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, "Era" <mi_nok> wrote:

> the way some Sri Ramana followers

> interpret karma scares me!


> -there is a supra-causal-effect realm

> from where the individum is missing:

> all is in non-duality


> not to mention, that Bhagvan Ramana

> took out time from his understanding of

> "karma"; as time also is NON existent

> on the higher planes of understanding



> Era


> ps: I also don't believe in linear

> reincarnation, or karma as a bumerang


Excellent Era!!!!


I just recently wrote my view on past lives (which is actually not

exactly the same as reincarnation) to Michael. It follows here.

(Expect some possible controversial angle in my view, but don't worry

I am not hung up on it.)



About past lives...

That is a very touchy issue, I do not adhere to the

concept that I, you or anybody has ('owns') personal

past lives in the sense that an individual soul has a

unique linear past that runs through other unique

individuals other than parental ancestry ones.

Although you have noticed me talking about my memories

of being the apostle John, Jesus, Adam, (also

Elija) and various others, I do not accept that they

are my personal past lives. I know of some people who

claimed having identical past lives as others... That

cannot be or... it works differently. The concept of

Akashic records is way more plausible, it allows

each of us to access memory of any past beings. Which

being or beings depends on what a current individual

needs to glean from the wisdom and/or life experiences

of previous living human beings or other entities.

The Akashic records are like a 'holistic life library'

that one can borrow a book from. A life that

happens to be especially helpful in aiding one's

progress in healing, is retrievable and accessible

by anyone IF needed.


One can therefore say that everyone who ever lived

before, is a past life of everyone who currently lives

or will live... When we say "We are all one," that

must count for the past as well. See what I mean?

One can even say that YOU are my parallel life and I

am yours. That actually concurs with current

scientific findings about about multiple, parallel

universes or worlds. (Discussing that here would at

this point take too long though.)


All kinds of 'past lives' concepts need to be

re-thought. They don't work, except in the stories

that people tell which most of the times are

dramatizations to embellish their attachments.

(I know, I did the same until I saw how I was making

interpretations that I could in all honesty and

humility not uphold.)


The concept of past life karma being worked out in a

current life (ERA's boomerang effect) contains

too much human judgment... Something that can not

come from unconditional divine compassion. It all

works differently. A lot of myths have been brought

into current "new age" understandings or assumptions.

We need to demythologize our understanding.


The way that people usually talk about past lives is

from a standpoint of separation (seemingly lost

love) while they are on their way to re-discovering

unconditional love in Human-Divine Oneness and



Each of us is at the same time a unique individual

representation of God, as we are also - we recognize

that when we REDISCOVER unconditional human love -

identical to each other, holding each other as

ONE and ONLY in God's love.

That IS Advaita.


In That Love,


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It is of course possible to have a set of statements here

moving from the material plane to the causal and ending with the 'all has

been done'

but as this is connected to 'my task is finished', there is something to be



So as any sensible person would answer yes to every question a line

ranging from the physical worlds laws and onwards

the contradictory nature of this set will also tell us something.


I have earlier observed some very interesting details on linear/ nonlinear

connections between the physical and subtle plane without pursuing them


(a good way to stay sane : ) and your words triggered a mental activity of



I work with the strict logics of programming and this now requires my


but if I dive really deep into it I also 'snap out of it', a nice effect of

all the hours of concentration.


By the way, I got no response from anyone on my suggestion for sort of

parking some of these cars

and I wonder if these lists are a trick of the mind : )

When googling on one of the arguments here I came upon the exact same


years back with some of the same participants.







>About past lives...

>That is a very touchy issue, I do not adhere to the

>concept that I, you or anybody has ('owns') personal

>past lives in the sense that an individual soul has a

>unique linear past that runs through other unique

>individuals other than parental ancestry ones.

>Although you have noticed me talking about my memories

>of being the apostle John, Jesus, Adam, (also

>Elija) and various others, I do not accept that they

>are my personal past lives. I know of some people who

>claimed having identical past lives as others... That

>cannot be or... it works differently. The concept of

>Akashic records is way more plausible, it allows

>each of us to access memory of any past beings. Which

>being or beings depends on what a current individual

>needs to glean from the wisdom and/or life experiences

>of previous living human beings or other entities.

>The Akashic records are like a 'holistic life library'

>that one can borrow a book from. A life that

>happens to be especially helpful in aiding one's

>progress in healing, is retrievable and accessible

>by anyone IF needed.

>One can therefore say that everyone who ever lived

>before, is a past life of everyone who currently lives

>or will live... When we say "We are all one," that

>must count for the past as well. See what I mean?

>One can even say that YOU are my parallel life and I

>am yours. That actually concurs with current

>scientific findings about about multiple, parallel

>universes or worlds. (Discussing that here would at

>this point take too long though.)

>All kinds of 'past lives' concepts need to be

>re-thought. They don't work, except in the stories

>that people tell which most of the times are

>dramatizations to embellish their attachments.

