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Re: This place, Home, this flight...Catherine - AdyashantiSatsang) with Bob & Mazie

When I read your first postThis Place, this Home, this flight,and saw

your roof beams being carefully positionedI wondered what it is that

makes constructing our own homes such very special times of grace and

joy.Then, in your following posts you spoke of sanctuary,union,

devotion, and love,which is what Home Isand this make me think

thatthe old saying"Home is where the heart is"sums It all up.Love...

catherinesraddha54 (AT) hotmail (DOT) com The pointy parts of the house are

up,Man and craned into place, This Place, our Home;This flight, our

Egypt, our Rome. These trusses & struts of woodarch delicate, laced

bone-like against a velvet body, damask skinned, dusk-clad swimin

night’s vernal pools lit from within:

~Watering Pool in Reflection

Maharshi - What is the nature of the heart?

“The sacred texts describing it say: Between the two nipples, below

the chest and above the abdomen, there are six organs of different

colours. One of them resembling the bud of a water lily and situated

two digits to the right is the heart. It is inverted and within it is

a tiny orifice which is the seat of dense darkness (ignorance) full of

desires. All the psychic nerves (nadis) depend upon it. It is the

abode of the vital forces, the mind and the light (of consciousness).

But, although it is described thus, the meaning of the word heart

(hrdayam) is the Self (atman). As it is denoted by the terms

existence, consciousness, bliss, eternal and plenum (sat, chit,

anandam, nityam, purnam) it has no differences such as exterior and

interior or up and down. That tranquil state in which all thoughts

come to an end is called the state of the Self. When it is realized

as it is, there is no scope for discussions about its location inside

the body or outside.”

“True surrender is love of God for the sake of love and nothing else,

not even for the sake of liberation. Love itself is the actual form

of God. That is pure bliss. Call it pure bliss, God, Self, or what

you will. That is devotion, that is realization and that is

everything. The experience of not forgetting consciousness alone is

the state of devotion which is the relationship of unfading real

love, because the real knowledge of Self, which shines as the

undivided supreme bliss itself, surges up as the nature of love. Only

if one knows the truth of love, which is the nature of the Self, will

the strong entangled knot of life be untied. Only if one attains the

height of love will liberation be attained. The experience of Self is

only love, which is seeing only love, hearing only love, feeling only

love, tasting only love and smelling only love, and this is bliss.

God does not reside in any place other than the Heart. Be sure that

the heart is the Kingdom of Heaven." ..."Reality is at once being and

consciousness.To know that is to be that in the heart, transcending

thought.That which is bliss is verily the Self.Bliss and the Self are

one and identical.That alone is Real.That alone is the real truth.That

is the heart.That which is the source of all,That in which all live,

and that intowhich all finally merge, is the heart.In the interior of

the heart-cave (there)shines alone the one absolute as the "I -

I",verily the consciousness - Self.What is called the heart is no

other than the absolute.Call it by any name, God, Self, the Heart or

Seat of Consciousness,it is all the same.The beloved heart alone is

the refuge for the rising and subsidingof the "I".The heart is the

center of all. That from which beings comeinto existence is said to

be the absolute. That is the heart.The absolute is the heart.The Self

is the heart.The heart is the center from which everything springs.The

heart is the "Kingdom of God".~Sri Ramana

~ Carlotta Skies from Backyard view

Let the Heart Rise to Heaven – with (Munisshomi)

We are a haystack, the wheat entangledwith the hay;Through the

reviving wind, disentanglethe wheat from the hay,Let the sorrow go to

the sorrow, the joyto the joy,Let the mud go to the mud, and the

heartrise to heaven.~Rumi, trans. Muriel Maufroy”Breathing Truth -

Quotations from Jalaluddin Rumi”Sanyar Press - London, 1997

~Sunset in Humboldt Redwoods

(no subject) popjblack (rumitohafiz) with Gil Eardley

HI All Here I go again, maybe some day I'll have enuf sense to figure

out how to type one of these messages. Until then please bear with my


Sometimes I hear [the mysterious language of earth] talking. The light

of the sunflower was one language, but there are others more audible.

Once, in the redwood forest, I heard a beat, something like a drum or

heart coming from the ground and trees and wind. That underground

current stirred a kind of knowing inside me, a kinship and longing, a

dream barely remembered that disappeared back to the body. Another

time, there was the booming voice of an ocean storm thundering from

far out at sea, telling about what lived in the distance, about the

rough water that would arrive, wave after wave revealing the

disturbance at center.

Tonight I walk. I am watching the sky. I think of people who came

before me and how they knew the placement of stars in the sky,

watched the moving sun long and hard enough to witness how a certain

angle of light touched a stone only once a year. Without written

records, they knew the gods of every night, the small, fine details

of the world around them and the immensity above them....

It's winter and there is smoke from the fires. The square, lighted

windows of houses are fogging over. It is a world of elemental

attention, of all things working together, listening to what speaks

in the blood. Whichever road I follow, I walk in the land of many

gods, and they love and eat one another.

Walking, I am listening to a deeper way. Suddenly all my ancestors are

behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of

the love of thousands.Linda Hogan "Walking"Dwellings:A Spiritual

History of the Living World

~Full Moon Being Handed to us by....

