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On The Crucifixion of Christ And The Realization of The Consciousness

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On The Crucifixion of Christ And The Realization of The Consciousness


Tyrone says: i have to write a letter in French about the war in iraq

bindu says:

oh ok, but you can't use yogic ideas me thinks, because yoga says

that the Iraqi people have to

stop behaving so badly toward each other and others who are not

Moslem this is why the war is



Tyrone says: Yes, that's what is tough to me. i have to find a way to

write about something which i

have no idea how to think about.


bindu says:

i think stick to the conventional view on it Tyrone else you will get

into deep water


Tyrone says: Yes i see that too.


bindu says:

For instance, my view is this:


Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and others are still living in the dark ages,

and their regimes are inhibiting

the evolution of the consciousness into the modern age and the modern

view of the

consciousness, this is why Russia fell also. In Fact this is why the

war is just.


The second world war was for the same reason the whole world needed a

swift kick to get it out of

its shallow and hedonistic way. If it was to evolve the consciousness

in the people, but you cannot

say this to a school teacher.


Tyrone says: hmm. now that you say this i see the clearer perspective

of the 'right wing'


bindu says:

What people do not understand about the world is this;, it is the

manifestation of the inner

workings of the evolution of the consciousness of the

Love\consciousness ...sort of like the

foundry of being if you like . - it evolves love\consciousness. That

is its purpose.


So that when one part of it is in trouble like Rwanda for instance or

9/11 you can bet it is in the

process of being refined.


As regards Tibet they were selfishly keeping their knowledge from the

rest of the consciousness

which exists as the rest of the beings in the world so that Tibet had

to be opened to the world;


The violence was needed to make them scatter to the four corners of

the world.


Tyrone says: wow


bindu says:

Thusly making them disseminate their knowledge everywhere - it is

like a seed bursting

it was ripe.


Russia was denying the existence of the Love\Consciousness so it had

to fall the same concept

applies to every walk of life and every nation.


It is evolving the love/consciousness by its very existence.


Tyrone says: Yes


bindu says:

Religions evolve people who are at the level where that religion is

best suited to them then they

leave it --- outgrow it if you like and go to another -- or die in it

to come back and to



This process of evolving consciousness goes on eternally this is the

true expression of the

purpose of the Dharma - do you see?


Tyrone says: Yes.


bindu says:

Now when rs to a certain religion or political system refuse

to let the people who

to them evolve or refuse to evolve themselves. Or the group

refuses to evolve

there is war, because the love\Consciousness will not tolerate

dissension, or mutiny.


This is covered in the renunciation file at the archive where i have

said group egos exist they try to

protect the group ego you see; so the ego of a group is subject to

the same evolution as a

personal ego, it must evolve or die. do you get this?


Tyrone says: Yes


bindu says:

if you think about it ... in the context of the Love\Consciousness it

is the only thing that makes any



Tyrone says: Yes expansion


bindu says:

Because it is in harmony with the omniscience and the omnipresence.


Tyrone says: right


bindu says:

It is said the world is like an orchard - the trees bare fruit .

if a tree refuses to bare fruit it is uprooted and burned

by the orchardist.


Groups are like tress - The fruit is realization


If a group or religion does not bare fruit it will die.


Tyrone says: if it doesn't bare fruit it means that its dying right


Bindu Yes.


The Moslem religion has born fruit in the past., but it will never

bare any more fruit so it must die

the dying might take a long time though.


Tyrone says: how can the people handle that, - the Muslims dying


bindu says:

If they refuse to to a group, they too will die - that is

why the holocaust happened

they refused to to the group of thinking that Judaism was

the chosen religion .. they

were full of pride and prejudice against the rest of the world,. so

an evil man came to kill them all.


Tyrone says: wow.


bindu says:

Do you think that no one gets what he deserves? Does one get his

karma? of course he does




Tyrone says: alright


bindu says:

but seeing it from the point of view of good and evil cannot work

neither the Jews nor the

Germans knew this. I am the one who chooses.


