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Here is the Fruit of Realization - Eat or Starve to Death

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Here is the Fruit of Realization - Eat or Starve to Death


hari says:


hari says:


I would like to know about this brother...


bindu says:


Think about the following:


"nothing exists but the Self so you do not exist, this is the fruit

of realization - eat or starve to death"



hari says:


I. ARUPA-BHUMI. This plane consists of four existences of Brahmas who

have no physical body, but have a mind and they can create a physical

body if they want to get themselves seen. Rebirth in these existences

can only be achieved by intense Samatha meditation and have reached

Jhanas or mental accomplishments during their life as humans. They do

not have a faculty to perceive Dhamma and therefor


hari says:


therefore they are non-returnees and can never become enlightened nor

attain Nibbana.



hari says:




Neither-perception-nor-non-perception (nevasaññanasaññayatanupaga

deva) The inhabitants of these realms are possessed entirely of mind.

Having no physical body, they are unable to hear Dhamma teachings.

Fourth formless jhana




Nothingness (akiñcaññayatanupaga deva) Third formless jhana




Infinite Consciousness (viññanañcayatanupaga deva) Second formless





Infinite Space (aka


hari says:


The inhabitants of these realms are possessed entirely of mind.

Having no physical body, they are unable to hear Dhamma teachings.


bindu says:


where did you get it from?


hari says:




hari says:




hari says:




bindu says:




bindu says:


m, this >>>> is all you need to understand>>>


"Rebirth in these existences can only be achieved by intense Samatha



ask the one who asks, "who asks who am I" ..... vis... who meditates

on what?


hari says:


it seems there's nobody.



bindu says:


If i am naked reality then i am THE ALL IN ALL so who meditates in

what as what about what?



hari says:


according to the Buddha, who highlights all the Hindu states and goes

beyond them. he says that Brahman is the edge of samsara but not

realise from samsara, there is no eternal being according to the




bindu says:


Yes there is nobody to be reborn - I am eternal being


hari says:



bindu says:


i agree with him yes, i am beyond existence and non-existence also.



bindu says:


I am naked formless unborn reality, not a being as such, i am sheer



but the NESS is a misnomer, it is unneeded, i am merely conscious of

naked selfless being existing as the conscious ONE who is eternal ...

and infinite.



bindu says:


Let me describe something from a human point of view though.



hari says:




bindu says:


In the body of Steven, there is no located mind, nor is he existing

as Steven anywhere.... what is conscious in him is also conscious

outside him.... But the outside does not end in the world, it holds

the whole world and cosmos along with ALL lokas within it, Stevens

body is filled with it also, like wind blowing through one window and

out the other on the other side of the room.... There is therefore no

inside to him or outside either, and hence no inside or outside the

cosmos either.



There are no lokas, no realms, no beings - nothing but naked reality

all thru, see?


that ONE is conscious in all beings AS them but they, from the

standpoint of the jiva can not see it.



This is because they want to see or ascribe limitation to The Self;

either by describing ego self\jiva or by describing an hierarchy of

being that extends to Brahman and stops... this is what is called

atman... but i am indescribable and endless naked reality with

utterly no features and no existence ...... i am beyond expression

and beyond thought ---- i am not what anyone can think, might think

or ever will think because i alone am the thinker in all beings...



The delusion however that makes people think i am IN or OF something,

when i totally transcend everything that exists, could exist, might

exist, did exist or will exist---- or is imagined to exist.



i am totally featureless and inexpressible naked reality and

being.... i am the conscious one who causes life itself to exist in

myself, but if one could get out of myself and see who i am.......

consider that i am infinite and all that exists.......... how could

that be done?



There are thus all these stupid attempts at describing me...

ascribing levels and places in which this or that one who has

realized this or that about me reside..........again, i totally

transcend everything that exists, could exist might exist, did exist

or will exist---- or is imagined to exist.



Realms, levels, lokas, heavens, hells, blah blah blah....



Realization of who i am, can only come when ALL descriptions are

discarded and acceptance of the non-existence of everything comes

about... This means EVERYTHNG must be discarded from the lowest low

to the highest high.... because in me there is nothing but myself and

no discrimination either against myself, saying this is high and this

is low or this is in and that is out etc.



There are absolutely no dual existences of any description in me,

after all i am the ALL and also ALL.



Lokas, levels, realms, blah!



So the realization can only come about via renunciation or all mental

positions held about the nature of anything. This means acceptance is

also recognition.



i am naked reality, all these are mere drawings on me, they are

clothing ... rags ..... stinking piles of putrid rag, ascribed as

being me. BAH!



Ego carries these rags for aeons and presents then as self saying –

"look here are my rags! ... here is my understanding etc...!



I am un-understandable - I say again: i am naked reality there is no

understanding me in the mind i am unknowable and unthinkable, i

cannot be presented or represented as such and such, i am naked

reality but i am not what you think i am.



Only from my point of view can you understand me........ but my point

of view is infinite so you cannot exist in it. give up your ego and

you will know who i am in that very body called hari!



That body wears clothing, rags! it has skin – again - rags!


it has meat -- rags it has bones - rags also! is has a mind --- rag


it has a self -- the filthiest rag! then there is the jiva the most

filth of all because the filth comes out of it all rags covering the

truth of the naked reality ideas --- rags!


thoughts! rags also! beingness and realization -- rags also!



No one realizes me, I realize Myself in Myself as Myself because i am

all there is.



i am naked reality, not a man who has become naked reality, or

anything else for that matter – nor is it the case that this mans

says he is naked reality. I THIS ALL am naked reality NO ONE EXISTS




So how can there be levels and realms and other raggedy heavens or

hells or loka or shmokas blah.... I am all there is... be careful to

look at how i have shown the state of the body with the label of




But an error arises which says .. this is mine (My Body, or his body

etc) MY SOUL, MY Jiva, My MIND - RAG trying to exist as rag... burn

it all in the naked reality and die Become extinct of mind body and

soul. Then you will know who i am, not otherwise.






These fools trying to describe me are deluded, i am naked reality ask

Dattatreya he will tell you the same thing. Don't believe me and you

can go to hell - eat or starve to death this is the fruit of






with respect and love



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