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[Lessons in spiritualism

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I need further explainations please. This Kundalini Fire rising is it

one of the first stages in spiritual experience? You say there could

be psychic phenomena what exactly do you mean?

You see I do not have a proper guru or guide. I totally lack this

aspect in my growth.What do I do?My knowledge is mainly from reading.

I don't even have a group to discuss or to clarify any of my doubts.

Pranaams peace & God bless may you have enough

PadmaJohn Logan <johnrloganis > wrote:

Greetings Padma,What you describe is also called Kundalini Fire

Rising. As the central channel is cleared and purified the "heat"

will disappear and be replaced with serenity. During this period the

process is simply purification. There may be many psychic phenomena

also. Some may be helpful, mostly they are illusions coming from the

clearing of the lower mind preparing the way for higher more

spiritualized consciousness. This is fairly normal experiences. Not

to worry.About the loss of the myelin sheath. The person involved was

over practicing and the body couldn't take the energy - way too much

heat. Also he was practicing with "hard" yoga exercises, and decided

to not only become Vegan but he after years of mixed eating (meat and

vegetables, etc.) decided to become a Fruitarian, eating only fruit.

This over acidified his

system and unbalanced it completely. Also from having an active sex

life, he went celibate completely from one day to the next.

Everything was too much in every area of his life.The important

elements of our practices include...* Moderation and pace* The

Guidance of a Wise Instructor and coach* Realize that spiritual

practices have serious life-changing consequences* Only engage in

extreme practices after a long period of developmentToo much is like

planting a seed and then digging it up every few days to see if it is

growing. That will kill the plant.Too much is like pouring a strong

fertilizer on a plant - everyday - to make it grow faster. It may

grow faster, but it will also die sooner.In the Absolute there is

Eternity, so there is enough time to accomplish anything important.

What is the rush? Spiritual practice does mean that we must be

regular and persistent in our practice. The spiritual life

is not just for Sunday or worse for once a year attendance at a

religious festival. Discipline is called for, and patience. I hope

these comments are useful for you.John L.--- In

, Padma Menon <sudarshpa> wrote:>

Pranaams> I am new to spiritualism but am very interested in the

seeking. I have often heard of the Kundalini awakening but have no

true picture of it. I though it was an energy that rises from your

mooladharna & goes up to the sahasra chakra. Sometimes when I sit &

try to mediate & feel some thing is happening in my mooladharna

chakra & then I can feel the energy rising. Then I feel very flushed

& I begin to sweat. Could you please tell me what is it I am

experiencing?> What do you mean by the mylin sheath has been

stripped?> Thank you.> pranaams peace & God bless may you have

enough> PadmaSend instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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I am pretty simple. The action of Kundalini Energy movement has a variety of

purposes but

the most common is the drama of the first waves of energy movement which act to

cleanse and clear the channels so that further work will be productive and

balanced. Any

action which can be sensed with ordinary senses is the result of nerve

stimulation and can

cause all sorts of imaginings as well as stimulation of the so-called "higher"

or extended

senses as well as the production of "powers" (siddhis).


These are all by-products of our spiritual growth. Mostly they are temporary


and may be pleasurable or painful in feeling. Both are a sign of a lack of

balance. The

painful is not as much of a problem as the pleasurable and the ones which seem

to give us

powers. Why? Because we try to hold on to the pleasure sensations and this will

slow our

spiritual growth or impede it. In fact, trying to hold on to any state of

consciousness will

cause this kind of problem.


Trying to "force" Kundalini Awakening or Kundalini Fire will invariably cause an


balance condition which can produce symptoms of illness or worse actual mental


A certain therapist following the teachings of Sai Baba and experiencing KA was


in the process and tried using Yoga techniques forcing KA and was finally barred


practice because some of his patients committed suicide stimulated by the


techniques the therapist encouraged. (No I will not discuss this further.)


The point is that KA or KF experiences are temporary, will occur in the natural

process of

Sadhana, and should not be sought for the phenomenal effects. The maxim "When


student is ready the teacher appears" applies here. When a person is ready there

will be

Kundalini movement appropriate to the need of the practitioner. The value of the

Guru or

the teacher is that, IF THEY ARE MATURE AND KNOWLEDGEABLE, they will assist the


to deal with the KA when it happens and guide them through the process.


