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More Kundalini Yoga practice (daily Sadhana) leads to purity, with purity comes gyan (jnana). With jnana, nothing remains

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Kundalini Yoga practice (daily Sadhana) leads to purity, with purity

comes gyan (jnana). With jnana, nothing remains

Dear Ram Narayan Gupta,


Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, is made up of innumerable

sets and kriyas designed to open the various systems of the body and

mind, to allow the free flow of cosmic energy, i.e., cosmic



When people begin the Kundalini Yoga Sadhana (daily practice), their

systems are operating at very low energy awareness levels.


In effect, the body has a number of governors that restrict the flow

of energy so that people can consciously operate at the levels they

have assumed are normal, which is to say that they remain consciously

unaware of the totality of their being, which is gained with the

hearing, recollection and abiding in their True Self - the Infinite



There are sets, kriyas and meditations that open and release the

various governors (controllers) of energy flow in the body:


One group works to draw the prana and apana to the Kundal (Nabi

chakra) between the navel and the 4th vertebra, an area you can feel

as you slowly contract all the air from your lungs and you feel it

contracting upwards below the navel, simultaneously feeling the

energy drawing downward from the top of the head through the body,

and upwards from below. When this area opens, which governs the flow

of prana in the body, you feel a downward flow from this area to the

base of the spine and upwards.


Another group works to systematically charge and balance the chakras,

which begin to open like planes, like whole levels of etheric

substance or vibration unique to each one that open and expand

outwards merging in infinity at their vibration. With the lower

centers opening, the body's inertia begins to fade and you begin to

feel a transparency. With the higher centers opening, there is an

inward turning silence and sense of longing for an awakening to an

inward sense of singular Truth. Stories of the lives and teachings

of Saviors and Saints bring the feelings of devotion and Bhakti. As

the crown center opens a force of Intelligence of Self Knowing Wisdom

awakens turning the mind inwards.


Other groups of sets, kriyas and meditations work directly on the

higher centers to open the experience of the electric sound current,

Surat Shabad Yoga of the Shabad Guru, that leads to the soundless

sound in the Heart, while releasing the governor in the hypothalamus

that restricts the flow of infinite energy through the 10th gate

(crown), at which time the pineal gland secretes and the body becomes

transformed to the ability to experience a greater flow of energy

consciousness. With the 10th door opening, an experience of

expanding/deepening electric pressure in the center of the head

releasing, an etheric space is experienced of a causal reality in

which everything becomes transparent and space-like. Far and near

loose their meaning as you feel present everywhere.


Other groups work on the charging and balancing of the sun (pingala)

and moon (ida) channels (nadis) to each side of the spine, up over

the top of the head to the point between the eyebrows. As these

become charged and balanced (at the ajna center), they cause the

central canal of the spine to become purified, which in turn allows

for the upward flow of energy through this central nadi, the



Other groups balance the magnetic field through the heart as a center

that brings about a polarization of the energy flow through the body,

so that eventually you feel the flow of energy coming up from the core

of the planet into the sky and stars.


Other groups work on the secretion of the glandular system, to

revitalize it, in order to provide the continuous electro-chemical

support to the greater energy flows throughout the body field. An

example of this is Sat Kriya, but there are many others, each one

that effect the glands like the charging of a battery by increasing

its chemicals. For example, you can increase the energy flows in the

body through the systematic charging of different parts of the body,

which in turn causes the glands to secrete to support the increased

energy flow, or you can work directly on the glands, and as they

secrete, the body and mind experiences and immediate increase in



Another group focuses on the balancing of the mind and the body under

the single "will" of the sense of "I."


Other groups are powerful kriya / meditations that directly effect and

charge the area of the One Star (Hrdayam)and vagus nerve (atma nadi)

to the crown, which creates a deepening sense of expanding radiance

that is imbued with the soundless sound of the pulsing of the "I as

I" that acts like a tuning drone causing all the nadis of the body to

vibrate to the same ineffable frequency experience.


These systems, the Kandal, the Crown, the Ajna/sun-moon, the magnetic

field, the Hrday granthi / One-Star and others represent the

governors that are systematically opened to allow their releasing of

energy barriers that restrict the influx of all pervasive energy and

the experience within the awareness of one's Infinite Being - the

Totality of one's Being.


All these groups of sets, kriyas and meditations work together to

accomplish a holistic experience that transforms the body and mind

from tamasic/rajasic to purely satvic. With the emerging of the

experience of one's self as a satvic being, there emerges as well the

inner awareness of one's True Identity abiding as the Infinite Being -

"True in the beginning, True throughout time, True even now." (Guru



Yogi Bhajan teaches that there are 10 bodies, and as one practices,

you feel these bodies and how they interrelate to make up the whole

of the single self experience functioning at multiple levels



Regardless of any experience the practice involves a disregard of any

content arising in consciousness, from the thoughts and impressions,

to the energy flows, to the visions to the sound current, always

remaining passive, to just wait and abide in the single "I."


For more information, you can go to my website, which has some

articles and spiritual texts, or the website of ancient healing ways,

which has many Kundalini Yoga Manuals, with practical guides to sets,

kriyas and meditations, of which there are thousands, as well as the

Teacher's Training Manual, which I think even people that are not in

the 3ho/KRI TT Program can buy at a premium, which explains

everything I've written in greater depth, and so many other texts on

so many esoteric subjects taught by Yogi Bhajan over the past 34

years. Then there are the many CDs of mantras, teas, herbs and so

on. All together constituting the beginning of a kind of global

spiritual university, with teachers located everywhere, and easy

access to information.


Many people begin a Kundalini Yoga life style - Sadhana and classes

community, to strengthen their nervous and glandular systems to be

able to endure greater levels of stress in their lives, but over

time, as their systems consolidate and integrate to the greater flows

of energy, they invariably awaken to their essential Truth, and become

linked to That, what Yogi Bhajan calls the Golden Link, or the True

Guru in the Spiritual Heart through which one experiences one's True



The whole approach is unique. In past times, one would seek a guru

and a guru culture would evolve. In this dharma, the guru is the

True Self, and not a person, even though persons may radiate the

Truth intensely. So, instead of finding a guru and proving oneself

worthy to learn esoteric teachings and truths, all these teachings

are made available, and to the extent that people avail themselves of

these teachings and practices and integrate them into their daily

lives, they progress towards a systematic inward realization of their

Self, a process that continuously accelerates, as one continues to

practice from novice to apprentice to practitioner to expert to

mastery, i.e., abiding in the ever present experience of True Self,

and living as what Yogi Bhajan calls the Sensory Human, someone

through whom the Infinite Consciousness flows unrestricted. You live

as One in undifferentiated consciouness.


This experience is a bit like the images of the experience of the

blinded Neo in the last Matrix, where you sense and see the energy

flows around you, but they are not around but within, as you

experience yourself as pervasive single consciousness, as not 2,

until eventually, the moon of the mind is no longer necessary to see,

as the sun in the heart has risen.


All this to say that Kundalini Yoga is simply a practical approach to

systematically opening and releasing energy barriers, the culmination

of which is that only the True Being remains, no idea of another, and

this progresses whether or not one understands philosophical or

religious truths and teachings, the understanding for which emerges

like subtle flashes of intuition percolating through the purified

subconscious into ones expanding consciousness. The awareness

expands and with the expanding awareness all the does open

themselves, all the lights light themselves. "Everything becomes

empty, clear, self-illuminating, with no exertion of the mind's

power." (3rd Zen Patriarch)



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