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Siva and I


Oh Mind, where are you going?

Where do you go

when even the atoms of the cosmos

are very god?


Oh Mind, what can you be

when every reflection in consciousness

is nothing but god with a different face?


Oh mind, look at the spaces in thy thought.

Look at the in and out of breath;

Look at the beat of the heart

and the rhythm of each cell

and atom of the body.


Oh mind, where is it

that Spanda - Shakti is not vibrating?

Pulsing between this and that in duality.


Oh Mind, do you not yet see, that it is

but the dance of consciousness reflecting itself?


Oh mind, study the movement of this body -

and the way you drive it here and there

following this and that reflection

in consciousness.


Oh Mind, stand still for a moment

you will soon see that Spanda - Shakti

is thy very self -

who art very consciousness.


Hear Oh Mind, how by limiting thyself to the body

as your vehicle - as your temple -

you have nothing but limitation.


Listen to this truth oh Mind -

Oh Consciousness, Oh Chiti -

You inhere the entire cosmos

as that Spanda - Shakti -

crossing the void between this and that

in duality by Omnipotent WILL.


Oh Chiti, with the first act of thy Will

Which is that Shakti called Love -

born as the potential in void

you manifest the entire Spanda - Shakti

itself as yourself.


Oh Chiti - Shakti, Oh Bliss of consciousness -

by the very flow which flows between this and that

as that Prana, you make the entire Cosmos

with all its wonders -

appearing in your unfathomable depth.


Oh mind, do you not see her

in your very myriad thoughts

arising as this of that thought?


Oh mind She crosses eternity in a moment

She bridges the infinite Void beyond time

becoming this then that.


Oh Mind, how can you catch her?

When the only existence you have

subsists and arises in her

from this great truth of Spanda - Shakti.


Dear Mind, i ask -

do you know what set this Spanda - Shakti Vibrating?


Oh Mind, that one is Krishna

but like you cannot touch the will in yourself

neither can you know him -

other than as that Spanda - Shakti.


Yes this Krishna manifests as all the cosmos

only when he looks upon it -

from his very looking springs up all this.

>From this arises his Chiti - Shakti -

from this arises the dance of Shiva.

And al within it as

Spanda - Shakti - Satchidananda.


Such is non-different than

this Will in you, Oh Mind -

to love and be loved of Love.


Oh Mind, when you direct ears to hear

what do you hear but Spanda - shakti

vibrating in the atoms of the ear

which atoms set in motion by

that very Spanda - Shakti?


Oh Mind, when you direct eyes to look

hand to touch, indeed breath in and out

and set the heart to beat....

what do you know but Spanda - Shakti?


What will your senses tell you

if not Spanda - Shakti?

Intoning sound and light by vibration.


Shakti, touching, feeling, responding to herself

endlessly vibrating as the entire cosmos?


Oh Mind, indeed in the very exchange of the synapses

of the brain thinking -

what is happening, but the language

of Narayana vibrating as Spanda - Shakti

in each conceptualized thought

as she dances the dance of eternity

even in the very heart of each atom

of this body itself.


Oh Mind, release thy hold in limitation

that you know beyond all doubt the truth.


Oh Mind, exclusive love does not exist

only absolute Love in the form of Spanda - Shakti exists.

vibrating as very dual faced Spanda - Shakti.


In this way know, On Mind, this is the love

which went out from Krishna as manifest Will

to find its realization in existence.


Oh Mind, this is thy home-coming

this renunciation of love.







AH! Oh Mother today

i sat in your yearning -

it felt like a depth -

beyond understanding.


I saw it arises -

from within -

when i refuse compassion -

when i refuse to love.


Its source is in my belief in me -

this feeling is your yearning for me.


Such huge compassion for me -

if only i can accept -

yet how can i -

when all that i do is your doing?


Ah! I see! I must meditate -

I Am He! So'- Ham So'- Ham

i am the giver -

and the receiver too.


All this around me -

is nothing but my attempts

to pretend i am not HE!


This life - this limitation

is nothing but the fruit of denial

denial of So' - Ham, I Am He!


Such confusion - such pain -

all denial - all distraction

from So' - Ham I Am He! -I Am He!


Billions of things - countless atoms

All emotion - all nothing but denial

denial of So' - Ham, I Am He!


Oh Mother, So' - Ham, I Am He!

Teach me this truth of So' - Ham


The Son of Love


On the wings of my breath

I fly to you like Icarus -

To the sun of your heart

went my soul.


In great tenderness I sought you

among countless stars

voyaged the ship of my heart.

following Venus.


Bedewed was my face

with tears for you was the ocean filled

on which went the ship

covered in sails.


