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New Year - Even Stones Must Open To Water

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New Year's morning:the ducks on the pondquack and quack.~Kobayashi Issa





The New Year Heart is Happy.Happy children in the villagerun with red

and gold rippledstreamers trailing afterlike happy dire-red



Wandering minstrels in mirthful muwahyodel happy songs about

golden-whitechrysanthemum blossomsbursting open,

already happy,

always Happy

in the here nowness, numinous,

luminous evanescence elicited as Now.

Nebulae are the toggle-knobs of Now hanging

in the time and space place of La'illaha il 'Allahu harking,

Happiness is everywhere Shining!O Happy-Happy Heart! --O Heart of this Happy New Year child...

You've waited so well

in waiting for nothing,

O well-waited wanderer

worshipping all along,

Soul-sighing just so...all along.


Just so, I sing in a simple sonnet-sing along,

a soliloquy of spirit,

for spirit, for just this magnificently obsessed momentmanifested for

me, by me, to me and in me

to be me -


Mystery-mouthed out

as Mazie Lane,

as Love manifested

and motioning,

just so,


just so!


~ Mazie


stretching his neckthe turtle waits too...the year's first day

~ Issa



Dawn sky again, each roundbestows silence to lipskissed by this

illuminatingcolor, sound, fragrance, touch,intuition clear --Oh

Beautiful Wisdom,streaming life,simple being,I Amthis

kiss,sun-spawned ripple,eternal momentsunk in Mind -none gone,none

remained,not here, there.I Am.Here, where sky boldsinto blue

breathlessnessand breathes again,everything returns -Love -golden,

motionless.Dreamily, dreamless,bathed in two poolsdripping

nakedsuddenly seeing,knowingI am born.


~ Mazie & b





amazing--in the house I was bornspring's first morning


~ Issa





Cold Mountain –teach me the art ofmotionless flight.You glide

majesticallythrough silent starfields, and yetall stars appear within

yourown infinite body.When you murmur in suchtender whispers, humming

softly, namelessstars will gather beside me tonight.There's no

climbing down from this ledge now.There's no poetry I can answer

with, exceptto be the poem opened by the same hands youuphold the

stars with.

~ Mazie & b





even cows and horseswith New Year's faces...mountain home


~ Issa





Snow is melting upstream,born from the mountainjust climbed down.All I

hear today is thisriver delivering birth notices

andepitaphs,simultaneously.None are excluded.

~ Mazie & b



New Year's Daya lucky, luckylight blue sky

~ Issa


After the rain,a phosphorescent trailleft by a snailin the damp

moonlight –a map on the moisture,our journey revealed.

~ Mazie & b



the new springturns moonlit night...my wrinkled face

~ Issa

Approaching the dunes of Tiger Creekat the shore that falls into the

sea,Brightbush Heather from the versatileSunflower family, Yellow

Bush Lupine andDeerweed from the Peacavort.The Buckwheat Clan

meanders inwith Dune Knot Weed, Yarrowglimmers back from theSunflower

–everybody's joining inthis morning!Bracken Fern, Paintbrush,

StickyMonkey Flower, Cobweb Thistle,Beach Sagewort and Morning

Glory,Dandelion, Dune Gilia,Strawberry and Yellow Sand Verbena,Tansy,

Toyon, nameless ocean orchids,flying flocks of green-garbed

Parrotsclamoring chants through the airtree to tree, swingingGolden

Monkeys, perhaps an occasionalcunning tiger that won't denythe urge

to dine onMonkey Gold –a passer-by asks do I live here:"No, just

passing throughwith no complaint;on my way to Cold Mountain,pausing

to enjoy thepoetry of saints."

~ Mazie & b



my homeland--even the smokean ancient thing

~ Issa


Even stones must open to waterin their final momentsbeing stone.It's

what they've always wanted,this union,remembering, as if emerging

froma dream of solidity, thisis what they came to love, tosink to the

bottom of, todissolve in.There are no regrets.We are water beings

here.Natural devotion times ourriver to its oceanic source.If anyone

doubts, let themstand beneath this full moonnow and be


~Mazie & b



the new springturns moonlit night...my wrinkled face

~ Issa



Plum trees -heavy with bird and fruit.After the showers, dovesperch in

gray mistwhite faced, red beaked.We sit and wait in the pearl-shine

airfor the spring storm to clear.Translucent-breathing is flight.The

humble heart of a servantof sky beats beneath wingspoised to

soar.Late afternoon sun simmers lowbeneath the clouds in

unseenspectrums of visibility.I climb the plum treeand whisper

endearmentsto the sky.Sky reciprocates with suddenflights of white

dovesmade visible by that whichblossoms plums out ofgenerous fruit


and eats them upwith the mouth of sky itself.Master and servantshare

fruit in the lightof lifting orchard mists.Everything drips with

joy.~ Mazie & b



First Month--in every nook of the villageplum blossoms!

~ Issa



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