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[Let us practice now ] Apologies and Hologram

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Most Respected Sir,


On Thu, 25 Sep 2003 Frederico S. Gonzales wrote :

> Hello Bhuvan,


> It took me a bit long to answer you because I have

>been somewhat busy with mundane affairs, especially University.

> You're talking about LOVING THE ONE WHO


> Yes that is interesting. That is something I do not

>as much as I would like. I often find myself with low motivation

>because I have been through so many experiences and yet I know

>love can only pour through me if I first of all love myself


> The problem when I tried to find my Self was:

> 1- I thought: is my body the Self? No. My body is not

>my Self otherwise it would not be MY body.


***** Yes,sir.

> 2- then I thought: are my feelings and thoughts my

>Self? No, they cannot be, since they pass before me like a cloud

>passes in the sky.


****** Yewss,sir.

> 3- then I thought: is my consciousness my Self? And

>the answer was, YES, but my consciousness is not my MIND. my Mind

>is a product from my Consciousness. So I have found:

> Consciousness creates Mind creates Body creates

>Consciousness. OOPS,,

> Is this a vicious circle? I think yes it is.


***** Not at all ,sir,according to my own humble



1.Consciousness has Nature as ITS ENERGY (PRAKRUTHI).


2.When Consciousness reflects in Nature (in its Sattva

dominated state),that reflection is called Iswara -BHUVANESWARA

,my name!!!!-


3.Iswara controls nature and stirs it ,as it were , to act .


4.Nature acts and then that act becomes creation.Differentiated

as this and that.


5.Iswara then reflects himself - like the sun reflecting in

waves - and appears as many.That secondary reflection is called a

jiva.It is bound by the differentited piece of nature as a wave

is.THe structure of the piece determines the nature of the

reflection.Sometimes ,it gets crooked as in a wave,sometimes

bright , sometimes dull,etc.That is it enjoys and suffers, loves

and hates,etc.


6.when you ask the question and leave the question aside and

hold on to the questioner,you are holding on to this blessed

secondary reflection ,or secondary awareness, called JIIIVVVAAA :

he who lives or experiences his karma phalam.


7. when you hold on to him tightly, as I said,you are not aware

of the body you hold.This is what happens when you hold

someonevery dear to you in distress.Your and the other body or

object or anything simply gets blockedfrom your sensation.


8.When you still intensely be,BE,BE,BE,that awareness,you will

retrace the secondary reflection to the source from which it

came.That source - I do not know - according to my Master is the


the beginning of all shows,boy!!!


9. It is not created by the body nor the mind but It is the

source for their creation by Nature.Mind is nature;body is

nature;sexual feelings are nature,too;sex is also nature too.


10. The drama changes the scenes and you begin to enjoy another

sweetness which as it becomes more and more considers the bodily

pleasures as cheap - something like a man discarding a roadside

hut to a palace of luxury.


11. your sexual appetite for woman is because you think it is a

plesure and so you are caught in the ignorance and then get lost

in it until one day you realise that it is a poison _- You will

one day realise that drinking is a poison ,only IF YOU CRITICALLY



### THere is no other short cut ,BOY!!!###


12. AS you do this vichara,then you realise that it is a waste of



13. All the characters who talk elonquently about advaita but who

have not experienced this bliss - small though - can never succeed

in the elimination of desire.


14. As your convition becomes stronger and stronger by rethinking

and rethinking about the uselessness of sexual desire.Then another

act unfolds.


15. You consciously try to avoid it.It is a struggle that depends

on your WILL POWER.Your WILL needs to be constantly reinforced to

destroy this enemy that kills you.You get it first by

satsangh,then pilgrimage,then scriptural reading,then meditation ,

and so on.


16. your impressions begin to be erased and reorganised as in a

floppy.IF they are not erased permanently,you will continue to

behave in the same way ,however much you read,meditate,and do all

kinds of sadhana.But even a mountain will become rubble as you go

on breaking it.If You have the dynamite of conviction triggered by

will ,it will blast the vasana in no time.That is what happened to

Sri Ramana. He simply threw away everything and headed towards

Arunachala.Please ask Sri Harsha about his. He will be in a better

position to tell you.



Then at another meditation I found out:

> What I call "outside world" does not exist in fact

>(law of insubstantiality, anatman), and neither do I.


This is all Shastra vasana which many in the advaitin list do!!!

If you have realised it as pure knowlegde and not as


you will neither drink nor have sex nor become a victim of



This is what I humbly submit!!!


Practice the vichara and abandon the bad company,

deliberately,forcefully, and at the same time take care that it

will not choke you.Slowly, the impure vasana changes to pure

vasana.It is all a game of vasana.Vasana is drudha bhavana 'strong

thought ' that impels you to action without an antececedent or a

precedent cause.


Get back to the source, the questioner,every time you get the


change the topic first ,sing the song of the lord,do something in

the initial stages. later on you can confront it face to face.If

you are weak ,it will devour you.you may land ina hospital for

someother tragedy.


> The outside world appears as a very complex

>projection of the Self. It is a projection which has:

> 1- a past aspect, which is more basally experienced

>as the body and the background of the phenomena you witness (for

>example, a car passes before you on a street. The background

>would be the street, the village or town or city, etc.) This

>first aspect related to past is related to group consciousness,

>racial type consciousness and is the more animal type or layer of

>the experience. The past aspect is basically experienced as body

>and world -- there were past actions which supposedly generated

>your birth at a certain place that already existed when you were


> 2- there is a present aspect which is expressed as

>the individual perception of the phenomena, i.e., the individual

>is aware of his existence and his interactions with the external

>world, through his mind. This is basically the mind.

> 3- there is a future or simultaneous aspect which is

>related to the immediate projections of the Self in this world

>and body of the past. This happens through many things such as

>syncronicity. For example, last night I went to buy wax for my

>surfboard. I went to a small surfshop and I was thinking what

>brand I would buy. Since I have not surfed for 3 years, I did not

>remember any brand of surfing wax. I thought "I'll buy the most

>famous one" as I walked into the shop. When I looked at the place

>where the little bricks of wax were placed, the first brand my

>eyes fell on was.... "FAMOUS" SURFING WAX. This experience was so

>interesting, I began to laugh. I immediately I remembered

>Maharshi when he wrote about SIMULTANEOUS CREATION.




Yugapat srushti and all those theories are beyond the state of a

boozer,boy!!! we only have the information but no knowledge of



Ajata vada is th other aspect.


First, let us consolidate your position vis a vis the desire for

booze or for woman.


