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Kundalini Yoga practice (daily Sadhana) leads to purity, with purity comes gyan (jnana). With jnana, nothing remains

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Dear Ram Narayan Gupta,


The key to success in awakening Kundalini through the self-initiating

process of Kundalini Yoga as taight by Yogo Bhajan is having a daily

Sadhana. Without that, the process is slow, like with any insencere



Sadhana consits of Tappa (Yoga of Light - postures, movement combined

with breathing to produce heat and electricity)/Jappa (Yoga of Sound

- mantra in conjunction with resonant/radiant nadis from Tappa

practice to produce the decoding of mental patters throughout the

body and etheric radiance), which are together in the practices of

Laya (radiance and expansion), and Sanjam (breath simran - slow

repetative breathing) which produces pratyahar (inward withdrawal).

Typical Sadhana, starting at 4 or 5 am takes 2 to 3 hours to



What happens in Kundalini Yoga practice is simply this: electricity

is generated in various parts of the body. Mantra consolidates and

merges the energy generated into one expansive field that increases

the energy expodentially. When there is energy generated, the glands

react by producing special substances that allow the nerves to carry a

greater voltage. This is like charging a car battery, which sustains

the voltage provided that the chemicals in the water are balanced and

adequate. In our bodies, the glands are like so many batteries

producing the chemicals that allow the electricity to be stored.

Gradually, the body becomes used to the experience of greater and

greater voltages, and with this greater voltage comes the awareness

of the unconscious mind. What we call the unconscious is always

clear, illuminated and undiferentiated within the Consciousness of

the Infinite Being. When the awareness of the individual unit of

consciousness impacts the awareness of the Infinite Being, the

individual realizes that the idea of separateness was an illusion,

and this fictitious idea is relinquished without further



Consistent practice of Sadhana leads to Ardhana (distilation of

imputities). Ardhana leads to pradupati (crystilization through

several stages). The body becomes light, the consciousness becomes

electrically transparent and etheric. Shakti leads to Bhakti, as

higher centers begin to open, and Bhakti leads to Gyan (jnana). With

Gyan comes sunia (sravana), i.e., hearing. Hearing is the first stage

of yoga. Everything else is purification. Hearing is the reflection

in the purified consciousness of the Self in the Hrdayam, which in

Kundalini Yoga practice, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, is called the One

Star (Ik Tar) .


The One Star is also called the Harimandr or the Highest Temple of God

in the Heart, where the Akal Purkh (Infinite Being) is realized. This

is the 4th stage of "crystalization" of the consciousness. The body

radiates inwardly and outwardly, no difference.


The One Star acts like a graviton - pulling in the sense of "I" from

all objects and images and sensations, and expansive radiation -

outshining the mind completely.


Within a matter of days and weeks you begin to be aware simutaneously

of the whole body radiating, and the sense of seeing from here to

there diminishes, as you begin to see with the light of

consciousness, which illuminates the whole body and mind. As this

expands and deepens, the sunconscious mind, which stores and

perculates up the thoughts images and impressions into the conscious

mind, becomes so clear and empty that the subconscious and conscious

waking state merge, and you begin to sense your self as transparent

pervasive being in which the body appears.


The body feels like it is contained in a widening upward streaming

pillar or cilinder opf light. the Crown opens and the arc line and

aura expand with the flow of unrestricted energy.


All the while you abide in noticing and releasing, a passive state in

which you accept the expanding field of energy consciousness without

attention. As the higher centers open, the pineal gland is activated

and the buddhi or faculty of the discriminative mind awakens, a sense

or a Force of Intelligence reflecting in the mind of clear Self



Suddenly there is a radical shift, attention, the power of the mind,

is relinquished altogether, and you hear the soundless sound (anahat)

of the pulsing of the "I" felt in the right vegus nerve between the

Spiritual Heart and the Crown. With this comes rememberance, a sense

of coming out of a stupor or amnesia, in which you begin to entirely

recollect who you really are, and in that recollection you abide as

That - single, pervasive, unconditioned consciousness. You abide in

and as Heart.


In this state of recollection, nothing remains, no doer, no thinker, everything happens by itself.


All the spiritual texts of every religion begin with the requirement

for purity: "The pure in heart .... shall see God." (Christ) Every

Gita begins with this. Kundalini Yoga is simply a method that is

practiced every morning, results in a state of inward pervasive

purity. nergy is systematically stored in every cell of the body.

The body and mind come into an electromagnetic balance that results

in the releasing of the experience of consciousness from the movement

of attention to rising images and sensations to experience the true

nature of consciousness. As the awareness of onsciousness expands

and deepens, the mind suddenly inverts, reflecting the True Self in

the Heart. In Kundalini Yoga, this True Identity is called Sat Nam,

and its realization Whahe Guru. Once the Self is reflected in the

mind, like a sun reflected on the moon, the sense of "I" withdraws

into the heart and unconditioned, formless, beginningless pervasive

being is experienced.


The overall practice includes the reading of Scripture. In the Japji

of the Sikhs, which is the orientation of the mantras and teachings

of Yogi Bhajan, it says that all religions are teaching the same

thing, so there is no restriction to study of spiritual texts in

Kundalini Yoga. When the mind becomes pure, then simple reading of

these texts will bring about the inward sense of "hearing."


"Yogi Bhajan explained that we often feel inadequate or in need. Then

we generate desires to calm the insecurity. We reach for many things

to satisfy that feeling of inner weakness. Ultimately, nothing

really works. So, we turn to the infinite, the unknown and the idea

of God. “God” as a concept is something that we created. We often

experience that, based on our own mind. It is the mind experiencing

the mind’s belief. The reality of God and consciousness is beyond

that and cannot be contained in any special imagination."

Kundalini Yoga is simply a practical approach to hearing, rememberance

and abiding in our inherent Truth: non-dual single, all pervasive

unconditioned consciouness, to abide as the substratum of everything

seen and unseen.

The watch-word in Kundalini Yoga is Sadhana. Those that want a faster

expereicne, add a KY class every day or 2, go to occasional retreats.

And along the way, there is so much information and so many kriyas and

meditations to keep the mind interested, while having this ever

expanding, unimaginable experience, until the mind becomes completely


Hope this gives some insight for you regarding Kundalini Yoga. The

Key is daily Sadhana - no matter what.


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