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Sayings of Jesus #73--Gospel of Thomas.

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73) Jesus said, "The harvest is great but the laborers are few.

Beseech the Lord, therefore, to send out laborers to the




The achievement of Liberation is great but so few want it, go forth

and teach this .Also many are called but few are


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Cease over-reaching. This isn't wisdom, it's banality. Why would anyone

want to know YOUR interpretations of the Gospels?


The Gospels are there for anyone who wishes to take to heart in their own



A true teacher does not recite the old verses or try to steal them for their

own edification, a true teacher enables others to discover the truth by

removing obstacles.


Regrettably, you have consistently set forth obstacles to understanding, to

grace, to inner peace, rather than have shown a desire to comfort, to

simplify, to impart grace or remove obstacles. Why? Because you are still


to find the things that you claim to have already found...you have not really

found them, so it all comes across as unnatural and forced.




Let others relax.


Do not preach what you teach...just embody the spirit of your teachings and

beliefs and all else will follow.


There is no verbal solution. It's all in the heart and mind.








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, zen2wrk@a... wrote:

> Tony:


> Cease over-reaching. This isn't wisdom, it's banality. Why would


> want to know YOUR interpretations of the Gospels?


> The Gospels are there for anyone who wishes to take to heart in

their own

> way.


> A true teacher does not recite the old verses or try to steal them

for their

> own edification, a true teacher enables others to discover the

truth by

> removing obstacles.


> Regrettably, you have consistently set forth obstacles to

understanding, to

> grace, to inner peace, rather than have shown a desire to comfort,


> simplify, to impart grace or remove obstacles. Why? Because you

are still seeking

> to find the things that you claim to have already found...you have

not really

> found them, so it all comes across as unnatural and forced.


> Relax.


> Let others relax.


> Do not preach what you teach...just embody the spirit of your

teachings and

> beliefs and all else will follow.


> There is no verbal solution. It's all in the heart and mind.


> Peace,


> Zenbob



:) hear hear!

thank you, friend, for your words of truth and wisdom.


incidentally, after trying to reason with tony some time ago, i

simply follow what i feel most here do: just delete his useless posts

without reading...



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, zen2wrk@a... wrote:

> Tony:


> Cease over-reaching. This isn't wisdom, it's banality. Why

would anyone

> want to know YOUR interpretations of the Gospels?


Namaste Zenbob,


As others I like to read your stuff as well, as it is sometimes

informing and I can learn something.


The reason I am posting these purports is because I am writing a

book on Jesus, from my point of view, with an eastern slant. I post

on here as prasadam, if you don't want to read them then delete

them. I asked if people wanted me to stop and I was told they

enjoyed the new take on the gospels.


IMO Jesus or Jeshua was a Jivanmukta, so his words are real. The

Thomas Gospel is regarded as outside the canon but I feel it is

nearer to the original oral Q Gospel. Mainly because of its Vedantic

nature and that the sayings are the more primitive and therefore

likely to be nearer the original. I know for some reason Non-

Christians don't like stuff about Jesus, but in this case the

established churches aren't that crazy about Thomas either. It is

all a revelation.


However I suggest if you like the words of Jesus just read them and

ignore my purports. They are only my opinion after all, and I have

yet to read anything negative about Jesus by any Saint in India,

Buddhist, Hindu or otherwise, quite the contrary actually....The

only negatives seem to be from anti religionists and atheist and in

some of the Talmud writings...ONS..Tony.

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It's not that I believe you should not have the right to communicate, it's

just the irony that you keep on the strong message of Solitary inward seeking,

but you are outward preaching, so to speak. It just seems incongruous and

without the true nature of grace. Leave one path or join the other, but to

split yourself down the middle into two opposed halves recalls the saying that a

house divided cannot stand.


Also, and again, I know that many will attack me for being bluntish and

forward, but your interpretations are just unworthy of the Gospels. They shed

no new light...they are themselves dead weight and not inspired.


How can I say this? Well, I have met and read the writings of truly

inspired people. This is not inspiration, it's just studied recitation or

rephrasing. That's not taking the Gospels to a new level, it's reducing the


beauty of the original messages to some sort of bad soup. For the love of

all that's holy, desist in this misguided effort. It smacks of vanity, hubris

and false modesty all at the same time. When I said "over reaching" I truly

meant that, Tony.


I have been silent, just quietly observing and somehow you have managed to

drive away almost every member of this group who has any depth, patience,

inspiration or sense of what makes this group the special place that it is.


Furthermore, Issa, Yeshua, Jesus, in whatever language you wish to identify

him, would be appalled at this. Whether consciously or not, you are

elevating yourself to a status on par with the Prophets, Divinely Inspired


and as some might suggest, the Only Son of God.


I would not go there. I would back off now, before it's too late. One

should begin by washing a masters feet, not by trying to fit the master into a

pair of boots that you stitched together from old pieces of leather.


Tony, you might be a sincere and truly honest seeker of liberation, but you

are not yet liberated, and to be blunt, you are not a writer of the caliber

that is needed to manage a task like the one you are attempting.


For one thing, your prose is pitiless; it never allows itself any humor or

self deprecation...it sinks under the weight of it's own self consciousness.


Many have encouraged you to continue writing, but many have silently just

abandoned this group because it has become stifling and oppressive.


Do you not sense the difference and consider the air thick and dry with

stale rhetoric?


Where is the iam, where is the pentameter? Dang it all, where is the silly



Tony, look deep inside and if you sense any enlightenment, know that you

don't have to write this stuff to be liked, to be loved, to attain grace.


is attained in the still waters of the spirit...quietly, humbly.


If you choose to continue with this absurd idea, I will likely reach an end

to my patience and quit the Satsangh, and likely recommend the same to

others...with the deepest regrets.


It is just that this one apple is ruining the barrel of the Satsangh, which

was for me, always a home that was glorious in it's creativity, it's

reverence, it's sincerity and love.


Now it has become simply a depository for stale Parrotings.


Read the writing of Chinmayananda or Ramakrishna or even Eric Hoffer. Don't

plagarize and more importantly don't plagarize right before our eyes. It is











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