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Lotus Sutta

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One Beam Of Marvelous Light ( Nh¤t ÐÕo Th¥n Quang )


Points to the light each sentient being is equipped with. It is

empty, lively, pure and bright from our heart.


One Breath Haft-Step ( Mµt Th· NØa Bß¾c, Nh¤t TÑc Bán Bµ )


Coordination between the breath and the walking. Breathing in, take

a step with the left leg, Breathing out, bring the right leg even

with the left leg. Breathing in and breathing out is one full

breath. Moving left leg and right leg is one step; but for one

breath, we move ahead only "haft" step, so the technique is called

one breath haft-step. Do it with the left leg first, for about 10 or

20 steps, then with the right leg.( Mµt Th· NØa Bß¾c, Nh¤t TÑc Bán

Bµ )


Coordination between the breath and the walking. Breathing in, take

a step with the left leg, Breathing out, bring the right leg even

with the left leg. Breathing in and breathing out is one full

breath. Moving left leg and right leg is one step; but for one

breath, we move ahead only "haft" step, so the technique is called

one breath haft-step. Do it with the left leg first, for about 10 or

20 steps, then with the right leg.


One Buddha-Yana ( Nh¤t Ph§t Th×a )


* Yana is vehicle. The Lotus Sutta says : " In all realms of the 10

directions, there is only one worthy vehicle, the Buddha-Yana. This

teaching is the apex of all other teachings ". In this saying, the

meaning is : the only worthy goal for every sentient being is to be

Buddha. To be Buddha is to sit on the Buddha Yana. In this case, one

means singular.

*Teachings that promote this view are also called One Buddha Yana (

Hua Yen Sutta, Lotus Sutta ); schools that promote this view are

also called One Buddha Yana ( school ).

* People of this school, or One Buddha-Yanists, have the view that

to be Buddha, you must sit on the All, not on the part; you must see

the Oneness in the multitude. In this case, one means oneness. So

the name could be translated as the Oneness-Buddha-Yana, or Oneness

Yana. People who follow this path are called Oneness Yanists.

Oneness Yanists consider the other teachings only temporary means.

They believe that in the end, everybody will turn to the oneness

teachings. They say : There is only one vehicle, the Buddha vehicle;

there is no other vehicles ( see three vehicles ).

* He who is still not awakened is driving on a lesser vehicle; but

if he aspires to be Buddha and strives in praticing the Oneness

teachings, he is called ( aspirant ) Oneness Yanist.


One Dharma World ( Nh¤t Pháp Gi¾i )


Universe or world. Buddhism considers the world as the

manifestations of dharmas, so they label it dharma world. The love

of a mother for her children is a dharma, a car is a dharma, etc.

What is the use of the word "one" in one dharma world ? A dharma is

conditioned by others; there is no dharma that could exist alone

outside of its environment, hence one is formed by all. Hence the

oneness. The word " one" is there to remind us not to be blurred by

the multitude.


One-Dharma-World Heart ( Nh¤t Pháp Gi¾i Tâm )


The view of non-dualism people. The view of people who see that all

are in one.


One Emancipation ( Nh¤t Giäi Thoát )


* The Lotus Sutta Chapter Skilful Mean says : " Buddha taught One

Emancipation ". This meanss : anything the Buddha taught is for the

sole purpose of teaching people to be free.

* Nh¤t vån Cú Ký says : " One Emancipation is : three people (

refering to the three yanists ) pratice the teachings, all three are

set free ". In this, one emancipation means same emancipation.

* The ParaNirvana ( of Mahayana ) ch. 32 says : " Every sentient

being has Buddha Nature, they all drive on the oneness yana, they

all attain one emancipation ". In this, one emancipation means same



One Eyed Sea Turtle ( Rùa Mµt M¡t ) ( Exemple )


An example used in the Lotus Sutta and in Th§p Trø Lu§n to

illustrate the difficulty of meeting someone who has the capacity of

Buddha, or to be born as human, is the one eyed sea turtle. Here is

the story :


There was a sea turtle living in the ocean. It had only one eye, and

the eye was underneath his stomach. To see the moon and the sun, it

had to find a floating, hollow log to crawl into. And depending on

the wind and waves, his eye may face up to see the sun and the moon.


One Family Meal ( Nh¤t Gia Yªn )


Offerings to all people in a temple.


One-Finger-Tip Zen ( Nh¤t Chï Ð¥u Thi«n )


Technical term used in Zen. This is related to Zen Master Chu Ti of

Chin Hua. When Chu Ti built a hut to dwell in for practicing, a nun

named Shih Chi paid a visit. She went straight in, walked around his

meditation seat 3 times, with her hat on, and her staff in her hand.

After that, she said :

- If you can speak, I will take off my hat.

She said this three times, Chu Ti could not respond. As she was

leaving, Chu Ti said :

- It's rather late, why don't you stay the night ?

The nun said :

- If you can speak, I will stay over.

Again, Chu Ti could not respond. The nun walked out. Chu Ti then

decided to leave the place in search of a master.

But that night, in a dream, the spirit of the mountain told him :

- Don't go away. Tomorrow, a flesh and blood Bodhisattva will come

here and teach you the truth.

The next day, Zen Master T'ien Lung passed by. Chu Ti welcomed him

ceremoniously, and gave him a full account of the previous events.

T'ien Lung raised his finger; Chu Ti was suddenly awakened.

Later whenever he was asked, Chu Ti answered by raising his finger.

At time of his passing away, he said :

When he was dying, he said:

- Since I awakened to the one finger tip zen of T'ien Lung, I have

used it all my lifewithout exhaunsting it .


One Fist Five Fingers ( Nh¤t Quy«n Ngû Chï )


An example to illustrate the relation of the oneness and the

multitudeness, the total and the parts.


One Flavor ( Nh¤t V¸ )


One flavor or oneness flavor; points to the dharmas of Buddha. There

are two meanings :


1. All that Buddha taught were but paths to emancipation from

Samsara. Prajnaparamita Sutta has the saying : " For Emancipation,

it is called One Flavor "


2. Oneness Flavor means that when we taste something, there is only

the flavor of Buddha dharma; or, every dharma is but Buddha dharma;

there is not a second dharma which is not Buddha dharma. The

Tripikata Dharma Number ( Tam TÕng Pháp S¯ ) has the writing : "

Oneness flavor points to the teachings in the Lotus sutta, of one

vehicle, but 3 schools ".


One Flavor Transfused To Vase ( Nh¤t V¸ Tä Bình )


Used to describe the transmission from Master to Student. The Master

only points to the unique subject, although he uses many suttas or

skillful means ( one flavor ), and the student must taste this

unique taste, the taste of the Oneness.


One Flavor Zen ( Nh¤t V¸ Thi«n )


* Zen with one flavor. It's the teaching of the non-dualism dharma.

* A monk said farewell to Qui Tông : " I will go to the four

corners, to learn the 5 flavors zen ". Qui Tông said : " Here I have

one flavor zen, but it is not for learning " ( the last sentence "

but it is not for learning " is my translation of " v¸ kham b¤t

h÷c ". I don't know how to translate this, if anyone know, please



One Jump Entering The Truth ( Nh¤t Siêu Chân Nh§p )


Each time we understand something, it is like we jump up a higher

level. This compound word points to the " last " jump . In ChÑng ÐÕo

Ca of Hueh Yung Chia, there is this sentence : " In one jump, go

straight to the Buddha realm ". It means also detaching from the

oneness, and here the Buddha realm.

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