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Lo ... I Am With You Always

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"Lo I am with you always,You promised that,And when I realized it was

true,My soul flared up.Any unhappiness comes from

forgetting.Remember, and be back closeWith the Friend."

~ Rumi





Strike while the Love-fire's Blue Lotus-Feet deepAnd Light-white

Sundara-hot in the Heart!And this I hear, say and see sitting

serenelySituated silently in right attitude, havingRight here before

me … (for we are Three):Three jivan-mukta monkey brothersBearing

witness of This –Abiding rightly, one-pointedly, courteously,

kindlyIn the Truth of Truths - that you ... "do no harm."Ahimsa is

the Chariot called Charity we ride to HeavenSix times over in

Devotion, Om-twining the Twins – Ida and Pingala.Kriya-wending the

Oceanic Sushumna,At the pulsing Star-marked Door called

Christ-Kutastha,I Am lost, caught in the dimensionless Ascension

Of Pure Joy-Bliss Unending …Lotus-of-Light, Bright beyond Bright … Sweet, soft,

O! Lo, 'Look soft' and See the Sweetness of the Sight ...Of

Bright-eyed Ishwara igniting mind:


timelessness, breathlessness …

Deathlessness.I rest in Thee, dying to life

Dying into Light.





"Roses shine in the clayBeside your tomb.Be aware, earth,Who sleeps inside you!"~ Rumi


Sitting in the stone-bouldered house that I builtA million times over

in rendering service to myself, andWell-timed to the tinker-mind

making that last-ditch effortTo deflect the Light of Mind … O Lord of


Affording Mercy-Mine through Guru's Grace!

You Who Are the living starfields of Love

revolving and bursting inside the Heart!


Hari Hari Sundara! Thou Art That I Am!

Thou art Mercy Unending … Mercy

Beginningless Infinite Inconceivable

Heart of Compassion."... Make a habit of two things —to help, or at

least to do no harm."~ Hippocrates, Epidemics, Bk. I, Sect. XI


"This season with the Friend so near,The body dims. Heart-lightGrows

more intense.Stormclouds finally weep, becauseThe lightening has

started to laugh.With heavy tears everywhere coming down,The fields

…. *`of Joy burst into blossom –And Love embosses Itself inside

eachAnd every single heartbeat … beatingThe drumsound of Sweet News –

Thou Art I - I Am Thou.'* "


~ Rumi & *me

"I placed one foot on the wide plainOf death, and some grandImmensity

sounded on the emptiness.I have felt nothing everLike the wild wonder

of that moment."

~ Rumi"People want you to be happy.Don't keep serving them your

pain!If you could untie your wingsAnd free your soul of jealousy,You

and everyone around youWould fly up like doves."


~ Rumi"Stars burn clearAll night till dawn.Do that yourself, and a

springWill rise in the dark with waterYour deepest thirst is for."


~ Rumi"Are you jealous of the ocean's generosity?Why would you refuse

to giveThis joy to anyone?Fish don't hold the sacred liquid in

cups.They swim the huge fluid freedom."


~ Rumi




The Waterfall of Guruji's Love is flooding

the Heartchambers of our OneHeart,

and Love is Overflowing the banks

of all Creation.




Twelve Hours"The nature from which true love springs has twelve hours

which drivelove out of herself and bring her back in herself. And

when lovecomes back in herself she brings with her all that makes

theunspeakable hours drive her out of herself: a mind that seeks

toknow, a heart full of desire, and a soul full of love. And when

lovebrings these back she throws them into the abyss of the mighty

naturein which she was born and nurtured. Then the unspeakable hours

enternature unknown. Then love has come to herself and rejoices in

hernature, below, above, and around. And all those who stay below

thisknowledge shudder at those who have fallen into the abyss and

workthere and live and die. For such is love's command and her

nature.In the first unspeakable hour of the twelve that draw the soul

intolove's nature, love reveals herself and touches the soul

unexpectedand uninvited when her nobility leads us to least suspect

it. Nomatter how strong-natured, the soul fails to understand, for

this istruly an unspeakable hour.The second unspeakable hour love

makes the heart taste a violentdeath, and the heart goes through

death, but it does not die. And yetthe soul has not known love for

long, and has barely moved from thefirst to the second hour.In the

third unspeakable hour love shows how one may die and live inher, and

how one cannot love without great suffering.In the fourth unspeakable

hour love makes the soul taste her hiddendesigns, which are deep and

darker than the abyss. Then love revealshow miserable the soul is

without love. But the soul does not yetpartake of love's nature. This

hour is truly unspeakable, for thebeloved is made to accept love's

designs before he possesses love.In the fifth unspeakable hour love

seduces the heart and the soul,and the soul is driven out of herself

and out of love's nature andback into love's nature. The soul has

then ceased to wonder about thepower and darkness of love's designs,

and has forgotten the pains oflove. Then the soul knows love only

through love herself, which mayseem lower but is not. For where

knowledge is most intimate thebeloved knows least.In the sixth

unspeakable hour love despises reason and all that lieswithin reason

and above it and below. Whatever belongs to reasonstands against the

blessed state of love. For reason cannot take awayanything from love

or bring anything to love, for love's true reasonis a flood that

rises forever and knows no peace.In the seventh unspeakable hour

nothing can dwell in love or touchher except desire. And touch is

love 's most secret name, and touchsprings from love herself. For

love is always touch and desire andfeasts on herself forever. Yet

love is perfect in herself.The eighth unspeakable hour brings

bewilderment when the belovedlearns that he cannot know love's nature

from her face. Yet the faceis held to reveal the inmost nature, and

that is most hidden in love.For that she is herself in herself.

Love's other limbs and her worksare easier to know andunderstand.The

ninth unspeakable hour brings love's fiercest storm, harshesttouch,

and deepest desires. The face is sweetest there, at peace, andmost

winsome. And the deeper love wounds the one she assails, thesweeter

she drowns him in herself with the soft splendor of her face.And

there she shows herself in her loveliness.The tenth unspeakable hour

is that when no one judges love, but whenlove judges all things. From

God she takes the power to judge all sheloves. Love does not yield to

saints or men, or angels, heaven orearth, and she enfolds the divine

in her nature. To love she callsthe hearts who love, in a voice that

is loud and untiring. The voicehas great power and it tells of things

more terrible than thunder.This word is the rope love uses to bind her

prisoners, this is thesword she turns on those whom she touches, it is

the rod she uses tochastise her children, this is the craft she

teaches her companions.In the eleventh unspeakable hour love

possesses the beloved by force.For not a moment can he stray from

her, or his heart desire or hissoul love. And love makes the memory

shrink and the beloved cannotthink of saints or men, or angels,

heaven or earth, God or himself,but of love alone who has possessed

him in a present ever new.In the twelfth unspeakable hour love is the

likeness of her uppermostnature. Only now she breaks out of herself

and she works with herselfand sinks deep in herself, utterly

satisfied with her nature.She fully rejoices in herself, and even if

no one loved her, the nameof love would give her enough loveliness in

the nature of hersplendid self. Her name which is her nature inside

her, her namewhich is her works outside her, her name which is her

crown aboveher, her name which is the soil under her.These are the

twelve unspeakable hours of love. For in none of thetwelve can love

be understood, except by those I mentioned, those whohave been thrown

into the abyss of love's mighty nature and those whobelong there, and

they believe in love more than they understand her."~ Hadewijch of


As I Am,


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