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Thank you so much for this postings


in ramana












Thanks Joyce for posting that (given below) and Josie for your comments.


It is nice to be reminded how wise I am sometimes.


My kids make me forget it almost every day! :-).


I will take the liberty and pass this on to Advaitin and RM as well and

hopefully they will indulge us.


Share in the bounty!


The direct knowing happened in 1980 and that after many years of yogic and

meditative practices.


I came to Sri Ramana after I had followed the classical yoga path and

engaged in Shakti practices for some years. I practiced yogic meditation

since childhood but did not know of Sri Ramana or the Jnana path until I was

21 when I was introduced to the "Talks" by my teacher Sri Chitrabhanuji who

used visit Sri Ramana as a teenager. Reading "Talks" was magical. I really

felt I was actually in Ramana Ashram! So completely at home, it is hard to



Things came together in the three years following that. So I know from

personal experience that Yogic meditations, Shakti meditations, Nada,

Mantras, and all of these things when they are practiced with the right

faith and understanding lead to the Heart, the Self where the Lord resides

as Sat-Chit-Ananda. Without the right guidance these meditations and

practices take one here and there on many celestial planes and show many

wonderful experiences and visions. Those are all beautiful as well and

according to destiny but not the same as Self-Knowledge.


Bhagavan Ramana's words have force because they convince the devotee with

faith that One is the Self. One's Own Being is the Universal Being. This

conviction comes from Grace and then Grace acts to lead the mind, along with

the Shakti, the life force, to its source, the Self.


According to the doctrine of karma and reincarnation, we have many lives to

refine our understanding, and these are according to destiny.


Nonviolence, the first principle in yoga, combined with self-awareness, and

keeping the company of people who have similar faith is very helpful.


Love to all




"surrenderedinlove" <jkane


Friday, October 15, 2004 2:26 AM

Re: You are the Truth It Self...



>Dearest Lady Joyce:


>Gratitude to you for posting this here

>and gratitude to Harsha for writing

>this originally.


>Words so alive with Heart.

>Unspeakably touched.

>Utterly radiant.



>namaste all,





>, "Lady Joyce" <shaantih@c...>


> >

> > I was looking for for stories from Sadhu Arunachanla and came upon


> > which had been posted in the NDHighlights...

> >

> >


> >

> > '...you will see that You are the Truth It Self.

> > Then you will love and support "others" and

> > allow them to follow their truth in their way.'

> >

> >

> > You are love indeed. I admire your sincerity and passion

> > and the fact that you are a devotee of the great Sage of

> > Arunachala, Bhagwan Ramana Maharshi. Your emphasis that the

> > pure teachings come from the Original Source is very

> > beautiful. The Original Source is always the Self, the

> > Heart. The Guru Is the Self. Appearing as a body, S/He,

> > through Look, Thought Force, Touch, and Teachings

> > transforms so that You Realize that You are the Self and

> > that your consciousness is identical to that of the Guru.

> > To Realize Directly and without hindrance One's Own Nature

> > is the way.

> >

> > Uarelove, you clearly have read a lot, met many teachers,

> > and have much spiritual experience and a well formed

> > outlook on Self-Realization. That is wonderful. I want to

> > tell you that Bhagwan Ramana was one of the most

> > compassionate sages who embodied non-violence. He was

> > humorous but rarely condescending. He was relaxed and easy

> > and natural and love shone through his eyes. He did not

> > impose any teaching on anyone. He gave different answers to

> > different people to suit their tastes and outlooks and

> > background, although his essential teaching of Self-Inquiry

> > is well known. The Highest Teaching, the Great Sage always

> > said, was in Silence. Ramana shines like the sun for me and

> > his light has such beauty and radiance and warmth that I am

> > never away from it as it is only my Own Self-Radiance.

> >

> > I understand the desperation for Realization from personal

> > experience. I have known such times of weeping and sobbing

> > and asking for Self-Realization (or Knowledge or

> > God-Realization or call it you want) and questioning, Why

> > not me? Why not me? When others have done it, why not me?

> > Of course this feeling would pass. You have to come out of

> > your room at some point and face the world :-).

> >

> > Then I gave up reading this and that teacher. What was the

> > point, I thought? Lost interest. One book, "Talks with

> > Ramana Maharshi" became my sole companion. Intuitively, I

> > knew the Truth of Ramana's words. I used to sleep with that

> > book next to my head. "You are already That - Give up the

> > notion that you are not!" Such words of Ramana Maharshi

> > were my constant companions. It is about giving up

> > everything uarelove. Giving up all the notions no matter

> > how sublime. No need to make a game of it and analyze ego

> > preservation strategies, etc. Just giving up everything

> > completely and totally in one stroke is the way. Whether it

> > is ego preservation or destruction or this and that, all

> > these are concepts hindering Clear Self-Knowledge. However,

> > the "Giving Up" can't be done. One can try to create a

> > climate for it, but it must happen spontaneously in order

> > for the Truth to become Self-Evident.

> >

> > One day, almost 21 years ago, as was my habit, I had been

> > meditating for some hours and my back was very stiff and

> > tired and aching. And I was tired. I thought, let me just

> > lie down and rest a little. I lay down on my back and got

> > some relief from the pain and then just gave up everything.

> > Grace allowed for that. Just before it happened, Sri

> > Ramana's guidance flashed in my mind and through His Grace,

> > I allowed myself to be swallowed up by the Heart. As Rumi

> > would say, the hunter finally became the prey.

> >

> > I Realized the Truth of the Self as an Immediate Truth and

> > Directly Understood the nature of Sat-Chit-Ananda. The

> > utter emptiness of awareness has such total beauty and yet

> > it cannot be fully described. When I came out of this and

> > opened my eyes, I thought, "Of course! It is Only Me! It Is

> > Me! It Is Me even Now! What else did I expect? I Realized

> > that the highest state and the most ordinary states are

> > permeated by the same Reality of Consciousness. The Same

> > sameness, the same taste of Silence is present everywhere

> > in all states. Where the Seer and the Seen Merge, That I

> > AM! I AM the Seer and the Seen. Where Perceiver and

> > Perceptions Merge, That I AM. I am the Perceiver and the

> > Perception as One Whole. I AM the Utter Simplicity,

> > Self-Evident to It Self.

> >

> > So follow your truth uarelove, and you will see that You

> > are the Truth It Self. Then you will love and support

> > "others" and allow them to follow their truth in their way.

> >

> > http://www.nonduality.com/hl406.htm

> >

> > Love,

> >

> > Joyce



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