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being from Germany I don't understand the term "janitorial job".


I understand your predicament. You mention having a degree in social

work. Why don't you do that? Maybe its less pay but surely more

rewarding spiritually and psychologically than telemarketing. If there

are no jobs in your area, you might want to consider moving.


As far as spiritual advice is concerned, maybe a good look at your

attitude can start you off. To use Mantras for the sole purpose of

financial gain is more in the line of abuse or magic imo and I doubt

that you will get a result. My advice for you is to make a connection

to your Ishta Devata and develop Bhakti. Reading the Gita and about the

lives of Saints will help. There are no instant rewards on this path,

but if there is a sincere effort on your part God will not fail to

recognize it.


Best wishes




On Jan 2, 2005, at 03:39, sagentgal wrote:


> Dear Friends, I am going to start using the mantra Om Gum Ganapatayei

> Namaha to get rid of the blockages that seem to be standing in front

> of me as I try to get a better job.  I have a job I had to take

> at "last gasp" after being laid off for fourteen months. I am a

> telemarketer, and most of the time, I sign people up for Discover

> card.  It is so distasteful (severe understatement) at this point

> after having the job for ten months, I am desperate to find something

> else.  As a college grad (sociology and social work), I am even

> willing at this point to take a janitorial job just to get away from

> Discover card!  I am also over 40 years of age, and that is one of

> the obstacles I am hoping this mantra will help me overcome with a 40-

> day program of repeating the mantra 108 times twice a day, even if it

> means getting up before sunrise.  I have done a lot of reading of

> Thomas Ashley Farrand's book, and it has given me much hope, as it is

> written with sincerity and compassion.  I am asking members of the

> group: What has been your experience with that and other mantras, and

> is there something else I could be doing also?  Just to let you know,

> I have already been on an intense job hunt, and realize I may have to

> commute since SE Kansas does not have much, and competition is stiff

> even for jobs people used to just get hired on the spot for.


> Also, I am a believer in Feng Shui, and just got done cleaning up my

> house from top to bottom, still working on any clutter and

> disorganization (like drawers) to clear out any stuck energy. My

> hobby is making clay finger labyrinths, and I may even make one for a

> twofold purpose, that is 54 marks to the center and 54 marks out to

> the "exit," so I can keep track of my mantra repetitions. Right now,

> that is an easier solution for me than malas since I have a seven-

> circuit Chartres labyrinth all ready to paint.


> I invite and welcome any and all suggestions from the group wisdom in

> helping me do what I need to do to open doors to a job on a spiritual

> level?  Anyone work with Yantras?  My heart and mind is open.






> /join






> "Love itself is the actual form of God."


> Sri Ramana


> In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma




> Links


> •

> /


> •



> • Terms of

> Service.



Monsoonhouse Int.


contact: christianecameron

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when you really had to earn your grades, and my competition can

usually boast a 3.0 or better average that was practically handed to

them. Furthermore, I was supposed to get a Social Work degree, but

my alma mater, Pittsburg State University (supposedly) lost their

social work accreditation just before I graduated. Yet other students

who transferred from other schools the same time I did, and got no

more credits (and often a lower GPA than I did), than I had, were

allowed their social work degree. You only had to have a 2.0 GPA to

graduate AND have your Social Work degree at Pittsburg State. I know

what it was that kept me from being allowed my Social Work degree. I

have a coordination deficit. I did not know it then that I had

cerebral palsy. ( I was not diagnosed as having CP until 1998). A

coordination deficit has nothing to do with my ability to perform

social work duties, but back then, as now, if you are different in

any way at all, you got

discriminated against. Back then, I did not have the Americans With

Disabilities Act to fall back on because that was not written into

law until 1990. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not have a "regard

as" clause in it to describe one of the types of discrimination

against employees (or students) with disabilities, or even employees

or students who at least appeared to have a disability, as the ADA

has. My statute of limitations is way past the time limit, too.

Again, I am not using the mantra to "get rich." I am hoping the

particular mantra I am using is going to help blow away the obstacles

to help level the playing field for me compared to younger workers, or

those who graduated with a grade inflation advantage. I am open to

moving, but will not rent a house or apartment where I cannot keep my

pet sheltie. She is my only companion, and she is a one-person dog,

and has been with me all her life. Parting with her is not even an

option. I am a widow, and have not found anyone I feel I can trust

like I could my late husband. I hear so many reports about spousal

abuse that I am not willing to take my chances on a lifemate. There

are not very many men who will marry a woman with a disabilty,


My coordination deficit is barely discernible. Most people can't

tell, but those who could objected to it, and in past jobs,

co-workers even complained to management about my coordination even

though I could do my job! Some people try to tell me I should just

collect Disability, and not work. I ask them if they can live on

$500.00 a month, and almost always, they say "no, they can't." I

tell them to please do not ask me to, and just be glad I have a work

ethic. Actually, I am trying very hard NOT to live off of, or depend

on ANY government dole if I can help it, because I consider the Bush

Administration to be very crue towards the most vulnerable groups of

people, namely the elderly, ill, disabled, and poor, and I know Bush

will continue to cut Disability, and other benefits I might have

gotten. (All the while calling himself "compassionate).

Everything I have read about the use of the mantra Om Gum Ganapatrayei

Namaha, I am using it for the correct purpose. I am trying to break

open opportunities, and know to be alert to possibilities as a result

of the daily chant. And no, I am not using it like it was "magic." I

understand how chants work, and how they actually change the

vibration of your soul self over time. I feel the book from which I

am learning the purpose of different mantras as written by Thomas

Ashley-Farrand, very clearly explains purposes of many mantras, what

to expect and what to look for in happenings around you as you work

through your 40 days of chanting. I am not abusing chanting, nor

using it as magic. I have already tried just about everything else

(including magic) to try to get myself out of this poverty rut I KNOW

I don't deserve.

If you have ever done any telemarketing before over a period of time,

and been told by enough customers to get a "real job," it can affect

you like it is starting to really affect me. It is doubly hard to

try to sell something you don't like or believe in, ( a credit card,

in my case, Discover card), but it was a last gasp job I got 10

months ago after being laid off for 14 months. What makes it REALLY

painful is the fact for all the stress of this job, and being

verbally spat at by phone customers, the telemarketing company does

not have a group health insurance rate for us, we are paying

individual rates. Even at $8.50 an hour, I only take home barely more

than $700.00 because health insurance takes a huge bite out of my

paycheck, like a third of my paycheck or more. Even as a full-time

worker, I am doing little better than retirees on Social Security.

In order to be ABLE to pay my bills, I will soon elect to drop my

health insurance.

Regarding karma, this is no way, at least in this life, I have

deserved what is happening to me. I have treated people far better

than they have treated me. (I don't know about any other lives, I'm

too busy trying to survive in this one to have time to wonder what I

must have done to deserve this situation in this life). I am 52

years of age, and I have simply always been more decent towards

others than they have been to me, because I have been treated like

crap a lot of times by many, and I will not stoop to their level or

lower. Some think "making nice" is being weak, but I think it is

essential to one's karma. It is because I do not want to deserve

having my situation worsened even more, even though it has not

appeared that most who have treated me badly have paid for it

karmically. The best I can do is to not add more bad karma to my

situation in case I am getting my desert from another life. My

understanding of mantras is that they can help you burn off some of

the bad karma after reading Ashley-Farrand's book. If I have some

bad karma, chanting mantras twice a day is a small price to pay.

Judging by my life situation, I must have some bad karma to burn off.

I believe that what goes around, comes around, (thought it sometimes

doesn't seem that way with those who have chose to torment me in this

life), and there is no such thing as coincidence.


do not know what Bhakti is. What is the Gita? christiane cameron

<christianecameron (AT) mac (DOT) com> wrote:

