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Sri Ramana Bestows His Grace

In 1937, T. S. Anantha Murthy was a judge working in a remote area of

Mysore State when he noticed newspaper articles almost every week on

Sri Ramana Maharshi and his teachings. Even in this faraway place he

heard stories from scholars and pilgrims who had visited the Sage of

Arunachala. Intrigued by what he had read and heard, it wasn't long

before he and his wife made arrangements to make a visit to

Ramanasramam. This visit is graphically described by Anantha Murthy

in a biography he published of the Maharshi in 1972. The detailed

account of his visit is simple and captivating, taking us into the

ashram during those early days when there were few visitors and the

Sage was easily accessible to all. What is particularly interesting

is that Anantha Murthy, not knowing Tamil, talked to Bhagavan only in

English, and also received replies directly from him in


Soon after his book, Life and Teachings of Sree Ramana Maharshi, was

published, the author kindly sent a complimentary copy to our New

York City Ashram. The following has been taken from Chapter sixteen,

titled "Sree Ramana Bestows His Grace on the Present Biographer in


WITH BARE FEET, my wife and I and a companion entered the hall of the

ashram. It was filled with devout men and women, who were all

squatting on the floor. The hall had two entrance doors and half a

dozen large windows. We entered through the door which was just

opposite to the sofa on which Sri Ramana Maharshi was found seated.

He was quite naked except for the white cotton koupina, or lioncloth.

His sofa was in the north-eastern corner of the hall. There were heavy

pillows covered with white cotton covers at the eastern end of the

sofa and the sage was reclining on them with his two legs fully

stretched towards the western wall. His large head was held erect and

his large eyes were beautiful to look at. The eyeballs were milk white

in colour. His eyes appeared to be looking at some spot on the

opposite wall and his eye lids were not winking at all. Incense and

sandal sticks were found burning in his vicinity and there was a

pleasing perfume which we smelt. There was an unlighted petromax lamp

hanging from one of the crossbeams of the hall. My wife and I felt awe

as we stood and looked at the great sage. It was a memorable

experience to behold a mahatma of his eminence. We humbly conveyed

our reverence and then sat down. Women devotees were found seated

separately and so my wife sat in their group. I sat down among the


For about thirty minutes, three or four brahmins, who were seated at

some distance from the sofa, continued to recite verses from

Taittiriya Upanishad. In fact, the recitation had started a few

minutes before we had entered the hall. Sri Ramana continued to sit

in the same posture till it ended. There was no movement of his limbs

at all. His eyelids too did not move. He seemed to be listening to the

recitation of the sacred verses.

Though he appeared to be looking at the wall, he was not seeing any

particular thing. His mind was, as we could easily realise, absorbed

within. I was astonished to see the sage keeping his eyes wide open

without winking or moving the eyeballs for such a long period of

time. Men and women who sat in the hall belonged to all castes and

nationalities. Two or three devotees who sat near me were foreigners,

sitting uncomfortably with their trousers. However, all were listening

to the recitation with rapt attention. The brahmins concluded the

recitation by chanting,

"Twameva pratyaksham brahmasi, twameva pratyaksham brahma vadishyami,

satyam vadishyami, rtam vadishyami, tanmamavatu, tadvaktaramavatu,

avatu mam, avatu vaktaram, aum santih, santih, santih."

This recitation was part of the Veda Parayanam, which was a daily

function there. Those who recited the verses then stood up and

prostrated to the sage and went out of the hall through the more

distant door. I was familiar with the verses of Taittiriya Upanishad.

The chanting was in the right style and I was thrilled while listening

to it. I further felt that Sri Ramana, who sat in front of me in such

an engrossed manner, was Brahman in human form and that spiritual

illumination was enshrined in him. He was not only august to look at

but also an inspiring figure. His ascetic garb and his well-chiseled

face commanded awe and devotion. When such feelings were passing

through my mind, Sri Ramana moved his head and looked around, and

while doing so, he looked at me. There was benignity writ large on

his broad forehead. There was simplicity and innocence in his

movements. He picked up his walking stick and slowly moved out of the

hall. I too came out and watched him walking slowly towards the hill

on the northern side. The hill was the background of Ramanasramam. A

half-naked, young attendant, carrying water in a kamandalam, followed

the sage a few yards behind. Sri Ramana was tall and his arms long.

His legs had lost their normal strength and so he carried his heavy

body with some effort. His neck wobbled now and then, indicating that

the muscles were weak. His age was just fifty-six years and three

months and the hair on his head had turned gray. He and his attendant

went away behind a boulder of the hill.

The Sarvadhikari of the ashram then approached me and said, "No ladies

are allowed to stay in the ashram during nights, so your wife cannot

stay with you in the guests' room. We have a house in town. Some

ladies will accompany your wife and will also take care of her. She

will be served a night meal there. Our ashram cart will take her and

also bring her back in the morning." My wife and some other ladies

sat in the ashram cart and in a few minutes left the premises. By

that time it had become dark. Kerosene lamps were lighted here and

there in the courtyard. It was the night of 31-3-1937.

After the ladies had gone away to town I was taken into the dining

room of the ashram. It was a small tiled building in those distant

days. It was situated a few yards to the south of the hall and it was

lighted with some kerosene oil lamps.

