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Digest Number 2501

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Thank you all very much for your comments, and your kind words.

First of all let me say that i had not and do not intend to post any

arrogant or egotistical ideas, opinions or attacks on anyone much

less the moderator, my comments were merely written in such a way as

to perhaps cause an honest man (or woman) to re-assess their decision

to remove the posts i had made earlier in the light of the questions

as formulated in the last post. It can be will noted that the vein of

the post was in the form of questions, there were no personal attacks

intended what-so-ever.


Lady Joice wrote

Dear Bindu:I hope you won't mind if I stroke yours?

You can do what ever you like.

It seems that this has been happening to other members on other

listsas well. I am not sure what is happening but the member goes to

lookat the archives and discovers that their posts are no longer

there. Theythen post a message to the list to that effect, someone

else goes there to look and is able to see and access that person's

messages, just like I was able to do with the messages below. I did

not go back any further but I suspect your messages are still there.

The actual deletion and\or moderation of the posts only began to occur

after i made a few posts that were very destructive of the ego. the

posts previous to this are still there yes, but the others are

mysteriously missing.

You know what they say...The Lord of the Meeting Rivers will play with

you until your bones stick out...Is that Kabir...does anyone know?Oh

yes of course, I'll grind your bones to make my bread! Hurry up!


Bindu, beloved,first you made me laugh,so thank you for the good laughter!

A smile is always goodSecond it came to enquire:why he is so upset?Is

he really upset?or is just the fire of the righteous?

Of course i am not upset just very curious as to why the posts were missing.

While i can understand completely the moderators decision to remove

them considering their content as they were very harsh in terms of

directly convicting the ego; giving it utterly no recourse to but to

accept the truth of its worthlessness in regards to owning the

realization or any form of i-ness what-so-ever. I was and am still

curious as to why he or she having removed them would not directly

contact me or at least give an explanation to the group as to why

they were removed.

Having said that i realize it is a bit much to ask him or her to do

considering the fact that he or she probably has better things to do

than worry about some minor complaint from a member. However at the

risk of sounding directly egotistical let it be said that the posts i

am referring to were like nothing you or anyone has ever seen before

in terms of directly convicting the ego.

Here in this group there are any kind of people, some afraid of Truth, some not at all.

Oh yes i appreciate this entirely but everyone is free to NOT READ

what they cannot accept or do not want to accept fro one reason or


What is shared is the reflection of Truth and we are learning through

any and each post new and new facets of Truth.

Again i totally agree, but it is the reflection that dazzles the eyes

of the Jiva, the posts i made rippped yes ripped away the mirror and

smashed it to pieces. All that remains after the mirror is gone is

The Self, then what will be felt by what in what or where? The

remainder will be the realization of the Omnipresence of

love/consciousness. Not the selfishness of the suedo getter/giver

called ego or "I".Some people needs to be stroked and caressed and

hugged before they can relax in the acceptance of what is so why not

let them receive what they feel they need?

I could not agree more, in fact i myself had a very hard road to

follow where i too had my teachers etc.. but eventually the eagle

takes her chick on her back up really high and tips it off, the chick

flutters and flounders and falls down and down the mother follows him

as he falls.

Just before he is about to smash on the ground she catches him and

takes him up again. She does this repeatedly until he realizes he has

his own wings, all he has to do is open them!

Sure when they realise Truth they will not need it any more,but before?

Does the teacher take responsiblity for his\her students or does

he\she refuse to let them become dependent on him\her?

This opens a whole can of worms yes, having such things in it as the

need for compassion, love and consideration. But to head off the cry

of the ego that says save me i am dying! The teacher should say stop

looking at the ego look at the Self and love that because it is your

own self while that which is dying it a mere shell. Again this also

opens a can of worms. Such as the vehicle needs to be kept in good

condition lest it break down and we not get to our destination....

However the destination is the Self So DIE oh ego DIE! and soon.

