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~*~ RKM Top~Officials Betrayal~Renouncing Hinduism ~*~

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~*~*~*~ OM! Namaste ! ~*~*~*~



Below Are Articles On The Ramakrishna Order~Mission Top~Officials

Betrayal And Renouncing Of Hinduism In The India High Court, For

Imagined Worldly Materialistic Advantages And Gains, And Just For Not

Getting Their Way In Everything In A Tiny Muslim~Communist Run Bengal!


The RKM Is The Only Hindu Order That Renounced Sanatana Dharma

Hinduism For Worldly Gain, And This Was For Just A Very Small

Frustration The RKM Had To Endure, Just Like Any Other Hindu Order In

The Areas Occupied By Muslims Or Communists Have To Endure. The

Ramakrishna Order~Mission Is ALL Over India And Worldwide. And For Not

Getting Their Way Entirely In Just This Tiny Little Place In Bengal,

The Ramakrishna Order~Mission Had Their Entire Order Worldwide

Renounce Hinduism Sanatana Dharma! To Accomplish This Renouncing Of

Hinduism Through The India High Court, The RKM Spoke Very Slanderously

Against Hinduism In The High Court Proceedings. These Top~Officials Of

The RKM Who Perpetuated This Betrayal And Hindu Apostasy, Angered Most

Of The Other Swamis, Renunciates, Devotees In The Ramakrishna Order

And Many Left The Order Totally Disgusted.


Can Forgiveness And Healing Of The Rift Ever Be Had?

Grave Mistakes Of A Few RKM Top~Officials In Power, Are Such A


Betrayal... We Remain Hindus No Matter What The Officials Choose For

Themselves Personally... Our Hinduism Can Never Be Taken From Us!


Sri Ramakrishna And Swami Vivekananda Existed To Revive Hinduism And

They Are The Jewels Of Hinduism ~ Sanatana Dharma! They Knew

Themselves To Be Hindus With All Of Their Being! There Can Be Hardly

Any Greater Betrayal Of Sri Ramakrishna ~ Swami Vivekananda ~ Their

Followers And Hinduism And India And ALL Other Hindus Than For Their

Order To Renounce Hinduism! The High Court Of India {Against The Will

Of The RKM Top~Officials} Reversed This Very Sad RKM Hindu Apostasy

And RKM Dire Betrayal Years Later {Recently}, And Now The RKM Is

Legally Forced To Not Renounce Hinduism And Not To Betray Sri

Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Sarada Devi, ALL Hindus, India,

Swamis, Renunciates Devotees And Hinduism Sanatana Dharma. The

Ramakrishna Order~Mission Can No Longer Declare Themselves

Non~Hindu... Recently Declared By The India High Court... Thank The Gods!



{Please Click Your Computer Mouse On The Below Links And Read All Of

The Articles Completely!}



































{On Another Topic Of Note: Ahimsa Is The Foremost And Most Important

Virtue In Hinduism. Ahimsa Towards ALL Creatures~Beings~Living Things

And Mother Earth Prithivi, Is Adhered To By ALL True Hindus

Naturally, Unless One Is Of Rakshasa~Asuric Tendencies.


Naturally Ahimsa, Which Must Include Eating Only Cruelty~Free

Vegan~Vegetarian Foods, And Using Only Cruelty~Free Clothing

And Products, Is Adhered To And Taught By ALL Representatives

Of Sanatana Dharma}





~*~ OM TAT SAT OM ! ~*~














~*~*~*~ ShiVaNi SaNnYaSiNi ~*~*~*~









*ALL IS ONE~SPIRIT!*Ambrosial Infinite!*Love All Creatures!*

Be Vegan!

*ALL IS THAT Supreme

Ambrosial Infinite Light ~ Pure Consciousness Which Shines As The

Immortal Inmost Essence And Fabric Of ALL That Exists And Beyond! *

THAT In Which ALL Universes Seen And Unseen Exist And Dissolve & In

Which ALL Gods & Creatures Enjoy Their Respective Powers... THAT am I

* OM ! *








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