Namaste,being from Germany I don't understand the term "janitorial

job".I understand your predicament. You mention having a degree in

social work. Why don't you do that? Maybe its less pay but surely

more rewarding spiritually and psychologically than telemarketing. If

there are no jobs in your area, you might want to consider moving.As

far as spiritual advice is concerned, maybe a good look at your

attitude can start you off. To use Mantras for the sole purpose of

financial gain is more in the line of abuse or magic imo and I doubt

that you will get a result. My advice for you is to make a connection

to your Ishta Devata and develop Bhakti. Reading the Gita and about

the lives of Saints will help. There are no instant rewards on this

path, but if there is a sincere effort on your part God will not fail

to recognize

it.Best wishesChrisOn Jan 2, 2005, at 03:39, sagentgal wrote:>> Dear

Friends, I am going to start using the mantra Om Gum Ganapatayei>

Namaha to get rid of the blockages that seem to be standing in front>

of me as I try to get a better job. I have a job I had to take> at

"last gasp" after being laid off for fourteen months. I am a>

telemarketer, and most of the time, I sign people up for Discover>

card. It is so distasteful (severe understatement) at this point>

after having the job for ten months, I am desperate to find

something> else. As a college grad (sociology and social work), I am

even> willing at this point to take a janitorial job just to get away

from> Discover card! I am also over 40 years of age, and that is one

of> the obstacles I am hoping this mantra will help me overcome with a

40-> day program of repeating the mantra 108

times twice a day, even if it> means getting up before sunrise. I

have done a lot of reading of> Thomas Ashley Farrand's book, and it

has given me much hope, as it is> written with sincerity and

compassion. I am asking members of the> group: What has been your

experience with that and other mantras, and> is there something else

I could be doing also? Just to let you know,> I have already been on

an intense job hunt, and realize I may have to> commute since SE

Kansas does not have much, and competition is stiff> even for jobs

people used to just get hired on the spot for.>> Also, I am a

believer in Feng Shui, and just got done cleaning up my> house from

top to bottom, still working on any clutter and> disorganization

(like drawers) to clear out any stuck energy. My> hobby is making

clay finger labyrinths, and I may even make one for a> twofold

purpose, that is 54 marks

to the center and 54 marks out to> the "exit," so I can keep track of

my mantra repetitions. Right now,> that is an easier solution for me

than malas since I have a seven-> circuit Chartres labyrinth all

ready to paint.>> I invite and welcome any and all suggestions from

the group wisdom in> helping me do what I need to do to open doors to

a job on a spiritual> level? Anyone work with Yantras? My heart and

mind is open.>>>>>>


>> >> "Love

itself is the actual form of God.">> Sri Ramana>> In "Letters from

Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma>>>> Links>> • To

visit your group on the web, go to:>

/> > • To

from this group, send an email to:>

> > • Your use of

Groups is subject to the Terms of > Service.>>Monsoonhouse

Int.Kovalam/Keralacontact: christianecameron (AT) mac (DOT) com

Send a seasonal email greeting and help others. Do good.

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Dear Deborah:


There is a story below I thought you might find helpful.

Also, have you considered trying to market your clay

labyrinths? Perhaps for the blind, or visually disabled?

Or as "therapeutic" games for emotionally disturbed

patients, etc? I wish you the best. Know that everything

is exactly the way it should be, no matter how trying

your circumstances may seem.













Let my every word be a prayer to Thee,

Every movement of my hands a ritual gesture to Thee,

Every step I take a circumambulation of Thy image,

Every morsel I eat a rite of sacrifice to Thee,

Every time I lay down a prostration at Thy feet;

Every act of personal pleasure and all else that I do,

Let it all be a form of worshiping Thee."

>From Verse 27 of Shri Aadi Shankara's Saundaryalahari




"sagentgal" <sagentgal


Saturday, January 01, 2005 9:39 PM





> Dear Friends, I am going to start using the mantra Om Gum Ganapatayei

> Namaha to get rid of the blockages that seem to be standing in front

> of me as I try to get a better job. I have a job I had to take

> at "last gasp" after being laid off for fourteen months. I am a

> telemarketer, and most of the time, I sign people up for Discover

> card. It is so distasteful (severe understatement) at this point

> after having the job for ten months, I am desperate to find something

> else. As a college grad (sociology and social work), I am even

> willing at this point to take a janitorial job just to get away from

> Discover card! I am also over 40 years of age, and that is one of

> the obstacles I am hoping this mantra will help me overcome with a 40-

> day program of repeating the mantra 108 times twice a day, even if it

> means getting up before sunrise. I have done a lot of reading of

> Thomas Ashley Farrand's book, and it has given me much hope, as it is

> written with sincerity and compassion. I am asking members of the

> group: What has been your experience with that and other mantras, and

> is there something else I could be doing also? Just to let you know,

> I have already been on an intense job hunt, and realize I may have to

> commute since SE Kansas does not have much, and competition is stiff

> even for jobs people used to just get hired on the spot for.


> Also, I am a believer in Feng Shui, and just got done cleaning up my

> house from top to bottom, still working on any clutter and

> disorganization (like drawers) to clear out any stuck energy. My

> hobby is making clay finger labyrinths, and I may even make one for a

> twofold purpose, that is 54 marks to the center and 54 marks out to

> the "exit," so I can keep track of my mantra repetitions. Right now,

> that is an easier solution for me than malas since I have a seven-

> circuit Chartres labyrinth all ready to paint.


> I invite and welcome any and all suggestions from the group wisdom in

> helping me do what I need to do to open doors to a job on a spiritual

> level? Anyone work with Yantras? My heart and mind is open.






> /join






> "Love itself is the actual form of God."


> Sri Ramana


> In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma

> Links









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Hi Joyce,


That was a good article, thank you for providing the link. And a note

about the last part of that article--there is nothing in that practice

to preclude taking a stand, working for just cause, joyfully voicing

opposition where one's conscious compels one, or defining healthy

boundaries in interpersonal relating--in short, it is not a recipe for

passivity at all.









On Jan 2, 2005, at 1:36 PM, Lady Joyce wrote:

> Creating_Realities

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Hello Deb,


Sri Anandi Ma has some very lovely cds and tapes of mantras available.

Some are for removing fear and doubt, and one is for creating

abundance. You can order them at the Dhyanyoga Center website at



From the information on the abundance mantra:


"The first thing that may come to mind when we think of abundance is

money, especially during these times of economic difficulty. But in

our tradition, abundance encompasses far more than material prosperity.

Abundance is the grace of the Divine Mother in the form of Laxmi. She

is the wellspring of energy that manifests at every level, as physical,

emotional, and spiritual wealth. Abundance is about building energy,

and sharing and giving away that energy for the benefit of others. It

enhances our well-being, enables us to better serve the world, and

increases the peace of mind we need to pursue the goal of



I have used mantra a lot for practices other than meditation. There

are so many different kinds and uses of mantra--some for very powerful

spiritual practices, and some for, as Chris says, 'magic'--the

attainment of specific material goals, and a whole range of others.

Some of the mantras I have really liked have been planet mantras--from

Vedic astrology, to work with certain planetary influences and

qualities. These are the mantras that have produced the most clear and

observable changes in personality qualities, in my experience--as

opposed to the mantras used in daily meditation practices for producing

changes in consciousness, those qualities beyond personality. The

planet mantras can change the way one receives and processes

information, interacts with others, or feels about oneself, in a rather

pronounced way in a short period of time. But you need a competent

Vedic astrologer to guide you to the right planet mantras. ( Linda, who

used to be on this list, but doesn't appear to be here anymore, was a

very good one. Linda, are you out there somewhere?)


All the best to you in this new year.




On Jan 2, 2005, at 5:52 AM, Deborah Webb wrote:

> Dear Christiane, I am using the mantra to remove obstacles.  Mostly,

> it's my age. I'm over 40, and even though age discrimination is

> against federal law here in the U.S., employers still practice it on a

> grand scale, especially when the job market is tight like it is now. 

> I do not have the experience in Social Work employers want.  They want

> their applicants to be 24 years old with 30 years of experience.  I

> have social work training, but a Sociology degree and a respectable

> final grade point average of 2.8 after recovery from a bad freshman

> semester.(Some even consider that to be a B- average). However, I

> earned my degree in the 1970s when you still had to fight for every

> tenth of a point of grade point average. In the 1980s, college

> students were practically handed As and Bs without even having to work

> particularly hard for it, and they are my job competition right now. 

> Employers will not take into consideration the fact that I went to

> school when you really had to earn your grades, and my competition

> can usually boast a 3.0 or better average that was practically handed

> to them.  Furthermore, I was supposed to get a Social Work degree, but

> my alma mater, Pittsburg State University (supposedly) lost their

> social work accreditation just before I graduated. Yet other students

> who transferred from other schools the same time I did, and got no

> more credits (and often a lower GPA  than I did), than I had, were

> allowed their social work degree. You only had to have a 2.0 GPA to

> graduate AND have your Social Work degree at Pittsburg State.  I know

> what it was that kept me from being allowed my Social Work degree. I

> have a coordination deficit.  I did not know it then that I had

> cerebral palsy.  ( I was not diagnosed as having CP until 1998). A

> coordination deficit has nothing to do with my ability to perform

> social work duties, but back then, as now, if you are different in any

> way at all, you got discriminated against. Back then, I did not have

> the Americans With Disabilities Act to fall back on because that was

> not written into law until 1990.  The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not

> have a "regard as" clause in it to describe one of the types of

> discrimination against employees (or students) with disabilities, or

> even employees or students who at least appeared to have a disability,

> as the ADA has.   My statute of limitations is way past the time

> limit, too.


> Again, I am not using the mantra to "get rich."  I am hoping the

> particular mantra I am using is going to help blow away the

> obstacles to help level the playing field for me compared to younger

> workers, or those who graduated with a grade inflation advantage.  I

> am open to moving, but will not rent a house or apartment where I

> cannot keep my pet sheltie.  She is my only companion, and she is a

> one-person dog, and has been with me all her life.  Parting with her

> is not even an option.  I am a widow, and have not found anyone I feel

> I can trust like I could my late husband.  I hear so many reports

> about spousal abuse that I am not willing to take my chances on a

> lifemate.  There are not very many men who will marry a woman with a

> disabilty, anyway. 