Tyrone says: Yes


bindu says:

The Christian bible was not written by the Jews but revelation was

written ABOUT them. In the

fact that it would be they who would want to ask stones to fall on

them. Etc…


Tyrone says: you mean the new testament or the whole thing?


bindu says:

The New Testament,


The fire would come from the sky (bombs etc) - poison in the water


and so on and the rest of the horror.


bindu says:

All because they would not accept the rest of the people in the world

as equal ...there was no

pride or arrogance higher than the Jewish way of thinking at that

time in history


But the holocaust was also used to purge the world of a great deal of

other rejection of the unity of

the love\consciousness.


The communist system rose to power out of the ashes of the Jewish

arrogance, you might say

that the spirit of that arrogance retreated behind the iron curtain.


The fortress has only recently fallen, it was under siege since the

second war ended


So there is a reason for every thing, do you see it?


Tyrone says: Yes its all in the nature of things


bindu says:

There is no such thing as evil, there is only consciousness evolving.

Think of this next.....


The Buddhist concept of Ahimsa is Ok as far as it goes, but each

moment our immune system is

committing genocide. It kills trillions of beings every day! When we

walk we mash countless

beings that are invisible to the eye underfoot and with our cars. We

breath in other micro-

organisms by the trillions. Why is this different than the holocaust?

It isn't!


By existing we live by death, death and life are partners ... two

sides of the same coin life cannot

exist without death.


Tyrone says: so death and life are interchangeable in that theory of



bindu says:

Yes, The Yaqui Indians of south American talk of a being existing

outside of reality called

powerquatsi. It is a conception of a being that eats up reality. It

lives by feeding upon itself

this is how they look at life.


Tyrone says: And does it work out for them, well?


bindu says:

yes interchangeable, it is a fact of existence, all beings feed upon

the death of other beings

such that the being existing as the powerquatsi lives.


Tyrone says: just like maggots, says: so all is one


bindu says:

yes... in all ways the omniscience covers the whole .It is

irrefutable. None can contradict what i

have said.


But don't just blindly believe me though, you are welcome to spend

the rest of your life trying to

contradict me, but you will fail as will anyone else no matter how

intelligent he is. Truly realized

beings are as rare as the teeth of a hen.


Tyrone says: oh Yes. i wanted to ask. is knowledge more than just

proof of knowledge?


bindu says:

Do you mean ... do a persons words prove his wisdom?


Tyrone says: Yes this guy name din has a page of about 2 dozen

enlightened people....whatever.


What is the true proof of knowledge. and what is the need of that

proof for people to believe that

even though people can be as varied as the cosmos.


Bindu says:

If a person runs about saying, "look at me, i am an enlightened one!"

he is a fool.


Also if a person goes about saying, "here are some enlightened ones"

he too is a fool because it

is never the man who is enlightened, it is only the self who comes to

realize its own nature as and

in itself.. NO man can ever be enlightened.


Tyrone says: i know


bindu says:

The proof of enlightenment is the ability to speak correctly about

the omniscience and the



The one who has realized he is not himself but THE SELF - seems to

those who watch and listen

to him, to be omniscient; yet he himself knows that it is only due to


exists he knows that his consciousness does not belong to him.


bindu says:

Thus The Omniscient Self uses his voice to speak about Itself to

Itself, That man knows that those

who are listening (contrary to what they might say or think) are

inhabited by The Self.

bindu says:


This sis the proof of wisdom


Tyrone says: Yes


bindu says:

To answer the second part of your question, The need of knowledge is

this....The REAL Self

in knowing about itself, brings about the evolution of its own

omniscience thru coming thru the one

who has gotten out of the way .... the Real Self Speaks thru a

body.... yes, but it is not that body

or guru speaking. - - It is much, much more.




A true guru will point one inward, he will never say look at me. He

will say go inside and find the

guru within, this and that is the Sadguru.


