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Along the Swells ... the Surge Silencing

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Along the swells, the surge

two birds' heard prior to,

and fault-felt so well

of California's coastline writhing,

Sea Otters were swilling the chill-pill,

cracking like Ackley, or maybe even Holden,

The Golden Moment Liqueur of Life's labels.


Enabled in the ebb and flow showing,

the cure-crackables cometh forth for more, less,

and, the going out tests, more than less, leave-go,

heave-ho the old show de Eau D'Oh!

And, dandy? Demanding? Is it ever so ... uh, no.

Nah-Dah knot gets unsought, in neti-neti,

nuance, native Californian being.

Born there, but not lost there. Yet.


So seemingly unseemly, as I see me

soundless pounded out of surf words,

unheardish, a bird on the wing singin' in duh raindom -

a shallow gravel death of sorts, amore! morte!

mush-sung in a soiree, an aria of deliberateness.


This is a crust-crunch, my wild Californian thing ...

cyber-curbed and head-whirred in a word-fill,

doo-wah-diddy done winded down, wound-down,

found semi-literaric in lip-soothe suchness,

saying, Man Ray in verb, herding soundings paralytic,

and ended up, ending appearance-cupped

smack-dab-whacking abalone-art

upon smooth,

unmoved, unmouthed, indelible with This,

these clear stones, unchartable-shining

in the mining of the Heart's sign-language,

code-cracked of the smoooooth moooooood-ish-like talk.


Not much

shocks me.


Yet, (she heard, 'Shocketh not, le Sock-monkey?')

monkeying about with my me's Me. Me's me?

Mine mime inclined to define in rhymes and metaphor,

Mimi-model-mouth-round written, smitten within

infinite mini imitations of life,

like, who Am I ... Who R U 2?

Two-not-two does alot of glue-blue eschewing

what I've been sacred-cow-cuddle-chewing.

Cosmic choppers like solid steel-belted stones.


So, idon'tknowmuchofnothingoranything, rather, I blather

in know-nothing backseat symbolism,

ship-mast con-figurations sea-set-towards: Inside -

which is not, which is

spot-on replete, and sweet, yeah,

yah, that Tcha, to That in fatback, frickhead fact

(and I wa and wooyay here,)

with head-nodding bravada, head back-off-not knack,

sightless to the winds come in, seen somewhatish

as a slack-off in stand-up comedyrection-ism,

slip-away, give way, go down, get down

being a cosmic object-subject Clown,

found out in the Carnivalized on arrival in life ...

neverland of Love and Hate.


Never ever over-clever,

and in this weather of wonderment,

thunder, tsunamic Allah-mics alarm me not;

a sot bought and sold on a pre-exist-entia-list,

which, (here's the hitch,) keeps on nodding like the sotnodgod,

the soham, the hong sau, the law, the breaking of it,

Is It! God in some form, some adornment of Love,

and only



Walk it talk it shock it tear down its house

& burn it to the ground

of all rounds of imagined existence

consisting-existing-risking (nothing & everything,)

within these confines of mind singsong say this say this.

Unhindsightedly gets mightily the moment only.

Unsaymyself, say I.


Nacre-Talk Otter-Grok,

Mara-Daughter Schlock ...

Non-Mockagement, Rocks of Real, reel to reel read,

Just-rightly tightly held to the chest, and my own,

Known to itself as Amrita-Guha-Honey, unto I Am,

Sweetness of Abalonic Waaaa to Otters,

it's water under, over,

the bridge-gap itself

of being fauna non gratis

with the flora that wants us,

haunts us, some, with man and woman woe-etre poetics

to be, to feed up

seed up and

send off knock off in great huge guffaw ... ahhhh,

I am, all that I am and not a plug-nickle nor nano-echo

less than That.


And (we-me-thee-trois-Tat-half-a-cat-holy-cow,

Wow! Thouest be begging bowls)

wander lost waffling in wails

that tell the tale of 'take it or leave it' loving.


With me, being is just


me, like you, like he, like every creature that be,

heave-ho pulling my own chain for gain and not loss,

for pleasure erased of pain, par for the course,

and of course, horse and cart at a clip his hip deigns

painless and pure and real and the thrill a yer life,

little ladies and gents.


Embossagement, being bent by men so lost,

so caught in the dross of ghostly gotta get some, ummm. Hum

a tune into time, and wind this down, NOW, Mazel tov moi!


The fun of wooing who's done-did-died in the lie

of feeling less, not good enough, not even enough

to buff-up the sleeve of being the One&OnlyOneLove,

DearOnes, it could woodbine bear fairly deep bheda-bhava-scars

not seen afar, not even near, from being plundered under

the blunder-wonder-will-he-love-me-always-most-and-best

and never ever get so clever as to fool the Holy Fool

with a tiny, timber-fallen, wall-of-wailing "help me!" member,

whatever the size or lies that compromise the Thou & I-ism

defensivisms in activism to ache and make take-out

of whomever staked out, stalked, and poetic-talked

into the woo of "This the Tiger-Lily of the day which I play

with like a mouse with my mouse in hand or trouser or bloomers

in blossom with primal passion-action contraction reactions.


Being is a just a cyber-rising

kelp-sway away today,

I'd have to say,

so deliciously, delicately,

deliberately done, sweetly, swinehootedly,

dumb is as dumb does, sung so tongue in cheek

serendipitously in the swimming towards tsunamis

of want and need and please feed me's.


We be OneHeartOneMindOneBeing


OneSubstance unchumming

for the Chum to cherish us.


We are Cherish and Reverence in realtime talk.

Words just verbalize, pixel-pop the lie popped

a little more concisely, in time idioms and axioms and rap.

Precisement, never happen! in this one hand clapping

clapboard house about to go up in flames,

the God-Game came, cometh ever always

in Self-Immolation.


And say, hey! This is the OneManSideShow Play

waaaay pray-playing away gaily, daily, insanely, sound as a stone:


To the bone, to the atoms, to the lifetronic

ankhs of wantagement, and not-want-it-reggae-riptide ridden.


Unhidden, unbidden, bite this-moment-only-silver-bullet,


"Say I Am You."




Love & Peace,



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