> My coordination deficit is barely discernible.  Most people can't

> tell, but those who could objected to it, and in past jobs, co-workers

> even complained to management about my coordination even though I

> could do my job!  Some people try to tell me I should just collect

> Disability, and not work.  I ask them if they can live on $500.00 a

> month, and almost always, they say "no, they can't."  I tell them to

> please do not ask me to, and just be glad I have a work ethic. 

> Actually, I am trying very hard NOT to live off of, or depend on ANY

> government dole if I can help it, because I consider the Bush

> Administration to be very crue towards the most vulnerable groups of

> people, namely the elderly, ill, disabled, and poor, and I know Bush

> will continue to cut Disability, and other benefits I might have

> gotten.  (All the while calling himself "compassionate).    


> Everything I have read about the use of the mantra Om Gum Ganapatrayei

> Namaha, I am using it for the correct purpose.  I am trying to break

> open opportunities, and know to be alert to possibilities as a result

> of the daily chant. And no, I am not using it like it was "magic."  I

> understand how chants work, and how they actually change the vibration

> of your soul self over time.  I feel the book from which I am learning

> the purpose of different mantras as written by Thomas Ashley-Farrand,

> very clearly explains purposes of many mantras, what to expect and

> what to look for in happenings around you as you work through your 40

> days of chanting. I am not abusing chanting, nor using it as magic.  I

> have already tried just about everything else (including magic) to try

> to get myself out of this poverty rut I KNOW I don't deserve.


> If you have ever done any telemarketing before over a period of time,

> and been told by enough customers to get a "real job," it can affect

> you like it is starting to really affect me.  It is doubly hard to try

> to sell something you don't like or believe in, ( a credit card, in my

> case, Discover card), but it was a last gasp job I got 10 months ago

> after being laid off for 14 months. What makes it REALLY painful is

> the fact for all the stress of this job, and being verbally spat at by

> phone customers,  the telemarketing company does not have a group

> health insurance rate for us, we are paying individual rates. Even at

> $8.50 an hour, I only take home barely more than $700.00 because

> health insurance takes a huge bite out of my paycheck, like a third of

> my paycheck or more. Even as a full-time worker, I am doing little

> better than retirees on Social Security.  In order to be ABLE to pay

> my bills, I will soon elect to drop my health insurance. 


> Regarding karma, this is no way, at least in this life, I have

> deserved what is happening to me. I have treated people far better

> than they have treated me. (I don't know about any other lives, I'm

> too busy trying to survive in this one to have time to wonder what I

> must have done to deserve this situation in this life).  I am 52 years

> of age, and I have simply always been more decent towards others than

> they have been to me, because I have been treated like crap a lot of

> times by many, and I will not stoop to their level or lower.  Some

> think "making nice" is being weak, but I think it is essential to

> one's karma.  It is because I do not want to deserve having my

> situation worsened even more, even though it has not appeared that

> most who have treated me badly have paid for it karmically. The best I

> can do is to not add more bad karma to my situation in case I am

> getting my desert from another life.   My understanding of mantras is

> that they can help you burn off some of the bad karma after reading

> Ashley-Farrand's book.  If I have some bad karma, chanting mantras

> twice a day is a small price to pay. Judging by my life situation, I

> must have some bad karma to burn off. I believe that what goes around,

> comes around, (thought it sometimes doesn't seem that way with those

> who have chose to torment me in this life), and there is no such thing

> as coincidence.       


>                                                                    I

> do not know what Bhakti is. What is the Gita? 


> christiane cameron <christianecameron wrote:

> Namaste,


> being from Germany I don't understand the term "janitorial job".


> I understand your predicament. You mention having a degree in social

> work. Why don't you do that? Maybe its less pay but surely more

> rewarding spiritually and psychologically than telemarketing. If there

> are no jobs in your area, you might want to consider moving.


> As far as spiritual advice is concerned, maybe a good look at your

> attitude can start you off. To use Mantras for the sole purpose of

> financial gain is more in the line of abuse or magic imo and I doubt

> that you will get a result. My advice for you is to make a connection

> to your Ishta Devata and develop Bhakti. Reading the Gita and about

> the

> lives of Saints will help. There are no instant rewards on this path,

> but if there is a sincere effort on your part God will not fail to

> recognize it.


> Best wishes

> Chris



> On Jan 2, 2005, at 03:39, sagentgal wrote:


> >

> > Dear Friends, I am going to start using the mantra Om Gum Ganapatayei

> > Namaha to get rid of the blockages that seem to be standing in front

> > of me as I try to get a better job.  I have a job I had to take

> > at "last gasp" after being laid off for fourteen months. I am a

> > telemarketer, and most of the time, I sign people up for Discover

> > card.  It is so distasteful (severe understatement) at this point

> > after having the job for ten months, I am desperate to find something

> > else.  As a college grad (sociology and social work), I am even

> > willing at this point to take a janitorial job just to get away from

> > Discover card!  I am also over 40 years of age, and that is one of

> > the obstacles I am hoping this mantra will help me overcome with a

> 40-

> > day program of repeating the mantra 108 times twice a day, even if it

> > means getting up before sunrise.  I have done a lot of reading of

> > Thomas Ashley Farrand's book, and it has given me much hope, as it is

> > written with sincerity and compassion.  I am asking members of the

> > group: What has been your experience with that and other mantras, and

> > is there something else I could be doing also?  Just to let you know,

> > I have already been on an intense job hunt, and realize I may have to

> > commute since SE Kansas does not have much, and competition is stiff

> > even for jobs people used to just get hired on the spot for.

> >

> > Also, I am a believer in Feng Shui, and just got done cleaning up my

> > house from top to bottom, still working on any clutter and

> > disorganization (like drawers) to clear out any stuck energy. My

> > hobby is making clay finger labyrinths, and I may even make one for a

> > twofold purpose, that is 54 marks to the center and 54 marks out to

> > the "exit," so I can keep track of my mantra repetitions. Right now,

> > that is an easier solution for me than malas since I have a seven-

> > circuit Chartres labyrinth all ready to paint.

> >

> > I invite and welcome any and all suggestions from the group wisdom in

> > helping me do what I need to do to open doors to a job on a spiritual

> > level?  Anyone work with Yantras?  My heart and mind is open.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > /join

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > "Love itself is the actual form of God."

> >

> > Sri Ramana

> >

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> "Love itself is the actual form of God."


> Sri Ramana


> In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma




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In 'Healing Mantras," Mr. Ashley-Farrand goes very much into detail

about planet mantras. And yes, I would like to find a Vedic

astrologist. My best regards to you, and again, thank you.

NamasteJill Eggers <eggersj (AT) gvsu (DOT) edu> wrote:

Hello Deb,Sri Anandi Ma has some very lovely cds and tapes of mantras

available. Some are for removing fear and doubt, and one is for

creating abundance. You can order them at the Dhyanyoga Center

website at www.dyc.orgFrom the information on the abundance

mantra:"The first thing that may come to mind when we think of

abundance is money, especially during these times of economic

difficulty. But in our tradition, abundance encompasses far more than

material prosperity. Abundance is the grace of the Divine Mother in

the form of Laxmi. She is the wellspring of energy that manifests at

every level, as physical, emotional, and spiritual wealth. Abundance

is about building energy, and sharing and giving away that energy for

the benefit of others. It enhances our well-being, enables us to

better serve the world, and

increases the peace of mind we need to pursue the goal of

self-realization."I have used mantra a lot for practices other than

meditation. There are so many different kinds and uses of

mantra--some for very powerful spiritual practices, and some for, as

Chris says, 'magic'--the attainment of specific material goals, and a

whole range of others. Some of the mantras I have really liked have

been planet mantras--from Vedic astrology, to work with certain

planetary influences and qualities. These are the mantras that have

produced the most clear and observable changes in personality

qualities, in my experience--as opposed to the mantras used in daily

meditation practices for producing changes in consciousness, those

qualities beyond personality. The planet mantras can change the way

one receives and processes information, interacts with others, or

feels about oneself, in a rather pronounced way in a short period of

time. But

you need a competent Vedic astrologer to guide you to the right planet

mantras. ( Linda, who used to be on this list, but doesn't appear to

be here anymore, was a very good one. Linda, are you out there

somewhere?)All the best to you in this new year.JillOn Jan 2, 2005,

at 5:52 AM, Deborah Webb wrote:> Dear Christiane, I am using the

mantra to remove obstacles. Mostly, > it's my age. I'm over 40, and

even though age discrimination is > against federal law here in the

U.S., employers still practice it on a > grand scale, especially when

the job market is tight like it is now. > I do not have the

experience in Social Work employers want. They want > their

applicants to be 24 years old with 30 years of experience. I > have

social work training, but a Sociology degree and a respectable >

final grade point average of 2.8 after recovery from a bad freshman >

semester.(Some even consider that to be a B- average). However, I >

earned my degree in the 1970s when you still had to fight for every >

tenth of a point of grade point average. In the 1980s, college >

students were practically handed As and Bs without even having to

work > particularly hard for it, and they are my job competition

right now. > Employers will not take into consideration the fact

that I went to > school when you really had to earn your grades, and

my competition > can usually boast a 3.0 or better average that was

practically handed > to them. Furthermore, I was supposed to get a

Social Work degree, but > my alma mater, Pittsburg State University

(supposedly) lost their > social work accreditation just before I

graduated. Yet other students > who transferred from other schools

the same time I did, and got no > more credits (and often a lower GPA

than I did),

than I had, were > allowed their social work degree. You only had to

have a 2.0 GPA to > graduate AND have your Social Work degree at

Pittsburg State. I know > what it was that kept me from being

allowed my Social Work degree. I > have a coordination deficit. I

did not know it then that I had > cerebral palsy. ( I was not

diagnosed as having CP until 1998). A > coordination deficit has

nothing to do with my ability to perform > social work duties, but

back then, as now, if you are different in any > way at all, you got

discriminated against. Back then, I did not have > the Americans With

Disabilities Act to fall back on because that was > not written into

law until 1990. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not > have a

"regard as" clause in it to describe one of the types of >

discrimination against employees (or students) with disabilities, or

> even employees or students

who at least appeared to have a disability, > as the ADA has. My

statute of limitations is way past the time > limit, too.> > Again,

I am not using the mantra to "get rich." I am hoping the >

particular mantra I am using is going to help blow away the >

obstacles to help level the playing field for me compared to younger

> workers, or those who graduated with a grade inflation advantage.

