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In the domain of unconsciousnessyou see within and without.In the

pervadedness of Consciousnessthere is no within and without;it's all

It.~ Swami Amar Jyoti


Without TV, it's hard to know

when one day ends and another begins.


~ Homer Simpson



The center clears. Knowing comes:The body is not singular like a

corpse,but singular like a salt grainstill in the side of the

mountain.~ Rumi



I pledge impertinence to the flag-waving,

of the unindicted co-conspirators of America,

and to the republicans for which I can't stand,

one abomination, under-handed, fraud,

indefensible, with Liberty and Justice ...

.... forget it.

~ Matt Groening



Keep walking, though there's no place to get to.Don't try to see

through the distances.That's not for human beings. Move within,but

don't move the way fear makes you move.~ Rumi



I think Smithers picked me because of my

motivational skills. Everyone says they have

to work a lot harder when I'm around.


~ Homer Simpson



Pain and pleasure, good and bad,right and wrong; these are

relativeterms and must not be taken absolutely.They are limited and

temporary.~ Nisargadatta Maharaj



Marge, I can't wear a pink shirt to work.

Everybody wears white shirt.

I'm not popular enough to be different.


~ Homer Simpson



True happiness cannot arise until the identificationwith the body-mind

apparatus is demolished.~ Ramesh S. Balsekar



As the weeks went on,so did the cartoon.

Around the house, I never lift a finger!As a father, I am sub-par!I

would rather drink a beerThan win 'The Father Of The Year'!I like the

things the way they are!


~ Homer Simpson



Ego and mind and all creations arise outof Self as Self. Even the

ugliest of doubtsand the most separate of differences risefrom the

Beautiful Source as Isness. InSelf there are no do's and don'ts. If

thereis unhappiness you are not unhappy, youare the Untouched

Awareness of thisunhappiness. As waves are not separatefrom Ocean,

nor rays from run, you are notseparate from Existence. You are

themoment in which all is.~ Papaji



Marge, you're as beautiful as Princess Leia

and as smart as Yoda.


~ Homer Simpson



Love is a state of Being. Your love is notoutside; it is deep within

you. You can neverlose it, and it cannot leave you. It is

notdependent on some other body, someexternal form.~ Eckhart Tolle



Lisa, Vampires are make-believe, like elves,

gremlins, and eskimos.


~ Homer Simpson



There is nothing to gain. Abandon allimaginings and know yourself as

you are.Self-knowledge is detachment. Allcraving is due to a sense of

insufficiency.When you know that you lack nothing, thatall there is,

is you and yours, desire ceases.~ Nisargadatta Maharaj



I want to share something with you:

The three little sentences that will get you through life.

Number 1: Cover for me.

Number 2: Oh, good idea, Boss!

Number 3: It was like that when I got here.


~ Homer Simpson



Things are actually without substance.Both things and the individual

experienc-ing them are the same process, and notperceiving this fact

is also part of the sameprocess. This is nothing to be done aboutit,

and there is nothing not to be doneabout it. What IS is all there is.

Ramesh S. Balsekar



Lisa: Dad, what's a Muppet?Homer: Well, it's not quite a mop,

it's not quite a puppet, but man...

[laughs hysterically] So to answer your question,

I don't know.



If you but cease from useless conceptualizing,

you will be what you are and whatyou have always been.~ Ramesh S. Balsekar



God bless those pagans.


~ Homer Simpson



You are the One which is awareof the Awareness of objects and

ideas.You are the One which is even more silentthan Awareness. You

are the life whichprecedes the concept of life. Your natureis Silence

and it is not attainable, it always Is.~ Papaji



I think sharing is overrated too.

And helping others.

And what's all this crap I've been hearing

about tolerance?


~ Bart Simpson



Meet your own self. Be with your own self,listen to it, obey it,

cherish it, keep it inmind ceaselessly. You need no other guide.As

long as your urge for truth affects yourdaily life, all is well with

you. Live yourlife without hurting anybody. Harmlessnessis a most

powerful form of Yoga and it willtake you speedily to your goal. This

is whatI call nisarga yoga, the Natural yoga. It isthe art of living

in peace and harmony, infriendliness and love. The fruit of it

ishappiness, uncaused and endless.~ Nisargadatta Maharaj


Astra: Your husband's work is what we call "outsider art."

It could be by a mental patient, a hillbilly or a chimpanzee.Homer: In

high school I was voted most likely to *be*

a mental patient, hill-billy or chimpanzee!



The mystic dances in the sun,hearing music others don't.

"Insanity," they say, those others.If so, it's a very gentle,nourishing sort.


~ Rumi


[Homer tries to gain passage on an escape rocket.]Homer: I am the

piano genius from the movie "Shine."Guard: And your name is...?Homer:

Uhh... Shiney McShine.



Belief, any belief, is based on the sense ofinsecurity. Only when all

belief is givenup are you free to know yourself. In self-discovery

what you find is the Truth - thatTruth which is total, self-evident

andwhich needs no outside support or justification.~ Ramesh S.




Homer: God, if you really are God, you'll get me

tickets to that game.[doorbell rings]Ned Flanders: Heidely-ho, neighbor.

Wanna go to the game with me? I got two tick-- Homer: [slams the door, looks heavenward]

Why do you mock me, O Lord?Marge: Homer, that's not God.

That's just a waffle that Bart tossed up there.[Marge scrapes it off

the ceiling into Homer's hands]Homer: I know I shouldn't eat thee,

but --

[bites] Mmm, sacrilicious.]



The joy which isin Revelationis nowhere else.No amount

ofperceptionthinkingprojectingplanningdoingeffortsachievingevery will

give youthat joythat radiancewhich Revelation does.~ Swami Amar Jyoti



Homer: Well Marge, have you ever seen

a field glow like that?Marge: It's eerily beautiful, but

are you sure this is safe?Homer: Of course not. But you know

something?Sometimes you have to break the rules

to free your heart.Marge: You got that from a movie poster.Homer: Well, when there's nothing left

to believe in, believe in hope.



Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,there lies a field. I'll

meet you there.When the soul lies down in that grass,the world is too

full to talk about.Ideas, language, even the phrase each otherdoesn't

make any sense.~ Rumi



Homer: You mean you gave away both your dogs?

You know how I feel about giving!



Don't look for peace. Don't look for any otherstate than the one you

are in now; otherwise,you will set up inner conflict and

unconsciousresistance.Forgive yourself for not being at peace.

Themoment you completely accept your non-peace,your non-peace becomes

transmuted intopeace. Anything you accept fully will get youthere,

will take you into peace. This is themiracle of surrender.When you

accept what is, every moment is thebest moment. That is

enlightenment.~ Eckhart Tolle



Homer: I can't live the button-down life like you.

I want it all! The terrifying lows, the dizzying highs,

the creamy middles! Sure, I might offend a few of

the blue-noses with my cocky stride and musty odors --

oh, I'll never be the darling of the so-called

"City Fathers" who cluck their tongues,

stroke their beards, and talk about

"What's to be done with this Homer Simpson?"


The body is a material thing and needstime to change. The mind is but

a set ofmental habits, of ways of thinking andfeeling, and to change

they must bebrought to the surface and examined.This also takes time.

Just resolve andpersevere, the rest will take care of itself.~ Sri

Nisargadatta Maharaj




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