>(I know, I did the same until I saw how I was making

>interpretations that I could in all honesty and

>humility not uphold.)

>The concept of past life karma being worked out in a

>current life (ERA's boomerang effect) contains

>too much human judgment... Something that can not

>come from unconditional divine compassion. It all

>works differently. A lot of myths have been brought

>into current "new age" understandings or assumptions.

>We need to demythologize our understanding.

>The way that people usually talk about past lives is

>from a standpoint of separation (seemingly lost

>love) while they are on their way to re-discovering

>unconditional love in Human-Divine Oneness and


>Each of us is at the same time a unique individual

>representation of God, as we are also - we recognize

>that when we REDISCOVER unconditional human love -

>identical to each other, holding each other as

>ONE and ONLY in God's love.

>That IS Advaita.

>In That Love,


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  • 3 weeks later...




Dear Harsha

Dear unknown devotees of Ramana

Dear members of this wonderful Sangha


i learned so much being with you, confronting my oiwn habitual ways of

thinking and feeling.

Thank you.

I joined this Satsangh because i wanted to learn from the experiences of

others practicing what i try to do: do live my inner being.


MY understanding for all of you and for my self grew


but please note


even here in this Satsangh even here with this wonderful unknown Harsha i

meet - naive like i am so many time how could it be otherwise? - all the

poison i meet since being "born" as "a jew" in this "world" during



Everything a dream - i feel it - but its effects we all experience somehow.


Even here this terrible poison of spreading division instead of unity and

behind wonderful argument, wonderful they are. But so many times without the

warmth of passion of compassion of love.


I ask with all due respekt and love from all of us to stop spreading this


What has all this to do with RAMANA GD LOVE?


Everyone with a little real intuition a little real feeling and much modesty

humbleness - in spite of huge amount of socalled knowledge socalled fact -

must feel this terrible poison spreading in our beloved group - like

everywhere in the world now.


Dear Harsha


please use your influence one and for all to stop this poison. I am not

talking about right or wrong who is to blame or not how old one is how long

he is in our group how long he she practices


Dear you are spreading poison because you are poisoned yourself

and i know it because i suffered the same from the other side of the table

could you not like i did just listen to the advice of people who care for



Dear Christiane


please in all love be beware of your deep rooted prejudices and habitual

feelings and thinking

to discover them we all have to open up completely to our own "suffering"

which of course is all illusion mindstuff egostuff but neverheless it hurts

as long as we have not really found our roots.

And believe me this an endless way moment to moment to live

and please do not forget

konwledge as knowledge is worth nothing like beloved RAMANA said




i love to be with you

but this poison is incredible and its really necessary to stop it


in due respect and compassion for all of us


i ask for being excused if having unknowlingly and of course unintentionally

having hurt somebodies ego


in Raman Maharshi



>"yosyx" <yosyflug

> Subject:

> Re: to ERA NO GOD Sun, 24 Oct 2004

>04:27:24 -0000



>, Sam <S.Pasiencier@p...> wrote: > op

>06-10-2004 02:092314 schreef christiane cameron op >

>christianecameron@m...: > > > > > To all insulters of Tony, > > > > >


>Tony is a strict advaitin and talking in those terms only. Some people > >

>seem to be thoroughly ignorant of advaita otherwise they would stop > >

>insulting Tony. By the way, he did not use the word "deserve", you did. > >

>He is just talking about the law of karma as laid down in Hindu > >

>Shastras. It has nothing to do with morals. It is about cause and > >

>effect only. > > > > Tony is a highly learned man and deserves respect. He

>just speaks the > > truth. > > > > As far as K.Prana is concerned, it might

>be helpful to find out who it > > is this (the surges ) is happening to. >

> > > > Christina from the shadows > > > Advaita has absolutely nothing

>about any laws of karma.. > advaita is not-two... never born-never died ...

>what karma?... > > and Tony is more than a strict adviatin (a contradiction

>in terms) > > advaitins in fact say that the truth cannot be said.. > > he

>is a a cheap anti-semite hiding behind his grandmother's skirts.. Your >

>prejudices are showing Christina.. > > Sam


>well, it may not be christina's prejudice - just her naivety (not to say

>spiritual blindness). beware though - "one compassionate to the cruel ends

>up being cruel to the compassionate". sam,you are much to kind to this

>ignorant self-infatuated collection of trivia called 'tony'. why pay it any

>attention? just ignore and delete as myself - and most others - do. this

>type lives only on attention, positive or negative. it has no life of its

>own. ignored, it dries out and leaves.


>christina, 'tony' is a strict imitator, if anything. and as 'spiritual' as

>fart in a storm. listening to his regurgitated by others ideas can only

>increase your confusion...








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Yes, one does want to find the truth.

In any books of faith or spiritual studies... throught my observation...

one does not preach what one does not experience...


There is also such a thing called spiritual arrogance.