He will say go within and find me in your heart (when he says this he

will be speaking as The Self

not as a man)


Now imagine a world where all spiritual knowledge died. All realized

beings and saints left the

world, never to return. All spiritual books were lost… - The

knowledge of the Self would end


So then realized beings, saints and bodhisattvas do not leave upon

realization never to return.

They return on purpose, to continue the work I am one of them.


bindu says:

In the first part of our lives all of us spend that time re-

establishing our level or spiritual

development that we had previously in our last lifetime we then move

on to further growth

or we die again.


This is why babies are born and die the very next minute, and is also

why others die young.


A person being may be stuck so badly in his or her evolution that

they cannot find a way forward

in the path that is there evolution so they leave and return to begin

anew. They will arrive at where

they ended last time then move on, overcome it or die again. This

goes on incessantly until the

obstacle is transcended.


This is why a realized being must also do sadhana when he is born. He

must re-establish his

enlightenment. (or more properly he must re-establish THE

enlightenment in the body)


Then he begins to teach, you are such a one as that, as am i. You

will realize this eventually.


Tyrone says: someone said that you cannot remember enlightenment.

because there is no past


bindu says:

it is not a memory Tyrone, it is a re-establishment.


We choose our parents such that they give us the optimum opportunity

to evolve to the level we

last had as soon as possible. When we choose to exist the past exists

also; as does all of TIME...

Time comes into being the moment we choose to exist.


Let me ask you this.....

Since we met have you not seen that everything i have taught you fits

in with everything else in

the universe? and excludes nothing?


Tyrone says: um, yes there are no real conflicts.


bindu says:

This is the test of understanding. If a persons discards anything, he

has discarded the whole

because if i reject your hand i have rejected you.


Tyrone says: Yes





bindu says:

If a doctor heals your hand and you reject the healing, then you have

decided you would rather be

ill than well for example:


Jesus went about healing everyone he saw.. There are healers in the

world. but what usually

happens is that a person is healed at the time. Then he picks up the

thing that made him sick in

the first place.


The symptoms might get cured (the physical evidence of illness) but

the cause of it remains

the cause of all illness is lack of acceptance of the whole...........


why? An example is ....

a germ or virus comes into the body, the immune system is triggered

the germ is killed but before

the immune system noticed it the germ had bred and left trillions of

eggs or whatever else it might

do to reproduce itself.


The first germ is killed but the eggs or whatever hatch, there are

instantly millions of war fronts

happening. The immune system goes into overdrive and the body heats



This happens below the normal level of consciousness but the symptom

is a temperature which

the doctor measures with a thermometer. he prescribes rest and an

antibiotic to help kill the



bindu says:

but the better way is this....


If The Self is conscious in the body (If the man is Self-Realized) he

will know there are other

beings which we call germs that have come for darshan of The Self. so

instead of trying to kill

them with drugs and the like, he goes into the Consciousness of the

Self and Accepts the germs

etc into the light of the consciousness .. this kills them by

liberating the consciousness in them


It does not merely kill the body as drugs etc do. In the same way the

countries who are at war or

the groups that are trying to remain separate from the whole need the

liberation of the

Love\consciousness ..


They cannot be killed and be expected to dissolve instantly, such

that there will remain a few hard

to kill cells such as the neo-Nazi movement etc.. do you see the

difference Tyrone? As you can

see this is not as simple as it looks on the surface.


Tyrone says: yes thank you. Is it better to meditate on the

crucifixion act or the resurrection.


bindu says:

Yes, the resurrection requires the crucifixion, else it will not

happen. The old self must be crucified

on the tree of life. But the tree of life is the body signified by

the cross.



Tyrone says: when i see the crucifixion in my mind i imagine the

suffering. is that a good

meditation? : and the sacrifice?


bindu says:

pay attention, i will explain it all






The Second Section of our chat…


The meaning of the story of Jesus


Tyrone says: is about love and sacrifice


bindu says:

yes however we will not cover his life we will only the crucifixion

ascension and resurrection and

the ascension.


Tyrone says: ok


bindu says:

There are many places in the bible where he said... The son of man

must be raised of lifted up.

