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Paramahansa Yoganandaji & Sri Ramana Maharshi

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"Is friendship the weaving of the red strings of two hearts? Is it the

blending of two minds into a spacious one-mind?

Is it the spouting of love founts together - To strengthen the rush of love on droughty souls?

Is it the one rose grown 'twixt twin mind-branchlets Of one

compassionate stem? Is it the one thinking in two bodies?

Or, is it like two strong stallions, Disparate in color and mien,

Pulling the chariot of life together To the single goal with one mind


Friendship is noble, fruitful, holy - When two seperate souls march in

difference Yet in harmony, agreeing and disagreeing, Glowingly

improving diversely, With one common longing to find solace in true


When ne'er the lover seeks Self-comfort at cost of the one beloved,

Then, in that garden of selflessness Fragrant friendship perfectly


For friendship is a hybrid, born of two souls, The blended fragrance

of two unlike flowers Blown together in love's caressing breeze.

Friendship is born from the very core Of secret, inexplicable likings.

Friendship is the fountain of true feelings. Friendship grows in both likeness and difference.

Friendship grows tall and sturdy In the soil of oneness in body, mind, and soul.

Demands, deceptions, sordid sense of possession, Courtesy's lack,

narrow self-love, suspicion, These are cankers which eat at the heart

of friendship.

Ah, friendship! Flowering, heaven-born plant! Nurtured art thou in the

soil of measureless love, In the seeking of soul-progress together By

two who would smooth the way each for the other.

Thou art watered by attentions of affection And the tender dews of

inner and outer sweetness Of the inmost, selfless heart's devotion.

Ah, friendship! Where thy soul-born flowers fall -

There, on that sacred shrine of fragrance, The Friend of all friends craves to come and remain!"

~ Paramahansa Yogananda

In 1935-36, my Gurudeva, Paramhansa Yogananda visited Arunachala to be

with Sri Ramana, two Twin-blossoms of Wisdom and Love, come together

in One Sweet Fragrance of Love's Abundance of Nothing. In the video

recording of Sri Ramana, Master is captured on film, frozen in

silverscreen fleeting images of That Which Is. It is the Dearest

experience to see those two together, so sweet that it is repeated

with ever-new Joy, Bliss-Consciousness pervades and emanates from the

eyes and forms of these Beloveds of my Heart -- OneHeart.

Arunachala - Bhagavan's Beloved Mountain

"If we talk of knowing the Self, there mustbe two selves, one a

knowing self, anotherthe self which is known, and the process

ofknowing. The state we call realisation issimply being oneself, not

knowing anythingor becoming anything. If one has realised,one is that

which alone is and which alone hasalways been. One cannot describe

that state.One can only be that. Of course, we looselytalk of

Self-realisation, for want of a betterterm. How to 'real-ise' or make

real thatwhich alone is real?"- Sri Ramana Maharshi,"Be As You Are"The

Teachings of Sri Ramana MaharshiEdited by David Godman



San Gabriel Mountains, Master's Beloved Mt. Washington surrounded by.

"I believe there will always be wars, until perchance we all become so

spiritual that by the evolution of our individual natures we will make

war unnecessary. No matter what their differences, if great minds such

as Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Mohammed, sat together, they would never

use the engines of science to try to destroy each other. Where there

is understanding, peace reigns. Why must people feel it necessary to

fight? The power of guns evokes no wisdom, nor has it ever

accomplished lasting peace.

God gave us intelligence, and He placed us in an environment where we

must use that intelligence. The universe is like a shell, and we are

like little chicks moving about within it. But what is beyond this

shell of matter?...

We should use our intelligence to analyze the mysteries of life and to

explore the secrets the Heavenly Father has hidden behind nature. How

much better use of intelligence this would be, than the creation of

bigger and more destructive instruments of war. We must use our

intelligence to have peace among ourselves....

Love the World as You Love Your Nation and Family

International understanding is much clouded by lack of realization

that individual happiness is included in family happiness, family

happiness in community happiness, community happiness in national

happiness, and national happiness in international happiness.

Love of family is inherently strong. Through family love, God became

the father to love you through wisdom, and He became the mother

because He wanted to give you unconditional love. God became the

lover and the beloved to unite souls in an expanded love. He became

the friend to unite souls in a pure, impersonal love that makes no

demands. In friendship there is no compulsion; it comes through the

choice of the heart. Such friendship should exist between husband and

wife, child and parent, in all human relations. Friendship is a great

factor in bringing peace in the international family of the world.

No one can love his nation without learning the first lesson in love,

which is to love his family. The baby’s initial cries are for milk,

but soon it invests its love in the mother and father. Then, as it

grows older, it learns to love its country. When that soul becomes

Christlike, it begins to love the world.

You are a member of the worldwide human race. Don’t forget it. You

must love the world as you love your nation and your family. This is

difficult to learn, but the task of Self-Realization Fellowship is to

show you how. We teach that it is by fellowship with God that

fellowship with man must be established; because only when you know

God and see Him in all can you love the Jew and Christian, Muslim and

Hindu, with the same spirit. I was taught this as a child, but it was

more or less a forced intellectual concept. It wasn’t an

understanding from within. I tried to love the whole world, but it

was not easy. As soon as I looked at my family, my love lost itself

there. But one by one, many of those dearest to me died. I thought

that nature was very cruel. Then I began to realize that my love was

undergoing discipline; that I was to expand my love, not limit it to

my family. God showed me that it was He whom I loved in my loved

ones. Then, from within, my love began to expand to all. I could no

longer feel partiality toward family. When I returned to India in

1935, I saw that this was true...."

~ Paramahansa Yogananda

My Gurudeva sat with our Beloved Bhagavan in 1935.... He gazed into

the Infinite, gazing into the eyes of Sri Ramana, Love saw only Love.

Sri Yoganandaji, my Beloved Guru, he saw that This was, that This IS

true. It all begins and ends with you.

"Love is the actual form of God," and You are Love.

Love Always,


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, "Mazie Lane" <sraddha54@h...>




Blessed MaZie


Thank You,


May all have eyes that truly see!

And a HEART that understands the TRUTH of these words!


Love and Gratitude,


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, "James Traverse"

<nisarga111> wrote:



Oh, James! You always bring great happiness to my heart.

Indeed, in Love and Gratitude, always, with and for You.


In the Han Shan poetry collection written, my favorite poem

is this one poem below:









Love & Gratitude,







, "Mazie Lane" <sraddha54@h...>



> Blessed MaZie


> Thank You,


> May all have eyes that truly see!

> And a HEART that understands the TRUTH of these words!


> Love and Gratitude,

> James

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