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~*~ GURUS and gurus and more gurus ... ~*~

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~*~ Shivani Sannyasini {Mystic Ambrosia} Wrote:


~*~*~*~ Namaste Adi Shakti! ~*~*~*~


There is something I must clearly state to you right now my sister...

Sri Ramakrishna did not have homosexual tendencies, nor any type of

sexual inclinations whatsoever. Just because some ignorant homosexual

man worte an ignorant book claiming this horrid slander against an

Illumined Being of life~long pristine purity, does not mean it is true.

The dire condition of maya engulfed Kali Yuga humans is a mind of

debauchary and they sexualize everything and everyone, and are filled

with lust, sensuality, cruelity and materialism.


Sri Ramakrishna was spontaneously transported into all the 'Bhavas' of

Savikalpa Samadhi during his spiritual sadhana. Sri Ramakeishna at one

time during his sadhana was overcome with the attitude of the gopis

serving Lord Krishna. Sri Ramakrishna in his constant state was that

of a Divine Child, and during his whole life his mind and senses Never

descended into any type of sexuality. His is acccepted in much of

India and in many Hindu ashramas worldwide as an Avatar of

Renunciation. Sri Ramakrishna remained in the deepest Nirvikalpa

Samadhi for six months, not stirring at all, and pure food and water

were mashed together and massaged down his throat by a wandering monk,

to keep him alive, the wandering monk knew he must do this for

Ramakrishna had to yet fulfill his Divinely decreed mission here. One

of Sri Ramakrishna's main teachings and requirements in sadhana is the

absolute renunciation of lust {any sexual act~impulse~thought} and greed.


Even I have been a life~long celibate, free from sexual impulses and

lust, and I am not even a person who remotely proclaims that I have at

all attained Spiritual Illumination. A person such as myself can only

accept as an Illumined Gurudeva, one who is absolutley pure and not a

sexual being with any type of sexual inclinations at all. The truely

spiritually Realized have no sexuality nor lust. The spiritual realms

and worlds have no sexualitity or lust. You have to pattern yourself

here on Mother Earth after the Spiritual state~realm you wish to

attain after leaving your body. Once you yearn for, or taste even a

drop of the Bliss of Brahman, sexual things are like a deadly robber

and filled with poison. The thought of sexual things is like horrid

poison to my entire being. My Guru has to be an Absolutely Pure and

life~long celibate Guru... as my Gurudeva Swami Shraddhananda of the

Ramakrishna Order is... at a young age he gave me

Mantra~Diksha~Brahmacharya Initiation {mantra and life~long celibacy

in thought and deed} in the summer of 1977... I have never felt

inclined to sexuality of any kind. What you may 'treasure' Adi

Shakti... may be a dire poison to me... and to others seeking

Spiritual Illumination.


Please do not entertain any false ideas about Sri Ramakrishna.

Person's who are addicted to degrading the name of the Absolutely Pure

Illumined Ones with their own lustful imaginations will incur the

direst of bad karmas. The man who wrote that atrocious slanderous book

about Sri Ramakrishna, is an ignorant person addicted to his own

sexual {homosexual} lusts. Please be Aware of this.


With Kindest Regards...



~*~ OM TAT SAT OM! ~*~



~*~*~*~*~*~ Shivani Sannyasini ~*~*~*~*~*~

















~*~ Adi Shakti Wrote:


Do you know something?


1) i was in the Hare Krishna movement once.


At that time, i Heard about swami Kirtanananda Prabhu (west virginia

temple) having molested little boys in the ashram. Also, he murdered

a devotee.


i spent 7 years in the movement - invested my youth , energy, time

and my hard earned money.



2) I was a Tm meditator once . Having Paid $2500 for a course just to

learn how to meditate on bija mantra Krim.


At that time, i was totally smitten with the "deepak chopra" bug...

since then, we also heard about sex scandals involving Deepak chopra.


3) I am an admirer of Osho and his books are my 'guru' and we have

heard so many stories about Osho - from his Visa scandal

upto 'orgies' in his oregon ashram.


4)AH! satya sai baba .. I was (am still) his devotee too! i had live

darshan of him once in puttaparthi and another time at whitefield

bangalore ...


then , i heard about his homesexual encounter with a western disciple


5) Gurumayi - (swami chidivilasananda) - i went and participated in a

retreat in new york... i heard so many stories about her and her guru

swami muktananda and sex scandals in her ashram .




this goes on and on ...


and do i hate anyone of these gurus? No, not at all ! because in

following all these paths , i learned so many valuable things ...

While serving in the Hare Krishna ashram, i learned how to love

Krishna and learned about Bhakti yoga ,


while practicing TM, my creative faculties were really sharp and i

was able to perform so well in many areas . I continue to read Deepak

chopra's books till today. i visit Mahesh Yogi's Noida ashram

everytime i visit Delhi and do my bit by contributing to their

philantrophic activities .


then all those 'osho' allegations .... do those things bother me? i

luv the 'message' the man gave ... he was a free spirited

individual , someone my 'gypsy' nature could relate to! and his

writings ... marvellous .. on every subject ...


SAI BABA - that was a little hard on me ... i still have not

recovered from that 'one' as yet... because he was not just a guru !

he was bhagwan himself ! but guess what ! is it his fault that i

placed him on a pedestal? he just proved to be as 'human' as the rest

of us!


Gurumayi - that scandal about muktananda did not bother me in the

least... for, she is a dynamite ! endowed with stunning good looks ,

this woman taught me how to breathe in and out the 'so-ham'

mantra ... siddha yoga...



I have seen most of these gurus - ammachi, karunamayi, sree maa,

nirmala devi, mother mira ..... etc....


we may hear some scandals about them also aT some point ... may be

not 'sex' scandals -misuse of public funds, may be! or some such

thing... Does that make them all bad, sinful etc?


and then the unkindest cut of all... Sri Ramakrishna ...


Jeffrey kirpaul's book on shri Ramakrishna -KALI'S CHILD

re: Sri Ramakrishna's homosexual tendencies ...


so, what did i do? Did i take all these to heart? I learned something

valuable from each and every one of them ... and like a 'true'

seeker put it all behind me ... and move on to newer pastures...

my fear is not so much about sexual explotation of a sisya by a guru

but the 'emotional' explotation !


You place yourself in the hands of a therapist and if he expoits you

emotionally that is as bad as his explopting sexually ...


The other day i met this very handsome yoga teacher (a six footer)

maybe in his early 30s - awesome looking ; hatha yogi " large luminous

eyes , vajra like body and a face full of radiance and where do u

think i met hin in karunamayi's retreat ... i looked at him

spellbound ...here i am a 60 year old , well past my prime , turned

on by a young handsome yoga teacher! you know what guys, women do get

attracted to spiritual persons ... because of their 'aura'



i am sure all his female students may make advances on

him!! before u know it, he will be out of business ...facing law



well,i think we should overlook all these 'sex' scandals and just

focus on the 'teachings' and see if that makes us a more well rounded



i may be wrong ...my 3 cents


WELL, believe me Osho did pay gor his indiscretions ... i think he

committed 'suicide ' and when he left his communes were in

disarray ...


BUT, OSHO WAS STILL A ORIGINAL THINKER ... i still like his views on

many subjects ...


let me ask you this ...



MONICA LWEWINSKY ... still he was a great president ...


IN fact, i would necever vote for a presidenrt who looks asexual ...


i guess we want all gurus to be delbate monks no womder they end up

molesting young boys ...


......... i am sorry folks

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