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Digest Number 2280

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Recent researches have found that music can be a tool in curing some diseses

and to increase productivity. Music is a system of harmonious, melodious and

rhythmic sounds capable of producing inner peace and an inexpressible thrill

of joy. Music is one of the sciences which deal with Nada (Sabda) which is

the first vibration of Brahman represented by the Pranava¾ Om. All the Sapta

Svaras— Sa, Ri, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni— which evolved themselves later into the

various vocal sounds first originated out of this fundamental Om, symbolic

of Brahman. Music is one of the fine arts or Lalita Kalas. Yes. It has got

not only the power to soothe the aching mind, but also the power to cure

diseases like neurasthenia, insomnia, hysteria, moroseness, giddiness, etc.

To achieve perfection in the Sangita Sastra is to attune oneself with

Brahman. As Brahman is Light Absolute, Knowledge Absolute, Bliss Absolute

and so on, so is He Nada Absolute. God is Nada Brahman. One can achieve God,

even as the votaries of music, Thyagaraja, Purandhara Das, Tukaram and

others, did.






O dearest Lord, by Thy incarnation the region of Vrindavana has

surpassed all other places. It has become gloriously enticing, for

goddess Indira has now made it her permanent abode. Graciously take

notice of us, Thine own people, who live only for Thy sake and who

are looking for Thee in all directions. Do grant us Thy beatific



O best among the Vrishnis! O dazzling and beloved One! Do lay on

our heads Thy blessed hand - that hand lovingly held by Shri, the

goddess of beauty and riches - and confer safety upon us, who, fleeing

from the torments of samsara, have taken refuge at Thy feet.


O Destroyer of the miseries of the inhabitants of Vraja! Thou

quellest the pride and guile of Thy kinsmen by a mere smile! O great

Hero of our heart! Graciously accept us, Thy servants, and reveal to

us Thy beatific lotus-like face.


O lotus-eyed One! Refresh and strengthen us with the spirit

flowing from Thy lips, Thy mellifluous words and turns of speech that

charm even the gods. Ever ready to obey Thy commands, O heroic One,

we are swooning because of separation from Thee.


The nectar of Thy sin-effacing utterances brings life and hope to

those scorched by misery. They are extolled by wise sages and the

mere listening to them would bestow auspiciousness on all - they

confer every boon. Those who spread them freely are verily

magnanimous - they disseminate what is wholly edifying to listeners.


O dearest One, Thy loving looks, haunting smiles and graceful

movements are most auspicious themes for meditation. Thy secret

promises and sympathies touch us to the core, O great Magician. Our

minds are deeply stirred by them.


O Hero of our hearts! Deign to fill us with Thy soul-filling

notes which drop like ambrosia from the flute brushed by Thy lips and

the pitch and duration of which heighten our spiritual ecstasy,

dispel our sorrows and make us oblivious to every other allurement.

Thy mellifluous music is divinely intoxicating.


O adorable One! Thy manifestation is as much for the well-being

of the whole world as for the removal of the sorrows of the people of

Vraja. Do grant us a modicum of that matchless remedy which alone

will put an end to the ache that gnaws at our hearts. Are we not

Thine own and has not love for Thee become our very nature?


SRIMAD Bhagavatam

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