I > am open to moving, but will not rent a house or apartment where I

> cannot keep my pet sheltie. She is my only companion, and she is a

> one-person dog, and has been with me all her life. Parting with

her > is not even an option. I am a widow, and have not found anyone

I feel > I can trust like I could my late husband. I hear so many

reports > about spousal abuse that I am not willing to take my

chances on a > lifemate. There are not very

many men who will marry a woman with a > disabilty, anyway. > > My

coordination deficit is barely discernible. Most people can't >

tell, but those who could objected to it, and in past jobs,

co-workers > even complained to management about my coordination even

though I > could do my job! Some people try to tell me I should just

collect > Disability, and not work. I ask them if they can live on

$500.00 a > month, and almost always, they say "no, they can't." I

tell them to > please do not ask me to, and just be glad I have a

work ethic. > Actually, I am trying very hard NOT to live off of, or

depend on ANY > government dole if I can help it, because I consider

the Bush > Administration to be very crue towards the most vulnerable

groups of > people, namely the elderly, ill, disabled, and poor, and I

know Bush > will continue to cut Disability,

and other benefits I might have > gotten. (All the while calling

himself "compassionate). > > Everything I have read about the use

of the mantra Om Gum Ganapatrayei > Namaha, I am using it for the

correct purpose. I am trying to break > open opportunities, and know

to be alert to possibilities as a result > of the daily chant. And no,

I am not using it like it was "magic." I > understand how chants

work, and how they actually change the vibration > of your soul self

over time. I feel the book from which I am learning > the purpose of

different mantras as written by Thomas Ashley-Farrand, > very clearly

explains purposes of many mantras, what to expect and > what to look

for in happenings around you as you work through your 40 > days of

chanting. I am not abusing chanting, nor using it as magic. I > have

already tried just about everything

else (including magic) to try > to get myself out of this poverty rut

I KNOW I don't deserve.> > If you have ever done any telemarketing

before over a period of time, > and been told by enough customers to

get a "real job," it can affect > you like it is starting to really

affect me. It is doubly hard to try > to sell something you don't

like or believe in, ( a credit card, in my > case, Discover card),

but it was a last gasp job I got 10 months ago > after being laid off

for 14 months. What makes it REALLY painful is > the fact for all the

stress of this job, and being verbally spat at by > phone customers,

the telemarketing company does not have a group > health insurance

rate for us, we are paying individual rates. Even at > $8.50 an hour,

I only take home barely more than $700.00 because > health insurance

takes a huge bite out of my paycheck, like a third of > my

paycheck or more. Even as a full-time worker, I am doing little >

better than retirees on Social Security. In order to be ABLE to pay

> my bills, I will soon elect to drop my health insurance. > >

Regarding karma, this is no way, at least in this life, I have >

deserved what is happening to me. I have treated people far better >

than they have treated me. (I don't know about any other lives, I'm >

too busy trying to survive in this one to have time to wonder what I >

must have done to deserve this situation in this life). I am 52 years

> of age, and I have simply always been more decent towards others

than > they have been to me, because I have been treated like crap a

lot of > times by many, and I will not stoop to their level or lower.

Some > think "making nice" is being weak, but I think it is essential

to > one's karma. It is

because I do not want to deserve having my > situation worsened even

more, even though it has not appeared that > most who have treated me

badly have paid for it karmically. The best I > can do is to not add

more bad karma to my situation in case I am > getting my desert from

another life. My understanding of mantras is > that they can help

you burn off some of the bad karma after reading > Ashley-Farrand's

book. If I have some bad karma, chanting mantras > twice a day is a

small price to pay. Judging by my life situation, I > must have some

bad karma to burn off. I believe that what goes around, > comes

around, (thought it sometimes doesn't seem that way with those > who

have chose to torment me in this life), and there is no such thing >

as coincidence. >


I > do not know what Bhakti is. What is the Gita? >> christiane

cameron wrote:>

Namaste,>> being from Germany I don't understand the term "janitorial

job".>> I understand your predicament. You mention having a degree in

social> work. Why don't you do that? Maybe its less pay but surely

more> rewarding spiritually and psychologically than telemarketing.

If there> are no jobs in your area, you might want to consider

moving.>> As far as spiritual advice is concerned, maybe a good look

at your> attitude can start you off. To use Mantras for the sole

purpose of> financial gain is more in the line of abuse or magic imo

and I doubt> that you will get a result. My advice for you is to make

a connection> to your Ishta Devata and develop Bhakti. Reading the

Gita and about > the> lives of Saints will help. There are no instant

rewards on this path,> but if there is a sincere effort on your part

God will not fail to> recognize it.>> Best

wishes> Chris>>> On Jan 2, 2005, at 03:39, sagentgal wrote:>> >> >

Dear Friends, I am going to start using the mantra Om Gum

Ganapatayei> > Namaha to get rid of the blockages that seem to be

standing in front> > of me as I try to get a better job. I have a

job I had to take> > at "last gasp" after being laid off for fourteen

months. I am a> > telemarketer, and most of the time, I sign people up

for Discover> > card. It is so distasteful (severe understatement) at

this point> > after having the job for ten months, I am desperate to

find something> > else. As a college grad (sociology and social

work), I am even> > willing at this point to take a janitorial job

just to get away from> > Discover card! I am also over 40 years of

age, and that is one of> > the obstacles I am hoping this mantra will

help me

overcome with a > 40-> > day program of repeating the mantra 108 times

twice a day, even if it> > means getting up before sunrise. I have

done a lot of reading of> > Thomas Ashley Farrand's book, and it has

given me much hope, as it is> > written with sincerity and

compassion. I am asking members of the> > group: What has been your

experience with that and other mantras, and> > is there something

else I could be doing also? Just to let you know,> > I have already

been on an intense job hunt, and realize I may have to> > commute

since SE Kansas does not have much, and competition is stiff> > even

for jobs people used to just get hired on the spot for.> >> > Also, I

am a believer in Feng Shui, and just got done cleaning up my> > house

from top to bottom, still working on any clutter and> >

disorganization (like drawers) to clear out

any stuck energy. My> > hobby is making clay finger labyrinths, and I

may even make one for a> > twofold purpose, that is 54 marks to the

center and 54 marks out to> > the "exit," so I can keep track of my

mantra repetitions. Right now,> > that is an easier solution for me

than malas since I have a seven-> > circuit Chartres labyrinth all

ready to paint.> >> > I invite and welcome any and all suggestions

from the group wisdom in> > helping me do what I need to do to open

doors to a job on a spiritual> > level? Anyone work with Yantras?

