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Letting Go

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Dear Group members please forgive me if it seems i have an axe to

grind i don't. I saw the posts on Ramana from Vicki and thought i

might contribute in this way.


I do not intend to come here preaching or giving opinions on anything

i just thought some people might like to see this.


This talk is an informal talk i had once.......


to let go of beleving we are the limited i, 1st of all we need to

understand that normally when we think of "I-me" We tend to think of

an I who is limited by having some sort of form or size...... we

think of that person as having certain qualities....


When we realize the truth there is still an I, but it is not an "I"

who has any form or attributes. So then how to become the real I How

to become the real Self Normally there is an "I-me" who does things.


The Advaitins say that you are not the doer So how "DO" we become

realized........? How DO we find the truth? Think a moment.


I said there is an I who is the real self How can that I realize it

is The Absolute? How can the real I recognize that it is the Supreme

Brahman? The I who we think we are is the REAL Supreme Brahman

Pretending it is the Jiva. Do you agree?


Tyrone: Yes


bindu: So how to stop pretending, How to be real. The universe is a

projection from the Absolute consciousness.


The thing is that the Universe is not a single universe- The

Universe each being is in is a different Universe; The number of

universes are as great as the number of beings. This means ALL

beings from the most complex to the least complex, (including all

species and genus). So the sum of these Universes is the Cosmos.


Now I said the universe is projected out of the Self, that means an

individual universe is created by the hidden atman in each being, so

back to how to stop pretending.


That Atman. That which is pretending it is the Jiva has to with-draw

itself from the Universe. This is what happens when we meditate, we

withdraw the self from the universe... INWARD. We pull the projection

back into the Consciousness.


Some of us use pranayama, some one pointed focus, some use chanting

OM and a hundred different other ways, but essentially it is a matter

of holding the Will inward – of keeping the attention directed inward

until we reach the most inward.


At a certain point we feel a coming in or retraction of

energy/consciousness; It feels like a rush.... like a speeding

inward ... it can happen suddenly, or we can make it happen; this is

what I want to talk about today...... How to make it happen.


As I said Advaita says we are not the doer so how can we DO it? Ah!

That is a secret I said the Absolute is pretending to be Jiva.

Pretending so the Jiva is not the doer at all even though it appears

to be. Do you see?


Tyrone: I do not see how the absolute can be the doer either? Unless

you consider him as that all that is including the action which

seemingly come to pass in the phenomenal world


bindu: We have to realize that the Will is not part of the JIVA at

all. It has nothing to do with the JIVA,,,, the only WILL in

Existence is "Gods Will" nothing happens except by His WILL. The only

existent BEING is GOD.


The Omnipresent Omniscient God is existing as all this; He says so

in the Bhagavad-Gita, the Bible the Koran and in all religious books

everywhere. So it is He who is the doer. It is His will that is used

to say "I am ME", It is His will that is used to say "I Am The



There is no such thing as JIVA.... He imagines something and Jiva is

born but Jiva does not come out of him. It is created in Him and

appears in Him.


There is thus no such thing as several or countless beings in One

Omnipresent, So how can there be any other doer but He? The thought

that the phenomenal world does or does not exist is irrelevant


Because nothing exists but him.............. If a thing does or does

not exist its' existence or non-existence is created by Him in Him.

It is imaged by Him in Himself… The Bible says: IN His Image Created

HE Him!


All things exist --- or they do not - If they do not then that non-

existence also appears in him. He is beyond existence and beyond non-

existence also. So then back to the doer.


The Absolute is the only doer It is GOD HIMSELF Without a form of his

own. We say He to refer to the fact that there is a Conscious One

beyond existence We could say She- It makes no difference.


So that god imagines all this and existence IS! He said let there be

light and there was…


He is Narayana! Narayana is given a form by the Scriptures but in

himself He is the absolute...... it is when he imagines, that the

Cosmos form (which looks like some god or other) comes into being.


Now this next is a very subtle point I said when He imagines.... the

Cosmos is born. But we are concerned with each individual universe

not the entire Cosmos (which is the sum of all universes including

Time) this is covered in the next file LINK.




So in Narayana's imaginary Cosmos there are countless beings........

Existing in AND AS individual universes. Those Universes that the

beings live in are projected out of them, just as the Cosmos is

projected out of Lord Narayana.




Why? Because the Atman is the God of each Universe. The sum of those

Jivatman is Atman.


The sum of those are the Atman is Gods form. It is Narayana. But the

absolute is formless.




The Jivatman is the god of its own universe. But when we realize this

we are not enlightened as it can be seen that there is still the fact

of not realizing Narayana.