The post which are missing are egoic genocide.Do you really believe or

know, that few loving caresses to the egocan spoil the possibility of


NO of course not. But when you have discovered the antidote for cancer

and you have it wouldn't you take it regardless of how horrid the


but this is a referrence to something that will keep the body alive

and is not really applicable. while we are doing sadhana to bring

about the death of the ego why succor, it why not end our suffering

as quickly as possible? Would you put germs back into an infection

that has nearly healed? Would you eat the very thing that gave you a

dose of cholera when it is nearly healed? NO we must be ruthless or


Siva is the destroyer, kali will eat us all sooner or later. submit i

say and be eaten why prolong your agony? I am sorry to say my way I

know is very very harsh and direct, but it is stark reality.

I am naked reality - but i am not what i or you think i am, so sayeth

The SelfMy experience with Osho and Giridhar, (an Hymalayan Master

and Avatar) is that without their love to the way I was, including my

ego,I would have run away very quickly without any possibilityto let

go and contact my inner guru.

So what if you run away? one day you will find you cannot run anywhere

at all... As there is nothing but The Self.. The posts i refer to

cause that to happen immediately and the moderator has deprived you

of it.

It might be ok to live as a jiva for a successful or rich person but

for those who feel the sting of existence every single hour of every

single day due to their life circumstances it might be more desirable

to get it over with as soon as possible, regardless if the cost of

realization is the whole EGO.

Oh yes of course! but replace the ego instantly with the self and who

needs to wait until the ego is OK?Take it easy and keep sharing your

love with us.

With who sahll i share" would it be wise to feed a cancer the stuff

that uplifts it? If the ego was killed instantly all that would

remain is the self, what need for loving it then?

Oh Krishna, where can I gobut into the heart of you?where does

anywhere exist but in you?who am I ... but for you ?it is only

because of you that I existI am yours . of myself ..... I am not

Oh Krishna what was I before this ?before I knew youbefore my heart

who am I?When the over-bright wonderof my soul shines forth who will

deny you?

Oh KrishnaYou are my very selfof myself ..... I am notI reach the soul

of you and find -not myself but you ,,,,,, nothing but youeverywhere

everywhere..... nothing but youOOMMM

Oh Krishna, fair sun of truththis soul which you have given meis

nothing but your ownthrough it I live, through it I loveby it am I

lifted to youoh KrishnaDear KrishnaOOMMMHUGE HUUGGGmarifa


Hi Bindu,This is a sangha. It seems you wish to post here and

advertise your url but you don't wish to have a conversation with


I could not care less if any ego went to THE URL as the content is not

related to ego upliftment or agradisement, it is related to the death

of ego only.

Sangha, well all this talk about the what of the truth can go on

forever but it won't lead anywhere because the truth is infinite

better to realize it and stop talking about it. See the how to get

it, not the what it is or why it is JUST realize it now by throwing

away everything that is not The Self.

One might say that the posts i made are far to harsh and may even

cause a young person or one who is susceptible going out ofhis mind

to go crazy or kill themselves or someone else. But so what? nothing

lives or dies Ask lord Krishna. are you going to try and contradict


Everyone in the world is attached to the ego and to the body as self

this is a load of rubbish. The Self is free from all Bodies and egos.

SO what if they die or live or go mad? What will die is ego what will

go mad is ego, what will exist eternally is The Self.

If a being s to ego and or the body as self .. and dies he or

she will be reborn and get to the same point of decision again and

either accept the self or die agan and again. OM.

What is not The Self? everything. This means the WHOLE mass of the

Cosmic consciousness is not and cannot define The Self. After all

Omniscience is infinite or it is not omniscience. You know if you

have read the posts and not simply deleted them that i am telling the

truth. If you have not read them or simply scanned them then it is a

very sad thing you have done because you hace substituted your rags

for the Self.

