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Chapter V.

Kundalini Power

p. 40







To a person of the modern education every idea connected with spirituality

conveys an impression of something like nothing; if anything it is of a

nature paling into the realm of unreality and superstition. To students of

physic science, Metaphysics, every thought pertaining to God and Powers of

the Spiritual World suggest an abnormality of brain, any attempt to

understand or systematize phenomena of the higher planes of spiritual life a

waste of time, and any expression of Divine Powers is simply absurd and

meaningless. But fortunately in recent years attention of some of our

educated persons on Western lines has taken a turn. The teachings of the

Arya Samraj and Christian Missionary that had been working to cut at the

very root of old beliefs have by reaction aroused a sense of curiosity to

understand them, their mystic significance and philosophy. But such of them

who possess a sense of reverence for old traditions are generally accused of

blind superstition, though at times rightly, but not necessarily always.

Faith is not always superstition. Faith combined with constructive reasoning

prepares ground for sound knowledge. Faith governs the motive power and

breeds desire for knowledge, which in turn gives necessary impetus for

research work; sound and constructive reasoning 'shows the right path and

guards against loopholes and pitfalls. Strong faith tempered with sound

constructive reasoning is, therefore, what a research student of any field

must need. But for some time past we have been witnessing in our educated

people a tendency of fostering that line of reasoning which is justly named

destructive, absolutely devoid of faith. This tendency has been making the

mind of our youths a barren land of hot sands where no seed of spiritual

knowledge can grow. Five senses combined with admittedly incomplete aid of

inference are by such men regarded quite sufficient to unravel the vast hidd

en treasures of knowledge lying behind the superficial phenomena of Nature.

The sixth son can claim that the whole store has been explored. We may still

be picking up pebbles on the shore of the deeps of knowledge. When it can be

so said about our knowledge .f the physical plane much more can be said

about the higher spheres still unexplored. Metaphysics and occult sciences,

have already given glimpses in that direction. We see that this Universe is

a play of two kinds of forces secular and spiritual; physical and

metaphysical. Physical science gives us information of the former and over

the other it possesses no jurisdiction. It is it not fool hardiness on its

to discount and set at nought the vast field of knowledge that transcends

its very bounds, deny, denounce and ignore what is beyond its approach and

try to judge and measure things spiritual with physical standards?


Kundalini Shakti has met a similar fate. She is identified with some nerve

unknown to the anatomists. Even Dr. Rele, the learned author of the work

"Mysterious Kundalini ", has been led to identify the Mother Kundalini with

the right vagus nerve. But in fact kundalini is as much the vagus or any

other nerve as soul is an atom in the physical body, heart or brain. The

author of the "Mysterious Kundalini" has been led to such a belief as he

appears to have confused the kundalini shakti with the power of muscle and

nerve control which is not the case. Even a person without his kundalini

shakti awakened can acquire the power of controlling, at his will, muscles

and the autonomous working of pulse and heart, and on the contrary a person

with his Kundalini well awakened may fail to do the same at will. It is true

that the nervous system governs and controls physical, mental and

intellectul faculties and as such also the spiritual powers to an extent,

but the relation between the two is like that of a radio receiver and the

electric power which works it both from in and out, internally through wires

and externally without wires. Kundalini shakti too works inside the body

through the wires of the nervous system and from outside without their help.


Sir John Woodrofle in his foreword to the "Mysterious Kundalini" has

correctly and in the clearest of expression has refuted the nerve view of

kundalini in these words. "She is the Grand Potential. As such she cannot,

in my view, be identified with any of the products which she becomes.

Kunddini is in my opinion a gross form of Shakti." Here Kundalini means a

sleeping Kundalini. Again he says, "She is then not as such in my view, a

nerve or any other physical substance or mental faculty but the ground

substance of both, which, on being roused ascends and is merged in the

higher tattwas ending in shiva shakti tattwas, when she is said to be merged

in Param Shiva. Kundatini is the Dynamic Real as the residual power, the

power left over after the production of Prithivi, when she coils herself

around the Swayabhoo I,Linga or Static Real and rests ". We fully endorse

the above view, as has already been pointed out that Pran-Shakti, the

Dynamic life principle, left over after the involutionary process has worked

out a human body or a body of the animal or vegetable kingdom is called

kundalini shakti but she has the potentiality of being roused for spiritual

evolution only in human beings.


In the different treatises of Hatha Yoga such as Hatha Yoga Pradipika and

others, seat of the kundalini shakti is described to be located in the

centre of an egg like kanda (root) in the pelvic region. Some regard it as a

muscle at the lower part of the body between the genital organs and the

rectum, known to the yogin as yonisthan; others consider it as those muscles

which cover the bony coccygeal and sacral triangular portions of the

vertibral column with the seat of kttndalini at the base of the sacrum and

at the top of coccyx, where the terminal part of the spinal cord rests.

Again, others consider ganglion impar as her seat. Her description as

sleeping there, as a coiled serpent, appears suggestive to the wrong idea

that kundalini is a particular nerve and that idea is strengthened by the

fact that for awakening the power all works, on hatha yoga invariably

prescribe a course of physical exercises. It is also thought that through

regular practice of those exercises the nervous system with its various

ganglia is stimulated to give rise to a sort of physical reactionary force

resembling muscular impulse. But roused kundalini is not a temporary result

of the nervous stimuli, she is a permanent power working throughout,

independent of the nervous system, divine by nature, and source of our life,

intelligence and consciousness, though her activity comes to manifestation

through nerves, heart and brain. The physical exercises of certain nerves

help to rouse her dormant power just in the same way as by revolving a

dynamo electricity is generated, electric power by no means being identical

with the metallic wires wiapped round a magnet.


Kundaini is also roused by Divine Love and devotion and utter self surrender

to God, through "Japam" or repetition of His holy names, His meditation and

spiritual knowledge. She is also awakened by the favour of spiritua1 masters

who by a mere touch or a kindly look do in a second, arouse the kundalini

shakti of those whom they are pleased to favour. The last process is known

as initiation through shaktipat, that is, transmission of shakti. She can

also be awakened by fixing the mind at Mooiddlutr * the seal of kundalini

and through strong concentration at mind at that point.






* Human body if measured by one's own fingers measures 86 fingers from the

sole of the foot to the top of the head and the seat of kundalini is midway

exactly 48 fingers from both ends.

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