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Announcing two new created today:


The first group is called “FIRST RING”.


Sri Muruganar was a liberated sage

who spent decades in the company of

Sri Ramana Maharshi.


Sri Muruganar was already a highly skilled poet before

he met Sri Ramana Maharshi,

and therefore his ability to communicate clearly

is unsurpassed.


One liberated sage

reporting on the teachings of another liberated sage

is like two mirrors facing each other.

The result is an infinite reflection.

Sri Muruganar’s words are a living transmission.


Quotes from the book "The Garland of Guru's

(Sri Ramana Maharshi's) Sayings

will be posted at the First Ring group

once per week or once per month.


These will not be randomly selected quotes,

they will be quotes with specific purposes.


There will be four categories of quotes:


#1. Turning Inward: The purpose of these teachings

is to show the outgoing mind how to turn inward.


#2. Awareness watching awareness:

These quotes describe how to practice the Direct Path.


#3. Encouragement: the Goal:

These quotes from the book: The flood tide of Bliss,

Sri Ramana Experience by Sri Muruganar

describe the experience of Self-Realization

or Liberation and serve the purpose of

encouraging one to stay on the Direct Path.


#4. Encouragement to Practice:

These quotes encourage one's effort, zeal and

determination to practice Self-abidance.


The teachings that will be quoted

at the First Ring group

are the most clearly communicated,

condensed summary of the teachings of the Direct Path

that exist today.


With orbits around the sun (the Self),

the orbit closest to the sun is the first ring,

and the most Direct Teachings that exist today,

communicated most clearly,

in the most concise manner are called:




Most of the quotes here will be by Sri Muruganar,

however there may be a few carefully selected quotes

by other Sages also.


Postings will begin here

on November 5, 2003.


To Join the First Ring group click:




Then click “Join this group”.


The second new group is called “DISCERN”.


The following is a quote from the book

"The Garland of Gurus (Sri Ramana Maharshi's) Sayings"

by Sri Muruganar:


1106. "The sage's pure mind which beholds


as a mere witness the whole world


is like a mirror which reflects the foolish thoughts


of those who come before him,


and these thoughts are then mistaken to be his."


The purpose of the Discern group is to demonstrate

how to discern which of the words spoken by

Sri Ramana Maharshi

are the reflections of the foolish thoughts

of those who came before him

and which are Sri Ramana's teachings.


One talk at a time will be examined

from the book "Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi"

and through the process of commentary

the method of discerning Sri Ramana's teachings,

from the reflection of the foolish thoughts

of the questioner, will be demonstrated.


The benefits to this process will be many including:


#1. Discerning the Direct Path from indirect paths.


#2. Dispelling the myth that Sri Ramana encouraged

methods other than or aids to Self-inquiry.


#3. Discerning Sri Ramana's teaching from a reflection

of the foolish thoughts of those who came before him.


#4. Revealing how the ego, as a preservation strategy,


selects the reflection of

the foolish thoughts of those who came before him,

instead of Sri Ramana's teachings.


Postings will begin at this group on November 7, 2003.


To Join the Discern Group click:




then click “Join this group”.


You can read an article about who Sri Muruganar

and Sri Sadhu Om were and what their role is in

clearly communicating the Teachings of

Sri Ramana Maharshi, written by Michael James

by clicking this link:




For more information on the Direct Path click:




Take care,


with Love,


Michael L.





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, "Michael L." <uarelove> wrote:

> Announcing two new created today:


> The first group is called "FIRST RING".


> Sri Muruganar was a liberated sage

> who spent decades in the company of

> Sri Ramana Maharshi.


> Sri Muruganar was already a highly skilled poet before

> he met Sri Ramana Maharshi,

> and therefore his ability to communicate clearly

> is unsurpassed.


> One liberated sage

> reporting on the teachings of another liberated sage

> is like two mirrors facing each other.

> The result is an infinite reflection.

> Sri Muruganar's words are a living transmission.