My heart and mind is open.> >> >> >> >> >> >

/join> >> >

> >> >

> >> > "Love itself is the actual form

of God.">

>> > Sri Ramana> >> > In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri

Nagamma> >> >> >> > Links> >> > • To visit your group

on the web, go to:> > />

> > > • > >

> > > > • Your use of

is subject to the Terms of> > Service.> >> >>

Monsoonhouse Int.> Kovalam/Kerala> contact:

christianecameron (AT) mac (DOT) com>> > Send a seasonal email

greeting and help others. Do good.>>


>> >> "Love

itself is the actual form of

God.">> Sri Ramana>> In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri

Nagamma>>>> Links>> • To visit your group on the web,

go to:> /> > • To

from this group, send an email to:>

> > • Your use of

Groups is subject to the Terms of > Service.>>


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Dear Deborah:There is a story below I thought you might find

helpful.Also, have you considered trying to market your

claylabyrinths? Perhaps for the blind, or visually disabled?Or as

"therapeutic" games for emotionally disturbedpatients, etc? I wish

you the best. Know that everythingis exactly the way it should be, no

matter how tryingyour circumstances may


my every word be a prayer to Thee, Every movement of my hands a ritual

gesture to Thee, Every step I take a circumambulation of Thy

image,Every morsel I eat a rite of sacrifice to Thee, Every time I

lay down a prostration at Thy feet; Every act of personal

pleasure and all else that I do,Let it all be a form of worshiping

Thee."From Verse 27 of Shri Aadi Shankara's Saundaryalahari-----

Original Message ----- "sagentgal" <sagentgal >To:

<>Saturday, January 01, 2005 9:39

PM Mantras> > > Dear Friends, I

am going to start using the mantra Om Gum Ganapatayei > Namaha to get

rid of the blockages that seem to be standing in front > of me as I

try to get a better job. I have a job I had to take > at "last gasp"

after being laid off for fourteen months. I am a > telemarketer, and

most of the time, I sign people up for Discover > card. It is so

distasteful (severe understatement) at this point > after having the

job for ten months, I am desperate to find something > else. As a

college grad (sociology and social

work), I am even > willing at this point to take a janitorial job just

to get away from > Discover card! I am also over 40 years of age, and

that is one of > the obstacles I am hoping this mantra will help me

overcome with a 40-> day program of repeating the mantra 108 times

twice a day, even if it > means getting up before sunrise. I have

done a lot of reading of > Thomas Ashley Farrand's book, and it has

given me much hope, as it is > written with sincerity and compassion.

I am asking members of the > group: What has been your experience

with that and other mantras, and > is there something else I could be

doing also? Just to let you know, > I have already been on an intense

job hunt, and realize I may have to > commute since SE Kansas does not

have much, and competition is stiff > even for jobs people used to

just get hired on the spot for.> > Also, I am a

believer in Feng Shui, and just got done cleaning up my > house from

top to bottom, still working on any clutter and > disorganization

(like drawers) to clear out any stuck energy. My > hobby is making

clay finger labyrinths, and I may even make one for a > twofold

purpose, that is 54 marks to the center and 54 marks out to > the

"exit," so I can keep track of my mantra repetitions. Right now, >

that is an easier solution for me than malas since I have a seven->

circuit Chartres labyrinth all ready to paint.> > I invite and

welcome any and all suggestions from the group wisdom in > helping me

do what I need to do to open doors to a job on a spiritual > level?

Anyone work with Yantras? My heart and mind is open.> > > > > >

/join> >

> >

> > "Love itself is the actual form of

God."> > Sri Ramana> > In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri

Nagamma > Links> > > > > > >


"Love itself

is the actual form of God."Sri RamanaIn "Letters from Sri

Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma

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, Deborah Webb <sagentgal>


> Yes, Joyce, I have, and will. I have gotten rave reviews on my

labyrinths, and I have made them using my intuition. They are NOT

easy to make, and require a lot of clay, but also care to make sure

they don't get baked with flaws that will cause cracks, later. I

have about five completed of the Chartres and classic (cretan

style), and each labyrinth is of equal value in the path to self-

knowledge as you trace your finger along the path. I have three

unpainted labyrinths, two classic, and one chartres. All my

Chartres are seven circuit because that is the biggest I can put in

my oven. In a minute, I am going to add your name to my address

book in my Outlook Express, and send you a few photos of my

labyrinths. Deborah


hi..i would love to see your labyrinths and chartres..devi

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, Deborah Webb <sagentgal>

wrote:> Yes, Joyce, I have, and will. I have gotten rave reviews on

my labyrinths, and I have made them using my intuition. They are NOT

easy to make, and require a lot of clay, but also care to make sure

they don't get baked with flaws that will cause cracks, later. I

have about five completed of the Chartres and classic (cretan style),

and each labyrinth is of equal value in the path to self-knowledge as

you trace your finger along the path. I have three unpainted

labyrinths, two classic, and one chartres. All my Chartres are seven

circuit because that is the biggest I can put in my oven. In a

minute, I am going to add your name to my address book in my Outlook

Express, and send you a few photos of my

labyrinths. Deborahhi..i would love to see your labyrinths and


"Love itself is

the actual form of God."Sri RamanaIn "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam"

by Suri Nagamma Do

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Dear Deborah.


I am getting the picture more clearly. Maybe you could try and set up

your own business somehow. You seem to be a creative person, there

might be your way.


I cannot really advise you on Mantras, as I do not believe that there

are any obstacles outside yourself which can be removed. Like some

other people on the list here I am a devotee of Shri Ramana Maharshi,

who taught that if you find out who you are through Self-Enquiry, all

other questions will be solved.


Gita is Bhagavad Geeta. Bhakti means devotional love to God or Guru.


With Love




On Jan 2, 2005, at 11:52, Deborah Webb wrote:

> Dear Christiane, I am using the mantra to remove obstacles.  Mostly,

> it's my age. I'm over 40, and even though age discrimination is

> against federal law here in the U.S., employers still practice it on a

> grand scale, especially when the job market is tight like it is now. 

> I do not have the experience in Social Work employers want.  They want

> their applicants to be 24 years old with 30 years of experience.  I

> have social work training, but a Sociology degree and a respectable

> final grade point average of 2.8 after recovery from a bad freshman

> semester.(Some even consider that to be a B- average). However, I

> earned my degree in the 1970s when you still had to fight for every

> tenth of a point of grade point average. In the 1980s, college

> students were practically handed As and Bs without even having to work

> particularly hard for it, and they are my job competition right now. 

> Employers will not take into consideration the fact that I went to

> school when you really had to earn your grades, and my competition

> can usually boast a 3.0 or better average that was practically handed

> to them.  Furthermore, I was supposed to get a Social Work degree, but

> my alma mater, Pittsburg State University (supposedly) lost their

> social work accreditation just before I graduated. Yet other students

> who transferred from other schools the same time I did, and got no

> more credits (and often a lower GPA  than I did), than I had, were

> allowed their social work degree. You only had to have a 2.0 GPA to

> graduate AND have your Social Work degree at Pittsburg State.  I know

> what it was that kept me from being allowed my Social Work degree. I

> have a coordination deficit.  I did not know it then that I had

> cerebral palsy.  ( I was not diagnosed as having CP until 1998). A

> coordination deficit has nothing to do with my ability to perform

> social work duties, but back then, as now, if you are different in any

> way at all, you got discriminated against. Back then, I did not have

> the Americans With Disabilities Act to fall back on because that was

> not written into law until 1990.  The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not

> have a "regard as" clause in it to describe one of the types of

> discrimination against employees (or students) with disabilities, or

> even employees or students who at least appeared to have a disability,

> as the ADA has.   My statute of limitations is way past the time

> limit, too.


> Again, I am not using the mantra to "get rich."  I am hoping the

> particular mantra I am using is going to help blow away the

> obstacles to help level the playing field for me compared to younger

> workers, or those who graduated with a grade inflation advantage.  I

> am open to moving, but will not rent a house or apartment where I

> cannot keep my pet sheltie.  She is my only companion, and she is a

> one-person dog, and has been with me all her life.  Parting with her

> is not even an option.  I am a widow, and have not found anyone I feel

> I can trust like I could my late husband.  I hear so many reports

> about spousal abuse that I am not willing to take my chances on a

> lifemate.  There are not very many men who will marry a woman with a

> disabilty, anyway. 


> My coordination deficit is barely discernible.  Most people can't

> tell, but those who could objected to it, and in past jobs, co-workers

> even complained to management about my coordination even though I

> could do my job!  Some people try to tell me I should just collect

> Disability, and not work.  I ask them if they can live on $500.00 a

> month, and almost always, they say "no, they can't."  I tell them to

> please do not ask me to, and just be glad I have a work ethic. 

> Actually, I am trying very hard NOT to live off of, or depend on ANY

> government dole if I can help it, because I consider the Bush

> Administration to be very crue towards the most vulnerable groups of

> people, namely the elderly, ill, disabled, and poor, and I know Bush

> will continue to cut Disability, and other benefits I might have

> gotten.  (All the while calling himself "compassionate).    


> Everything I have read about the use of the mantra Om Gum Ganapatrayei

> Namaha, I am using it for the correct purpose.  I am trying to break

> open opportunities, and know to be alert to possibilities as a result

> of the daily chant. And no, I am not using it like it was "magic."  I

> understand how chants work, and how they actually change the vibration

> of your soul self over time.  I feel the book from which I am learning

> the purpose of different mantras as written by Thomas Ashley-Farrand,

> very clearly explains purposes of many mantras, what to expect and

> what to look for in happenings around you as you work through your 40

> days of chanting. I am not abusing chanting, nor using it as magic.  I

> have already tried just about everything else (including magic) to try

> to get myself out of this poverty rut I KNOW I don't deserve.


> If you have ever done any telemarketing before over a period of time,

> and been told by enough customers to get a "real job," it can affect

> you like it is starting to really affect me.  It is doubly hard to try

> to sell something you don't like or believe in, ( a credit card, in my

> case, Discover card), but it was a last gasp job I got 10 months ago

> after being laid off for 14 months. What makes it REALLY painful is

> the fact for all the stress of this job, and being verbally spat at by

> phone customers,  the telemarketing company does not have a group

> health insurance rate for us, we are paying individual rates. Even at

> $8.50 an hour, I only take home barely more than $700.00 because

> health insurance takes a huge bite out of my paycheck, like a third of

> my paycheck or more. Even as a full-time worker, I am doing little

> better than retirees on Social Security.  In order to be ABLE to pay

> my bills, I will soon elect to drop my health insurance. 