No need to rush. Ramana had the right attitude when he said that we should

simply ask

"Who is having this experience?" and that will keep us grounded in the face of




If you want to pursue this subject and see how much confusion there is about all


Kundalini business, simply type "Kundalini Fire" into Google search engine. You

will see all

kinds of pronouncements about what it is, how to do it, and how their method is

the only

real and true method.


Forcing leads to problems and lessons to learn.

Gentle pace leads to a personal path that is designed and guided by the Divine

Seed of Life

within us just for us.


Another way to write this is ....

The only God we will ever experience is with us now, has always been with us and

will be

with us always. In this life we are as close to God as our next breath and as


The only God we will ever meet is as close to us as any person whom we can touch

by any


The only God we will ever unite with has never been separated from us.


So there is no hurry, there is always enough time.

There is nothing we can DO which will bring us closer to the Divine than we

already are.

The actions of self-centered ego simply separates our awareness from this truth;

when we

let go in the moment the seeming separation vanishes for the illusion it is.


All the phenoma is drama and illusion which we create to amuse ourselves with,

pretending we are separate from others and from the Divine. The only purpose of

development of powers (siddhis) is for the purpose of being a channel for Divine

Action to

flow through us transparently. For instance, the teacher may need to be

telepathic to read

the mind of his students so that the teacher may aid the student in the best way

for the

student. Such a power can be used for other purposes but if that purpose is not

called for

Divinely then it will become a trap and solidify the illusion of superiority and


Living in the flow of the Divine Lila leads only to Sat-Chit-Ananda, to Union

and Divine Joy.


The greatest American Sage was Alfred E. Neuman, who said, "What, me worry?"


In pleasure, in pain, in lessons, in serenity, Who Is Having This Experience?

Who Am I?





, Padma Menon <sudarshpa> wrote:

> Pranaams Logan,

> I need further explainations please. This Kundalini Fire rising is it one of

the first stages

in spiritual experience? You say there could be psychic phenomena what exactly

do you


> You see I do not have a proper guru or guide. I totally lack this aspect in


growth.What do I do?My knowledge is mainly from reading. I don't even have a

group to

discuss or to clarify any of my doubts.

> Pranaams peace & God bless may you have enough

> Padma


> John Logan <johnrloganis> wrote:

> Greetings Padma,


> What you describe is also called Kundalini Fire Rising. As the central channel

> is cleared and purified the "heat" will disappear and be replaced with


> During this period the process is simply purification. There may be many

> psychic phenomena also. Some may be helpful, mostly they are illusions

> coming from the clearing of the lower mind preparing the way for higher more

> spiritualized consciousness. This is fairly normal experiences. Not to worry.


> About the loss of the myelin sheath. The person involved was over practicing

> and the body couldn't take the energy - way too much heat. Also he was

> practicing with "hard" yoga exercises, and decided to not only become Vegan

> but he after years of mixed eating (meat and vegetables, etc.) decided to

> become a Fruitarian, eating only fruit. This over acidified his system and

> unbalanced it completely. Also from having an active sex life, he went


> completely from one day to the next. Everything was too much in every area of

> his life.


> The important elements of our practices include...

> * Moderation and pace

> * The Guidance of a Wise Instructor and coach

> * Realize that spiritual practices have serious life-changing consequences

> * Only engage in extreme practices after a long period of development


> Too much is like planting a seed and then digging it up every few days to see

> if it is growing. That will kill the plant.


> Too much is like pouring a strong fertilizer on a plant - everyday - to make


> grow faster. It may grow faster, but it will also die sooner.


> In the Absolute there is Eternity, so there is enough time to accomplish

> anything important. What is the rush?


> Spiritual practice does mean that we must be regular and persistent in our

> practice. The spiritual life is not just for Sunday or worse for once a year

> attendance at a religious festival. Discipline is called for, and patience.


> I hope these comments are useful for you.

> John L.



> , Padma Menon <sudarshpa>

> wrote:

> > Pranaams

> > I am new to spiritualism but am very interested in the seeking. I have


> heard of the Kundalini awakening but have no true picture of it. I though it


> an energy that rises from your mooladharna & goes up to the sahasra chakra.

