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Fw: [dzogchen] Withou...

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I sincerely believe that your comments are fundamentally true. I do ponder

the aspect of our natures...as you are no doubt familiar...that a person can

be given a stimulant and will then reach a frenzied state wherein some

altered state of powerful emotional catharsis can occur...and may weep or cry,

laugh, etc., with a sort of Divine Drunkeness...and by the same token a person

can be sedated, relieved of pain and most sensation and drift happily into a

blissful state of near senseless repose.


Of course, we both realize that all pure mental paths...devotional paths

will lead to God...to liberation. We understand that the human ego and busy

thought are always the barriers to enlightenment...that otherwise it would be

happening spontaneously for all of us all the time...As Jesus suggested..."no

one need go out and find God...God is already all around us and within us"


A Kriya Yoga teacher at the Self Realization Fellowship Shrine at the Lake

Center in L.A. said a similar thing in a lecture on resistance:


"Resistance is the 'I' crying for that last moment of attention...in it's

fear of being swallowed up by the larger 'I' that is the Universal

Godhead...the all encompassing state of Mahatsamadhi, where the busy noise and


of the mind is silenced in pure surrender to the Universe. So long as the

mind whispers 'It's me' then we are aware that we are not God...that we are

divided from the full love of the Divine. We are ever bathed in the ocean of

the Divine, totally and completely...no effort is involved in attaining union

with the Divine...simply the opening of the door of our consciousness which

happens as soon as the little 'I' has been put into a state of obedient rest."


Whenever I feel that I am not making reasonable progress with any part of my

thinking, work, meditations, or life, I try to recall this truth and simply

relax and silence that "disobedient" voice inside myself and calmly wait and

breathe...and there...without any effort, the Divine oozes right into every

pore, every cell of my being whether "I want it to or not."


I cannot claim to achieve this state of harmony in the way the Dervishes do,

which is too bad, as no doubt I would trim down by quite a bit and thereby

be a more fit vessel for the Divine visitation...or at least, in any event, I

would be more fit.










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In a message dated 9/5/2004 1:03:24 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

aoclery writes:




Bliss is an attribute and experiential, and can only be associated

with Saguna. Moksha is beyond bliss because it is





No, no. None of this statement Tony makes the least bit of sense, simply

because you are being absurdly reductionist. You can equate one thing with a

specific meaning to some other subsumed state and call it equal. That's

illogical and renders the nature of words themselves meaningless. It is as if


said that since all eagles are birds and birds are hummingbirds where I live

that therefore all eagles are hummingbirds...


It's foolish and it just keeps irritating everyone else who reads these

replies. We keep hoping against hope that some crack in your mental armor will

allow a ray of light to pass through, but it seems just a lost cause.


Don't argue back---


Don't react. Don't attempt to restate or reinterpret your prior comments.


For once, silently meditate and consider the nature of Grace itself, without

your own logical judgements being imposed. Don't armchair this one to death,

just meditate and get out of your self.


Walk along the beach. Look at a starry sky at night. Heck, go smell a



Then let your mind just drift away, do some pranayama and then bask in

Satori for a moment and maybe, just maybe if you are fortunate, grace might

descend upon you.


But when it does, I expect a long silence from you, rather than a noisy














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Tony OClery

Sunday, September 05, 2004 6:24 PM

Re: Fw: [dzogchen]




, "Wim" <wim_borsboom>


> , zen2wrk@a... wrote:

> > Is the absense of all sensation and thought

> > actually the trigger point for bliss

> > or does something else have to happen?



> Hi my dearest Zenbob,


> Could it be that misuse, abuse and diminished use of sensation and

> thought - godgivens, just like any other human faculty - is what

> keeps us away from our innate bliss that is actually already the

> case...?


> Of course those who know me know that my answer is yes.


> If freedom (moksha) is already our native state - though seemingly

> veiled - is bliss not there with it already?




Bliss is an attribute and experiential, and can only be associated

with Saguna. Moksha is beyond bliss because it is


Is that your experience Tony or just something you read in a book???










"Love itself is the actual form of God."


Sri Ramana


In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma














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