Get married ,if you cannot control yourself.so you have already

taken the first step of avoiding wandering.

next love her,then you have already blocked your dissipation.If

you cannot love her,you get into the vicious circle!!!




This also remembered me of Jan and Percy here talking about the

play of Maya. But to enter into this 3rd layer of experience is

somewhat frightening, your normal reasoning mechanisms have to be

transcended and this scares me a lot, I'm afraid of going insane

although for some reason I know that I have passed the point where

I could go insane on that.


people talk about insanity and all that jazz music.It is

because,they have not cleared of their impure vasanas and then try

to do the jump.When I did not know horse-riding and I tried to

ride,I fell.bBut later on when I learnt it ,it is inexplicable



Every game has its rules and exercises.


Please do not believe in all this crap talk.The fear is the fear

of attachment to the body.First purify yourself by

mananam,sravanam,nidhidhyasanam, and all that exercising.


There is no way except this to hold your mind face to face and

blast it to so that it will listen to you and not you to it.



> This lead me to the astonishing conclusion that the

>world is an illusion, an individual spiritual projection, and

>everyone has the ability to access this 3rd layer of experience

>and comprove this for him/herself. It's like a hologram, each

>little piece contains the whole as well as the whole contains

>each little piece. You can experience both sides of this, while

>the majority of people only experience the second possibility of

>experience, which is that of ignorance (the self is a product of

>the whole). Not only this is true, but also that the whole is a

>reflection of the self.


Then ,why waste time! go ahead and be the SElf.


Make the move now ,here,and win the game!!!

> May we all achieve Liberation and in our way, may

>Love and Peace pour through us all.


> Frederico


> -

> bhuvan eswar chilukuri


> Tuesday, September 23, 2003 2:30 PM

> Re: Apologies



> My dear soul of the soul of the soul,






> Who is this I ???


> I have not been reading the mail carefully!!!


> did you try my request made in my last letter!!!


> I am interested to know what you find.


> Let us share your experience of this type of love making:


> Loving the one who does the loving thing!!!


> Love always,


> bhuvaneswar




> On Mon, 22 Sep 2003 Frederico S. Gonzales wrote :

> > Hello Harsha, Jan and all,

> >

> > First, Jan (if this is your name; I am referring


> >the person who writes with the email ecirada) I'm awfully


> >if I sounded agressive in my exposition of what I consider to


> >the sacred nature of the male-female love. Yes you can


> >this old-fashioned, but in my opinion even being very actual


> >updated in terms of mentality a person can still have this

> >idealistic vision of mating.

> > When I quoted Buddha I never did that to compare


> >or to suggest subtly that you were "a pig". I simply made a

> >rational statement that could be better put by me as: "each


> >sees what he or she wants to see".

> > I do not understand how can one person consider


> >between male and female to be darkness. Or perhaps let us

>call it

> >PASSION instead of LOVE. Love is a strong word and there is


> >one love, which is divine, of which this lesser love of

>gender is

> >but a lower reflection, as I have said.

> > By exposing my opinions in this Satsang I am


> >trying to force my views on anyone. Sometimes I am a little

> >beclouded and of course I go a little too far in statements

>and I

> >am somewhat fierce in exposing my points of view.

> > Now seriously, my sincere apologies Jan.

> > Since this is a friendly conversation forum, I


> >like to ask Clownpercy one question.

> > Percy, why do you always refer to yourself in


> >third person (you write "Percy read", "Percy needs time",


> >Is this because from your vantage point you are not Percy?


> >this is the case, I would like to know more about your

> >experience. Also I would like to know where you are from,


> >and also Jan, Harsha and Bhuvan. As I have said I am from

> >Brazil.

> >

> > Cheers!

> > Frederico

> >

> >


> _

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> "Love itself is the actual form of God."


> Sri Ramana


> In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma


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Rediff Matchmaker strikes another interesting match !!

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I greet you with all joy and humbleness Bhuvan Ishwar,

I have had some experiences which only later I would know


I will be sincere to you since I feel:

- you are a very good person

- you are very well informed

- you have an advanced degree of understanding of the

phenomenal universe

I have always wondered what I was doing on Earth and what it

really was.

From early childhood , at about 6 years of age, I manifested

a strong feeling for women. I would go and kiss girls of my class, 6

year-old, and be punished and they would be afraid of me. Later this

would turn to a more normal appreciation of the beauty of women.

The theory I am at present PRACTICING and studying is

basically Drishti-Shristi Vada. If you know about this, you know how

this theory is a jump, as you put it. This is because at a party, 1

year ago, in the full moon of september 2002, I had one of the most

frightening experiences of my life -- and I had many, surfing in the

sea, crashing with the car, getting punched in the face etc.

I took a little amount of a substance called LSD and two

hours later something dawned. I was not in control. I was seeing what

I had to see.

What I saw shocked me but at the same time made me very

happy. I will summarize what I saw.

It is a mirror. The dream, the experience of being a

subject, is a mirror. I would think "hmm the weather is so like in

germany today" and I would look and see a blonde guy with a sweater

written "BAVARIA". I would be thinking about something and something

which correlated with that would appear. This happened at a rave


Since then I have had this experience other times, it's

also the same experience. It's simultaneous creation. It is gigantic

and frightening and yet, there is a joy and a love there I cannot

forget. I feel that my way is to achieve this experience permanently

but I run away from it, because it would take all meaning and all

illusion from me, all my concepts, my subtle projections in the

world, would vanish, and I would remain as the "Projector".

I am not in the stage of the booze-drinker. I know I have

long ago , lives ago, passed this stage. But what am I to do? I

simply cannot put all my energy and effort for going AGAINST what my

family, my society wants me to do, because I am a product of this. I

was born in a family and a society which have no knowledge of Vedas

or Advaita and does not know all this is true. I was born in a family

which values health, wealth and a good spouse and that's what they

want for me. And also, that's what I want for me. Why can't I be a

lawyer and a spiritual seeker? Is it impossible for a lawyer to

attain self-realization?

