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Kindness and decency...

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Dear Sangha Members:


In answer to Wim's question, I am not a moderator, as Harshaji moderates

alone. For the most part, he tries not to moderate and trusts in us to

handle ourselves in a manner which is decent and respectful towards

others on the list.


Personal attacks and political discussions or posts are discouraged.

This includes attacks on the paths others tread. I think that was more

his objection to the MM language. If someone finds their path

to be one of scholarly examination and discussion, we are to respect that.


In fact, he has asked us not to post in this manner, and I have been the

recipient of this request in the past for antiwar posts, and one insensitive

post myself. I like to think that I have grown and learned my lessons :-)


As Gloria mentioned, Harshaji is away to a conference, something he

mentioned on the list quite a long time ago. It seems as if he is not

accessing the group online, and I again request members to

please consider your words before you put them to a post.

Another reading of the list policies would certainly benefit

certain members of this group. When he returns I am sure it will take him a

few days to catch up, and I am hoping the members who have been

slinging it at each other will take a good hard look at themselves,

and try to post within the spirit of this list.


It is not for me to say this in any other capacity then as a member of the

list. Tony, I do not feel that it is cultural differences which are the

problem on this list...it is the failure to look beyond those differences

and see the eternal flame which shines so brightly in each of us.

The list is not a place for discussion of politics or international

relationships in the fashion in which you just posted.

Michael, you have hav registered discomfort with your post,

yet you have posted from time to time on this subject,

just from a different viewpoint. MY point is that we should not be doing it

at all.


Better nothing said and silence prevailing than discord over issues of this

type on this list. Quite frankly, I have work to do and bills to pay, so I

cannot address this much further and I have no desire to go to each person

who may have been a little bit on the edge in what they have said to others

in the past few days. But I do think some folks have been on the edge

and they know they have been on the edge and have ignored it and

posted their thoughts anyway.


It is not my job and I do not wish to attempt to portray or

imagine how Harshaji would respond. But I do think he would have

something to say to some of you, and you may very well hear it

when he returns :-) To think that anyone on this list has the privilege

to insult or degrade others personally is taking it a bit too far.






PS Where is that Maharishi BingoRam when we need him?



Again, please read the list charter, which I have

reproduced below, even at the risk of adding bandwidth to this post...



This spiritual discussion group is an open Satsang and is blessed by Sri

Ramana Maharshi, the great Jnani Sage of Arunachala. a is in

the best tradition of a joyous spiritual fellowship for facilitating the

Recognition of the Eternal Reality that is One's Own Self. "I Am That!" This

is the uncompromising, simple, and yet Radical Truth proclaimed in a variety

of ways by the ancient and modern Sages of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and

Taoism. In Advaita Vedanta, the highest teaching emphasizes the complete

identity of the Individual Soul with the Supreme Soul. In Tibetan Buddhism,

Dzogchen is considered the supreme teaching and represents the nondual focus

on one's innate wakefulness. How beautiful the variety of expressions in so

many different traditions! We embrace this variety with great joy and in

fellowship in a.


No religion or teacher or tradition has a monopoly on the Essential Truth of

Reality which is Our Own Nature. In this context, a focuses on

the aspirations and experiences of individuals on the spiritual path.

Everyone interested in any of the Shiva and Shakti traditions, and the

related yogic and tantric paths as well as those practicing primarily the

cognitive methods of the pure nondual teachings of great Jnanis such as

Ramana Maharshi are welcome to join. The discussions are typically expected

to focus on Self-Realization, Kundalini Shakti and Its Manifestations,

God-Realization, the Goddess, Enlightenment, and various types of Samadhis

(Savikalpa and Nirvikalpa). Discussion of various teachers and teachings can

also be enriching as long as there is mutual respect and a feeling of amity

in the conversation. Humor and poetry and other artistic expressions of the

spiritual life are encouraged and supported. May God Bless everyone with

Peace, Joy, and Understanding. May we all nourish and heal each other in the

spirit of Compassion, Wisdom and Love. OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. Peace to

all living beings.

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Guest guest

, "Lady Joyce" <shaantih@c...>


> Dear Sangha Members:


> In answer to Wim's question, I am not a moderator, as Harshaji


> alone. For the most part, he tries not to moderate and trusts in

us to

> handle ourselves in a manner which is decent and respectful towards

> others on the list.




My post on cultural differences and religions was not referring to

this list at all but was a new post........ONS..Tony.

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