Narayana contains all Jiva, Jiva is the Soul only. So how to withdraw

the creation of the Jivatman, and dissolve the Jivatman into the

absolute in which it appears. Back to the withdrawal of Creation.


I said Narayana projects the Cosmos, and Jivatman projects the

Universe so in the withdrawal of the Will of the Jiva from the

universe, the universe will dissolve into nothingness and we will

realize the truth because the existence of the universe is existing

because The Supreme is


pretending to be the Cosmos---- in which the countless universes are

appearing. So upon the withdrawal SINGLE INDIVIDUAL WILL from the

universe the universe is dissolved back into the absolute So the doer

is GOD, pretending to be the limited Jiva who thinks he is the doer

when he is not as there cannot be two in HE who IS ALL THERE IS.


So we sit and meditate. We practice devotion to a single point. The

single point can be a word such as Om - Or a God Or anything as long

as it is single. Some use the Siva Lingham. Some Kali - or whatever.


This single pointed focus of the Will wihdraws the Will from the

creation (SLOWLY) But we want it to go as fast as possible. How to do

this now that we have seen that the real doer is GOD.T he answer is

in the nature of the WILL.


The Will is the manifesting power of the LORD GOD which works through

all beings and upholds the entire COSMOS as well as the individual



How to use that Will. I said that we are not the doer HE IS THE DOER!

So how can WE DO the withdrawing?


Easy............There is................. NO I ....................OR

ME ................OR WE ..... OR US! There is only him.




Swami Muktananda chanted the ham-sa mantra and got enlightened after

many years. I chanted siv-om for 25 years and got enlightened. Many

have done it by chanting OM. Those ways are not fast enough.


One guru went to give darshan and said to his devotees he who is

willing to get enlightened right away must come outside and have his

head removed, only one devotee stood up.


This means that you must be willing to die immediately, Why? Because

at the moment of realization the I who we have thought we are for

countless life-times comes to an end he dies, but it is not like

physical death; It is a merging into the most amazing love and

consciousness beyond the minds understanding.


If we think about it, if we see that God manifests this all in his

imagination, realization is merely a matter of having faith and trust

in him; after all he is the DOER acting in us as the Will. He is the

one who uses the Will.


Once I went out into the bush and tried to give up my Will. I laid on

a large boulder in the sun like a drying fish, I made sure a sharp

stone was sticking into my back to keep me aware of what I was trying

to do I laid there the whole day trying to give up my Will. Toward

the evening I realized that you cannot give up the Will, Because you

must USE the Will to give it up. You MUST Will it.


So we must Will realization? Yes, but we first must see that the Will

does not belong to us. We must see that the Will is HIS and HIS



When I was on the rock I saw that the Will cannot be given up because

you do not have it, HE Wills everything that occurs.


In the scriptures it is said it is He who gives

realization............ Only by His grace will we realize him; this

leads to the question as to the nature of grace. What is his grace?

Grace is about accepting.


It is about Graciously receiving.


For example a wife graciously receives her husband. A person

graciously accepts an apology. Grace is therefore tied up in

acceptance. So to receive the Grace of the Lord. To graciously accept

what he offers.


A wife absolutely must have trust in the integrity of the Gift her

husband gives her. She must not imagine that her husband gives her a

bomb, or a snake wrapped in silk; If she has not that faith then she

will not accept the gift. Realization is the same, we must have faith

that he will save us when we accept the gift of the death of the Jiva.


So realization is a simple question of how to die. How to accept



The mind seems to be the self - it thinks that. Or the Soul seems to

think it is the self also neither is true, the mind does not want to

die. Once we remove that fear by meditation the soul still does not

want to die - but it realizes that it must trust God.


Even though it thinks it will die it won't. It must trust. So it is a

matter of accepting God's integrity.


Either we trust him or we exist in the world and are born again and

again; We are subject to karma forever. So how to trust Lord



Ah!, Lord Narayana is very frightening - after all he his is death

itself! So how to trust DEATH ITSELF. The Lord's integrity cannot be

doubted. If wee doubt it then we cannot get realization.


It is the gift of Moksa,. He offers it. We should be like the good

wife who trusts her husband.


Its very easy....


In my own case, I read as much as possible about Kali then I

visualized her standing in the emptiness inside, and thru myself into

her mouth and said god will save me.


That's all there is to it, easy.


The images at the yogic fire site are what I saw as my sadhana

progressed. They are as close to original as my computer talent

allowed me to reproduce In summary ............... Receiving the

grace of god is a matter of trust. Receiving Mukti is a matter of

faith/trust you see.


No more need be said

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