Love and thank you for your kind frienship,



bhuvan eswar chilukuri

Friday, September 26, 2003 10:48 AM

Re: Re: [Let us practice now ] Apologies and Hologram

Most Respected Sir,On Thu, 25 Sep 2003 Frederico S. Gonzales wrote :>

Hello Bhuvan,>> It took me a bit long to answer you

because I have >been somewhat busy with mundane affairs, especially

University.> You're talking about LOVING THE ONE WHO

>LOVES...LOVING THE SELF?> Yes that is interesting. That

is something I do not >as much as I would like. I often find myself

with low motivation >because I have been through so many experiences

and yet I know >love can only pour through me if I first of all love

myself >passionately.> The problem when I tried to find my

Self was:> 1- I thought: is my body the Self? No. My body

is not >my Self otherwise it would not be MY body.*****

Yes,sir.> 2- then I thought: are my feelings and thoughts

my >Self? No, they cannot be, since they pass before me like a cloud

>passes in the sky.****** Yewss,sir.> 3- then I

thought: is my consciousness my Self? And >the answer was, YES, but

my consciousness is not my MIND. my Mind >is a product from my

Consciousness. So I have found:> Consciousness creates

Mind creates Body creates >Consciousness. OOPS,,> Is this

a vicious circle? I think yes it is.***** Not at all

,sir,according to my own humble experience!!! 1.Consciousness has

Nature as ITS ENERGY (PRAKRUTHI). 2.When Consciousness reflects

in Nature (in its Sattva dominated state),that reflection is called

Iswara -BHUVANESWARA ,my name!!!!- 3.Iswara controls nature and

stirs it ,as it were , to act . 4.Nature acts and then that act

becomes creation.Differentiated as this and that. 5.Iswara then

reflects himself - like the sun reflecting in waves - and appears as

many.That secondary reflection is called a jiva.It is bound by the

differentited piece of nature as a wave is.THe structure of the piece

determines the nature of the reflection.Sometimes ,it gets crooked as

in a wave,sometimes bright , sometimes dull,etc.That is it enjoys and

suffers, loves and hates,etc. 6.when you ask the question and leave

the question aside and hold on to the questioner,you are holding on

to this blessed secondary reflection ,or secondary awareness, called

JIIIVVVAAA : he who lives or experiences his karma phalam. 7. when

you hold on to him tightly, as I said,you are not aware of the body

you hold.This is what happens when you hold someonevery dear to you

in distress.Your and the other body or object or anything simply gets

blockedfrom your sensation. 8.When you still intensely

be,BE,BE,BE,that awareness,you will retrace the secondary reflection

to the source from which it came.That source - I do not know -

according to my Master is the SOURCE OF ALL SOURCESthe beginning of

all shows,boy!!! 9. It is not created by the body nor the mind but

It is the source for their creation by Nature.Mind is nature;body is

nature;sexual feelings are nature,too;sex is also nature too.10. The

drama changes the scenes and you begin to enjoy another sweetness

which as it becomes more and more considers the bodily pleasures as

cheap - something like a man discarding a roadside hut to a palace of

luxury.11. your sexual appetite for woman is because you think it is a

plesure and so you are caught in the ignorance and then get lost in it

until one day you realise that it is a poison _- You will one day

realise that drinking is a poison ,only IF YOU CRITICALLY EXAMINE THE

SUFFERING.It is called vichara.YU MUST DO IT.### THere is no other

short cut ,BOY!!!###12. AS you do this vichara,then you realise that

it is a waste of time.BUT YOU WILL NOT ABANDON THIS DESIRE FOR drink

nor WOMAN.13. All the characters who talk elonquently about advaita

but who have not experienced this bliss - small though - can never

succeed in the elimination of desire.14. As your convition becomes

stronger and stronger by rethinking and rethinking about the

uselessness of sexual desire.Then another act unfolds.15. You

consciously try to avoid it.It is a struggle that depends on your

WILL POWER.Your WILL needs to be constantly reinforced to destroy

this enemy that kills you.You get it first by satsangh,then

pilgrimage,then scriptural reading,then meditation , and so on.16.

your impressions begin to be erased and reorganised as in a floppy.IF

they are not erased permanently,you will continue to behave in the

same way ,however much you read,meditate,and do all kinds of

sadhana.But even a mountain will become rubble as you go on breaking

it.If You have the dynamite of conviction triggered by will ,it will

blast the vasana in no time.That is what happened to Sri Ramana. He

simply threw away everything and headed towards Arunachala.Please ask

Sri Harsha about his. He will be in a better position to tell you.Then

at another meditation I found out:> What I call "outside

world" does not exist in fact >(law of insubstantiality, anatman),

and neither do I.This is all Shastra vasana which many in the

advaitin list do!!!If you have realised it as pure knowlegde and not

as information,thenyou will neither drink nor have sex nor become a

victim of maya!!!This is what I humbly submit!!!Practice the vichara

and abandon the bad company, deliberately,forcefully, and at the same

time take care that it will not choke you.Slowly, the impure vasana

changes to purevasana.It is all a game of vasana.Vasana is drudha

bhavana 'strong thought ' that impels you to action without an

antececedent or a precedent cause.Get back to the source, the

questioner,every time you get the desire.change the topic first ,sing

the song of the lord,do something in the initial stages. later on you

can confront it face to face.If you are weak ,it will devour you.you

may land ina hospital for someother tragedy.> The outside

world appears as a very complex >projection of the Self. It is a

projection which has:> 1- a past aspect, which is more

basally experienced >as the body and the background of the phenomena

you witness (for >example, a car passes before you on a street. The

background >would be the street, the village or town or city, etc.)