Water-falling – Eric Ashford (truevision) with Susie RockIt is getting

dark on the front, but I am leaking this lightlike there was no

tomorrow.Shoe-leatheris turning into star paths,and the forth

dimensionjust got so romantic.Maybe we all have to get this

earth-boundto be swallowed by love whales?Maybe, we have to crawl a

bit after learning to fly?The evening is mist and wet like a promise

of more love.I am sat in the center of a cycloneand loving how I

spray out like rain.Maybe Jesus had to melt like this?Maybe he had to

crawl also?When the soul learns to fly,we kiss each body dreamas a

holy relicand recallhow it is to bethis loving.loveeric

~ full moon in Carlotta

Maharshi’s Gospel <61> from Viorica Weissman () with Harshaji

D. How can I get peace ? I do not seem to obtain it through vichara.


Peace is your natural state. It is the mind that obstructs the natural

state. Your vichara has been made up only in the mind. Investigate

what the mind is, and it will disappear. there is no such thing as

mind apart from thought. Nevertheless, because of the emergence

of thought, you surmise something from which it starts and term

that the mind. When you probe to see what it is, you find there is

really no such thing as mind. When the mind has thus vanished,

you realize eternal Peace.

~Maharhsi’s Gospel <61>

~Mushroom Beings Beneath my Window

Re: Meditate in the Magical Ambrosial Hours; Jap Ji – Sandeep & Era (SufiMystic) with Jan Sultan

Nanak was a dude of the first waters.It is said, as a young lad, Nanak

got a job in a shop, selling various wares.Doing an inventory

check,..... he was counting in Hindi, when he came to the number

Thirteen.Thirteen in Hindi is the word "Teyrah"The word "Teyrah" also

means "yours".And Nanak apperceived.Everything is Thine.Everything is

Thy.Nanak, when his fame had spread to lands outside India, once went

to apilgrimage to Mecca.The Muslim clerics were struck with the milieu

of his beingness and the wordspread that a holy man of the highest

quality had arrived.Later on in the night, Nanak, went to sleep.The

clerics found him sleeping with his legs towards the Kaaba, which

issacrilege for a Muslim.Berating Nanak, for not knowing this simple

tenet of holiness, the clericsangrily asked him to remove his legs

pointing towards the Kaaba.Apologizing Nanak, replied, "Please kick

my legs towards which ever direction which will satisfy you."It is

said, whichever direction Nanak's legs were shifted, the Kaaba

shiftedsuch that it always bowed towards Nanak's legs.~Sandeep-----

Original Message -----

EraSufiMysticSent: Saturday, November 22,

2003 05:56 AM[sufiMystic] Meditate in the Magical Amrosial

Hours; Jap JiNanak sums up the different systems of human thought,

preached forthe realisation of oneness with God. He states their

inadequacy toreveal the great Reality.

~Ananda on the Yuba River

AdyashantiSatsang – Mazie and Bob, with Friends

There's a wood fire burning right now, and we are warm and we are

placated by one another's presence. God is so certainly, so very

Gracious, Sabu! He is Playing so Dearly with us, and with all of you



Upstream Krishna Creek,

brightening through playful morning mists,

the benign and cherished blessings of

Woo Yay Bhava,

the humorous syncopation of

Lover and Beloved, are

effortlessly depicted in fragrances of

actual mountain sunlight pressed against

sweet ripening fruit, tall trees, and

cool running water.

Auspiciously reclining east of the

Lost Coast, yet none the less for being

just where and what it is,

The Sanctuary of Our Grateful Heart --

in what loquacious locals bare-facedly

call “God’s Country” with a genuine

sense of having lucked upon some

divine geographical secret --


In Book Antiqua from this

luscious loka of loon laughter,

various extended woos and yays --

our poems of praise and wonder –

periodically translate into electric

cyberspace, teeming already

with innumerable fleeting

thought forms, riding invisible

waves to parts unknown,

simply for the fun of it.

These exclamations are inspired by the

enchanting attitudes of Sambhoga Sringara,

Love in Union, and find their poetic equivalent in

the impeccable humor of morning, noon, and night.

Here, a charming interrelationship between

our babbling and what cannot be spoken

is evidenced by what never appears

on any page, yet is transparently

conveyed in the silent swath of

the Milky Way, ribboned

above us each night.

A rare Mountain Jay appeared

on our page in Martinez --

the day we heard we

got the news.

These blithe blue birds now

wing wild around us, their soaring

songs of suchness fill the spaces

between our stuttered stanzas.

The easy transmission of such true teachings

are designed to effortly transmute

the clog of knowing,

leaving the mind free for the

leisurely exploration of its own nature,

the unknown rapture of ordinary embodiment.

When the charade of consciousness

resumes its natural effervescence, the abstruse

dialectic of emptiness and ecstasy, perhaps considered

one of the most potent of teachings –

obliterating even the subtle sniff of

attainment by any attainer –

is found in the sound of wood logs

crackling in the hearth, where sincere

devotion’s constant vigilance is

always exceeded by

its own fruit:

the heart poems chanted by tiny night frogs

beneath our bedroom window,

a contagion of mirth, our

collective sighing,

swooning song --

Woo Yay!

~Van Duzen River


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with a high-speed Internet connection! Prices start at less than $1 a

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