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Kundalini and the non-dual experience.

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The Kundalini Yoga Sadhana that Yogi Bhajan taught revealing the

techniques of ancient Siddhas, has a number of aspects that are quite

different from other yogas. Other yogas are what in Kundalini yoga

practice are called the "Pratyahar Path." This means that the whole

approach is strictly to still the mind. When the mind becomes still

enough, by following the flow of prana in the body while doing asanas

or in the nadi system while doing primarily slow attentive pranayamas,

the directive aspect of the mind to generate thoughts subsides and

there is a kinetic energy that builds, which eventually generates a

purifying heat. This path usually requires internal cleansing and

fasting to assist in the elimination of toxins and so on.


Kundalini is the pure light of the Infinite passing through the mind

and body unobstructed. By this is really meant the satvic state of

mind in which focused attention to objects is in abatement, meaning

that the mind's mechanism of attention is released, and therefore the

sense of ego, or "I am this and that" also released. Then there are

various, what might be called, Power Centers through which the

Infinite penetrates, permeates and dissolves attention altogether:

the Kundal and along the spine (silver cord) and passages from the

throat to the ajna and crown, the Surat Shabad Power Center between

the ajna and crown (gold cord) and the Power Center between the

Hrdayam or One Star in the Heart and the crown. Any of which or all

of which will begin to open according to predispositions of the

awakening unit of Consciousness (Atman).


The One Star (Hrdayam) center provides light and the sense of being to

the entire system, so that when It breaks the knot between the sense

of "I" and thoughts and impressions, the whole body is filled with

Light, not just one area or the other. Therefore, in Kundalini Yoga

practice realization of the Infinite is said to be in the Heart.


The mind and body together are the "reflected consciousness." Often

people think that the reflected consciousness is in the brain only,

but in fact there are many interrelated brains, represented by the

functions of the various organs, each which stores both the memory of

its functionality in the preservation of the body, but also the

memories of the emotional empowerment it provides in relation to

thoughts and images generated by the focusing mechanism of attention

located in the brain. This mechanism is like a laser system that

engraves impressions throughout the body that take hold chemically,

much like a laser engraves programming and stored information in a

computer chip. As an example of one of these brains, we can take the

liver. The liver stores all the activities it has undertaken

throughout one's life to impede the destructive power of toxins, etc.

When the liver begins to loose its natural vibratory frequency,

supported by voltage or prana, then little by little a whole series

of illnesses that were held in check begin to manifest (again) in the

body. Therefore, when the vitality of the liver returns, all these

illness again are brought back into check, by this memory system of

the liver. But the liver also is involves in certain physiological

aspects of the mind, that which provides the empowerment, or even

what one might call the emotional power or sense of realness to

thoughts. This means that there is a whole mechanism in the body into

which though and behavior patters, impressions and perceptions are

engraved. When the mind or body trigger the chemical encoding there

is a strong sense that the thoughts and impressions are reality.


All the while, the Infinite Light of Being Consciousness illumines the

mind and body through the Heart, as the substratum or underlying

Reality, like a canvas to a painting. Thus, once the Heart is

opened, the entire mechanism of the mind is effectively outshined,

like the light in a projector being turned up so that the movie on

the screen fades to white.


But this begins to happen only when the mind is pure.


Ribhu Gita. Ch 26, verse 43. “The endless textbooks of spiritual

instruction have already prescribed meditation for attaining purity

of mind. In order that those who have become pure in mind may easily

attain liberation and, realizing that they are absolute and boundless

Bliss, remain still like a stone in the undifferentiated and

all-comprehensive Supreme Formless God, the nature of this immaculate

state has been expounded by me.”


So, now there needs to be some Sadhana that will make the mind pure.


In the practice of Kundalini yoga, the Pratyahar Path is balanced with

the "Laya Path," which is the practice of Radiance. The meaning of

this practice is the gradual increasing of voltage that is sustained

by the chemical support system of the body, namely the glands.