This >first aspect related to past is related to group consciousness,

>racial type consciousness and is the more animal type or layer of

>the experience. The past aspect is basically experienced as body

>and world -- there were past actions which supposedly generated

>your birth at a certain place that already existed when you were

>born.> 2- there is a present aspect which is expressed as

>the individual perception of the phenomena, i.e., the individual >is

aware of his existence and his interactions with the external >world,

through his mind. This is basically the mind.> 3- there is

a future or simultaneous aspect which is >related to the immediate

projections of the Self in this world >and body of the past. This

happens through many things such as >syncronicity. For example, last

night I went to buy wax for my >surfboard. I went to a small surfshop

and I was thinking what >brand I would buy. Since I have not surfed

for 3 years, I did not >remember any brand of surfing wax. I thought

"I'll buy the most >famous one" as I walked into the shop. When I

looked at the place >where the little bricks of wax were placed, the

first brand my >eyes fell on was.... "FAMOUS" SURFING WAX. This

experience was so >interesting, I began to laugh. I immediately I

remembered >Maharshi when he wrote about SIMULTANEOUS

CREATION.****Yugapat srushti and all those theories are beyond the

state of a boozer,boy!!! we only have the information but no

knowledge of them.Ajata vada is th other aspect.First, let us

consolidate your position vis a vis the desire for booze or for

woman.Get married ,if you cannot control yourself.so you have already

taken the first step of avoiding wandering.next love her,then you have

already blocked your dissipation.If you cannot love her,you get into

the vicious circle!!! This also remembered me of Jan and Percy here

talking about the play of Maya. But to enter into this 3rd layer of

experience is somewhat frightening, your normal reasoning mechanisms

have to be transcended and this scares me a lot, I'm afraid of going

insane although for some reason I know that I have passed the point

where I could go insane on that.people talk about insanity and all

that jazz music.It is because,they have not cleared of their impure

vasanas and then try to do the jump.When I did not know horse-riding

and I tried to ride,I fell.bBut later on when I learnt it ,it is

inexplicable thrill.Every game has its rules and exercises.Please do

not believe in all this crap talk.The fear is the fear of attachment

to the body.First purify yourself by mananam,sravanam,nidhidhyasanam,

and all that exercising.There is no way except this to hold your mind

face to face and blast it to so that it will listen to you and not

you to it.> This lead me to the astonishing conclusion

that the >world is an illusion, an individual spiritual projection,

and >everyone has the ability to access this 3rd layer of experience

>and comprove this for him/herself. It's like a hologram, each

>little piece contains the whole as well as the whole contains >each

little piece. You can experience both sides of this, while >the

majority of people only experience the second possibility of

>experience, which is that of ignorance (the self is a product of

>the whole). Not only this is true, but also that the whole is a

>reflection of the self.Then ,why waste time! go ahead and be the

SElf.Make the move now ,here,and win the game!!!> May we

all achieve Liberation and in our way, may >Love and Peace pour

through us all.>> Frederico>> ----- Original Message

-----> bhuvan eswar chilukuri> To:

> Tuesday, September 23, 2003

2:30 PM> Re: Apologies>>> My dear soul

of the soul of the soul,>> By the by , i AM A CHARACTER BORN IN


is this I ???>> I have not been reading the mail carefully!!!>>

did you try my request made in my last letter!!!>> I am interested

to know what you find.>> Let us share your experience of this type

of love making:>> Loving the one who does the loving thing!!!>>

Love always,>> bhuvaneswar>>>> On Mon, 22 Sep 2003 Frederico S.

Gonzales wrote :> > Hello Harsha, Jan and all,> >> >

First, Jan (if this is your name; I am referring >to> >the

person who writes with the email ecirada) I'm awfully >sorry> >if I

sounded agressive in my exposition of what I consider to >be> >the

sacred nature of the male-female love. Yes you can >consider> >this

old-fashioned, but in my opinion even being very actual >and>

>updated in terms of mentality a person can still have this>

>idealistic vision of mating.> > When I quoted Buddha I

never did that to compare >you> >or to suggest subtly that you were

"a pig". I simply made a> >rational statement that could be better

put by me as: "each >one> >sees what he or she wants to see".> >

I do not understand how can one person consider >love>

>between male and female to be darkness. Or perhaps let us >call it>

>PASSION instead of LOVE. Love is a strong word and there is >only>

>one love, which is divine, of which this lesser love of >gender is>

>but a lower reflection, as I have said.> > By exposing

my opinions in this Satsang I am >not> >trying to force my views on

anyone. Sometimes I am a little> >beclouded and of course I go a

little too far in statements >and I> >am somewhat fierce in

exposing my points of view.> > Now seriously, my

sincere apologies Jan.> > Since this is a friendly

conversation forum, I >would> >like to ask Clownpercy one

question.> > Percy, why do you always refer to yourself

in >the> >third person (you write "Percy read", "Percy needs time",

>etc.)> >Is this because from your vantage point you are not Percy?

>If> >this is the case, I would like to know more about your>

>experience. Also I would like to know where you are from, >Percy,>

>and also Jan, Harsha and Bhuvan. As I have said I am from>

>Brazil.> >> > Cheers!> > Frederico>

>> >>> _> Art

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another interesting match !!> Visit

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>> >>

"Love itself is the actual form of God.">> Sri Ramana>> In

"Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma>> Your use of

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"Love itself is

the actual form of God."Sri RamanaIn "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam"

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Dear Frederico

of course you can be whatever you want and "proceed" on the spiritual path.

B u t what you have to do - and this is not dependend on your age

- is to take decisions!

Y ou have to decide in which kind of world you want to live.

And here is your "problem". Serving different masters makes you sick!

This you know since ages............

So please get a move in do not be a spoiled baby do not think

chasing woman being a womanizer makes you a man

A man a mensch a human being with value has to give his best his

utmost best for whatever he loves


only those who give their utmost even for the wrong case

by the way let me know your birthday maybe I can tell you "something" about yourself

michael_bindel (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

>"Frederico S. Gonzales"

> >

>Re: Re: Re: [Let us practice now ]

Apologies and Hologram >Fri, 26 Sep 2003 13:05:41 -0300 > > I

greet you with all joy and humbleness Bhuvan Ishwar, > > I have had

some experiences which only later I would know that ANOTHER PERSON

HAD ALREADY HAD A SIMILAR EXPERIENCE. > I will be sincere to you

since I feel: > - you are a very good person > - you are very well

informed > - you have an advanced degree of understanding of the

phenomenal universe > > I have always wondered what I was doing on

Earth and what it really was. > From early childhood , at about 6

years of age, I manifested a strong feeling for women. I would go and

kiss girls of my class, 6 year-old, and be punished and they would be

afraid of me. Later this would turn to a more normal appreciation of

the beauty of women. > The theory I am at present PRACTICING and

studying is basically Drishti-Shristi Vada. If you know about this,

you know how this theory is a jump, as you put it. This is because at

a party, 1 year ago, in the full moon of september 2002, I had one of

the most frightening experiences of my life -- and I had many,

surfing in the sea, crashing with the car, getting punched in the

face etc. > I took a little amount of a substance called LSD and two

hours later something dawned. I was not in control. I was seeing what

I had to see. > What I saw shocked me but at the same time made me

very happy. I will summarize what I saw. > It is a mirror. The dream,

the experience of being a subject, is a mirror. I would think "hmm the

weather is so like in germany today" and I would look and see a blonde

guy with a sweater written "BAVARIA". I would be thinking about

something and something which correlated with that would appear. This

happened at a rave party. > Since then I have had this experience

other times, it's also the same experience. It's simultaneous

creation. It is gigantic and frightening and yet, there is a joy and

a love there I cannot forget. I feel that my way is to achieve this

experience permanently but I run away from it, because it would take

all meaning and all illusion from me, all my concepts, my subtle

projections in the world, would vanish, and I would remain as the

"Projector". > I am not in the stage of the booze-drinker. I know I

have long ago , lives ago, passed this stage. But what am I to do? I

simply cannot put all my energy and effort for going AGAINST what my

family, my society wants me to do, because I am a product of this. I

was born in a family and a society which have no knowledge of Vedas

or Advaita and does not know all this is true. I was born in a family

which values health, wealth and a good spouse and that's what they

want for me. And also, that's what I want for me. Why can't I be a

lawyer and a spiritual seeker? Is it impossible for a lawyer to

attain self-realization? > > Love and thank you for your kind

frienship, > > Frederico > > > > > >- >

bhuvan eswar chilukuri > >

Friday, September 26, 2003 10:48 AM >

Re: Re: [Let us practice now ] Apologies and Hologram > > > Most

Respected Sir, > > On Thu, 25 Sep 2003 Frederico S. Gonzales wrote :

