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gramatic Corrections to How to Realize the Truth by Becoming Nothing

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My applogies there were a few gramatic errors in the original post

here is the Corrected version.


with love and deep respect bindu


How to Become Nothing


Become nothing. - This does not mean that you yourself - Should or

can become nothing-

It means remain as nothing, Do Not Become. The rags are rags and

always will be rags. However we can clean them by diving into the

self such that they dissolve into the acid of The Self. We cannot

clean them, we cannot replace them we cannot get new ones, because

new ones are still rags. We can only refuse to get dressed.


Do not push out the Clothing.

Do not imagine.

Do not project an image into, or onto the naked reality of The Self.


Strangely, there is no form of The Self hiding there in the naked

reality from which the Will arises - Or from which a projection of

Self arises as a true reflection or representation in consciousness

of The Self.


There is no Being as-such existing as The Naked Reality.

The Naked Reality is Conscious Infinity!


The Naked Reality is potent, in that any thing which appears in the

consciousness due to the Will having sought expression either

deliberately or as a matter of spontaneous arising due to the Spanda-

Sakti - is unreal because it is in constant fluctuation between

appearance and disappearance. The manifest thing must be maintained

in thought by attention or constant application of the Will to look

at, or notice its manifestation. This triggers the fluctuation or

vibration of the consciousness such that there appears to exist an

object made of solid light.


In The Conscious Naked Reality an existent self is implied as

existing by the fact of looking, or consciousness. There thus appears

to be a need for a seen\noticed\existent experience of something

existing. The implication is thrown up onto the screen of the

consciousness, as some form of cognition or idea of what the

Conscious Naked Reality would look like. The looker therefore is the

jiva\ego… consciousness is the Ego\Jiva while the CONSCIOUS ONE is

Naked Reality.


The ConsciousNESS cannot exist unless there is a thing to be

conscious of, or reflect. This means in the absence of - or prior to

consciousness, there must exist the Will to look at or project either

the consciousness or the image AS consciousness upon the mirror of

the consciousness, either way both the image and the consciousness

appear simultaneously and in a co-dependant manner IN the Naked

Reality. The Will therefore moves or acts without having acted at all!


Again this implies an existent Self beyond consciousness who creates

consciousness itself via Will.

But due to the implication or effect of having willed or looked for

something as existing, there appears always an image in The Naked

Reality which is ascribed or put forward as evidence of existing as a

conscious being. This applies even in the case of the no-mind because

the no-mind implies by its very conception an existent being who has

no mind - or alternately has a Mind.


Empty mind having been implied as the one who is conscious "AS" The

Absolutely Naked Reality

Is easily grabbed by the ego because in the western mind we think we

have a mind. Whether this mind is empty or not is irrelevant because

we think it belongs to an equally empty but superior one we call "I-

Me" This "i-Me" is to the western mind the real self of the self. But

in reality it is not. However it may be easier for us to realize the

naked reality due to this very fact.


Each of us already refer to the one who has a mind as ourselves, but

we then say that I am a Soul who has a mind whether it is empty or

not. Here is our downfall, because we run about saying god will save

us (our souls) which are non-existent projections of i-ness upon The

Naked Reality. Oh rest assured there is a Soul, but it does not

belong to the Jiva. What is taken for the soul even if it appears to

be the spiritual Sun itself is merely a reflection in the I-ness or

consciousness, of the Truth of the Naked Reality.


We do not know or understand what or who our soul is let alone who or

what God is. We always ascribe doership to the ego\body organism so

we think it is the one who has possession of the Will we do not think

the Will is superior to it; rather we subordinate the Will to the

projection and hence our efficacy to the body\projection\ego\Jiva as

the doer, Then in a preposterous act of stupidity we try to become

enlightened as the projection.


The Consciousness which is a reflection of The Naked Reality (which

exists prior to the consciousness having reflected anything) tries to

become enlightened by becoming something. The trick is to stop trying

to become anything that could become something.


When the I\doer\Jiva tries to become something all it can become is a

modification of what it already is, or projects that it is. This is

why even after a mighty realization or vision of The Naked Reality-in-

itself the realization can be lost.


The Naked Reality by its' very nature, tries to see what it itself

is! This causes the spontaneous manifestation of the Cosmos in

consciousness as consciousness, but The Naked Reality exists prior to

consciousness. What occurs is that the consciousness tries to make an

image of The Naked Reality IN the Naked Reality but it always must

fail because The Naked Reality is its source.


However due to this spontaneous reaction which is the birth of the

consciousness, even after realization the consciousness tries to

reflect The Naked Reality by displaying an even ascending hierarchy

of omniscience existing as the mass of knowledge\consciousness which

is the Cosmos inclusive of all Gods, beings, existences, lokas,

realms, bodhisattvas, Buddhas and eternity. All manifested in



But The Naked Reality IS the actual infinity.


A being comes back to consciousness after realizing The Self\ Naked

Reality and the consciousness tries to display in him the picture of

it. Or a being tries to realize the truth by projecting something, in

both cases it is the same thing. The consciousness is trying to see

its source!.


So being comes into being and looks around for the consciousness

first then once it has found it, it says I am the consciousness and

begins to try to fit what it knows it is (but cannot picture) with a

description a label or a form, and begins to take on aspects of

Jivahood again and gets a body as clothing for the idea of I-ness,

then dresses it in rags and goes off on its pilgrimage in THE SELF



Images are always appearing spontaneously in The Naked Reality as a

result of its infinite emptiness, like bubbles in the ocean, but no

bubble is the ocean, though it represents an aspect of that ocean.

