21? > > That is a

good age for exercise, breathing, meditation, and to energize one's

life. > > If you are interested in the mystery of life at such a

young age, that shows your good merit. > > If you are around people

who are positive and spiritually oriented that is the most helpful. >

> Love, > Harsha > > > Frederico S. Gonzales wrote: > > Hello Bhuvan

and everyone here, > > : ) > Due to excess drinking, my early sunday

morning was spent in a hospital, unconscious, with a needle stuck in

a vein transferring to my body huge amounts of liquid glicosis and

some other two or three die-another-day drugs to keep me from

finishing this dream and starting over again. Fortunately, it was not

my time to go yet so I woke up 7:30 AM in a hospital bed not

remembering how I had got there up until some half hour later when I

my mind began to work properly again. > > > > > >

Sponsor > > > > > >

/join > >

> > > >

"Love itself is the actual form of God." > > Sri Ramana > > In

"Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma > > Your use of

is subject to the > MSN 8


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