Through a practice of many sets and kriyas and many different types

of yogic techniques, using powerful breathing, posture, movement, and

internally amplified sound, every part of the body is infused with

voltage and then given time for the glands to secrete and support

that voltage, so that over time, there is a de-contraction of

chemical bondage, and the ability of the nadi system and cellular

system of the body is able to easily allow a great voltage of life

force to permeate and pass through the body field.


The result of this is that, as the nadi system fills with voltage /

radiance, you begin to discover that you are able to see,... not in a

focalized way, but as and within the field of Consciousness Itself.

What is happening is that the overall voltage of the nadi system has

become greater and brighter that the laser-like focusing mechanism of

the mind, so that you see pervasively. The nadi system is like a

system of filaments, like the filament in a light bulb, and those

filaments filling with light illumine the field in and around the

body, which is why Krishna calls the body the "body field." This

seeing is not focalized, your Being, which is pervasive, never

localized, as a subject versus an object, experiences whatever is

within the field as Itself, but not separate. Seeing in this way, is

being and knowing. You realize your self not to be separate from what

you see, as what you see appears within you.


Because the voltage and brightness is increased, it also means that

the chemical encoding dissolves, and there is a shift away from the

identification of emotional empowered thoughts and images and towards

the recognition of one's essential self (atman) as being a field of

single pervasive consciousness having a radiance much greater than

emotional triggers related to thoughts and impressions.


In the process, as the system changes with greater and greater

voltage, the chakras, not just the ones along the silver cord of the

spine, but those along the gold cord and the entire system fill with

light and you pass from darkness (that you could never conceive as

darkness before) into living light. The opening of these systems

means that you also experience their satvic or spiritual quality.

One of the qualities that arises is the reflected force of

Intelligence (buddhi), a discriminative power that causes the mind to

invert, to entirely relinquish attention to objects as external and

become drawn inward, as though to be singularly drawn into the

admiration of one's love, quiet deep, pure, what Christ calls one's

"Secret Closet."


Within that pureness, really a sense of holiness, arises something

entirely and radically different. Something that can be alluded to

but not described, but which is usually triggered by the power of the

words of Sages, Saints and Saviors, and this new element is

recollection, a sudden "hearing" of who you are. At once the

radiance one feels and brightness and illumination - electric

transparent, even holiness and discarded, relinquished with a radical

force, and you simply abide as Consciousness Itself, the body and mind

like the moon seen in the crystal sky after the sun has risen. There

is an "impact" of the pure atman and Brahman. "Me and God, God and me

are One." Only the idea of "me" in this awakening has entirely

vanished, like a mirage, like a fog burned away by the risen Son (Sun

in the Heart).

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I would point out that the Kundalini Yoga Sadhana that Yogi Bhajan taught also

resulted in

a variety of difficulties caused in at least one city of my knowledge due to


trained ashram leadership (until Yogi Bhajan personally came in and brough in


leadership and procedures) and the use of excessive and forcing techniques which


no little drama, relationship problems, and illnesses. This continued until the


problems were corrected and the "exercises" were toned down providing better

balance for



This does not mean that there is a problem with Kundaline Yoga, but that a

mature and

wise leader/teacher is required and that the use of forcing techniques can


unnecessary problems including illness and even mania. I believe that in this

kind of a

practice the individual needs of the follower need to be properly and


shepherded - and if this cannot be done, the follower is better off avoiding



There is nothing so dangerous as a leader/teacher who is a "true believer",

immature with

need to exercise their power over others, and who does not understand the nature


projection transference!


John L.



, "Pieter" <pietersa@l...> wrote:

> The Kundalini Yoga Sadhana that Yogi Bhajan taught revealing the techniques of


Siddhas, has a number of aspects that are quite different from other yogas.

Other yogas

are what in Kundalini yoga practice are called the "Pratyahar Path." This means

that the

whole approach is strictly to still the mind. When the mind becomes still

enough, by

following the flow of prana in the body while doing asanas or in the nadi system


doing primarily slow attentive pranayamas, the directive aspect of the mind to


thoughts subsides and there is a kinetic energy that builds, which eventually

generates a

purifying heat. This path usually requires internal cleansing and fasting to

assist in the

elimination of toxins and so on.

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