> Quotes from the book "The Garland of Guru's

> (Sri Ramana Maharshi's) Sayings

> will be posted at the First Ring group

> once per week or once per month.


> These will not be randomly selected quotes,

> they will be quotes with specific purposes.


> There will be four categories of quotes:


> #1. Turning Inward: The purpose of these teachings

> is to show the outgoing mind how to turn inward.


> #2. Awareness watching awareness:

> These quotes describe how to practice the Direct Path.


> #3. Encouragement: the Goal:

> These quotes from the book: The flood tide of Bliss,

> Sri Ramana Experience by Sri Muruganar

> describe the experience of Self-Realization

> or Liberation and serve the purpose of

> encouraging one to stay on the Direct Path.


> #4. Encouragement to Practice:

> These quotes encourage one's effort, zeal and

> determination to practice Self-abidance.


> The teachings that will be quoted

> at the First Ring group

> are the most clearly communicated,

> condensed summary of the teachings of the Direct Path

> that exist today.


> With orbits around the sun (the Self),

> the orbit closest to the sun is the first ring,

> and the most Direct Teachings that exist today,

> communicated most clearly,

> in the most concise manner are called:




> Most of the quotes here will be by Sri Muruganar,

> however there may be a few carefully selected quotes

> by other Sages also.


> Postings will begin here

> on November 5, 2003.


> To Join the First Ring group click:


> FirstRing


> Then click "Join this group".


> The second new group is called "DISCERN".


> The following is a quote from the book

> "The Garland of Gurus (Sri Ramana Maharshi's) Sayings"

> by Sri Muruganar:


> 1106. "The sage's pure mind which beholds


> as a mere witness the whole world


> is like a mirror which reflects the foolish thoughts


> of those who come before him,


> and these thoughts are then mistaken to be his."


> The purpose of the Discern group is to demonstrate

> how to discern which of the words spoken by

> Sri Ramana Maharshi

> are the reflections of the foolish thoughts

> of those who came before him

> and which are Sri Ramana's teachings.


> One talk at a time will be examined

> from the book "Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi"

> and through the process of commentary

> the method of discerning Sri Ramana's teachings,

> from the reflection of the foolish thoughts

> of the questioner, will be demonstrated.


> The benefits to this process will be many including:


> #1. Discerning the Direct Path from indirect paths.


> #2. Dispelling the myth that Sri Ramana encouraged

> methods other than or aids to Self-inquiry.


> #3. Discerning Sri Ramana's teaching from a reflection

> of the foolish thoughts of those who came before him.


> #4. Revealing how the ego, as a preservation strategy,


> selects the reflection of

> the foolish thoughts of those who came before him,

> instead of Sri Ramana's teachings.


> Postings will begin at this group on November 7, 2003.


> To Join the Discern Group click:


> Discern


> then click "Join this group".


> You can read an article about who Sri Muruganar

> and Sri Sadhu Om were and what their role is in

> clearly communicating the Teachings of

> Sri Ramana Maharshi, written by Michael James

> by clicking this link:


> http://uarelove1.tripod.com/wings.htm


> For more information on the Direct Path click:


> http://uarelove1.tripod.com/STD8.htm


> Take care,


> with Love,


> Michael L.




     The sadhana of loving God as He

really is, as 'I am,' with all one's

heart, having rejected all other

thoughts, is identical to the path of

true devotion as taught by Bhagavan

on many occasions: 


Question: That is why I am asking

you whether God could be worshipped

through the path of love. 


Bhagavan: … Love itself is the actual

form of God, If by saying, 'I do not

love this, I do not love that,' you

reject all things, that which remains

is swarupa, that is, the real form

of the Self. That is pure bliss. Call

it pure bliss, God, atma or what

you will. That is devotion, that is realisation, that is everything. 


     If you thus reject everything,

what remains is the Self alone. That

is real love. One who knows the

secret of that love finds the world

itself full of universal love.





"Love itself is the actual form of God."

"Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma

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