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Dear Harshaji and other Friends,


I read with interest the various ideas and conclusions and convictions

expressed by the committed members of the Satsangh.

It is really touching to see so many of the members involving

themselves in sharing their knowledge and experience.

As regards Kundalini, there is vast literature available about it in

several languages, I understand, but most of it in Sanskrit.

Kundalini is a part of the Tantric system of Yoga. Raja Yoga deals with it extensively.


However, the practices leading to the arousal of the Kundalini have

caused more harm than good in the practitioners. The

cause is not any shortcoming in the system itself but in the

ineptitude of the guides, many of whom have only a shallow,

superficial knowledge of the subject and an ersatz perception of the

implications of even slight errors in the practices. They

are more enamoured of the label of "Guru" than they are aware of the

dynamite they are trying to handle, little knowing its

devastating potential.


I have personally witnessed at least two cases where great physical

and mental damage was caused by imperfect practice of

Kundalini Yoga.


In one case, about forty years ago, an aspirant (I shall call him BS

for the sake of reference) learnt this Yoga from a 'Master', who

claimed to have learnt the Yoga from an adept in the Himalayas and to

have perfected it. The aspirant assiduously practised the

exercises as per the procedure taught by his 'Guru'. Within about a

year he went mad. About ten years after this catastrophe, he

died a miserable death. He was on the wrong side of forty at that

time. His was a poor family. At the time of the disaster, he was

eking out a small living out of a sort of low type job as he was not

highly qualified. One can well imagine the plight of the

subject's family.


The other case pertained to one of my colleagues in a Bank in Madras,

India. This case requires a detailed treatment. For the sake

of reference let me call him RJP. He was a serious seeker at that

time. He tried to land upon a Guru by trying all and sundry. Once

he was introduced by one of his friends to a person who claimed

knowledge of the Kundalini Yoga and also some psychical

powers like astral travelling, clairvoyance, clairaudience,

thought-reading, telekinesis, etc.


The 'Guru' asked RJP to meet him on a New Moon Day when he would

initiate him into a suitable exercise. On the appointed day,

RJP religiously went to meet the 'Mentor'. He initiated him in the

art of Astral Travel with some exercises in Pranayama and

Meditation, saying that it was an elementary practice and that it was

indicated for beginners like RJP. Sincerely following the

instructions of the 'Guru', RJP found himself floating at an

unimaginable altitude over the earth. Everything was clearly visible

even from that astronomical altitude, yet there was no lack of clarity

of vision. This took some one-and-half hours. The 'Guru'

asked RJP to go to him again on the next New Moon Day.


However, as ill-luck would have it, for no apparent reason, RJP

developed serious complications in the spine. He could not sit,

bend, or lift even small weights. Any movement was excruciatingly

painful. The expression of agony became a permanent

fixture on his face.He thoroughly failed to connect his astral travel

to this plight. He took medical treatment of a very painful

nature which, however, failed to give him the much-needed respite from the agony.


..I came in contact with him when he was transferred to my office on

his request as his residence was near that office. The moment

I set eyes on him, I felt that that was a psychical problem. It took

me hours of sympathetic but dogged efforts to draw him

out (RJP was a very reticent person and had been quite headstrong on

account of what he considered his intellectual prowess

and consequent temporal and spiritual achievements.) and make him

give me all the facts of the case, which he did in uneven

instalments, in bits and pieces.

I patched up the story and understood it in perspective. I consulted

my brother and another senior friend both of whom were

adepts in spirituality and had a fund of knowledge of things spiritual

and psychical apart from being practitioners of a system of

psychical healing. After much persuasion, RJP condescended to place

his case before the two adepts. Still, he was

procrastinating much to my annoyance.


Then a strange thing happened. One fine day, RJP had a dream in which

he found himself in my home in the company of myself,

my two brothers including the adept, and another distinguished-looking

saint-like person whose identity was not known to him.