Generally this is interpreted as He (Jesus) would have to be

crucified ... or we would have to lift

him up in the context of taking up a belief in him as the son of god.


On the surface this is true, but it has a much deeper meaning, wich

is this...


It means....The Jiva must do his Sadhana in the body. Jesus was

flogged and beaten almost to

death by the Romans and persecuted for his beliefs by the general



This means that the minds inner programs and beliefs (these are the

Romans) will try to dissuade

one from seeking realization (which is nothing less than seeking God

in the Heart ... or as Jesus

said the kingdom of heaven is within)


The Romans made him carry his own cross to the place of crucifixion

(Calvary) .... Calvary is the

place of the final realization where the Jiva will realize the



Jiva is The Soul ... it is the Christ within. The Holy Spirit is the

Consciousness. Imagine this....

horrible as it might seem:


Originally there was the garden of Eden.... (Knowledge of and union

with god. Adam and eve

(man and his soul knew each other, and walked as one)... god created

Eve from one of Adams

own ribs.


She was his very soul walking beside him...



It is written that:

In his image god created man......(God created him IN himself) Inside

his own reflection. This is

the mirror of the consciousness.


The Jiva comes into being in the body (Christ is Crucified on the

tree of life which is the body) as

the inner reflection of what is perceived to be himself. This

reflection appears in his mind as the

One who he refers to when he says "I".


The perception happens as a result of Karma (which is driven by

judgment and guilt of course) so

that he comes to think that good and evil exist, and is therefore

split off from the Garden Eden

(Sharing being and knowing both himself (His Soul) and God.)


When Eve (His Soul) ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

(by deciding that this was

good and that was bad) the split in The Consciousness occurred (He

and his Soul lost paradise)


The decision to believe or the thought that evil exists in the

Omniscient God is the cause of it all.


This and this alone, causes The Christ to have to be crucified on the

tree of Life.


The body is the place wherein evil and pain can be experienced it

cannot be experienced

otherwise. But the nature of the tree of life is much deeper than the

physical body.


It includes all ideas about the nature of I-ness, for example if the

soul exists separately from God

(remember it left Eden where god walked in the Garden with them.)

Then that soul even in the

absence of a body will suffer, due to separation. So it will be born

in a new body soon after the old

body dies.


The only antidote for this, is forgiveness, This is Jesus message. So

then to forgive evil… Even as

he died on the Cross he said: Father forgive them they know not what

they do.


Now then lets go back to Calvary


Adam was thrown out of the garden (out of the knowledge of god and

his own soul) because the

soul began to think it could act independently of god... it believed

it had a will of its own)..... this is

the original sin that goes on all the time.


The act of thinking of "I" - "MeMine" Is the original sin


Tyrone says: In the man sense.


bindu says:

yes,.......so at Calvary the Jiva realizes this, he is crucified by

his own realization of his sin


This works this way. Jesus had incredible injuries. He was close to

death even before they put

him on the cross.


This equates to what we would see if we were to strip off the

clothing of the body, and see all the

injuries that have been inflicted on each body we have occupied as

the soul since the beginning

of our existence.... we would see a horrific spectacle of agony

inflicted in the name of self or

I-ness. This is horrific.


Now imagine the horror done to the soul which is felt as all the

emotional pain that it has gone

through since the beginning… imagine if each pain was recorded as a

whip mark on the body of

the soul. The vision of this would be unspeakable in its horror.




Now imagine all the injuries done to The Self as the sum of all the

pain all the beings that ever

lived have gone through.... by their decision to be an "I". you will

then see the Souls agony


This is what the Christ crucified means.


Now then this horrific vision brings about the death of the Jiva

because in the face of such horrific

Agony and maiming That jiva must be in the deepest most wrenching

agony beyond the capacity

of any being to contain. Due to the recognition of what he has done

by existing as an "I" – "Me".



But Back to Jesus. Even as he hung on the cross, cut, chopped,

beaten, speared and bleeding to

death he said: Father forgive them they know not what they do, This

is forgiveness.


