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~ Ananda Rasa, the Queen of Hearts

A glimpse of Your face,

A glance in my direction

And I am lost in the Mystery

Ever-deepening Awareness

That I know nothing, nothing

And yet gladly enter I, into That,

That confusion arising when Ananda

Crashes through the Heart’s door

Evidence of the Beloved One.

There is nowhere to search for You

For You ARE me and You live inside

The Heart that would seek You.

Sought, even as last breaths are taken.

And I shall fall into Death’s embrace

like anonymous yellow leaves,

like the Grace that comes when Love

supercedes, even Itself.

Even with the last look at this world,

With the last fading Light liquefying

mind to the original essence,

To the Pool of memories flowing

>From the Sea of Being,

Still from this shore of Self I search,

Seeing You in the Heart-Moon’s pull of gravity,

The moon of my longing is my return to You.

The center of gravity is situated

In OneHeart and it cannot be denied,

It cannot be turned away from,

Cannot be anything other than You

Unless and until

we are

at last

Together - OneHearted As-If...

shining forever as Radiance

Rippling forth from the reflection

Of who we have been revealed as –

The Beautiful Beloved One




There is no other.

There has never been

Any other.

Thou and I art That

And that is Joy,

That is Bliss...

That is Ananda Infinite in Caress,

Ever was, will ever be.

I surrender to Your Glance and fall into That -

That Illumination of God,

God-Shine in us as One.

Without this merging of two

Every song we try to sing will be

Just so much rambling

Nonsense saying nothing.

You make my stuttered pleas

a perfect Symphony of SatTatOm.

~ from Highway 49 two days ago

Renounce, renounce the world of appearance; Then renounce renunciation

as well. But, whether you renounce or do not renounce, Enjoy the

nectar of your natural state.

~An excerpt from The Song of the Avadhut

Chapter 3 Verse 46

~ Kheyala in Golden-Glow

And I saw no difference between God and our Substance:

but as it were all God;

and yet mine understanding took that our Substance is in God:

that is to say, that God is God,

and our Substance is a creature in God...

We are enclosed in the Father,

and we are enclosed in the Son,

and we are enclosed in the Holy Ghost.

And the Father is enclosed in us,

and the Son is enclosed in us,

and the Holy Ghost is enclosed in us...

~Julian of Norwich

I am that, I am that:

I am that which is highest,

I am that which you love,

I am that which you enjoy,

I am that which you serve,

I am that which you long for,

I am that which you desire,

I am that which you mean,

I am that which is all.

I am that which reveals myself to you here.

~Jesus of OneHeart

~ Buddha Abode at Rasa Ranch

When the mind is quiet,

we come to know ourselves as the pure witness.

We withdraw from the experience and its experiencer

and stand apart in pure awareness,

which is between and beyond the two.

The personality, based on self-identification,

on imagining oneself to be something:

`I am this, I am that', continues,

but only as a part of the objective world.

Its identification with the witness snaps.

~Nisargadatta Maharaj

When the mind is at peace,the world too is at peace.Nothing real,

nothing absent.Not holding on to reality,not getting stuck in the

void,you are neither holy nor wise, justan ordinary fellow who has

completed his work.~Layman P'ang (c. 740-808)

The Amazing Living Beings! Our house is a single field, clean, vast, and lustrous,

clearly self-illuminated.

When the spirit is vacant without conditions,

when awareness is serene without cogitation,

then buddhas and ancestors appear and disappear transforming the world.

Amid living beings is the original place of nirvana.

How amazing it is that all people have this

but cannot polish it into bright clarity.

In darkness unawakened,

they make foolishness cover their wisdom. One remembrance of illumination can break through

and leap out of the dust of kalpas.

Radiant and clear white,

the single field cannot be diverted or altered.

Solitary glory is deeply preserved,

enduring throughout ancient and present times,

as the merging of sameness and difference becomes

the entire creation's mother. This realm manifests the energy of the many thousands of beings,

all appearances merely this field's shadows.

Truly embody this reality.

The consistent conduct of people of the Way is like the flowing clouds with no grasping mind,

like the full moon reflecting universally,

not confined anywhere,

glistening within each of the ten thousand forms.

Dignified and upright,

emerge and make contact with the variety of phenomena,

unstained and unconfused.

Function the same toward all others since all

have the same substance as you.

Language cannot transmit this, speculation cannot reach it.

Leaping beyond the infinite and cutting off the dependent,

be obliging without looking for merit.

This marvel cannot be measured with consciousness or emotion. On the

journey accept your function, in your house please sustain it.

Comprehending birth and death, leaving causes and conditions,

genuinely realize that from the outset your spirit is not halted. So

we have been told that the mind that embraces all the ten directions

does not stop anywhere.

~Hongzhi Zhengjue (1091-1157)

I will crawl to the pinnacle of nowhere and die in that cup of

Nothing.My moon is mindfully aware of the mirror staring at me like

stoned imagesOf the Blissful One being found around the clock by

Sattvic sutras sold cheaplyTo all bidders for one price – Your life!


In truth, Lao Jen,there is but one --our running tois running

from.Meeting in meadows we laugh and cry --this breathing earth,this

breathless sky!No longer prone toquestion whywhat takes a birthmust

surely die --beyond ideas ofbirth and deaththere's somethinglife

would do with usthat it's already doing.The breath goes in,the breath

goes out –between these twolife turns about, andall our plans, andall

our schemesare tourists in thewindy dreams ensuing.



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