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The Super Consciousness of The ONE True Self

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The Super Consciousness of The ONE True Self



In all Beings everywhere there is a dual awareness, an awareness of

knowing and an awareness of desiring. This could also be called the

awareness of being and the desire to exist. The confirmation of being

existing, or of recognizing that being exists, or has come into

being, can only come from the acknowledgement or confirmation of

existence which arises as a result of knowledge.


Knowledge could be called the reflection of knowing shining in

awareness, this gives confirmation of having come into being and the

knower arises as the Jiva whose existence is confirmed by the fact

that knowing implies the existence of someone who knows. "I think

therefore I am" (as the saying goes). But no this is mere knowledge

of knowing, which might be called a double-single that is identical

which ever way it is looked at.


The one implied as the knower of the known or knowable, is just that -

AN IMPLIED BEING who does not really exist, because knowledge in

itself is limitless while knowledge about an object no matter how

great can only be limited to that knowing.


The knowing ONE or the ONE WHO KNOWS in all Beings, in the absence of

any knowing or knowledge, either knows he does not know or he knows

he knows, either way he knows.


In the state of knowing where The One Who Knows has knowledge about

something, other than the fact that he knows he is sheer awareness,

(knows that he is the ONE who Knows) his knowledge is limited to that

which he thinks he knows, because he is thinking he is the one who is

implied as the knower by the fact of knowledge. In this way he cannot

be omniscient because he is limited to and by knowledge.


This one then goes out to get confirmation of his knowing because he

is not sure that he knows due to his limited knowledge. This is what

drives desire. He is not sure he has come into being or that he

exists at all because he knows he does not know. Which means he

deeply knows he is not the One Implied as existing by the fact of

sheer knowing.


On the other hand complete and final enlightenment, is the

recognition of never having come into being due to the inefficacy and

inability of consciousness or knowing to give confirmation of having

come into being.


Above I have described two modes of knowing, the mode of knowledge in

itself and the mode of existing as a knower of what is known. They

are diametrically opposed in that knowledge in itself knows it

knows, its knowing is therefore limitless. While those who think they

are the knowers of the known are limited in knowing by the need for

confirmation of knowing.


We will concern ourselves with those who need confirmation though. I

realize that the above is very hard to understand, so i will make it

very easy to see.


Every bit of everything we experience is knowledge because we know we

are experiencing it, but it is not understanding or confirmation of

our existing, because we think the IMPLIED I (the one who requires

confirmation of his existence) is the knower of it. This thinking is

caused by The reflection in awareness of the experience. Thinking is

therefore nothing more than a reflection, and as such is not and

cannot be really real.


However the Jiva\Soul attaches the reflection (thought) to the

Implied "I" and says "I think" but the voice which says "I think" in

the Jiva is also a reflection of the experience because the

experience is mere knowing. The concept of thinking has come into

being by the reflection of the knowledge in awareness.


Therefore it is impossible to objectively know whether or not one

exists via knowledge of being.


However, in knowing ONE is the knower of knowing, and not the one

implied AS the knower of the Known by the fact of diverse bits of

seeming unrelated knowledge; is true knowing.


Gee, such a twisted un-understandable mess of words exist above!

Either they are utter garbage or only the true knower can understand

them. Either way we are left in ignorance again, and our existence is

not confirmed.


Now then the supreme knowledge is this: LOVE. No other words, no

other concepts, no other blather or blah blah…. Just LOVE.


WHAT! LOVE!!! Am i serious? Yes I am!


How on earth can this be when Love requires confirmation and

validation (which is reflection) if it is to be known to be real or



How can Love be confirmed as the ultimate knowledge, and hence

existence itself, if it requires confirmation?


It has been said that the Lord imagines or creates the Cosmos and

places beings in it in order that He experience His own Being and

Love. But from this arises the question why would an omnipresent and

omniscient being need to know or experience anything if He is

complete in Himself?