> Regarding karma, this is no way, at least in this life, I have

> deserved what is happening to me. I have treated people far better

> than they have treated me. (I don't know about any other lives, I'm

> too busy trying to survive in this one to have time to wonder what I

> must have done to deserve this situation in this life).  I am 52 years

> of age, and I have simply always been more decent towards others than

> they have been to me, because I have been treated like crap a lot of

> times by many, and I will not stoop to their level or lower.  Some

> think "making nice" is being weak, but I think it is essential to

> one's karma.  It is because I do not want to deserve having my

> situation worsened even more, even though it has not appeared that

> most who have treated me badly have paid for it karmically. The best I

> can do is to not add more bad karma to my situation in case I am

> getting my desert from another life.   My understanding of mantras is

> that they can help you burn off some of the bad karma after reading

> Ashley-Farrand's book.  If I have some bad karma, chanting mantras

> twice a day is a small price to pay. Judging by my life situation, I

> must have some bad karma to burn off. I believe that what goes around,

> comes around, (thought it sometimes doesn't seem that way with those

> who have chose to torment me in this life), and there is no such thing

> as coincidence.       


>                                                                    I

> do not know what Bhakti is. What is the Gita? 


> christiane cameron <christianecameron wrote:

> Namaste,


> being from Germany I don't understand the term "janitorial job".


> I understand your predicament. You mention having a degree in social

> work. Why don't you do that? Maybe its less pay but surely more

> rewarding spiritually and psychologically than telemarketing. If there

> are no jobs in your area, you might want to consider moving.


> As far as spiritual advice is concerned, maybe a good look at your

> attitude can start you off. To use Mantras for the sole purpose of

> financial gain is more in the line of abuse or magic imo and I doubt

> that you will get a result. My advice for you is to make a connection

> to your Ishta Devata and develop Bhakti. Reading the Gita and about

> the

> lives of Saints will help. There are no instant rewards on this path,

> but if there is a sincere effort on your part God will not fail to

> recognize it.


> Best wishes

> Chris



> On Jan 2, 2005, at 03:39, sagentgal wrote:


> >

> > Dear Friends, I am going to start using the mantra Om Gum Ganapatayei

> > Namaha to get rid of the blockages that seem to be standing in front

> > of me as I try to get a better job.  I have a job I had to take

> > at "last gasp" after being laid off for fourteen months. I am a

> > telemarketer, and most of the time, I sign people up for Discover

> > card.  It is so distasteful (severe understatement) at this point

> > after having the job for ten months, I am desperate to find something

> > else.  As a college grad (sociology and social work), I am even

> > willing at this point to take a janitorial job just to get away from

> > Discover card!  I am also over 40 years of age, and that is one of

> > the obstacles I am hoping this mantra will help me overcome with a

> 40-

> > day program of repeating the mantra 108 times twice a day, even if it

> > means getting up before sunrise.  I have done a lot of reading of

> > Thomas Ashley Farrand's book, and it has given me much hope, as it is

> > written with sincerity and compassion.  I am asking members of the

> > group: What has been your experience with that and other mantras, and

> > is there something else I could be doing also?  Just to let you know,

> > I have already been on an intense job hunt, and realize I may have to

> > commute since SE Kansas does not have much, and competition is stiff

> > even for jobs people used to just get hired on the spot for.

> >

> > Also, I am a believer in Feng Shui, and just got done cleaning up my

> > house from top to bottom, still working on any clutter and

> > disorganization (like drawers) to clear out any stuck energy. My

> > hobby is making clay finger labyrinths, and I may even make one for a

> > twofold purpose, that is 54 mar! ks to the center and 54 marks out to

> > the "exit," so I can keep track of my mantra repetitions. Right now,

> > that is an easier solution for me than malas since I have a seven-

> > circuit Chartres labyrinth all ready to paint.

> >

> > I invite and welcome any and all suggestions from the group wisdom in

> > helping me do what I need to do to open doors to a job on a spiritual

> > level?  Anyone work with Yantras?  My heart and mind is open.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > /join

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > "Love itself is the actual form of God."

> >

> > Sri Ramana

> >

> > In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma

> >

> >

> >

> > Links

> >

> > •

> > /

> >  

> > •

> >

> >  

> > • Terms of

> > Service.

> >

> >

> Monsoonhouse Int.

> Kovalam/Kerala

> contact: christianecameron



> Send a seasonal email greeting and help others. Do good.


> /join






> "Love itself is the actual form of God."


> Sri Ramana


> In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma




> Links


> •

> /


> •



> • Terms of

> Service.



Monsoonhouse Int.


contact: christianecameron

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The Ganesha mantra I will be doing is for obstacles within as well as

without. It is my understanding that mantras act like tuning forks

to get your vibes in line for what you are after.

I've tried everything else. I have done a LOT of self-inquiry in my

life! Again, thanks.christiane cameron <christianecameron (AT) mac (DOT) com>


Dear Deborah.I am getting the picture more clearly. Maybe you could

try and set up your own business somehow. You seem to be a creative

person, there might be your way.I cannot really advise you on

Mantras, as I do not believe that there are any obstacles outside

yourself which can be removed. Like some other people on the list

here I am a devotee of Shri Ramana Maharshi, who taught that if you

find out who you are through Self-Enquiry, all other questions will

be solved.Gita is Bhagavad Geeta. Bhakti means devotional love to God

or Guru.With LoveChrisOn Jan 2, 2005, at 11:52, Deborah Webb wrote:>

Dear Christiane, I am using the mantra to remove obstacles. Mostly,

> it's my age. I'm over 40, and even though age discrimination is >

against federal law here in the U.S., employers still

practice it on a > grand scale, especially when the job market is

tight like it is now. > I do not have the experience in Social Work

employers want. They want > their applicants to be 24 years old with

30 years of experience. I > have social work training, but a

Sociology degree and a respectable > final grade point average of 2.8

after recovery from a bad freshman > semester.(Some even consider that

to be a B- average). However, I > earned my degree in the 1970s when

you still had to fight for every > tenth of a point of grade point

average. In the 1980s, college > students were practically handed As

and Bs without even having to work > particularly hard for it, and

they are my job competition right now. > Employers will not take

into consideration the fact that I went to > school when you really

had to earn your grades, and my competition > can usually boast a

3.0 or better average that was practically handed > to them.

Furthermore, I was supposed to get a Social Work degree, but > my

alma mater, Pittsburg State University (supposedly) lost their >

social work accreditation just before I graduated. Yet other students

> who transferred from other schools the same time I did, and got no >

more credits (and often a lower GPA than I did), than I had, were >

allowed their social work degree. You only had to have a 2.0 GPA to >

graduate AND have your Social Work degree at Pittsburg State. I know

> what it was that kept me from being allowed my Social Work degree.

I > have a coordination deficit. I did not know it then that I had >

cerebral palsy. ( I was not diagnosed as having CP until 1998). A >

coordination deficit has nothing to do with my ability to perform >

social work duties, but back then, as now, if you are different in

any > way at all, you got discriminated against. Back then, I did not

have > the Americans With Disabilities Act to fall back on because

that was > not written into law until 1990. The Civil Rights Act of

1964 did not > have a "regard as" clause in it to describe one of the

types of > discrimination against employees (or students) with

disabilities, or > even employees or students who at least appeared

to have a disability, > as the ADA has. My statute of limitations

is way past the time > limit, too.> > Again, I am not using the

mantra to "get rich." I am hoping the > particular mantra I am using

is going to help blow away the > obstacles to help level the playing

field for me compared to younger > workers, or those who graduated

with a grade inflation advantage. I > am open to moving, but will

not rent a house or apartment where I > cannot

keep my pet sheltie. She is my only companion, and she is a >

one-person dog, and has been with me all her life. Parting with her

> is not even an option. I am a widow, and have not found anyone I

feel > I can trust like I could my late husband. I hear so many

reports > about spousal abuse that I am not willing to take my

chances on a > lifemate. There are not very many men who will marry

a woman with a > disabilty, anyway. > > My coordination deficit is

barely discernible. Most people can't > tell, but those who could

objected to it, and in past jobs, co-workers > even complained to

management about my coordination even though I > could do my job!

Some people try to tell me I should just collect > Disability, and

not work. I ask them if they can live on $500.00 a > month, and

almost always, they say "no, they can't." I tell them

to > please do not ask me to, and just be glad I have a work ethic. >

Actually, I am trying very hard NOT to live off of, or depend on ANY >

government dole if I can help it, because I consider the Bush >

Administration to be very crue towards the most vulnerable groups of

> people, namely the elderly, ill, disabled, and poor, and I know

Bush > will continue to cut Disability, and other benefits I might

have > gotten. (All the while calling himself "compassionate). >

> Everything I have read about the use of the mantra Om Gum

Ganapatrayei > Namaha, I am using it for the correct purpose. I am

trying to break > open opportunities, and know to be alert to

possibilities as a result > of the daily chant. And no, I am not

using it like it was "magic." I > understand how chants work, and

how they actually change the vibration > of your soul

self over time. I feel the book from which I am learning > the

purpose of different mantras as written by Thomas Ashley-Farrand, >

very clearly explains purposes of many mantras, what to expect and >

what to look for in happenings around you as you work through your 40

> days of chanting. I am not abusing chanting, nor using it as magic.