> > Hello Bhuvan, > > > > It took me a bit long to answer you because

I have > >been somewhat busy with mundane affairs, especially

University. > > You're talking about LOVING THE ONE WHO >

>LOVES...LOVING THE SELF? > > Yes that is interesting. That is

something I do not > >as much as I would like. I often find myself

with low motivation > >because I have been through so many

experiences and yet I know > >love can only pour through me if I

first of all love myself > >passionately. > > The problem when I

tried to find my Self was: > > 1- I thought: is my body the Self? No.

My body is not > >my Self otherwise it would not be MY body. > > *****

Yes,sir. > > > 2- then I thought: are my feelings and thoughts my >

>Self? No, they cannot be, since they pass before me like a cloud >

>passes in the sky. > > ****** Yewss,sir. > > > 3- then I thought: is

my consciousness my Self? And > >the answer was, YES, but my

consciousness is not my MIND. my Mind > >is a product from my

Consciousness. So I have found: > > Consciousness creates Mind

creates Body creates > >Consciousness. OOPS,, > > Is this a vicious

circle? I think yes it is. > > ***** Not at all ,sir,according to my

own humble > experience!!! > > 1.Consciousness has Nature as ITS

ENERGY (PRAKRUTHI). > > 2.When Consciousness reflects in Nature (in

its Sattva > dominated state),that reflection is called Iswara

-BHUVANESWARA > ,my name!!!!- > > 3.Iswara controls nature and stirs

it ,as it were , to act . > > 4.Nature acts and then that act becomes

creation.Differentiated > as this and that. > > 5.Iswara then reflects

himself - like the sun reflecting in > waves - and appears as

many.That secondary reflection is called a > jiva.It is bound by the

differentited piece of nature as a wave > is.THe structure of the

piece determines the nature of the > reflection.Sometimes ,it gets

crooked as in a wave,sometimes > bright , sometimes dull,etc.That is

it enjoys and suffers, loves > and hates,etc. > > 6.when you ask the

question and leave the question aside and > hold on to the

questioner,you are holding on to this blessed > secondary reflection

,or secondary awareness, called JIIIVVVAAA : > he who lives or

experiences his karma phalam. > > 7. when you hold on to him tightly,

as I said,you are not aware > of the body you hold.This is what

happens when you hold > someonevery dear to you in distress.Your and

the other body or > object or anything simply gets blockedfrom your

sensation. > > 8.When you still intensely be,BE,BE,BE,that

awareness,you will > retrace the secondary reflection to the source

from which it > came.That source - I do not know - according to my

Master is the > SOURCE OF ALL SOURCES > the beginning of all

shows,boy!!! > > 9. It is not created by the body nor the mind but It

is the > source for their creation by Nature.Mind is nature;body is >

nature;sexual feelings are nature,too;sex is also nature too. > > 10.

The drama changes the scenes and you begin to enjoy another >

sweetness which as it becomes more and more considers the bodily >

pleasures as cheap - something like a man discarding a roadside > hut

to a palace of luxury. > > 11. your sexual appetite for woman is

because you think it is a > plesure and so you are caught in the

ignorance and then get lost > in it until one day you realise that it

is a poison _- You will > one day realise that drinking is a poison


vichara.YU MUST DO IT. > > ### THere is no other short cut ,BOY!!!###

> > 12. AS you do this vichara,then you realise that it is a waste of


13. All the characters who talk elonquently about advaita but who >

have not experienced this bliss - small though - can never succeed >

in the elimination of desire. > > 14. As your convition becomes

stronger and stronger by rethinking > and rethinking about the

uselessness of sexual desire.Then another > act unfolds. > > 15. You

consciously try to avoid it.It is a struggle that depends > on your

WILL POWER.Your WILL needs to be constantly reinforced to > destroy

this enemy that kills you.You get it first by > satsangh,then

pilgrimage,then scriptural reading,then meditation , > and so on. > >

16. your impressions begin to be erased and reorganised as in a >

floppy.IF they are not erased permanently,you will continue to >

behave in the same way ,however much you read,meditate,and do all >

kinds of sadhana.But even a mountain will become rubble as you go >

on breaking it.If You have the dynamite of conviction triggered by >

will ,it will blast the vasana in no time.That is what happened to >

Sri Ramana. He simply threw away everything and headed towards >

Arunachala.Please ask Sri Harsha about his. He will be in a better >

position to tell you. > > > Then at another meditation I found out: >

> What I call "outside world" does not exist in fact > >(law of

insubstantiality, anatman), and neither do I. > > This is all Shastra

vasana which many in the advaitin list do!!! > If you have realised it

as pure knowlegde and not as > information,then > you will neither

drink nor have sex nor become a victim of > maya!!! > > This is what

I humbly submit!!! > > Practice the vichara and abandon the bad

company, > deliberately,forcefully, and at the same time take care

that it > will not choke you.Slowly, the impure vasana changes to

pure > vasana.It is all a game of vasana.Vasana is drudha bhavana

'strong > thought ' that impels you to action without an antececedent

or a > precedent cause. > > Get back to the source, the

questioner,every time you get the > desire. > change the topic first

,sing the song of the lord,do something in > the initial stages.

later on you can confront it face to face.If > you are weak ,it will

devour you.you may land ina hospital for > someother tragedy. > > > >

The outside world appears as a very complex > >projection of the Self.

It is a projection which has: > > 1- a past aspect, which is more

basally experienced > >as the body and the background of the

phenomena you witness (for > >example, a car passes before you on a

street. The background > >would be the street, the village or town or

city, etc.) This > >first aspect related to past is related to group

consciousness, > >racial type consciousness and is the more animal

type or layer of > >the experience. The past aspect is basically

experienced as body > >and world -- there were past actions which

supposedly generated > >your birth at a certain place that already

existed when you were > >born. > > 2- there is a present aspect which

is expressed as > >the individual perception of the phenomena, i.e.,

the individual > >is aware of his existence and his interactions with

the external > >world, through his mind. This is basically the mind. >

> 3- there is a future or simultaneous aspect which is > >related to

the immediate projections of the Self in this world > >and body of

the past. This happens through many things such as > >syncronicity.