> Sometimes when I sit & try to mediate & feel some thing is happening in my

> mooladharna chakra & then I can feel the energy rising. Then I feel very

> flushed & I begin to sweat. Could you please tell me what is it I am

> experiencing?

> > What do you mean by the mylin sheath has been stripped?

> > Thank you.

> > pranaams peace & God bless may you have enough

> > Padma







> "Love itself is the actual form of God."


> Sri Ramana


> In "Letters from Sri Ramanasramam" by Suri Nagamma








> Visit your group "" on the web.












> Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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thank you, john, for words of wisdom and experience.








, "John Logan"

<johnrloganis> wrote:

> I am pretty simple. The action of Kundalini Energy movement has a

variety of purposes but

> the most common is the drama of the first waves of energy movement

which act to

> cleanse and clear the channels so that further work will be

productive and balanced. Any

> action which can be sensed with ordinary senses is the result of

nerve stimulation and can

> cause all sorts of imaginings as well as stimulation of the

so-called "higher" or extended

> senses as well as the production of "powers" (siddhis).


> These are all by-products of our spiritual growth. Mostly they are

temporary phenomena

> and may be pleasurable or painful in feeling. Both are a sign of a

lack of balance. The

> painful is not as much of a problem as the pleasurable and the ones

which seem to give us

> powers. Why? Because we try to hold on to the pleasure sensations

and this will slow our

> spiritual growth or impede it. In fact, trying to hold on to any

state of consciousness will

> cause this kind of problem.


> Trying to "force" Kundalini Awakening or Kundalini Fire will

invariably cause an out-of-

> balance condition which can produce symptoms of illness or worse

actual mental illness.

> A certain therapist following the teachings of Sai Baba and

experiencing KA was immature

> in the process and tried using Yoga techniques forcing KA and was

finally barred from

> practice because some of his patients committed suicide stimulated

by the forcing

> techniques the therapist encouraged. (No I will not discuss this



> The point is that KA or KF experiences are temporary, will occur in

the natural process of

> Sadhana, and should not be sought for the phenomenal effects. The

maxim "When the

> student is ready the teacher appears" applies here. When a person is

ready there will be

> Kundalini movement appropriate to the need of the practitioner. The

value of the Guru or

> the teacher is that, IF THEY ARE MATURE AND KNOWLEDGEABLE, they will

assist the person

> to deal with the KA when it happens and guide them through the process.


> No need to rush. Ramana had the right attitude when he said that we

should simply ask

> "Who is having this experience?" and that will keep us grounded in

the face of any

> situation.


> If you want to pursue this subject and see how much confusion there

is about all this

> Kundalini business, simply type "Kundalini Fire" into Google search

engine. You will see all

> kinds of pronouncements about what it is, how to do it, and how

their method is the only

> real and true method.


> Forcing leads to problems and lessons to learn.

> Gentle pace leads to a personal path that is designed and guided by

the Divine Seed of Life

> within us just for us.


> Another way to write this is ....

> The only God we will ever experience is with us now, has always been

with us and will be

> with us always. In this life we are as close to God as our next

breath and as far.

> The only God we will ever meet is as close to us as any person whom

we can touch by any

> means.

> The only God we will ever unite with has never been separated from us.


> So there is no hurry, there is always enough time.

> There is nothing we can DO which will bring us closer to the Divine

than we already are.

> The actions of self-centered ego simply separates our awareness from

this truth; when we

> let go in the moment the seeming separation vanishes for the

illusion it is.


> All the phenoma is drama and illusion which we create to amuse

ourselves with,

> pretending we are separate from others and from the Divine. The only

purpose of

> development of powers (siddhis) is for the purpose of being a

channel for Divine Action to

> flow through us transparently. For instance, the teacher may need to

be telepathic to read

> the mind of his students so that the teacher may aid the student in

the best way for the

> student. Such a power can be used for other purposes but if that

purpose is not called for

> Divinely then it will become a trap and solidify the illusion of

superiority and separation.

> Living in the flow of the Divine Lila leads only to Sat-Chit-Ananda,

to Union and Divine Joy.


> The greatest American Sage was Alfred E. Neuman, who said, "What, me



> In pleasure, in pain, in lessons, in serenity, Who Is Having This

Experience? Who Am I?



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