I > have already tried just about everything else (including magic) to

try > to get myself out of this poverty rut I KNOW I don't deserve.>

> If you have ever done any telemarketing before over a period of

time, > and been told by enough customers to get a "real job," it can

affect > you like it is starting to really affect me. It is doubly

hard to try > to sell something you don't like or believe in, ( a

credit card, in my > case, Discover card), but it was a last gasp job

I got 10 months ago > after being laid off for 14 months. What

makes it REALLY painful is > the fact for all the stress of this job,

and being verbally spat at by > phone customers, the telemarketing

company does not have a group > health insurance rate for us, we are

paying individual rates. Even at > $8.50 an hour, I only take home

barely more than $700.00 because > health insurance takes a huge bite

out of my paycheck, like a third of > my paycheck or more. Even as a

full-time worker, I am doing little > better than retirees on Social

Security. In order to be ABLE to pay > my bills, I will soon elect

to drop my health insurance. > > Regarding karma, this is no way, at

least in this life, I have > deserved what is happening to me. I have

treated people far better > than they have treated me. (I don't know

about any other lives, I'm > too busy trying to survive in this one

to have time to wonder what I > must

have done to deserve this situation in this life). I am 52 years > of

age, and I have simply always been more decent towards others than >

they have been to me, because I have been treated like crap a lot of

> times by many, and I will not stoop to their level or lower. Some

> think "making nice" is being weak, but I think it is essential to >

one's karma. It is because I do not want to deserve having my >

situation worsened even more, even though it has not appeared that >

most who have treated me badly have paid for it karmically. The best

I > can do is to not add more bad karma to my situation in case I am

> getting my desert from another life. My understanding of mantras

is > that they can help you burn off some of the bad karma after

reading > Ashley-Farrand's book. If I have some bad karma, chanting

mantras > twice a day is a

small price to pay. Judging by my life situation, I > must have some

bad karma to burn off. I believe that what goes around, > comes

around, (thought it sometimes doesn't seem that way with those > who

have chose to torment me in this life), and there is no such thing >

as coincidence. >


I >

do not know what Bhakti is. What is the Gita? >> christiane cameron

wrote:> Namaste,>> being from Germany I don't understand the term

"janitorial job".>> I understand your predicament. You mention having

a degree in social> work. Why don't you do that? Maybe its less pay

but surely more> rewarding spiritually and psychologically than

telemarketing. If there> are no jobs in your area, you might want to

consider moving.>> As far as spiritual advice is concerned,

maybe a good look at your> attitude can start you off. To use Mantras

for the sole purpose of> financial gain is more in the line of abuse

or magic imo and I doubt> that you will get a result. My advice for

you is to make a connection> to your Ishta Devata and develop Bhakti.

Reading the Gita and about > the> lives of Saints will help. There are

no instant rewards on this path,> but if there is a sincere effort on

your part God will not fail to> recognize it.>> Best wishes> Chris>>>

On Jan 2, 2005, at 03:39, sagentgal wrote:>> >> > Dear Friends, I am

going to start using the mantra Om Gum Ganapatayei> > Namaha to get

rid of the blockages that seem to be standing in front> > of me as I

try to get a better job. I have a job I had to take> > at "last

gasp" after being laid off for fourteen months. I am a> >

telemarketer, and most of the time, I sign people up for Discover> >

card. It is so distasteful (severe understatement) at this point> >

after having the job for ten months, I am desperate to find

something> > else. As a college grad (sociology and social work), I

am even> > willing at this point to take a janitorial job just to get

away from> > Discover card! I am also over 40 years of age, and that

is one of> > the obstacles I am hoping this mantra will help me

overcome with a > 40-> > day program of repeating the mantra 108

times twice a day, even if it> > means getting up before sunrise. I

have done a lot of reading of> > Thomas Ashley Farrand's book, and it

has given me much hope, as it is> > written with sincerity and

compassion. I am asking members of the> > group: What has been your

experience with that and other mantras,

and> > is there something else I could be doing also? Just to let you

know,> > I have already been on an intense job hunt, and realize I may

have to> > commute since SE Kansas does not have much, and competition

is stiff> > even for jobs people used to just get hired on the spot

for.> >> > Also, I am a believer in Feng Shui, and just got done

cleaning up my> > house from top to bottom, still working on any

clutter and> > disorganization (like drawers) to clear out any stuck

energy. My> > hobby is making clay finger labyrinths, and I may even

make one for a> > twofold purpose, that is 54 mar! ks to the center

and 54 marks out to> > the "exit," so I can keep track of my mantra

repetitions. Right now,> > that is an easier solution for me than

malas since I have a seven-> > circuit Chartres labyrinth all ready

to paint.> >> > I

invite and welcome any and all suggestions from the group wisdom in> >

helping me do what I need to do to open doors to a job on a spiritual>

> level? Anyone work with Yantras? My heart and mind is open.> >> >>

>> >> >> > /join> >> >

> >> >

> >> > "Love itself is the actual form

of God."> >> > Sri Ramana> >> > In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by

Suri Nagamma> >> >> >> > Links> >> > • To visit your

group on the web, go to:> >

/> > > > • To

from this group, send an email to:> >

> > > > • Your use of

is subject to the Terms of> > Service.> >> >>

Monsoonhouse Int.> Kovalam/Kerala> contact:

christianecameron (AT) mac (DOT) com>> > Send a seasonal email

greeting and help others. Do good.>>


>> >> "Love

itself is the actual form of God.">> Sri Ramana>> In "Letters from

Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma>>>> Links>> • To

visit your group on the web, go to:>

/> > • To

from this group, send an email to:>


> • Terms of >

Service.>>Monsoonhouse Int.Kovalam/Keralacontact:

christianecameron (AT) mac (DOT) com

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear One:


Can you be specific as to what personality changes have taken place due to your

practice of mantras.


Abundance can be defined in many ways and is subjective in nature. Many people

who have nothing visibly are in fact always in abundance. Ramana Maharshi said

the same thing. Ramakrishna came from a very poor family as well.


But many yogis are rich also. Swami Satchitanand and Swami Rama opened asrams.

Deepak Chopra started with TM in the mid 1980s and used their methods and went

beyond them to become well known and prosperous. Destiny may have a hand in all

these things as well.


Love and blessings



Jill Eggers <eggersj

2005/01/02 Sun PM 01:56:15 CST

Re: Mantras


Hello Deb,


Sri Anandi Ma has some very lovely cds and tapes of mantras available.

Some are for removing fear and doubt, and one is for creating

abundance. You can order them at the Dhyanyoga Center website at



From the information on the abundance mantra:


"The first thing that may come to mind when we think of abundance is

money, especially during these times of economic difficulty. But in

our tradition, abundance encompasses far more than material prosperity.

Abundance is the grace of the Divine Mother in the form of Laxmi. She

is the wellspring of energy that manifests at every level, as physical,

emotional, and spiritual wealth. Abundance is about building energy,

and sharing and giving away that energy for the benefit of others. It

enhances our well-being, enables us to better serve the world, and

increases the peace of mind we need to pursue the goal of



I have used mantra a lot for practices other than meditation. There

are so many different kinds and uses of mantra--some for very powerful

spiritual practices, and some for, as Chris says, 'magic'--the

attainment of specific material goals, and a whole range of others.

Some of the mantras I have really liked have been planet mantras--from

Vedic astrology, to work with certain planetary influences and

qualities. These are the mantras that have produced the most clear and

observable changes in personality qualities, in my experience--as

opposed to the mantras used in daily meditation practices for producing

changes in consciousness, those qualities beyond personality. The

planet mantras can change the way one receives and processes

information, interacts with others, or feels about oneself, in a rather

pronounced way in a short period of time. But you need a competent

Vedic astrologer to guide you to the right planet mantras. ( Linda, who

used to be on this list, but doesn't appear to be here anymore, was a

very good one. Linda, are you out there somewhere?)


All the best to you in this new year.




Love, serve, and be helpful, but without getting disgusted, tired, pessimistic,

and exhausted. Blessings dear souls, blessings!

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On Jan 16, 2005, at 12:43 PM, MaharishiBingoRam wrote:

> Dear One:


> Can you be specific as to what personality changes have taken place

> due to your practice of mantras.



Yes, mystery Ram,


The changes depended on which mantra was being used. I am referring

here to the planet mantras I referred to below, not to the subtle

ongoing changes in consciousness produced by the daily practice of japa

meditation over the past many years.