For example, last night I went to buy wax for my > >surfboard. I went

to a small surfshop and I was thinking what > >brand I would buy.

Since I have not surfed for 3 years, I did not > >remember any brand

of surfing wax. I thought "I'll buy the most > >famous one" as I

walked into the shop. When I looked at the place > >where the little

bricks of wax were placed, the first brand my > >eyes fell on was....

"FAMOUS" SURFING WAX. This experience was so > >interesting, I began

to laugh. I immediately I remembered > >Maharshi when he wrote about

SIMULTANEOUS CREATION. > > **** > > Yugapat srushti and all those

theories are beyond the state of a > boozer,boy!!! we only have the

information but no knowledge of > them. > > Ajata vada is th other

aspect. > > First, let us consolidate your position vis a vis the

desire for > booze or for woman. > > Get married ,if you cannot

control yourself.so you have already > taken the first step of

avoiding wandering. > next love her,then you have already blocked

your dissipation.If > you cannot love her,you get into the vicious

circle!!! > > > > This also remembered me of Jan and Percy here

talking about the > play of Maya. But to enter into this 3rd layer of

experience is > somewhat frightening, your normal reasoning mechanisms

have to be > transcended and this scares me a lot, I'm afraid of going

insane > although for some reason I know that I have passed the point

where > I could go insane on that. > > people talk about insanity and

all that jazz music.It is > because,they have not cleared of their

impure vasanas and then try > to do the jump.When I did not know

horse-riding and I tried to > ride,I fell.bBut later on when I learnt

it ,it is inexplicable > thrill. > > Every game has its rules and

exercises. > > Please do not believe in all this crap talk.The fear

is the fear > of attachment to the body.First purify yourself by >

mananam,sravanam,nidhidhyasanam, and all that exercising. > > There

is no way except this to hold your mind face to face and > blast it

to so that it will listen to you and not you to it. > > > > > This

lead me to the astonishing conclusion that the > >world is an

illusion, an individual spiritual projection, and > >everyone has the

ability to access this 3rd layer of experience > >and comprove this

for him/herself. It's like a hologram, each > >little piece contains

the whole as well as the whole contains > >each little piece. You can

experience both sides of this, while > >the majority of people only

experience the second possibility of > >experience, which is that of

ignorance (the self is a product of > >the whole). Not only this is

true, but also that the whole is a > >reflection of the self. > >

Then ,why waste time! go ahead and be the SElf. > > Make the move now

,here,and win the game!!! > > May we all achieve Liberation and in our

way, may > >Love and Peace pour through us all. > > > > Frederico > >

> > - > > bhuvan eswar chilukuri > >

> > Tuesday, September 23,

2003 2:30 PM > > Re: Apologies > > > > > >

My dear soul of the soul of the soul, > > > > By the by , i AM A


NIGERIA!!!! > > > > Who is this I ??? > > > > I have not been reading

the mail carefully!!! > > > > did you try my request made in my last

letter!!! > > > > I am interested to know what you find. > > > > Let

us share your experience of this type of love making: > > > > Loving

the one who does the loving thing!!! > > > > Love always, > > > >

bhuvaneswar > > > > > > > > On Mon, 22 Sep 2003 Frederico S. Gonzales

wrote : > > > Hello Harsha, Jan and all, > > > > > > First, Jan (if

this is your name; I am referring > >to > > >the person who writes

with the email ecirada) I'm awfully > >sorry > > >if I sounded

agressive in my exposition of what I consider to > >be > > >the

sacred nature of the male-female love. Yes you can > >consider > >

>this old-fashioned, but in my opinion even being very actual > >and

> > >updated in terms of mentality a person can still have this > >

>idealistic vision of mating. > > > When I quoted Buddha I never did

that to compare > >you > > >or to suggest subtly that you were "a

pig". I simply made a > > >rational statement that could be better

put by me as: "each > >one > > >sees what he or she wants to see". >

> > I do not understand how can one person consider > >love > >

>between male and female to be darkness. Or perhaps let us > >call it

> > >PASSION instead of LOVE. Love is a strong word and there is >

>only > > >one love, which is divine, of which this lesser love of >

>gender is > > >but a lower reflection, as I have said. > > > By

exposing my opinions in this Satsang I am > >not > > >trying to force

my views on anyone. Sometimes I am a little > > >beclouded and of

course I go a little too far in statements > >and I > > >am somewhat

fierce in exposing my points of view. > > > Now seriously, my sincere

apologies Jan. > > > Since this is a friendly conversation forum, I >

>would > > >like to ask Clownpercy one question. > > > Percy, why do

you always refer to yourself in > >the > > >third person (you write

"Percy read", "Percy needs time", > >etc.) > > >Is this because from

your vantage point you are not Percy? > >If > > >this is the case, I

would like to know more about your > > >experience. Also I would like

to know where you are from, > >Percy, > > >and also Jan, Harsha and

Bhuvan. As I have said I am from > > >Brazil. > > > > > > Cheers! > >

> Frederico > > > > > > > > > >

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Dear Frederico

of course you can be whatever you want and "proceed" on the spiritual path.

B u t what you have to do - and this is not dependend on your age

- is to take decisions!

Y ou have to decide in which kind of world you want to live.

And here is your "problem". Serving different masters makes you sick!

This you know since ages............

So please get a move in do not be a spoiled baby do not think

chasing woman being a womanizer makes you a man

A man a mensch a human being with value has to give his best his

utmost best for whatever he loves


only those who give their utmost even for the wrong case

by the way let me know your birthday maybe I can tell you "something" about yourself

michael_bindel (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

>"Frederico S. Gonzales"

> >

>Re: Re: Re: [Let us practice now ]