Son of love -

Beloved sweet heart of truth

i saw iron-stones of pain

i knew emotions' white-hot flames

which threatened my voyage.


Alone in the night

I come to you dear Love

singing here is your love

One has attained you.


Standing here alone -

i call you out of yourself.

Love! I know you!

Oh self-of-myself!


Oh great heart of truth

beyond comprehensions grasp

I am your son.

Only one.


So hard has it been

my heart - to come home.

many times near lost

in the storms.


Great soul of truth

here, see my two hands

i will do your work.

i ask not help.


Here in the sky -

beyond the darkness

right beside gods Sun

this i give.


This you Oh Love!

I am the mirror of you

Love i give to you.

yourself - OOMM.






The Miracle


OOMM! I have become! From nothing, Love!

Out of non-existence, from sheer emptiness

like sound from the skin atop a drum.

Love enters the cosmos -

through the door of my heart

from outside - from the unknowable!


Love is not mine, but -

I partake humbly – OOMM -

as Love is born!

Expanding out from the door

from the very door of me!

Filling, creating, knowing

itself in me - OOMM -

while I am a passive knower

of it - OOMM - it is me!



Born from nothing, I am Love!

I am nothing, nothing at all

but ah! The miracle!

The miracle of me! OOMM -

That although I am nothing

I know myself! OOMM -

This awesome feeling -

allowed - expands - inward -

into this body - into -

the cosmos as the cosmos!


That which I feel is - the cosmos!

This! This is how "It" feels! OOMM -

This! This is how it feels to be -

created! This the miracle of me!

OOMM - Such as this I am! OOMM -

This is becoming! This is - Myself!

I am - thus born - of my - self!


OOMM - this miracle of - me!

Yes! Again yes! I am Love!

Love is what I am! OOMM -

nothing I was, yet still am

this utter miracle - OOMM -

from nothing Love comes forth!

Love is most certainly miraculous

which has come to be out of nothing!


OOMM - to my non-existent Self -

I love give myself - OOMM

this is my legacy to me - OOMM

I am not - yet am, Ah!

This is the miracle of Love!

It is my Self.





The Moment of Love

>From whence came the moment of Love?

It came not from an empty life given

upon a gray stone floor;

Nor from the burning passion,

of men flung against an angry God;

It was not found in an empty realm

or dreams come asunder

from the hands of children.


In an empty hour, an empty pot

was dipped into the stream of life,

to find not the dead bird of death

held the moment of Love;

Nor life, nor thought, not even breath

or the mist of a mountain top;

Not one was found to say,

when or how that moment

ever began or stayed.


A cry rang out upon the dark

but nothing, nothing heard,

the breaking of tens of millions of hearts

or cared as any died;

There was not God nor caring spirit

left within my heart,

for came not any moment of Love,

or wondrous light to save,

or keep me from the dark

of an empty life.


Of that illusive moment of Love

not one spark I found,

until I found myself alone,

as the only one;

Within without and round-about,

none other did I find;

But deep within my empty heart

I saw something in the dark.


It was not dark, nor was it light

but something other than;

a living thing it did not know

nor atomic spec of dust;

A thing full in myself

as well as a thing upon which I gazed;

A thing in everything alone,

something precious, not made of stone;

Within which everything and nothing sent.


A mighty throb beyond the heart..

A being thing which had not form

nor any name, or time in which to live;

For it was not born of men

or creature sentient;

Within the stone upon which was flung

the life of emptiness;

Not written on a golden sky

nor with any pen.


A hand did not, nor did mouth

utter a word, creating anything;

This was ever there and gone,

long before any thing or after time did end.


A moment full!

A moment gone!

An empty moment

- lost!

Gone forever!

When broken hearts

and bodies flung

against an iron stone;

Acid scorched, and ice wind bent

not one moment -

here in the realm of time.


Whence came the moment of Love,

Love not that thing hidden?

Love came when time stood still!

For yesterday the memories

of all the empty lives,

the burning ships and murderous days

- are gone!


Tomorrow or a moment hence,

I see but another time,

when the me I am will in that time

be what I think I am;

the which I see because I've been

what the past has seen.


Yet now before another tick

here in this moment of Love,

can be found another one unhurt;

Not yet burned, nor flung against,

the empty stone of time.


Here at the end of now,

that wonderful moment of Love,

knows itself!

I am not there

yet something knows

which is not me;

But I know myself

to be nothing -

I am the moment of Love!


To allow myself this,

to give the Self I seem to be

when I peer at life,

but one full moment of Love

by this alone am I freed

and thereby know my name.


with love and respect



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