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Venus Transit: A call for Global Onenessby Kiara Windrider and The

Global Oneness FoundationThe darkest hours of night come just before

the dawning of a new day. There is no question that Earth faces a

tremendous crisis today, a painful "dark night of the soul", even the

possibility of catastrophic obliteration. Yet, according to the

prophecies and calendars of many ancient traditions, this Age also

represents a time of hope. We are moving into a time of evolutionary

renewal,a time of global purification, even what some refer to as the

dawning of a Golden Age!The ancient Mayans developed a calendar system

that is very relevant to these times. It can be seen as a cosmic

timing code, and is prophetic in the sense that it reflects a deep

understanding of long-term cyclesof creation. As evolutionary

cyclesof cosmic energies are absorbed into Earth's electromagnetic

fields via the Sun, human consciousness responds to these impulses in

a predictable manner, following a cosmic pattern of dark and light.

The Mayan calendardescribes the sequence and timing of these

patterns. According to thiscalendar, the year 2012 reflects the end

of certain cyclesof history based on duality and separation, and

represents the birthing of a Golden Age of Enlightenment.Once we

begin to use the Mayan calendar to understand the deeper significance

of world events today, this claim no longer seems as improbable as it

may first appear. Out of deepest darkness comes the greatest light.

In his studies of the Mayan calendar, Dr. Carl Johan Calleman points

to a key event taking place now which might well serve to initiate

this extraordinary opening to planetary light.The planet Venus is

rich in archetypal symbolism. It is often known as the Morning Star,

the Bringer of Light. It is related to love, human unity, beauty, and

oneness. On June 8, 2004, the path of Venus directly crosses over the

disc of the Sun, an eclipse lasting for the space of seven hours. The

energies of Sun and Venus blend together, and as these blended

radiations make their wayinto the Earth's electromagnetic fields, it

weaves the energies of love and unity into the mass consciousness of

the planet, and potentially into the hearts of every man, woman, and

child alive on Earth!Interestingly, Venus transits always come in

pairs. The second passage of Venus across the Sun's disc takes place

on June 6, 2012. The eight-year period in between represents a

"doorway" through which Unity consciousness will come to dominate the

mass consciousness of the Earth. Since this is a 130-year cycle, there

are few humans alive today who have experienced this transit, yet it

can be seen that every time this transit has taken place in human

history, it has represented a new level of harmonization on the

planet. It is interesting to note that the Taj Mahal, one of the

greatest monuments to Love in human history, was built during the

Venus Transit of 1631-1639 AD!The transition into Unity consciousness

could be turbulent. As old structures of human consciousness collapse,

it may be accompanied by a degree of darkness and destruction. This

process should be seen in proper perspective. "When the light hits",

as Jose Arguelles, puts it, "the dark gets tough"! This current

"doorway of Venus" is especially significant because it remains open

until 2012 AD, the completion of our current cycle of human

evolution. Some refer tothis date as the end of linear time, or as

the end of a period of human consciousness conditioned by separation

and duality. The Mayans refer to this time as the Return of

Quetzalcoatl, the Plumed Serpent, and look to this eight-year doorway

as the timeframe within which the mass enlightenment of humanity will

take place.We are calling people all over the world to observe the

days leading up to this Venus Transit, June 6-8, as a time for

opening to the bright impulse of cosmic energy that is streaming into

the mass consciousness of Humanity. What are our highest dreams and

hopes? What is our greatest potential as divinely inspired humans?

What can we create together as we step into the "doorway" to the

Golden Age?June 6-8 is being promoted worldwide as the Global Oneness

Celebration. Let us come together during this time in gatherings and

prayers throughout the world to celebrate love and beauty, light and

unity. Let us translate these energies into art, economics, culture,

politics, education and ecology. Let us pray,each in our own way, for

peace, healing, beauty, and global oneness! We will continue building

the momentum on this same day for the next eight years until June 6,

2012.Please link up to www.globaloneness.com/community for

suggestions on what you can do. It will be a place for people to meet

and discuss different projects and ideas for creating global oneness.

The whole eight year project is described here:

www.globaloneness.com/commitment \For more information see:

www.globaloneness.com/venus_transit Please publish this letter on

your website if you wish and circulate it widely to your

network.Kiara Windrider and the Global Oneness

Foundation,Stockholm,SwedenJames Cook and the Transit of Venus:AN

EXTRAORDINARY TALE : . James Cook and the Transit of Venus -


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