Apologies and Hologram >Fri, 26 Sep 2003 13:05:41 -0300 > > I

greet you with all joy and humbleness Bhuvan Ishwar, > > I have had

some experiences which only later I would know that ANOTHER PERSON

HAD ALREADY HAD A SIMILAR EXPERIENCE. > I will be sincere to you

since I feel: > - you are a very good person > - you are very well

informed > - you have an advanced degree of understanding of the

phenomenal universe > > I have always wondered what I was doing on

Earth and what it really was. > From early childhood , at about 6

years of age, I manifested a strong feeling for women. I would go and

kiss girls of my class, 6 year-old, and be punished and they would be

afraid of me. Later this would turn to a more normal appreciation of

the beauty of women. > The theory I am at present PRACTICING and

studying is basically Drishti-Shristi Vada. If you know about this,

you know how this theory is a jump, as you put it. This is because at

a party, 1 year ago, in the full moon of september 2002, I had one of

the most frightening experiences of my life -- and I had many,

surfing in the sea, crashing with the car, getting punched in the

face etc. > I took a little amount of a substance called LSD and two

hours later something dawned. I was not in control. I was seeing what

I had to see. > What I saw shocked me but at the same time made me

very happy. I will summarize what I saw. > It is a mirror. The dream,

the experience of being a subject, is a mirror. I would think "hmm the

weather is so like in germany today" and I would look and see a blonde

guy with a sweater written "BAVARIA". I would be thinking about

something and something which correlated with that would appear. This

happened at a rave party. > Since then I have had this experience

other times, it's also the same experience. It's simultaneous

creation. It is gigantic and frightening and yet, there is a joy and

a love there I cannot forget. I feel that my way is to achieve this

experience permanently but I run away from it, because it would take

all meaning and all illusion from me, all my concepts, my subtle

projections in the world, would vanish, and I would remain as the

"Projector". > I am not in the stage of the booze-drinker. I know I

have long ago , lives ago, passed this stage. But what am I to do? I

simply cannot put all my energy and effort for going AGAINST what my

family, my society wants me to do, because I am a product of this. I

was born in a family and a society which have no knowledge of Vedas

or Advaita and does not know all this is true. I was born in a family

which values health, wealth and a good spouse and that's what they

want for me. And also, that's what I want for me. Why can't I be a

lawyer and a spiritual seeker? Is it impossible for a lawyer to

attain self-realization? > > Love and thank you for your kind

frienship, > > Frederico > > > > > >- >

bhuvan eswar chilukuri > >

Friday, September 26, 2003 10:48 AM >

Re: Re: [Let us practice now ] Apologies and Hologram > > > Most

Respected Sir, > > On Thu, 25 Sep 2003 Frederico S. Gonzales wrote :

> > Hello Bhuvan, > > > > It took me a bit long to answer you because

I have > >been somewhat busy with mundane affairs, especially

University. > > You're talking about LOVING THE ONE WHO >

>LOVES...LOVING THE SELF? > > Yes that is interesting. That is

something I do not > >as much as I would like. I often find myself

with low motivation > >because I have been through so many

experiences and yet I know > >love can only pour through me if I

first of all love myself > >passionately. > > The problem when I

tried to find my Self was: > > 1- I thought: is my body the Self? No.

My body is not > >my Self otherwise it would not be MY body. > > *****

Yes,sir. > > > 2- then I thought: are my feelings and thoughts my >

>Self? No, they cannot be, since they pass before me like a cloud >

>passes in the sky. > > ****** Yewss,sir. > > > 3- then I thought: is

my consciousness my Self? And > >the answer was, YES, but my

consciousness is not my MIND. my Mind > >is a product from my

Consciousness. So I have found: > > Consciousness creates Mind

creates Body creates > >Consciousness. OOPS,, > > Is this a vicious

circle? I think yes it is. > > ***** Not at all ,sir,according to my

own humble > experience!!! > > 1.Consciousness has Nature as ITS

ENERGY (PRAKRUTHI). > > 2.When Consciousness reflects in Nature (in

its Sattva > dominated state),that reflection is called Iswara

-BHUVANESWARA > ,my name!!!!- > > 3.Iswara controls nature and stirs

it ,as it were , to act . > > 4.Nature acts and then that act becomes

creation.Differentiated > as this and that. > > 5.Iswara then reflects

himself - like the sun reflecting in > waves - and appears as

many.That secondary reflection is called a > jiva.It is bound by the

differentited piece of nature as a wave > is.THe structure of the

piece determines the nature of the > reflection.Sometimes ,it gets

crooked as in a wave,sometimes > bright , sometimes dull,etc.That is

it enjoys and suffers, loves > and hates,etc. > > 6.when you ask the

question and leave the question aside and > hold on to the

questioner,you are holding on to this blessed > secondary reflection

,or secondary awareness, called JIIIVVVAAA : > he who lives or

experiences his karma phalam. > > 7. when you hold on to him tightly,

as I said,you are not aware > of the body you hold.This is what

happens when you hold > someonevery dear to you in distress.Your and

the other body or > object or anything simply gets blockedfrom your

sensation. > > 8.When you still intensely be,BE,BE,BE,that

awareness,you will > retrace the secondary reflection to the source

from which it > came.That source - I do not know - according to my

Master is the > SOURCE OF ALL SOURCES > the beginning of all

shows,boy!!! > > 9. It is not created by the body nor the mind but It

is the > source for their creation by Nature.Mind is nature;body is >

nature;sexual feelings are nature,too;sex is also nature too. > > 10.

The drama changes the scenes and you begin to enjoy another >

sweetness which as it becomes more and more considers the bodily >

pleasures as cheap - something like a man discarding a roadside > hut

to a palace of luxury. > > 11. your sexual appetite for woman is

because you think it is a > plesure and so you are caught in the

ignorance and then get lost > in it until one day you realise that it

is a poison _- You will > one day realise that drinking is a poison


vichara.YU MUST DO IT. > > ### THere is no other short cut ,BOY!!!###

> > 12. AS you do this vichara,then you realise that it is a waste of


13. All the characters who talk elonquently about advaita but who >

have not experienced this bliss - small though - can never succeed >

in the elimination of desire. > > 14. As your convition becomes

stronger and stronger by rethinking > and rethinking about the

uselessness of sexual desire.Then another > act unfolds. > > 15. You

consciously try to avoid it.It is a struggle that depends > on your

WILL POWER.Your WILL needs to be constantly reinforced to > destroy

this enemy that kills you.You get it first by > satsangh,then

pilgrimage,then scriptural reading,then meditation , > and so on. > >

16. your impressions begin to be erased and reorganised as in a >

floppy.IF they are not erased permanently,you will continue to >

behave in the same way ,however much you read,meditate,and do all >

kinds of sadhana.But even a mountain will become rubble as you go >

on breaking it.If You have the dynamite of conviction triggered by >

will ,it will blast the vasana in no time.That is what happened to >

Sri Ramana. He simply threw away everything and headed towards >

Arunachala.Please ask Sri Harsha about his. He will be in a better >

position to tell you. > > > Then at another meditation I found out: >

> What I call "outside world" does not exist in fact > >(law of

insubstantiality, anatman), and neither do I. > > This is all Shastra

vasana which many in the advaitin list do!!! > If you have realised it

as pure knowlegde and not as > information,then > you will neither

drink nor have sex nor become a victim of > maya!!! > > This is what

I humbly submit!!! > > Practice the vichara and abandon the bad

company, > deliberately,forcefully, and at the same time take care

that it > will not choke you.Slowly, the impure vasana changes to

pure > vasana.It is all a game of vasana.Vasana is drudha bhavana

'strong > thought ' that impels you to action without an antececedent

or a > precedent cause. > > Get back to the source, the

questioner,every time you get the > desire. > change the topic first

,sing the song of the lord,do something in > the initial stages.

later on you can confront it face to face.If > you are weak ,it will

devour you.you may land ina hospital for > someother tragedy. > > > >

The outside world appears as a very complex > >projection of the Self.