But the first bubble is the consciousness, within which all things

then appear to exist due to the illusion of refraction and the

illusion of the fragmentation of The Naked Reality due to the

consciousness having appeared in it. Due to the implication of i-ness

in the case of there being implied (by the existence of awareness)

that there is a finite Self who is conscious within The Naked Reality.


There is a Self yes, but he is an illusion also, He is the atman who

exists as existence, and exists as the non-existent ONE; He who is

the only Self in ALL BE-ings!


The Naked Reality is truly infinite, in it there is no being at all,

no self no form, no location nowhere where anything could exist. It

is total absence.


So then a being still seeks him even after realization! However a

being that is not conscious is in a better position because he can

easily realize he can become nothing, so he does not try. He simply

accepts the he is what he is. However he will not get realization

unless he lets go of even that.


It is not a case of becoming - or of doing - or of getting - it is a

case of not-becoming - a case of not trying to see anything - a case

of residing in the Naked Reality AS IT.


Now then a Being tries to do something after realization thinking he

has a responsibility to his fellow beings to save the world or mete

out compassion in the name of The Self; he might say I am a servant -

I am the representative etc.. he quickly loses his realization again.


This happens because he has again projected the Jiva into the

clothing and become something, he should say I am The Self and so are

you and you and you. He should say The Self exists as The Self in ALL

beings, and not arrogate a Self of any sort to himself as himself.


So he sits and meditates after realization to take Darshan of the

Self, and quickly loses his realization also, because he became a

receiver. He then gets up and goes on with his day, but come

nightfall the images arise in the consciousness again and he loses

his hard won prize of realization.


This occurs because he tried to attach meaning to The Naked Reality,

where there is none.


In ascription, in objectification, in projection, in

conceptualization, in implication of the existence of a self by

action of any sort even of thought and thinking, there is separation

from The Naked Reality because whatever can appear at anytime any

where is predicated upon The Naked Reality.


Thus we think and we become Jiva.


Do not THINK that YOU THINK, do not THINK that you see, do not THINK

that you hear, do not THINK that you exist, do not THINK that there

is an image of The Naked Reality that can be seen or thought of. In

short do not think that you think.


Thinking that you think implies an existent Self where there is none

this creates existence because The Naked Reality is all that exists.

In this creation the Atman appears as the Cosmos.


First there is The Naked Conscious Reality then there is the

vibration\Sakti caused by the implying of Self as the ONE who is

conscious, then there is the fragmentation, then the Godhead then

minor gods, then the Sakti is divided amoung the gods, then there is

further fragmentation by way of a solidifying or slowing down of the

vibrating Sakti, which manifests as various atoms, elements, gases,

objects and so on; but the vibration remains evident as the flux or

movement of the photons. Protons and electrons within the atom itself.


The consciousness inhering as being\existence in all beingness\i-

amness all the while, such that the Cosmos is merely the Atman,

reflection or form of the Naked Reality but is not The ACTUAL Naked

Reality. In this way Samsara becomes nirvana by way of omniscience

knowing omnipresence.


However the Jiva seeks the realization by trying to project his image

of what he is into the consciousness' mirror as if that Jiva can

become anything! He should realize he too is a reflection!


The Jiva is mere clothing, no matter who he seems to be or think he

is; no matter what he has achieved.


Yet in each body of living beings there is one who looks at thinking

and consciousness, even in the case of one who has realized he

himself is the actual consciousness. That Being, That One in there is

the Jiva. He is the mere concept of I-ness. Even in the absence of

being. Even in the case of existing as empty mind, because there is

still the idea of I-ness existing as non-existence, or non-existent I-

ness. This in short means existing by not existing.


Achieving boddhisattvahood and assuming responsibility for non-

existent beings, is also a way of having what could be called a super-

ego, as is attaining Buddha hood. The question might be asked who

attained what in The Naked Reality?


Given that any becoming is a projection or consciousness, there can

be no becoming. No realization, No existence, No self for the Jiva.

Any becoming can only be Jiva changing clothes.


So then we will not become, we will remain in the Naked Reality. We

will not push out the ego into manifestation. We will only talk about

the Self in The Self As The Self Who realizes Himself in Himself As

Himself. We cannot talk of the Jiva, or the ego, or the being or the

SOUL realizing anything what-so-ever.


No matter then where we go or don't go we cannot arrive anywhere what-

so-ever. There can be no guru who can reveal The Self to the

ego\Jiva, The Self must reveal The Self to The Self by ceasing

projection of other than Self.


The Same applies to the realized Self, if that self tries to reveal

to the mind The Self or Himself

There is a projection and a loss, such that there can be no

realization. The realization can only be The Self IN Himself AS the



He who realizes this resides in the Self always, he does not project

The Jiva into the Mind-space or consciousness; He understands that to

reside there He must subside into Himself.


Now then upon residing in Himself or subsiding into Himself, the

realization manifests in the being automatically, and begins to shine

out of the body all by itself. The realized being does not do a

thing. He is not the doer, he allows what is, to be. He does not

interfere with it.


HE no longer tries to be or act in any way, as the Jiva, he merely

exists as the Self IN The Self.



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Tuesday, May 04, 2004 5:25 AM

gramatic Corrections to How to Realize the Truth by Becoming Nothing

My applogies there were a few gramatic errors in the original post

here is the Corrected version.with love and deep respect binduHow to

Become Nothing

Sorry Bindu you lost me at the fourth turn of the road..these

instructions are much too difficult to follow.. I do believe a much

shorter post on Nothing is possible... Here it is


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