(Remember the Romans are the programs in the Mind causing the Jiva to

to an "I")

It is they who must be forgiven, by forgiving what is believed to be

Yourself, else you cannot take

the guilt of the responsibility for what you have done in existing as

an "IMe".


This is what it means by Jesus Taking all of the Sin of the world

upon himself and drinking of the

Cup…. To understand this … is to drink of the Holy Grail.


Tyrone says: Just as he might have not done before this time.


bindu says:

This compassion is the com[passion we need to give the jiva if he is

ever to ascend.


Tyrone says: known what he did i mean


bindu says:

For example after seeing this horrific vision, it might seem

impossible to forgive the jiva for what it

has done in existing as an "I" but it isn't, because it was the inner

Christ (the consciousness) who

suffered. and was crucified within us all.


This is why we feel pain and agony at every turn. He is suffering on

the cross of the body. When

Jesus said the son of man must be lifted up he meant: Lift the son to

the status as joint heirs in

the inheritance of the Kingdom of heaven (which is realization).


Elsewhere in the bible it says we are all sons of god.


All must come to understand the Crucified Consciousness which thinks

it is the body.....

this brings about the resurrection.


The old self dies in the cave of the heart. In the sepulcher prepared

by love and devotion in other



bindu says:

For three days he was in the tomb...; This means there are three

phases of resurrection


one in the womb, one in the body, and one in the Consciousness.


He then was resurrected as The Risen Christ. This means he was now

conscious as the Christ or



But back on the cross at the final moment of his death he said:


Eloi, Eloi why hast thou forsaken me?


bindu says:

This means he understood that the Consciousness is not the body and

the jiva is not the self!


He died into the Godhead (To become other than One thinks oneself to

be that old one must die)


He merged with the Self


Rama-Krishna Used to say Oh Kali Please do not take me fully into

yourself, because if you do I

will disappear then who will worship you?


Hence Jesus said Eloi Eloi Lani Sabach thani


Father, Father, why hast thou forsaken me?


When he rose from the dead, he was with his disciples for a while

before the ascension happened

this means.


He became pure consciousness ..... But this is not an outer story or

any historic event it is an

allegory for the inner transformation.


bindu says:

It is the same as the battle at Kuruk-Shetra, and the Story of the

Garden of Eden. As described

above. One must simply come to understand the allegory and metaphor

used by the Authors.


Though it may have happened in an external way that a man Called

Jesus was Crucified the

meaning of it is to do with the Evolution of the consciousness just

as the Ramayana is also.


This ascension of the Risen Christ, is the recognition of the

Existence of The Absolute as

Conscious without a form....


After he left the disciples, three days later tongues of lame filled

the room and went thru and to

each and every one of them.... without burning them. This is The Holy

Spirit of course.


They all became realized. but each disciple signifies an aspect of

the Jiva. Judas is the Ego.


i do not know the designation of each disciple in the sense of being

an aspect of the JivaAtman...

but you can find it in the quabbalah... which is the esoteric

doctrine of the ancient Hebrews. The

bible has been changed and altered a great deal over the ages it is

no longer complete.


But from this talk today you can get a good grip of the gist of it


Tyrone says: yes


bindu says:

Every aspect of the story is an allegory for an inner aspect of the

journey to enlightenment or

heaven Jesus always maintained that the Kingdom of heaven is within,

Hell is below (in the body)

Heaven is above (in the Consciousness if the Risen Christ or Atman).


Remember also that in those days the people could not think in an

abstract way... abstract

thinking did not eventuate in the general population until much later

in history.


The ancient people told stories to each other. Christ himself taught

in parables.


Tyrone says: my dad said 'love me today. hate me tomorrow' i asked

what it means but he said i

would figure it out.




bindu says:

Also the ancient writers wanted to hide what they were writing from

the Romans so they wrote in

words that the Romans would think were stories.