Either you are interestedin realization as soon as possilbe or you are

interested in the ego it is that simple there is no halfway of maybe

about it. Either you love and trust God or you don't he says if you

are luke warm i will spit you out of my mouth.

The list settings have all new members on moderation. The moderation

is removed when it is seen that members wish to contribute in some

meaningful way and be part of the sangha.

Do you realize you are implying that i am not contributing anything

meaningful? OK may your ego be eaten by Kali within the hour.

Having new members on moderation also allows for catching "Adult

Oriented" posts and ads for dating services aimed at the list.

So you also are implying that the posts were containing smut rubbish

or pornography? What a load of bull.Thanks for your patience,

why should god, anyone else OR YOU, have any patience with ego?

Love to allHarsha-----------------------------

Good Morning Bindu,

Same to you mate.This is the most arrogant post I've read in a while.

Thanks! I like arrogant posts!

In the case of The Self there are no others, this means words such as

arrogant and selfish cannot apply, either we accept the Self or we

ourselves are arrogating an existence of our own. i.e. an ego.

Look up the word arrogate.Instead of trying to guess why you were

moderated, you might seek within to discover the truth. No onehere

has the answers but you. Well I could come up with a few but I've

got my own problems to solve.

Only The Self knows who he is ... He might say:

I am naked reality - " I am not who you think i am" With


Again thank you all verymuch for your comments.


with deep love and honest respect for the SELF alone


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not-Bindu wrote...


Dear freinds (if i may call you friends)

You can do whatever you like.

The actual deletion and\or moderation of the posts only began to occur

after i made a few posts that were very destructive of the ego. the

posts previous to this are still there yes, but the others are

mysteriously missing.

Maybe Kali ma ate them?



With love and deep respect for everything That Is a manifestation of the Self,


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Dear Bindu,

You have said so much.

I especially liked what you said to me below:

"Do you realize you are implying that i am not contributing anything

meaningful? OK may your ego be eaten by Kali within the hour."

You are pretty funny Bindu.

Thanks and be well.

Love to all


bindu [binduau .au] Wednesday, April 28,

2004 6:19 PMSubject: Re:

Digest Number 2501

Dear freinds (if i may call you friends)

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Bindu, Bindu, Bindu

listen, listen, listen

you say:

Of course i am not upset just very curious as to why the posts were missing.

May be Harsha is right to say you are funny:

you have a very funny way to be just curious!:):)

in love




Thursday, April 29, 2004 12:18 AM

Re: Digest Number 2501

Dear freinds (if i may call you friends)

Thank you all very much for your comments, and your kind words.

First of all let me say that i had not and do not intend to post any

arrogant or egotistical ideas, opinions or attacks on anyone much

less the moderator, my comments were merely written in such a way as

to perhaps cause an honest man (or woman) to re-assess their decision

to remove the posts i had made earlier in the light of the questions

as formulated in the last post. It can be will noted that the vein of

the post was in the form of questions, there were no personal attacks

intended what-so-ever.


Lady Joice wrote

Dear Bindu:I hope you won't mind if I stroke yours?

You can do what ever you like.

It seems that this has been happening to other members on other

listsas well. I am not sure what is happening but the member goes to

lookat the archives and discovers that their posts are no longer

there. Theythen post a message to the list to that effect, someone

else goes there to look and is able to see and access that person's

messages, just like I was able to do with the messages below. I did

not go back any further but I suspect your messages are still there.

The actual deletion and\or moderation of the posts only began to occur

after i made a few posts that were very destructive of the ego. the

posts previous to this are still there yes, but the others are

mysteriously missing.

You know what they say...The Lord of the Meeting Rivers will play with

you until your bones stick out...Is that Kabir...does anyone know?Oh

yes of course, I'll grind your bones to make my bread! Hurry up!


Bindu, beloved,first you made me laugh,so thank you for the good laughter!

A smile is always goodSecond it came to enquire:why he is so upset?Is

he really upset?or is just the fire of the righteous?

