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March/April 2003Vol. 13 - No. 2

Produced & Edited byDennis HartelDr. Anil K. Sharma

Arunachala!The Spiritual Axis of the World

Reading the following extract from A Sadhu's Reminiscence, by Sadhu

Arunachala (Major A. W. Chadwick), it would appear that Bhagavan was

quite certain about a corresponding holy hill exactly opposite the

globe to Arunachala. Major Chadwick writes:

"He used to say that Arunachala was the top of the spiritual axis of

the earth. 'There must,' he said, 'be another mountain corresponding


Arunachala at exactly the opposite side of the globe, the

corresponding pole of the axis.' So certain was he of this that one

evening he made me fetch an atlas and see if this was not correct. I

found, according to the atlas, the exact opposite point came in the

sea about a hundred miles off the coast of Peru. He seemed doubtful

about this. I pointed out that there might be some island at this

spot or a mountain under the sea. It was not until some years after

Bhagavan's passing that a visiting Englishman had a tale of a spot,

supposed to be a great secret-power centre, in the Andes somewhere in

this latitude. Later I found that though a centre had certainly been

started, it had failed. Since then I have been told of another person

who is practising meditation in solitude in the region of the Andes in

Ecuador. So it does appear as though there were some strange

attraction about that part of the globe. The earth is not an exact

sphere and maps are not so accurate as all that, so we

are unable to pin it down to any definite point. It is quite possible

that more is going on in that part of the world than we know and this

would fit in well with what Bhagavan said. However, I could never

discuss the matter with Bhagavan, as it was not until many years

after his passing that I had any indication that anything of this

sort was happening in those parts. I had many years ago travelled

extensively in that country, but had never seen anything which would

lead me to think that there might be important spiritual centres


Following the thread of Major Chadwick's research, Dr. Ravi Iyer of

Virginia writes about his investigation into Machu Picchu, an

ancient, sacred mountain in Peru.

Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi always insisted that the Holy Hill Arunachala

was the spiritual axis of the world, even in a physical sense, similar

to the geographical North Pole, with a South Pole axis. So strongly

did he maintain the view that another holy hill existed on the

opposite side of the globe to Arunachala - which was itself

remarkable since he normally did not take very rigid positions except

on matters concerning the Self and the Heart - that he once made a

devotee pull out a world atlas and look for a similar mountain

opposite to Arunachala. The only mention we have of this endeavor was

that the search indicated a spot on the continental shelf beneath the

Pacific Ocean immediately off the coast of Peru. No further effort

seems to have been spent after this, though it appears that Bhagavan

may not have supported the

conclusion of that research, since he seemed convinced that a

land-based mountain existed at the other end of this "spiritual


The Latitude/longitude Coordinates of Arunachala (Tiruvannamalai) are: 12n13, 79e04

Recently I came across an article about a place in the high Andean

mountains of Peru that is reputed to be a site of great spiritual

force, called Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu was discovered by Yale

archeologist Hiram Bingham in 1911, and is the site of an ancient

Inca temple city. This city appears to have evaded discovery by the

marauding armies of the Spanish Conquistadors, yet it represents one

of the immense mysteries of the Inca civilization. It appears the

Machu Picchu Mountain itself was known as sacred to the Incas from a

time before their own civilization, since the Inca's speak of the

mountain as the "Ancient One," who preceded the civilization of their


There are several striking parallels between the Machu Picchu site and

the Shakti culture. The Inca's worshipped Machu Picchu as the

manifestation of the Divine Mother Goddess of the Universe. They

referred to Her as "Paachamama," a name that bears a striking

similarity to the name "Pachaiamman" used for Parvathi in South

Indian shrines. [in the early 1900s, the Maharshi spent many months

at the Pachaiamman Temple at the foot of the Hill, outside the town

of Tiruvannamalai.] The architecture of the temple city was

astrologically and astronomically determined. Various points of the

city serve as a kind of giant sextant or observatory from where

specific constellations and celestial objects can be plotted and

observed. A closer look at the topology of the city reveals a

striking resemblance to the Sri Chakra, the Meru

architectural topology that characterizes Indian Shakti shrines.

On the psychic plane, multiple individuals with siddhic/occult

capacities have separately asserted on visiting Machu Picchu that the

city is a place where the feminine aspect of the Universe is

especially palpable.

Lastly, the Latitude/longitude coordinates of Machu Picchu are: 13s07, 72w34

While the geographical coordinates are not exactly opposite of those

of Arunachala, it would be unreasonable to expect it would be exact

since the earth is not a precise sphere.

I share this with the general community of Ramana bhaktas as an item

of spiritual and historical interest. While ultimately there is

nothing but the Self, as long as the manifested world is our

framework of reference then we will be confronted by the dual pairs

of balancing opposites. There can be no Siva without Shakti, and vice


References & Notes:

The URL to the astrodienst web site for latitude - longitude

determinations is: http://www.astro.com/cgi/aq.cgi?lang=e

The global coordinates for Tiruvannamalai and Machu Picchu are as follows:

Tiruvannamalai: 12n13, 79e04Machu Picchu: 13s07, 72w34

If you do a precise reversal of Tiruvannamalai's coordinates you will

indeed fall off the coast of Peru. You can confirm this by going to

the following website and entering the precise reverse coordinate of

Tiruvannamalai: http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/vlatlon.html (The

site shows a satellite view. Make sure you are viewing earth from a

10 km height).

Regarding information on Machu Picchu, check out: "Machu Picchu"

http://www.sacredsites.com/2nd56/21422.html"Machu Picchu Crown Jewel

In The Clouds" http://www.he.net/~mine/inca/ . This site has the Meru

like (Sri Chakra architecture of the city)

"Machu Picchu" http://www.ifip.com/Machupichu1.htm

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