It is a projection which has: > > 1- a past aspect, which is more

basally experienced > >as the body and the background of the

phenomena you witness (for > >example, a car passes before you on a

street. The background > >would be the street, the village or town or

city, etc.) This > >first aspect related to past is related to group

consciousness, > >racial type consciousness and is the more animal

type or layer of > >the experience. The past aspect is basically

experienced as body > >and world -- there were past actions which

supposedly generated > >your birth at a certain place that already

existed when you were > >born. > > 2- there is a present aspect which

is expressed as > >the individual perception of the phenomena, i.e.,

the individual > >is aware of his existence and his interactions with

the external > >world, through his mind. This is basically the mind. >

> 3- there is a future or simultaneous aspect which is > >related to

the immediate projections of the Self in this world > >and body of

the past. This happens through many things such as > >syncronicity.

For example, last night I went to buy wax for my > >surfboard. I went

to a small surfshop and I was thinking what > >brand I would buy.

Since I have not surfed for 3 years, I did not > >remember any brand

of surfing wax. I thought "I'll buy the most > >famous one" as I

walked into the shop. When I looked at the place > >where the little

bricks of wax were placed, the first brand my > >eyes fell on was....

"FAMOUS" SURFING WAX. This experience was so > >interesting, I began

to laugh. I immediately I remembered > >Maharshi when he wrote about

SIMULTANEOUS CREATION. > > **** > > Yugapat srushti and all those

theories are beyond the state of a > boozer,boy!!! we only have the

information but no knowledge of > them. > > Ajata vada is th other

aspect. > > First, let us consolidate your position vis a vis the

desire for > booze or for woman. > > Get married ,if you cannot

control yourself.so you have already > taken the first step of

avoiding wandering. > next love her,then you have already blocked

your dissipation.If > you cannot love her,you get into the vicious

circle!!! > > > > This also remembered me of Jan and Percy here

talking about the > play of Maya. But to enter into this 3rd layer of

experience is > somewhat frightening, your normal reasoning mechanisms

have to be > transcended and this scares me a lot, I'm afraid of going

insane > although for some reason I know that I have passed the point

where > I could go insane on that. > > people talk about insanity and

all that jazz music.It is > because,they have not cleared of their

impure vasanas and then try > to do the jump.When I did not know

horse-riding and I tried to > ride,I fell.bBut later on when I learnt

it ,it is inexplicable > thrill. > > Every game has its rules and

exercises. > > Please do not believe in all this crap talk.The fear

is the fear > of attachment to the body.First purify yourself by >

mananam,sravanam,nidhidhyasanam, and all that exercising. > > There

is no way except this to hold your mind face to face and > blast it

to so that it will listen to you and not you to it. > > > > > This

lead me to the astonishing conclusion that the > >world is an

illusion, an individual spiritual projection, and > >everyone has the

ability to access this 3rd layer of experience > >and comprove this

for him/herself. It's like a hologram, each > >little piece contains

the whole as well as the whole contains > >each little piece. You can

experience both sides of this, while > >the majority of people only

experience the second possibility of > >experience, which is that of

ignorance (the self is a product of > >the whole). Not only this is

true, but also that the whole is a > >reflection of the self. > >

Then ,why waste time! go ahead and be the SElf. > > Make the move now

,here,and win the game!!! > > May we all achieve Liberation and in our

way, may > >Love and Peace pour through us all. > > > > Frederico > >

> > - > > bhuvan eswar chilukuri > >

> > Tuesday, September 23,

2003 2:30 PM > > Re: Apologies > > > > > >

My dear soul of the soul of the soul, > > > > By the by , i AM A


NIGERIA!!!! > > > > Who is this I ??? > > > > I have not been reading

the mail carefully!!! > > > > did you try my request made in my last

letter!!! > > > > I am interested to know what you find. > > > > Let

us share your experience of this type of love making: > > > > Loving

the one who does the loving thing!!! > > > > Love always, > > > >

bhuvaneswar > > > > > > > > On Mon, 22 Sep 2003 Frederico S. Gonzales

wrote : > > > Hello Harsha, Jan and all, > > > > > > First, Jan (if

this is your name; I am referring > >to > > >the person who writes

with the email ecirada) I'm awfully > >sorry > > >if I sounded

agressive in my exposition of what I consider to > >be > > >the

sacred nature of the male-female love. Yes you can > >consider > >

>this old-fashioned, but in my opinion even being very actual > >and

> > >updated in terms of mentality a person can still have this > >

>idealistic vision of mating. > > > When I quoted Buddha I never did

that to compare > >you > > >or to suggest subtly that you were "a

pig". I simply made a > > >rational statement that could be better

put by me as: "each > >one > > >sees what he or she wants to see". >

> > I do not understand how can one person consider > >love > >

>between male and female to be darkness. Or perhaps let us > >call it

> > >PASSION instead of LOVE. Love is a strong word and there is >

>only > > >one love, which is divine, of which this lesser love of >

>gender is > > >but a lower reflection, as I have said. > > > By

exposing my opinions in this Satsang I am > >not > > >trying to force

my views on anyone. Sometimes I am a little > > >beclouded and of

course I go a little too far in statements > >and I > > >am somewhat

fierce in exposing my points of view. > > > Now seriously, my sincere

apologies Jan. > > > Since this is a friendly conversation forum, I >

>would > > >like to ask Clownpercy one question. > > > Percy, why do

you always refer to yourself in > >the > > >third person (you write

"Percy read", "Percy needs time", > >etc.) > > >Is this because from

your vantage point you are not Percy? > >If > > >this is the case, I

would like to know more about your > > >experience. Also I would like

to know where you are from, > >Percy, > > >and also Jan, Harsha and

Bhuvan. As I have said I am from > > >Brazil. > > > > > > Cheers! > >

> Frederico > > > > > > > > > >

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