Of course i am not upset just very curious as to why the posts were missing.

While i can understand completely the moderators decision to remove

them considering their content as they were very harsh in terms of

directly convicting the ego; giving it utterly no recourse to but to

accept the truth of its worthlessness in regards to owning the

realization or any form of i-ness what-so-ever. I was and am still

curious as to why he or she having removed them would not directly

contact me or at least give an explanation to the group as to why

they were removed.

Having said that i realize it is a bit much to ask him or her to do

considering the fact that he or she probably has better things to do

than worry about some minor complaint from a member. However at the

risk of sounding directly egotistical let it be said that the posts i

am referring to were like nothing you or anyone has ever seen before

in terms of directly convicting the ego.

Here in this group there are any kind of people, some afraid of Truth, some not at all.

Oh yes i appreciate this entirely but everyone is free to NOT READ

what they cannot accept or do not want to accept fro one reason or


What is shared is the reflection of Truth and we are learning through

any and each post new and new facets of Truth.

Again i totally agree, but it is the reflection that dazzles the eyes

of the Jiva, the posts i made rippped yes ripped away the mirror and

smashed it to pieces. All that remains after the mirror is gone is

The Self, then what will be felt by what in what or where? The

remainder will be the realization of the Omnipresence of

love/consciousness. Not the selfishness of the suedo getter/giver

called ego or "I".Some people needs to be stroked and caressed and

hugged before they can relax in the acceptance of what is so why not

let them receive what they feel they need?

I could not agree more, in fact i myself had a very hard road to

follow where i too had my teachers etc.. but eventually the eagle

takes her chick on her back up really high and tips it off, the chick

flutters and flounders and falls down and down the mother follows him

as he falls.

Just before he is about to smash on the ground she catches him and

takes him up again. She does this repeatedly until he realizes he has

his own wings, all he has to do is open them!

Sure when they realise Truth they will not need it any more,but before?

Does the teacher take responsiblity for his\her students or does

he\she refuse to let them become dependent on him\her?

This opens a whole can of worms yes, having such things in it as the

need for compassion, love and consideration. But to head off the cry

of the ego that says save me i am dying! The teacher should say stop

looking at the ego look at the Self and love that because it is your

own self while that which is dying it a mere shell. Again this also

opens a can of worms. Such as the vehicle needs to be kept in good

condition lest it break down and we not get to our destination....

However the destination is the Self So DIE oh ego DIE! and soon.

The post which are missing are egoic genocide.Do you really believe or

know, that few loving caresses to the egocan spoil the possibility of


NO of course not. But when you have discovered the antidote for cancer

and you have it wouldn't you take it regardless of how horrid the


but this is a referrence to something that will keep the body alive

and is not really applicable. while we are doing sadhana to bring

about the death of the ego why succor, it why not end our suffering

as quickly as possible? Would you put germs back into an infection

that has nearly healed? Would you eat the very thing that gave you a

dose of cholera when it is nearly healed? NO we must be ruthless or


Siva is the destroyer, kali will eat us all sooner or later. submit i

say and be eaten why prolong your agony? I am sorry to say my way I

know is very very harsh and direct, but it is stark reality.

I am naked reality - but i am not what i or you think i am, so sayeth

The SelfMy experience with Osho and Giridhar, (an Hymalayan Master

and Avatar) is that without their love to the way I was, including my

ego,I would have run away very quickly without any possibilityto let

go and contact my inner guru.

So what if you run away? one day you will find you cannot run anywhere

at all... As there is nothing but The Self.. The posts i refer to

cause that to happen immediately and the moderator has deprived you

of it.

It might be ok to live as a jiva for a successful or rich person but

for those who feel the sting of existence every single hour of every

single day due to their life circumstances it might be more desirable

to get it over with as soon as possible, regardless if the cost of

realization is the whole EGO.