Love is the Reflection! Love is the Consciousness! Love is The

Knowledge He has about Himself, because in Himself He is all that is



Now knowledge can only be got from knowing, and knowing is limited by

existing as we have seen above. But this only applies to the

individual limited knower of limited knowledge. While The Lord, being

that He is all that is knowable (as well as Knowledge itself) is not

and cannot be limited by existing as the knowable. The understanding

of this can only be got from recognizing that the Lord exists

omnipresently, as omniscience or consciousness. While He is the

Conscious ONE who is conscious of consciousness.


Yet the perfection of loving and LOVE (Bhakti and Para-Bhakti) for

the omnipresent Lord who is existing as the omnipresent existence,

are identical, because Love is something totally acceptable such that

there is no division or segregation in the Knowledge of the oneness

of the Lord. This and this alone yields confirmation of who He is.


Acceptance is recognition (understanding) and hence confirmation of

existing can only be got through Love. This will mean that all the

mental gymnastics as described above are utterly useless and

unnecessary, because in the end only Love can set us free.


So how to Love, and what loves. Who loves? What is loved? Whose Love

is given to whom by who? What is Love anyway?


The parent or lover loves, there is acceptance, there is recognition

of the acceptance, this is Love.


There is the feeling arising from loving another, this arises from

acceptance of that other. Belief or trust in the fact of acceptance

by another of what is seen as ones-self, is the recognition of being

accepted by that other. Love therefore depends upon faith and trust.

If there is betrayal of trust the recognition is damaged and

confusion and pain result. Emotional Love is therefore the

recognition of being accepted. While infatuation is merely the desire

to be accepted by someone who we accept as desirable, either sexually

or due to their attributes, looks or possessions.


Real Love is another story altogether, it is acceptance of The Lord

as All that exists, it is therefore knowledge and confirmation. All

other love is selfishness because it validates the Jiva's existence

via the Jiva being accepted as self, by another Jiva. Thus the Jiva

is limited in knowledge by emotional love, because it replaces the

lord who is omnipresent love with another love. There is hence

limited acceptance and limited love requiring constant validation due

to limited knowledge, which is nothing of being unsure or insecure of

existing, due to the existence of other seemingly unsure beings

existing in the ONE Omnipresent conscious god.


All lack of knowing, limitation, pain, and therefore confusion and

insecurity comes from the addiction to emotional love, one is

therefore bound to karma and existence, via non-acceptance which is

the refusal to recognize the truth of omnipresent Omniscience or

consciousness as the be-all-an-end all of everything.


The refusal to accept or the rejection of the fact that the body or

jiva\ego\soul or mind is limited in efficacy and knowership; or the

refusal to accept that the Jiva's very existence is dependant upon

limitation of knowledge (and hence location as a repository of

limited knowledge. i.e. you the ego) as the cause of pain and

limitation is to arrogate one as existing in and as the

rejection\rejected one.


Thus by non-acceptance of the omnipresence, not only god rejects you

but you reject GOD to exist as you the Jiva, so you will never and

can never be free until you accept what is said in this document.


You the ego want to be free, you want to be loved, because this

validates you by acceptance and recognition, as described above, but

that is the cause of your pain and your existence which is and can be

nothing but pain. Karma is got from rejecting yourself as god,

Because you have to work at the continual rejection to make it stick.

YOU are in continual creation of your ego\jiva thus work and the

Karma resulting from this exists.


Hence you are in continuous unending pain and agony, because to exist

you have to hack yourself out of The omnipresence with every breath,

your existence therefore causes fear because you know you are

butchering yourself to exist.




Why don't you understand what you are doing? Why don't you accept

your stupidity and become your true self and stop rejecting who you

are? Why don't you accept yourself as the omnipresent knowledge known

by the omniscient Absolute ONE who knows i.e. (The One True Self) He

Knows. Because YOU cannot and do not KNOW.



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