A yagnya (fire worship and sacrifice) was being performed which he

attended in the dream. Indeed, a fire worship

was being performed in my home once every month. I had not told him

about it and he had no means of knowing about it. Upon

hearing about his dream ( or could it have been a vision?), we

concluded that it was a godsend.


He told me about the dream and asked me if it was true that such a

ritual was being performed in my home. Once I confirmed the

event, he had little hesitation in visiting our home, which we

suggested he did on the day of the worship. He assented and

visited us accordingly.


Certain narratives of facts are stranger than fiction. RJP visited us

on the day of the worship. The worship took about three

hours to finish.He sat through the entire duration though we asked

him to lie down comfortably as, after all, he ws a patient with

a serious handicap. After a hearty meal, my brother, our senioir

friend and myself discussed the case with him at length and in

depth. Psychical treatment was agreed upon.


The next day when I met him at the office, he told me that after

visiting us, he had sat through a music concert that had been

going on in an auditorium on the way. The duration had been three

hours. A person who could not use his limbs at all had been

straining himself so much, and all that unconsciously. He had not been conscious of any pain


The psychical treatment went on on a daily basis for some three

months. At the end of it, RJP became a very normal person with

absolutely no trace of his earlier, pathetic, condition.


We drew three conclusions from this incident. 1. One must not

irresponsibly dabble in psychical matters which is like playing with

RDX. 2. If a person or persons solve our problems of an intractable

nature, we must understand that they have the backing of

divinity, that it is divinity that has brought us in contact with them

for our own benefit. 3. To foolishly estrange ourselves from such

benefactors to pander to pur ego will amount to missing the bus,

which God in His infinite mercy has offered us. Another chance

of a similar nature may come God knows when; or it may not come at all.


Another understanding we have got about Kundalini is that when we are

practising spirituality (not psychical practices), Kundalini

rises automatically, as the mercury in the thermometer rises with rise

in temperature. Hence, it need not be taken seriously. Rather,

we must bestow more attention on our attitudes and intentions, which

are after all the deciding factors in the cosmic analysis.


With love to all,


Manohar Mohan Narayan

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Guest guest

, "MMNarayan"

<mmnarayan49> wrote:

> Dear Harshaji and other Friends,


> I read with interest the various ideas and conclusions and

convictions expressed by the committed members of the Satsangh.

> It is really touching to see so many of the members involving

themselves in sharing their knowledge and experience.

> As regards Kundalini, there is vast literature available about it

in several languages, I understand, but most of it in Sanskrit.

> Kundalini is a part of the Tantric system of Yoga. Raja Yoga

deals with it extensively.




Too much attention is made to a natural spritual event. K will rise

by itself. As Sarada Devi said, it will rise with Japa. Its most

obvious manifestations are just prana cleansing the sheaths that's

all. If your sheaths aren't that dirty the cleaning will be less

obvious and even imperceptible.


Even a risen K doesn't bring Moksha, only the Heart can do that. For

most people K is an unnecessary attachment to a natural


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, "MMNarayan"

<mmnarayan49> wrote:

> I read with interest the response to my short (or long ?) attempt

to describe the risks involved in dealing with Kundalini, the

Serpent Power.




> I had given two instances where positive harm had visited the

overenthusiastic but unwary practitioners of the Kundalini yoga.

Such instances abound but these are not publicised as there is a

feeling among the other aspirants that such 'negative' reporting

might sully the age-long reputation the system has been enjoying.




> Our friend dismisses the rising of the Kundalini as a natural

phenomenon. Apparently, he is amply backed by a stray remark of the

Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi (Whose ardent devotee I too am). It is a




It is a pre occupation with energy and the body. All futile in the

end result. For it stops short of realisation. Read Ramana on this

as well. The activity is just forcing prana that's all, it is prana

cleansing the sheaths. If I had to take a long active time to clean

my dirty floor I wouldn't be boasting about it.

K is everywhere and is everything, it will rise imperceptibly in its

own time. .............Far too much rubbish is written on this


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