Oh yes of course! but replace the ego instantly with the self and who

needs to wait until the ego is OK?Take it easy and keep sharing your

love with us.

With who sahll i share" would it be wise to feed a cancer the stuff

that uplifts it? If the ego was killed instantly all that would

remain is the self, what need for loving it then?

Oh Krishna, where can I gobut into the heart of you?where does

anywhere exist but in you?who am I ... but for you ?it is only

because of you that I existI am yours . of myself ..... I am not

Oh Krishna what was I before this ?before I knew youbefore my heart

who am I?When the over-bright wonderof my soul shines forth who will

deny you?

Oh KrishnaYou are my very selfof myself ..... I am notI reach the soul

of you and find -not myself but you ,,,,,, nothing but youeverywhere

everywhere..... nothing but youOOMMM

Oh Krishna, fair sun of truththis soul which you have given meis

nothing but your ownthrough it I live, through it I loveby it am I

lifted to youoh KrishnaDear KrishnaOOMMMHUGE HUUGGGmarifa


Hi Bindu,This is a sangha. It seems you wish to post here and

advertise your url but you don't wish to have a conversation with


I could not care less if any ego went to THE URL as the content is not

related to ego upliftment or agradisement, it is related to the death

of ego only.

Sangha, well all this talk about the what of the truth can go on

forever but it won't lead anywhere because the truth is infinite

better to realize it and stop talking about it. See the how to get

it, not the what it is or why it is JUST realize it now by throwing

away everything that is not The Self.

One might say that the posts i made are far to harsh and may even

cause a young person or one who is susceptible going out ofhis mind

to go crazy or kill themselves or someone else. But so what? nothing

lives or dies Ask lord Krishna. are you going to try and contradict


Everyone in the world is attached to the ego and to the body as self

this is a load of rubbish. The Self is free from all Bodies and egos.

SO what if they die or live or go mad? What will die is ego what will

go mad is ego, what will exist eternally is The Self.

If a being s to ego and or the body as self .. and dies he or

she will be reborn and get to the same point of decision again and

either accept the self or die agan and again. OM.

What is not The Self? everything. This means the WHOLE mass of the

Cosmic consciousness is not and cannot define The Self. After all

Omniscience is infinite or it is not omniscience. You know if you

have read the posts and not simply deleted them that i am telling the

truth. If you have not read them or simply scanned them then it is a

very sad thing you have done because you hace substituted your rags

for the Self.

Either you are interestedin realization as soon as possilbe or you are

interested in the ego it is that simple there is no halfway of maybe

about it. Either you love and trust God or you don't he says if you

are luke warm i will spit you out of my mouth.

The list settings have all new members on moderation. The moderation

is removed when it is seen that members wish to contribute in some

meaningful way and be part of the sangha.

Do you realize you are implying that i am not contributing anything

meaningful? OK may your ego be eaten by Kali within the hour.

Having new members on moderation also allows for catching "Adult

Oriented" posts and ads for dating services aimed at the list.

So you also are implying that the posts were containing smut rubbish

or pornography? What a load of bull.Thanks for your patience,

why should god, anyone else OR YOU, have any patience with ego?

Love to allHarsha-----------------------------

Good Morning Bindu,

Same to you mate.This is the most arrogant post I've read in a while.

Thanks! I like arrogant posts!

In the case of The Self there are no others, this means words such as

arrogant and selfish cannot apply, either we accept the Self or we

ourselves are arrogating an existence of our own. i.e. an ego.

Look up the word arrogate.Instead of trying to guess why you were

moderated, you might seek within to discover the truth. No onehere

has the answers but you. Well I could come up with a few but I've

got my own problems to solve.

Only The Self knows who he is ... He might say:

I am naked reality - " I am not who you think i am" With


Again thank you all verymuch for your comments.

with deep love and honest respect for the SELF alone


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"Love itself is

the actual form of God."Sri RamanaIn "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam"

by Suri Nagamma

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