On going into the dining room I saw some other visitors sitting on the

floor in front of plantain leaves spread along the walls of the room.

I too followed their example and sat in front of a leaf. There were

no women among the people who sat for the night meal in the ashram.

There was a slightly raised brick platform built on one side of the

room. On it a plantain leaf was spread by one of the servants of the

ashram. I guessed that it was intended for the use of the sage

himself. Within a few minutes Sri Ramana walked into the dining room

from another adjacent room, which then served as a kitchen. He sat in

padmasanam on the platform in order to eat his supper, along with the

visitors of that day. There was complete informality among the guests

assembled there, though everyone of us looked at Sri Ramana with

profound reverence. Devotees of the sage were serving

as voluntary cooks and attendants. Some of them were young and some

old. I was delighted to sit and take food sitting about five feet to

the right of Sri Ramana on that memorable night. It was his grace

that had enabled me and my wife to undertake the pilgrimage.

The meal served to everyone was quite simple. It consisted of rice,

one vegetable curry, pickle, dahl, water and buttermilk. Sri Ramana

ate his meal slowly. He did not leave any remnants of food on his

plantain leaf. He did not speak with any one of the guests, though he

looked at them. He was wearing only his usual koupina, while the

visitors sitting that night before him were wearing shirts and

dhoties. The servers were wearing only dhoties and they had no

covering on the upper part of their bodies. Dim kerosene oil lamps

were found burning in both the small kitchen and in the dining room.

The supper was finished within fifteen minutes. It was about 7:30 in

the night.

After the meal was finished, Sri Ramana stood up and walked out into

the courtyard and washed his hands and feet with water that had been

kept there in a vessel. I followed his example and washed my hands

with water taken in a mug from the same big vessel. The other

visitors too helped themselves in the same manner and dispersed. Sri

Ramana then picked up his stick and slowly walked into the hall. I

was eager to talk to him. So, I went behind him and entered the hall

through the same door which I had used about two hours previously.

Sri Ramana sat down on the sofa. A bright petromax lamp was then

burning about twenty feet away from him. It illuminated the hall with

sufficient brightness. I stood about three feet from him. There was no

one else in that big hall. In fact, I longed to talk to him when there

was nobody with us. The kind of opportunity which I was

longing for was thus available to me without any special effort on my

part. There was no need to draw his attention towards me. The

merciful sage lifted up his face and smiled slightly. He did not

utter even one word. He did not also make any other gesture. However,

his gentle smile gave me sufficient courage to address him.

With folded hands, I said to him as follows: "Sir, I have come from

Bangalore. I do not know Tamil. Please permit me to talk in English.

I have not been in good health for some months. Dyspeptic troubles

are the cause of my physical suffering. Doctors have not been able to

cure me. My eyes are always burning and I feel giddy now and then. I

have come here to obtain your blessings."

Sri Ramana heard these words patiently. He immediately lifted up his

serene face once again and replied as follows: "All your troubles

will disappear of their own accord."

These were the nine English words uttered by him in his mellow voice.

I was filled with delight and gratitude on hearing the words of

benediction so readily vouchsafed by the great sage. I prostrated to

him and left the hall with my heart filled with joy and relief. I

entered the guests room and slept by the side of another gentleman

who had also come to the ashram to obtain darsan of the sage. It was

a memorable occasion indeed. My long cherished desire to obtain

darsan of Sri Ramana had thus been fulfilled. In addition to it,

about two hours after I had set foot in Ramanasramam all my bodily

troubles ceased to torment me as the result of the great blessing

which I so readily received from the sage.

On the morning of April 1, 1937, all the women visitors who had been

sent into town arrived in the same bullock cart. My wife also came

with them and reported that arrangements at the women's lodge were

satisfactory and that she had slept with five or six other ladies who

had come from distant places. She and I entered the hall and sat down

on the floor after prostrating to Sri Ramana, who was seated on the

sofa in a state of samadhi.

The hall was more full with devotees than on the previous evening.

Some of them were meditating with closed eyes. By then I had read the

small book 'Who Am I?' and understood the method of vichara described

in it. I too closed my eyes and started Self-enquiry within my own

mind. The hall, though filled with men and women, was free from noise

and peace reigned in the surroundings. I drove away my thoughts as and

when they crossed my mind, saying to myself, "I am not this," and

"this thought is not I," and so on. This is the kind of instruction

found in that small book. My wife sat among the ladies and meditated

in her own way and I engaged myself for a long time in the kind of

meditation described above. More than one hour passed away. I then

experienced a sense of total blankness.

At about 10 a.m. Sri Ramana moved his limbs and sat in padmasanam on

the sofa. Taking advantage of that opportunity I approached the sofa

and addressed Sri Ramana in English thus: "Bhagavan, I have till now

been conducting self-enquiry as taught in 'Who Am I?'. I do not see

anything. I see a blank. May I know if Atman is seen as a light, or

is it a blank ?" Sri Ramana heard this question put by me. He sat up

smartly on his seat and with a serious countenance replied thus:

"What? Is THAT a blank?" He laid emphasis on the demonstrative

pronoun 'THAT', which he had used in his reply. He did not say

anything more. He sat as serenely as before and closed his eyes. I

did not have the courage to put any more questions to clear my doubt.


- (To be continued)




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