The changes had the qualities associated with that planet or energy

force, I would say. Working with a Mars mantra created a lot of

physical energy, engagement with others in a leadership capacity, a

kind of driving physical engagement. That experience was very fast

and pronounced and I had to stop the mantra after a few days because I

was going around like a commanding general on speed. Linda gave me a

Rahu and Mercury mantra and I did that practice daily for the

prescribed amount of time, a few months, as I recall. The Rahu mantra

brought a centered, calm, peaceful quality to my own inner experience

and to the way I interacted with others, and the mercury a mental

clarity and communicativeness. I could feel these shifts from the

practice immediately, and they persisted.


I started doing these kinds of practices during a time when I was

having trouble integrating very high-burning active kundalini. I spent

some years looking for ways to ground and integrate the energy that was

affecting every aspect of being and experience in ways that made daily

life a tenuous business indeed. The planet mantras were suggested by a

friend who was a vedic astrologer. Some of the planet mantras would

derange me entirely--one mala of a Jupiter mantra made me so

disoriented and confused that I still remember with horror the misery

of trying to teach, function, and appear normal that day, 8 years ago!

I was really surprised at the unusual qualities that these practices

brought forward as well as the strength and immediacy of the effects.


Overall I have used mantras very tentatively since the kundalini

awakening because the effects of any practices are so amplified, and

the outcome can be dangerous or difficult to integrate, and can take me

out of my ability to carry out my responsibilities. Listening to

chanting of mantras still has this effect. I really like to listen to

Krishna Das but if I do so very much I can lose consciousness and fall

down. You have joked about my falling down here when I referred to it

before, but it happens, and I wish I understood it better. The spoon

hits the floor, the soup boils over, danger abounds, and I come to with

the dog licking my face. :)





> Abundance can be defined in many ways and is subjective in nature.

> Many people who have nothing visibly are in fact always in abundance.

> Ramana Maharshi said the same thing. Ramakrishna came from a very poor

> family as well.


> But many yogis are rich also. Swami Satchitanand and Swami Rama

> opened asrams. Deepak Chopra started with TM in the mid 1980s and used

> their methods and went beyond them to become well known and

> prosperous. Destiny may have a hand in all these things as well.


> Love and blessings


> ============================================================

> Jill Eggers <eggersj

> 2005/01/02 Sun PM 01:56:15 CST


> Re: Mantras


> Hello Deb,


> Sri Anandi Ma has some very lovely cds and tapes of mantras

> available.  

> Some are for removing fear and doubt, and one is for creating 

> abundance.  You can order them at the Dhyanyoga Center website at 

> www.dyc.org


> From the information on the abundance mantra:


> "The first thing that may come to mind when we think of abundance is 

> money, especially during these times of economic difficulty.  But in 

> our tradition, abundance encompasses far more than material

> prosperity. 

>   Abundance is the grace of the Divine Mother in the form of Laxmi. 

> She 

> is the wellspring of energy that manifests at every level, as

> physical, 

> emotional, and spiritual wealth.  Abundance is about building energy, 

> and sharing and giving away that energy for the benefit of others. 

> It 

> enhances our well-being, enables us to better serve the world, and 

> increases the peace of mind we need to pursue the goal of 

> self-realization."


> I have used mantra a lot for practices other than meditation.  There 

> are so many different kinds and uses of mantra--some for very

> powerful 

> spiritual practices, and some for, as Chris says, 'magic'--the 

> attainment of specific material goals, and a whole range of others.  

> Some of the mantras I have really liked have been planet

> mantras--from 

> Vedic astrology, to work with certain planetary influences and 

> qualities.  These are the mantras that have produced the most clear

> and 

> observable changes in personality qualities, in my experience--as 

> opposed to the mantras used in daily meditation practices for

> producing 

> changes in consciousness, those qualities beyond personality.  The 

> planet mantras can change the way one receives and processes 

> information, interacts with others, or feels about oneself, in a

> rather 

> pronounced way in a short period of time.  But you need a competent 

> Vedic astrologer to guide you to the right planet mantras. ( Linda,

> who 

> used to be on this list, but doesn't appear to be here anymore, was a 

> very good one.  Linda, are you out there somewhere?)


> All the best to you in this new year.


> Jill


> Love, serve, and be helpful, but without getting disgusted, tired,

> pessimistic, and exhausted. Blessings dear souls, blessings!




> /join






> "Love itself is the actual form of God."


> Sri Ramana


> In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma




> Links


> •

> /


> •



> • Terms of

> Service.




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Dear One:


Thank you for sharing your experiences so generously. Perhaps you have a very

sensitive and finely tuned nervous system which when exposed to specific sounds

and chanting of mantras responds in a very spontaneous and powerful way. There

have been stories of saints like Ramankrishna who would go into samadhi at the

slightest hint of devotional chanting.


You did the right thing in trying to integrate your kundalini experiences

through these practices. Yes, falling down is no laughing matter and one should

take care.


May the Divine Mother watch over you and protect you.


Love and blessings


Jill Eggers <eggersj

2005/01/16 Sun PM 04:37:43 CST

Re: Mantras



Yes, mystery Ram,


The changes depended on which mantra was being used. I am referring

here to the planet mantras I referred to below, not to the subtle

ongoing changes in consciousness produced by the daily practice of japa

meditation over the past many years.


The changes had the qualities associated with that planet or energy

force, I would say. Working with a Mars mantra created a lot of

physical energy, engagement with others in a leadership capacity, a

kind of driving physical engagement. That experience was very fast

and pronounced and I had to stop the mantra after a few days because I

was going around like a commanding general on speed. Linda gave me a

Rahu and Mercury mantra and I did that practice daily for the

prescribed amount of time, a few months, as I recall. The Rahu mantra

brought a centered, calm, peaceful quality to my own inner experience

and to the way I interacted with others, and the mercury a mental

clarity and communicativeness. I could feel these shifts from the

practice immediately, and they persisted.


I started doing these kinds of practices during a time when I was

having trouble integrating very high-burning active kundalini. I spent

some years looking for ways to ground and integrate the energy that was

affecting every aspect of being and experience in ways that made daily

life a tenuous business indeed. The planet mantras were suggested by a

friend who was a vedic astrologer. Some of the planet mantras would

derange me entirely--one mala of a Jupiter mantra made me so

disoriented and confused that I still remember with horror the misery

of trying to teach, function, and appear normal that day, 8 years ago!

I was really surprised at the unusual qualities that these practices

brought forward as well as the strength and immediacy of the effects.


Overall I have used mantras very tentatively since the kundalini

awakening because the effects of any practices are so amplified, and

the outcome can be dangerous or difficult to integrate, and can take me

out of my ability to carry out my responsibilities. Listening to

chanting of mantras still has this effect. I really like to listen to

Krishna Das but if I do so very much I can lose consciousness and fall

down. You have joked about my falling down here when I referred to it

before, but it happens, and I wish I understood it better. The spoon

hits the floor, the soup boils over, danger abounds, and I come to with

the dog licking my face. :)




Love, serve, and be helpful, but without getting disgusted, tired, pessimistic,

and exhausted. Blessings dear souls, blessings!

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It is always refreshing to read you. And I wanted to take the time to tell you in writing.

Thank you for your presence,


"All spiritual teachings are only meant to make us retrace our steps

to our Original Source." From The Essential teachings of Ramana

Maharshi, A visual


- MaharishiBingoRam

Dear One:Thank you for sharing your experiences so generously.

Perhaps you have a very sensitive and finely tuned nervous system

which when exposed to specific sounds and chanting of mantras

responds in a very spontaneous and powerful way. There have been

stories of saints like Ramankrishna who would go into samadhi at the

slightest hint of devotional chanting.You did the right thing in

trying to integrate your kundalini experiences through these

practices. Yes, falling down is no laughing matter and one should

take care. May the Divine Mother watch over you and protect you. Love

and blessings



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Thank you Dear One Antoine:


We are One and We are many. One has become many to manifest its nature of love

in infinite ways. Thank you for the many other nice beautiful posts from Kheyla,

Dora, Vicki, Sister Judith, Shawn, Ravi, Wim, Gabriele, Samadhi Ma, and so many



Love and blessings




Antoine Carré <antoine.carre

2005/01/16 Sun PM 07:02:22 CST


Re: Re: Mantras




It is always refreshing to read you. And I wanted to take the time to tell you

in writing.


Thank you for your presence,




"All spiritual teachings are only meant to make us retrace our steps to our

Original Source."

>From The Essential teachings of Ramana Maharshi, A visual Journey.









Dear One:


Thank you for sharing your experiences so generously. Perhaps you have a very

sensitive and finely tuned nervous system which when exposed to specific sounds

and chanting of mantras responds in a very spontaneous and powerful way. There

have been stories of saints like Ramankrishna who would go into samadhi at the

slightest hint of devotional chanting.


You did the right thing in trying to integrate your kundalini experiences

through these practices. Yes, falling down is no laughing matter and one should

take care.


May the Divine Mother watch over you and protect you.


Love and blessings





Love, serve, and be helpful, but without getting disgusted, tired, pessimistic,

and exhausted. Blessings dear souls, blessings!

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