Tyrone says: ok thank you


bindu says:

Your parents might like this talk. do you have any questions on it?




Section Three The Self Talk DO NOT share this


Tyrone says: i have one question that doesn't exactly pertain to the

talk just now about the choice

of inaction and action like its discussed by Krishna in the Gita.


My Question is: Am i the inaction of the absolute, or the action of

the jiva


bindu says:

When you say i am who are you referring to?


Tyrone says: the me and the witness


bindu says:

Who says am I?


Tyrone says: i don't know the difference between the action of the

witness and the jiva.



bindu says:

So who is what?


Tyrone says: The absolute is that which observes the "I"


bindu says:

yes, so .... am i the inaction of the absolute or the action of the



The jiva thinks it asks this - it is not true - it is the Self asking

The Jiva This.

See it?


Tyrone says: kinda


bindu says:

i will talk as if i am the self now, what i say is to be taken



I am the action of the Jiva and also the inaction of the Absolute....

and i am neither.


I am all there is... all this appears in me.


I am the sole actor in my own drama.


I am the Dearth of everything and also its life.


I am the Consciousness and that which is conscious of it.



All question are asked of myself by myself.. no one else exists.


All songs are sung to me by myself.


I have written all the books that ever existed.


But men think they are the singers, the questioners

and the authors of books and actions. this is incorrect


i am the only voice there is - I alone am.


There appears to be many jiva, many souls

all are my reflections only.


i am the mirror while there is a Cosmos

when the cosmos has gone there is no mirror.


Individual souls are mirrored mirrors

there appears many, but it is only I.

I am all and transcend all.


Because all appears in me

I am the background of existence


I am the beginning and the end

The Alpha and the Omega.


I am Om.


I am that into which all dissolves

and that from which all arises.

I am That.


That which arises is merely the I-Am-ness

it has no reality ...


Nothing in the Cosmos has reality

because i am reality itself....

all this is merely my omnipotent Will in action.


It is existing because i exist... but it is not ME.

In myself i am not the universe -nor am i the cosmos.


It is in me but is not me -

just as your hand is not you

I am beyond existence because I am its foundation.


Now you should read Krishna's talk with Arjuna


Go here and open Jnaneshwari Read The Chapter called "The Universal





Tyrone says: ok


Tyrone says: what is an 'asura'?


bindu says:

something you imagine epitomizes or makes physical some belief you

have about the existence

of an evil being..

bindu says:


bindu says: An archetype, as-it-were, of evil. It is equivalent to a

Christian demon


Tyrone says: ok


bindu says:

what happens is this.. All the powers, faculties, siddhis etc of The

Self. that we reject in order to

exist as the Jiva are held in the astral and given existence as

archetypal beings to hold that power

or aspect or attribute of the self in the self of the archetype.


bindu says:

These are the so called Gods. The astral plane of my consciousness

does not exist in reality just

as this plane does not. The astral is created as a realm for these

beings to live in. It must exist so

that the jiva can exist . It is a splitting or fragmentation into

trillions of my being you see.


Go and look at the first image on this page>



In my transcendental Self there are no divisions you see. This is a

little bit of an elaboration on

what i have said in jnaneshwari.


bindu says:

You must understand that Arjuna's mind was an ancient one, he could

not understand my

transcendental Being. He was terrified so he begged me to hide it




Tyrone says: what is meant by hide it again


bindu says:

I resumed my human form for Arjuna's sake.


bindu says:

This is why no one must know who I am. It will become clear to them

in time. not by being told

directly. But the inner Self will realize me. Do you understand?


Tyrone says: no


bindu says:

This man here is not me, I dwell in all, he has realized me. Those

who realize me, will know who I

am, do you see?


Tyrone says: yes


bindu says:

If they were to read this they may not understand this, They will

think this man is saying he is me,

which is untrue.


Tyrone says: ya,: jay shiva


bindu says:

Om hari Om


bindu says:

So he comes sometimes when he chooses.


Tyrone says: ah good


bindu says:

now i will go... bye now my dear friend.

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