Buddha said, " Speak to inspire, if not, shut up"


Peace Love


>"MICHAEL BINDEL" <michael_bindel



>RE: Re: to ERA NO GOD

>Sun, 24 Oct 2004 06:28:41 +0000

>MIME-Version: 1.0

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>23:29:06 -0700

>Received: from [] by n19.bulk.scd. with NNFMP; 24 Oct

>2004 06:29:02 -0000

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>Dear Harsha

>Dear unknown devotees of Ramana

>Dear members of this wonderful Sangha


>i learned so much being with you, confronting my oiwn habitual ways of

>thinking and feeling.

>Thank you.

>I joined this Satsangh because i wanted to learn from the experiences of

>others practicing what i try to do: do live my inner being.


>MY understanding for all of you and for my self grew


>but please note


>even here in this Satsangh even here with this wonderful unknown Harsha i

>meet - naive like i am so many time how could it be otherwise? - all the

>poison i meet since being "born" as "a jew" in this "world" during



>Everything a dream - i feel it - but its effects we all experience somehow.


>Even here this terrible poison of spreading division instead of unity and

>behind wonderful argument, wonderful they are. But so many times without


>warmth of passion of compassion of love.


>I ask with all due respekt and love from all of us to stop spreading this


>What has all this to do with RAMANA GD LOVE?


>Everyone with a little real intuition a little real feeling and much


>humbleness - in spite of huge amount of socalled knowledge socalled fact -

>must feel this terrible poison spreading in our beloved group - like

>everywhere in the world now.


>Dear Harsha


>please use your influence one and for all to stop this poison. I am not

>talking about right or wrong who is to blame or not how old one is how


>he is in our group how long he she practices


>Dear >you are spreading poison because you are poisoned yourself

>and i know it because i suffered the same from the other side of the table

>could you not like i did just listen to the advice of people who care for



>Dear Christiane


>please in all love be beware of your deep rooted prejudices and habitual

>feelings and thinking

>to discover them we all have to open up completely to our own "suffering"

>which of course is all illusion mindstuff egostuff but neverheless it hurts

>as long as we have not really found our roots.

>And believe me this an endless way moment to moment to live

>and please do not forget

>konwledge as knowledge is worth nothing like beloved RAMANA said




>i love to be with you

>but this poison is incredible and its really necessary to stop it


>in due respect and compassion for all of us


>i ask for being excused if having unknowlingly and of course


>having hurt somebodies ego


>in Raman Maharshi



> >"yosyx" <yosyflug

> >


> > Re: to ERA NO GOD Sun, 24 Oct


> >04:27:24 -0000

> >

> >

> >, Sam <S.Pasiencier@p...> wrote: >


> >06-10-2004 02:092314 schreef christiane cameron op >

> >christianecameron@m...: > > > > > To all insulters of Tony, > > > >

> >

> >Tony is a strict advaitin and talking in those terms only. Some people >

> >

> >seem to be thoroughly ignorant of advaita otherwise they would stop > >

> >insulting Tony. By the way, he did not use the word "deserve", you did. >

> >

> >He is just talking about the law of karma as laid down in Hindu > >

> >Shastras. It has nothing to do with morals. It is about cause and > >

> >effect only. > > > > Tony is a highly learned man and deserves respect.


> >just speaks the > > truth. > > > > As far as K.Prana is concerned, it


> >be helpful to find out who it > > is this (the surges ) is happening to.

> >

> > > > > Christina from the shadows > > > Advaita has absolutely nothing

> >about any laws of karma.. > advaita is not-two... never born-never died


> >what karma?... > > and Tony is more than a strict adviatin (a


> >in terms) > > advaitins in fact say that the truth cannot be said.. > >


> >is a a cheap anti-semite hiding behind his grandmother's skirts.. Your >

> >prejudices are showing Christina.. > > Sam

> >

> >well, it may not be christina's prejudice - just her naivety (not to say

> >spiritual blindness). beware though - "one compassionate to the cruel


> >up being cruel to the compassionate". sam,you are much to kind to this

> >ignorant self-infatuated collection of trivia called 'tony'. why pay it


> >attention? just ignore and delete as myself - and most others - do. this

> >type lives only on attention, positive or negative. it has no life of its

> >own. ignored, it dries out and leaves.

> >

> >christina, 'tony' is a strict imitator, if anything. and as 'spiritual'


> >fart in a storm. listening to his regurgitated by others ideas can only

> >increase your confusion...

> >

> >yosy

> >

> >

> >



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Hi Michael,




It is not clear to me which post you are referring to. I might have missed

something lately. Please clarify.










MICHAEL BINDEL [michael_bindel]

Sunday, October 24, 2004 2:29 AM








even here in this Satsangh even here with this wonderful unknown Harsha i

meet - naive like i am so many time how could it be otherwise? - all the

poison i meet since being "born" as "a jew" in this "world" during



Everything a dream - i feel it - but its effects we all experience somehow.


Even here this terrible poison of spreading division instead of unity and

behind wonderful argument, wonderful they are. But so many times without the


warmth of passion of compassion of love.








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